I VOLUME IV. "— PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 13 1864 — - -' — ____ _’ WHOLE NO. 707. presently PORTLAND DAILY PBBSB, tUBaeeretofhiB joy began to leak out the process of drafting in re-. FINANCIAL. EDUCATIONAL. h?d _ _ CLOTHING. JOHH T. OILMAN. Editor, e"’. believed those tickets remain- MISCELLANEOUS. to contain the names the published at So. 82} EXCHANGE STKEJST.by i!®' eit j l?^,ee of BUSINESS <J AliUS.' drafted, while those drawn out were Prof. MaNse,A.M. CO* I he exempt! U. 7-30 \ \ \ »r. s. N. A. FOSTER* look ol blank that his S. LOAN. Clothing BRADLEl despair overspread Recently of Philadelphia. Clothing Maine Bonnet MOULTON fcROGLRt coun*nnance when the OaraiaePf i truth dawned upon his 309 Bleachery, Whoi.*»ai.b of the Congrea DmAt*M u i* cannot be The Secretary Treasury given notice that Instructor in the French Street, Merchant Taa i*o*TtABi> Buir Punas pnbllahedat*8.0D °v?Wted brain, described,— Custom and ^*e ®k°u^ that his subscriptions will be received tor Coupon I PORTLAND Xailor, ptr year. r i- greeted expressions Treasury and Latin Ready-Made MAINE. -AND DEALEB IN_ of was three Languages. _- Grain and Tag MaiwbStatu PrbssIs published every Thnrs- disgust perfectly deafening. Bangor Notes, payable years from August 16, 1866, As Flour, d #2.00 per annum, iu advanoe; #2.26 Times. with semi annual* Good as 88 Provisions,, ty -uom.uj.at Interest at the rated seven and in schools and families, lectures In (he Best A CommaraUl street, Thoms* If within six months; and 83.60, if payment b* Cheap Straw, Lacs &, Mock, paid three-tenths per cent LESSONSschools, in Frencn Idioms A na- Leghorn Bonnets Beady-Made aelayed beyond the year. per annum,—principal and in- explanation as Clotning, «obkbt bbalbt, both tive o 1 France, formerly Instructor ol Rhetoric and the i •.« terest to be paid in lawful money. Cheapest! And Gen s’ mooltos, I PORTLAND,MB. j Belles letters in College, one of the Furnishing; Goods, A. «. These notes will Charlesmagne BOOBBS. ) Kates of c L O A K S , be convertible at the option of the llret Institutions in Paris. 1 Advertising: For on GENTLEMEN'S No. 62 Middle St.,'corner of tune Street, holder at maturity, into six eent. further paaticulars, at Messrs. Bailey A offTerysb,de 1Ddquality hand or HATS, oppo- _m*y8dtl One Inch of In of per gold bearing apply Ut*st “d space length oolumn, constitutes Noyes’ between 11 and 12 A. where Information •*»!• in tha but Bleached site bonds, payable not less than five nor more than M., & Pressed at the the Post Office, a'-Sve-AaB." as toterm, *o, will be SEU?."tHo*'1" Shortest Notice *1.60 given. W. per square daUy drat week; 75 oenta per week twenty years from their date, as the Government -ALSO— POBTLAHD,....a.Kim. W. CARR & C'O., alter; three Insertions or CAPES, UUVKIlKltOES. | less, *1.00; continuing* eve- may elect. will H*Tb‘t o.her alter lirst They be issued in denominations ol Goods, septSdtl ***•• Irult Store ry day week, 60 oenta Seward, Seoretarv of State. _ formerly occupied b one fon J^vH- Of Furnishing HATS & BONNETS Liilf square, thtee insertions or fifty, hundred, five hundred, one thousand, and Rev. Bishop W. B. D D, of the tear DYED. Iobs 75 oenta; one AND Stevens, Philadelphia. quality at the LOWEST PRICES by wets, #1.00; 60 cents per week after CASSOCKS, five thousand and all Coze, ol Baltimore. SAWYER, dollars, subscriptions must 5eT; BJeveland *“d# t0 h‘V* aU 0rder* Under head of 82.00 be Cleveland, of Philadelphia. 11 °* 3 AnusnvniiTS, per square4 per for fifty dollars, or some dol- 9; 5- N- 8. rt^^und." Week; three insertions or multiple of-fifty Prof. H.Copple, of Penna jKEMOVAL! E*change Street, less, 81,60. lars. University. GARDINJ-'.R, Ar* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! Emerson, Esq of Boston. Norions, 81.76 per square first week, R.faeo^B. H. At JAMES B. •Urf* “d *•“ The notes will to the Dana, Esq., 0i Boston, Middle Street, RACKLYFT. _ NATHAN 8LOO per square after; three insertions or be transmitted owners free 01 60ULD, less, 81.36; tpes Sargent, of Boston. uug818m. P‘°P"#<,tooXSiih^*of ttua® Esq., ~~ K“"' Portions, 81.00; one week, transportation charges as soon after the reoeipt of Bt. Bev. Opposite the Poet Office. j 81 « Bishop T. C Brownell, D. D., Hartford, Merchant I and the original Certificates of as ean be c e“miD<,,MS ,t0Ck Tailor, Foreign Domestic Fruit l Ported In the Deposit they »™v.e,rtl??nIe?t‘ Haiii Statu Dr. E. P. Portland. l»Kh,e‘r.Dd Wholesale rnEBB ( wltioh has a large eiroulation lu of A. G. OLNEY & prepared. LeProhon, btpr?Xaw“‘ WEALTH. 