![Evening Capital News (Boise, Idaho) 1917-12-08 [P 2]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Z EVENING CAPITAL NEWS, SATURDAY DEC. 8, 1917. DRIVE FOR PÉAGE THE HARD HIT IN WATERS ABOUT ENGLAND, BOMBS DROPPED U-BOATS‘ MAY1 VISIT AMERICAN COAST RELIEF OF PROGRAM OF KAISER (Continued from P ag e One.) AUSTRIANS CAUSE INJURY TO sistance of their fellow citlzeja Washington, Dec. S.—American mili­ the Germans can never break through, i throughout Canada." tary men—many of them Just back experts said emphatically today. As Today Halifax is a place of hospitals from Europe—believe Germany’s main the military men' see It Germany pro­ r ^ * and morgues, of bitter, cold, driving offensive this winter will be political. poses to gather sufficient military ad­ TAREE SAMMIES o; sleet and blackened wreckage. She will drive hard for peace. vantage now so that she may 'argue to MANY INQUIRIES. Meantime, she will try by strong at­ her own people that she is a coifqueror, UNITLk • ^ Telegrams, are pouring In from all SUSPECTED Apple Pie Cooking Gives the j MIIS j tacks to get the greatest advantage pos­ while at the same time, she continues parts of America asking for informa­ sible on the west and Italian fronts Germans Clue—Life of to make secret and publlo overtures to hfh tion concerning persons believed to and strive to swing Russian perma­ the allies. One Soldièr Saved When ■ r% have been in the city when the French nently out of the allied ranks. These peace offers will be spurned. ■flvVJ ? munitions ship Mont Blanc blew, up. All regard the situation from an If Germany undertakes a big winter of­ Bomb Failed to Explode. Every train brings crowds of relatives OF CAUSING American-allied standpoint as hopef'it, fensive, It will mean that training of racked with suspense for soma be­ despite Italian reverses and the Cam­ American troops In Europe must be By J. W. PEGLER. / loved one. The hotels are thronged brai retirement The latter, they say. shortened, authorities said, and that American Field Headquarters, France, with sad-faced seekers. Everywhere la unhesltntt-'gly resulted from din ne- Sammies must take an earlier part in desolation, everywhere mourning. Dec. 8.—A certain mesa sergeant's ap­ cessity lest tire Germans hack off tho J the fight. At present, however, there The exact extent of the loss of hu­ ple pie cookery was probably respon­ point of Cambrai wedge disastrously. | Is no suggestion at the war department man lives cannot be known for several sible Indirectly for Injury of three But allies resources are so vast that of any alteration of schedules. days—probably never will be known. A BAD FIRE American soldiers by a German aero­ The fire which swept the blasted area Government Warehouse at] plane bomb. , wiped out the wrecks of hundreds ol Chicago Destroyed- Large Three were members of army "spe­ buildings. The storm has greatly de- * cialty troops.” They were natives of layed trains and prevented relief par­ Quantity of Ammunition GRAPHIC STORY UNITY OF NATION Buffalo, N. Y., Hannibal, Mo- and De­ ties from outside cities from getting to troit, Mich. work as early aa they expected. Removed by Soldiers. The Boche air attack occurred on a SHIP A FLOATING BOMB. recent star-lit evening. Enemy aero­ 'Viien the official government in­ Chicago, Deo. 1.—Four Austrian« OF THE TRAGEDY SHOWNTOWORLD planes dropped two- bombs on a town vestigation of the munitions ship ex­ Were arrested by federal operatives in outéide the American camp but In plosion begins here it will be testified •onnectlon with the fire which de­ which there were a handful of Ameri­ COMMERCE RAIDER? ACTING A3 that the Mont Blanc carried 4000 tons can specialty troops, temporarily per­ stroyed a government warehouse on SEA BASES FOR 'SUBMARINESSUBMARINES of T. N. T„ the highest explosive BY AN AMERICAN IN THE WAR VOTE forming detached service. — REGULAR TRADE ROUTES known, and a deckload of benzine. As the south side today. Their names and PIES NOT DAMAGED. 4 - * — POSSIBLE ROUTES OF this floating bomb came througlf the the specific charge against them, were Former Portland Man Tells Striking Evidence of Deter One of the German bombs struck the r a id e r s a n d u - b o a t s narrows, thera was a light mist. Th« W ithheld. building In which the Americans were duty of the vessel was to keep to the The fire was undew control about an of the Havoc Wrought by xnination to Win the War billeted. A mess sergeant of Seattle, right and hugging the narrows orf it went toward Bedford to await a con­ hour later, but only after the five-story the Explosion of Ship Shown in Early Days of today said he thought he knew how the Boches got their aim. voy. hutiding had been gutted. Laden With Munitions. Congressional Session. I was cooking apple pies," he ex­ Owing to the diflculties now being encountered by l>-boats operating The Belgian relief ship Imo was com­ Thousands of dollars worth of army plained, “and I think the light from my hi the waten about England, it ia considered among the noaatb «iea that ing out of the basin, and some wit­ Slothing, blankets and similar supplies the Germans win change the under aea terror zone to include t.w eastern St. John, N. B.. Dec. 8.