Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team www.HolocaustResearchProject.org Search Home - Holocaust Prelude - Euthanasia - Einsatzgruppen - Aktion Reinhard - Ghettos - Revolt & Resistance Other Camps Other Camps - Holocaust Economics - The German Occupation - Survivors Stories - Trials - Image Gallery - Appendix A-Z Key Nazi personalities in the Camp System n Arthur Greiser n Arthur Nebe n Josef Mengele Bergen - Belsen n Rudolf Höss n Theodor Eicke The Labor & Bergen – Belsen was a concentration camp located in Lower Saxony, northern Germany, Extermination Camps near the city of Celle. The camp was officially established in April 1943 as an Aufenthaltslager (detention camp) for holding persons who were designated for exchange Auschwitz/Birkenau with German nationals in Allied countries whom the Germans wanted to repatriate. n Historical Timeline A prisoner-of- war camp on the site, Stalag 311, was partially cleared to make room for the n The Basics new camp. From its inception Bergen- Belsen came under the SS-WVHA, which was in n Chain of Command charge of the administration of concentration camps. n The Gas Chambers The first commandant of Bergen –Belsen was SS- n Wilhelm Boger Obersturmbannfuhrer Adolf Haas, who was killed in action on n Oswald Kaduk 31 March 1945, he was succeeded by SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer n Robert Mulka Sign at the former site of Bergen - Belsen Josef Kramer who had served in a number of concentration camps including Dachau, Mauthausen, and was n Pery Broad Excerpt Commandant in Birkenau and Natzweiler. n Auschwitz Protocol The Vrba-Wetzler Five hundred Jewish prisoners from the Buchenwald and Natzweiler camps were taken to Bergen- Belsen to work on Report the construction of the camp, they were not candidates for exchange and belonged to the Baukommando n Auschwitz (construction department). Remembered n In the course of the first eighteen months of the camps existence five satellite camps were set up, unconnected with The Death March n one another as follows: Period Photos Josef Kramer n Modern Photos Prisoners Camp - Haftlingslager n Auschwitz Today Gallery 2 This was the first satellite camp built for the first 500 prisoners who had been brought in for the construction of the camp. The conditions in this camp were among the worst possible, and the mortality rate was very n Kremer Diary high. Chelmno This camp was closed on 23 February 1944, and the few surviving prisoners were transferred to n Chelmno Death The Gemusekeller in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Camp Haftlingslager after liberation n Special Camp – Sonderlager Documents n Staff List In mid-June 1943, two transports of Jews from Poland, mainly from Lvov, Krakow and Warsaw totalling 2,400 persons, were taken to this camp, n Modern Images these were Jews who had papers in their possession issued by various countries, mostly South American. n Period Images On 23 October 1943, 1,800 of these Jews arrived in Auschwitz where they were all immediately killed. During n The Chelmno Diary the undressing, prior to entering the gas chambers one woman throws her clothes at SS- Scharfuhrer Schillinger grabs his revolver and shoots him three times. She also shoots SS- Unterscharfuhrer Emmerich. Chelmno Reinforcements were called, some women were shot, the rest are driven into the gas chamber and killed. n Chelmno Death Schillinger died on the way to the hospital, Emmerich recovered but was crippled. Camp Another 350 suffered the same fate in early 1944, this left 350 detainees in the camp, of whom 266 were in n Documents possession of immigration permits to Palestine, 34 were United States citizens and 50 had South American n Staff List papers. These prisoners were not assigned to work teams and no contact was permitted between them and n Modern Images other groups of Bergen- Belsen prisoners. Gypsies in the Sonderlager n Period Images Neutral Camp – Neutralenlager n The Chelmno Diary This camp contained two barracks in which 350 Jewish prisoners were housed from late July 1944 to early Dorohucza March 1945. The prisoners were nationals of neutral countries, among them 155 Spanish, 105 Turkish, 35 Janowska Argentine, and 19 Portuguese citizens. Jasenovac Conditions in this camp were better than in any other part of Bergen-Belsen. The prisoners here were not put n Jasenovac Camp to work, enjoyed better nourishment and sanitary conditions, and were treated by the SS with less cruelty n Jasenovac Gallery than were the prisoners in the other satellite camps. Block 311 of the Neutralenlager Klooga Star Camp – Sternenlager n Images of Klooga This was the largest of the five satellite camps, containing eighteen barracks. It housed Jewish prisoners who ostensibly were designated for exchange. These prisoners did not wear the usual concentration camp uniform Majdanek