5° No 131 Middle street, where he sad Retail every part CO., Bepti. d2m t© meet hie the .state) tor 60 oenta per to ! As the notes draw interest from ECONOMYJS drieuda and cos tom- I eqnarein addition the August 16, persons Jjjj}1loaded Sprue. rd >vt rates, for e&oh insertion. bf °fC,0lh* “d Glam, UteBfsa, making to that date must lutorm*hlJ trion<u Trimming, Lemons. Canary »„«*, Lxgal Pqticmb at usual rates. ! deposiiunbeequeat pay lon«t\jo?ZllT" Caudles, the interest custoITtailor] TtaVSSS^TSSB^ *tteDtlon ; Limes, 1-enion Syrup, and wnich are now accrued from date of note to date of de- *lven “> for Bvstbe paid forin ad-1 open and reauy for inspection othmtomske!*' eating "nsu, Cocan Nuts, atonr place of bnsineea. 133 Middle posit. Hm, Btreet. Sept 12—dSm Citron, Nats, nil kinds. Dates, K aimisR Sotiom, in reidisi columns, 12 oents J Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars Repair Gentlemens’Garments | Ollres, Raisins, line for one than IlKTAn WB0LB8ALK and Tokaecs, pur insertion. No oharge lea: fifty *** **++*» prices Catj!which and for these notes at or itibt I Sordines* oents for oach nobody cm complain of. upwards any one time will be dubobiptioh, insertion. Dana & Co. rtloy l nnttei of mil allowed a commission oi one-quarter of one Alexander D. I itierlytloa &3T~All communications intended for the paper per Reeves, AT SHORT NOTICE AND FAIR PRICES ootfl ihJola ee directed to thetlEditor ^fthe Press,” and Woolen oent. Fish and dtf_V t*OJ- of a oosineea character to the Publishers. Gf-oods, So of that Money can be Saved in theie War Timet. Salt, every description snoh ns of this UF’Job Fnnrmra oi every description executed ! Special Advantages Loan. No. 98 J. K. No. 23 IRA with dispatch. It it a Exchange St., 8T0BY, Exchange St. Luther Dans, WINN, Agent, BREAK F. A S T S.H National Savings Bank, offering a higher , Portland, AWL SI, THE PORTLAND COLLEGE, Ang 27—dtf Woodbury Dana, > Traveling Agent. rate of interest than any other, and the best securi- returned John A. g. 0«n». F. Tracy, In Located In Having jut from Now York and Boston ) Maine. No. 11 Union St. every stlye; Hoods, Hood Nubias, Sontags, Nu- ty. Any savings bank which pays Its depositor* in with a NOTICE. ___ If prepared to fttrnish bias, Gloves, Hosiery, Mittens, to. V. 8. Notes, considers that it is in Clapp’s Block, Street, Inneidtf_ paying the beet Congress the undersigned, having sold our Stock of of » Hnk in Bryant, Stratton k Co.'s chain af In- Coal and Wood to JOU % T. Oct Goods as circulating medium the country, and it cannot WE, A.aera. Randall, McAlit- KOGft.lt* St, 8TBAM Thursday Morning, 13, 1864. Fancy usual, smli as Spool 18 and and Well Sele ter CO., 2X01X28 and BOILBRS, Cottons, (by ♦ Commercial Colleges, I»rge cted8took r |Go., do choertnlly recommend them to our the dozen or pay in anything better, tor its own assets art either establishedtSWf* in case at market twenty-i wo of the leading cornmer- former customers. Ail CommiBsion prices.) cial portions having demands Merchants, ▼srtouB sixes and patterns, in Government securities or in notes or bonds cities in the United States and Canadas. —OF— tu are to pay- against requested present them lor settle, AHD WilOLKBALK DIM ... Dress and all IJ( The Democratic Then and Now. Trimmings, Buttons. Needles, able in Government paper. The object of these Colleges is to furnish young ■sent, persons indebted to us are requested I Bill Party Edgings, men and to make immediate the StMaFipeudKitiwi, Beariax. It is convenient as a ladies the beet facilities for obtaining a paymentat old stand where I Shiftily Pdleji,* The Laces, Veils, Betti, Undersleeves equally temprary or perma- one ol the present political campaign, with its show Hoop thorough Business Education. Cloths, Cassimeres and undersigned may he found for the present. Provisions & Ijobt Uodb» nent investment. The notes can be sold Vestings, Flour, Work of all of the old fashioned and Skirts,(afull assortment) Soar/*, always for Scholarships for full course of Com- ®AWYEtt A WBITNEY. 1 Groceries, description*, and all party machinery its Bork-keeping, a a .e kinds of wot a required in both Stlk and within a fraction of their faoe and accumulated in- mercial Law, Commercial all the moat Portland, Juno 8,1864. No. 61 bud dmc^ prominence of party aims, cannot but excite Worried. Calculations, Spencerian Embracing )une!8d3w Commercial Street, I FoBTiFKATtoae. Penmanship, Correspondence, Lectures and Practi- memories that are instructive to terest, and are the best security with banks as collat- all who cher- KID tbe ohalB for ** IronStmrs and other GLOVEP, tiie Best in the erals for tlm),lghoat POUT Archlteetnral sVork, ish au abiding Jove of their country and their Market, discounts.
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