—Declaring he Washington, Dec. 8.—Having shown cook stovd shining through the venti­ coast of the two Americas. The map shows how Hun submarines, operating nesses allege neither ship was on Its Were consumed. at first thought the entire city had the world America’s unity by prac­ lator roof, must have guided the ene­ proper side of the stream. An adjacent warehouse contained a hi conjunction with German commerce raid era, might make an attack on blown up and that he did not regain tically unanimously declaring war my. Bombs dropped near the kitchen els traversing the regular trade routea between America and Europe. In order to rectify the mistake they quantity of rifle ammunition and other his senses until after he had labored against Austria-Hungary, congress and shook up the stove—but they did exchanged signals which wer« evident­ Iszploalves. Soldiers, who have been long In the work of pulling Injured and rested today. Meanwhile committees not damage my pies.” ly misunderstood. The Imo rammed guarding the’ tw ^ buildings since the Charlestown, Mass.; Simon T. Murphy, (lead from beneath wreckage, Roy Wil­ forged ahead on the great appropria A third bomb dropped ax the enemy the munitions-ship, backed away and lUnlted States entered the ar, aided Rockford, 111.; John Mlchalec, Adams, liams, formerly of Portland. Me., today tion measures. flyere sped away Into the night struck ran aground on the Dartmouth shore. fireman In removing the explosives. Mass.; Jose A. Mendes, Providence, R. told the United Press of his experiences In the first four days of the war ses­ a haystack on the edge of the village, FOUR HUNDRED DIFFERENT VERSIONS. FIRE BEYOND CONTROL. in Halifax when the munition ship sion, both houses and senate gave I.; George C. Merkel, Philadelphia; At this point there are several ver­ rolled off and landed plump between John J. Mulvaney, Vanneat, N. Y.; Two floors and the roof collapsed Mont Blanc blew up in the harbor. striking evidence of intense determin­ the lega of an American soldier who sions of the story told. One Is that A graphic description of the wreck­ ation to win the war, win It In the John Francis Murphy, New port, R. I.; the munitions ship was on fire before ghortly before noon and the flames had taken refuge at the base of the Alfonso, Monpiel, Philippine Islands: again got beyond control. At this age, the broken, bleeding bodies, the earliest possible time and along the haystack. Miraculously the bomb BANDITS KILLED the collision. This Is not generally be­ pall of smoke that hung over the town broad lines President Wilson outlined W alter Morrlssette, Council Bluffs, Ia.; lieved. She was on fire Immediately time, practically sdl the explosives In failed to explode. Clarence A. McBride, Syracuse, N. Y.: the adjacent warehouse had been re- and made more ghastly the screams of in his opening message. öfter the smash, however. The crew the injured, came from the lips of Wil­ Bernard J. McKeown, Philadelphia; gloved. Unanimous action against .Austria — took to the boats. All have been ac­ liams over the telephone to St. John excepting the single negative ivote by Jolin W. McCiinley, Providence, R. I.; IN HOT BATTLE counted for except one man. Three or four Austrians arrested by Martin J. Mee, Norfolk; Ben Nunnery. • federal operatives were later released. from Windsor, where he had been sent Myer Ixtndon, Socialist—was hailed as Twenty - minutes after the collision, with other wounded. Word received a clarion '.relaxation to the world of Edgemoor, R. S. ; Lewter J. Gilson. Hipolito Villa, Brother of it is declared, the munitions ahlp blew here stated that resoue crews are American unity. Greenbay, Wls. ; Schuyler Gregory. up where she had grounded at Pier READY NOW AT OLD PRICES. Nashville, Tenn.: Edward F. Grady, working valiantly today in the teeth of BORAH FOR DECLARATION (Continued from Page One.) Chief, Reported Among 8, near the Intercolonial railroad sta­ Fresh lots (Just received) of Foley’s a fierce northeast gale. Bodies are be­ Minnesota; Clifton S. Orlnnell. Paw­ Beside the coming tussle between tion. The explosive on board the Mont Honey and Tar are selling at before- ing removed from deep drifts of snow tucket, R. k; Boyd Martell Hamp, Those Slain by Troops of wealth conscrlptionists and bond ad was deeply moved at this disaster, Blanc was three times as powerful as the-war prices.
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