and were permitted to wear their own clothes, but they had to wear a yellow Star of David, from which came the name Star Camp. n The Majdanek Camp Men and women lived in separate barracks, but members of the same family were permitted to meet. Most of Generated with www.html-to-pdf.net Page 1 / 3 n Daily Life the prisoners in the “star camp” were Jews from the Netherlands. In the period from January to September n Lublin Airfield 1944, eight transports from the Westerbork transit camp in the Netherlands arrived in Bergen- Belsen, made up of 3,670 persons who were classified as “exchange Jews.” n Erntefest n Block 39 in the Sternenlager Majdanek Gallery In the first half of 1944, the “star camp” also took in small transports of Jews from various other countries. These included 200 Jews from Tunisia, Tripoli, and Benghazi , who until then had been held in the Fossoli di Carpi camp in Italy: 200 Jewish Plaszow women from the Drancy transit camp in France, whose husbands were French prisoners-of –war, being held by the Germans, and several hundred n The Plaszow Camp Jews from Yugoslavia and Albania. n Amon Goth According to a count taken on 31 July 1944 the “star camp” contained a total of 4,100 Jewish prisoners classified as “exchange Jews.” n Joseph Bau n Bau's journey Hungarian Camp – Ungarnlager through the past n This camp was established on 8 July 1944 and held 1,684 Jews from Hungary – the transport organised by Dr Rezso (Rudolf) Kasztner. Here too, Period Photos the prisoners wore their own clothes but were forced to display the yellow star. n Modern Photos Only a few of the Jews who were brought to Bergen-Belsen as candidates for exchange The Labor Camps were in fact set free in exchange deals. On 10 July 1944, 222 Jews with immigration Gesiowka KL Warschau certificates to Palestine landed at the Haifa port. Poniatowa A few weeks later, on 21 August, 318 Jews from the “Hungarian Camp” reached Sans Sabba Switzerland, followed by another 1,365 in December. In January 1945, 136 Jews with South American papers also reached Switzerland. Trawniki Beginning in March 1944, Bergen- Belsen gradually became a “regular” concentration n Trawniki Camp camp, the Germans transferring to it prisoners from other concentrations camps who were n Blocks 11 thru 13 in the Ungarnlager Docs & Images classified as ill and unfit to work. n Interrogations n Malagon The first such group came in late March 1944 and consisted of 1,000 sick prisoners from the Dora camp. They were put into a new section of the camp where the sanitary conditions were extremely poor, they received no blankets, no medical attention and only minute food rations. n Trawniki Staff Nearly all of them died within a short period -on the day of the camps liberation only 57 of the original 1,000 were still alive. More transports of prisoners “unfit for work” kept arriving from various camps up to the end of 1944, most of them made up of Hungarian Jews. Zabikowo (Poznan) Concentration The majority were housed in the former “prisoners camp,” where conditions were at their worst and the mortality rate was the highest. Of the Camps several thousand prisoners brought to this section of the camp in 1944, 820 died in the period from April to June alone. n Bergen Belsen Also transferred to this section of the camp were German convicts from the Dora camp, who n Buchenwald were appointed “block elders” and Kapos, who treated the Jewish prisoners under their authority n Dachau with great brutality, and caused a great number of cruel deaths. n Dora/Nordhausen The prisoners also suffered from the sadistic practices of the camp doctor, Obersturmfuhrer Dr n Flossenburg Karl Jager, who forced them to keep running for long stretches of time. In the summer of 1944 n Gross Rosen some 200 prisoners were killed by phenol injections. n Mauthausen n Natzweiler In August 1944 a new section was added, to serve as a women’s camp, consisting of twelve barracks, 4,000 Jewish women prisoners from Hungary and Poland were brought there, but after n Neungamme a short stay they were sent to Buchenwald and Flossenburg camps, to perform forced labour. n Ravensbrucke Most of the women returned to Bergen-Belsen sick or exhausted by the hard labour that they Crematorium oven at Bergen-Belsen n Sachsenhausen had been forced to do. n Stuthoff In September and October 1944 transports of Jewish prisoners from the Plaszow camp, near Krakow, n Thersienstadt and 3,000 Jewish women prisoners from Auschwitz arrived in Bergen-Belsen, they were housed in the The Show Camp “star camp,” in new barracks put up for them, with no water, no beds, and no other facilities of any kind. Documents Transport Records Among these prisoners were Anne Frank and her sister Margot, who both died in March 1945 from the typhus epidemic that raged through the camp.
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