Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.39.2.218 on 1 February 1977. Downloaded from Case reports British Heart Journal, 1976, 38, 218-221 Lymphatic metastasis in the mitral valve W. E. MORGAN AND P. B. GRAY From the Department of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery and Department of Morbid Anatomy, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield The case is reported of a 45-year-old woman with a metastatic tumour within the mitral valve. Involvement of the heart by metastatic neoplasm At operation the heart showed only the changes is not uncommon. Postmortem studies of patients associated with mitral stenosis. Open exploration with malignant disease show that cardiac involve- of the mitral valve showed thickening and calci- ment occurs in up to 21 per cent of cases (Bisel, fication of both cusps, with fibrosis and shortening Wr6blewski, and LaDue, 1953). The pericardium, of the subvalvular mechanism. The valve was epicardium, and myocardium are the areas of the replaced by a Bjork-Shiley prosthesis. heart most commonly involved by secondary Histological studies were done of the excised tumour; spread to the endocardium and heart valve: routine paraffin sections were prepared from valves is rare (Coller, Inkley, and Moragues, 1950). the formalin fixed specimen and stained with hae- We report a case of secondary tumour spread into matoxylin and eosin and Machiavello's and the the substance of the mitral valve; this was a chance phloxine tartrazine method for inclusion bodies as finding on histological examination of a surgically part of a separate study being conducted into the http://heart.bmj.com/ removed rheumatic valve. association of psittacosis and valvular disease. The valve showed fibrotic thickening with a Case report moderate degree of calcification and several areas A 45-year-old woman presented with the features of myxoid connective tissue in which were dilated of mitral valve stenosis. She had had rheumatic small blood vessels and endothelium lined spaces fever in childhood and developed progressive resembling lymphatics. There were no vegetations dyspnoea in her mid-30s. A closed mitral valvotomy and no bacterial involvement. There were two small at the age of 39 resulted in conspicuous sympto- clumps of neoplastic cells lying within the 'lym- on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. matic improvement. She remained well for 5 years phatics', which were present only in two successive when increasing dyspnoea, tiredness, and weight sections at one level, which had been stained by loss made her seek medical advice. the phloxine tartrazine and Machiavello's methods. On examination she was thin and had a malar Numerous further sections were cut but no more flush. The pulse was 70 per minute and regular. tumour was found. Her blood pressure was 130/70 mmHg. There were The tumour cells showed considerable nuclear clinical signs of right ventricular hypertrophy and pleomorphism and a high nuclear/cytoplasmic mitral stenosis. Chest, abdomen, and central ratio. There was no apparent mucin or pigment nervous system were normal to clinical examination. production and a diagnosis was made simply of Laboratory investigations showed a normal blood 'poorly differentiated carcinoma'. No attempt was picture and liver function. A chest x-ray film showed made to restain either of the positive sections. an enlarged left atrium with upper lobe venous The possibility that these deposits were 'floaters' diversion. The electrocardiogram showed evidence was excluded by a careful check on the other speci- of right ventricular hypertrophy. An echogram mens cut up and processed at the same time, in revealed a stenosed, thickened mitral valve. The none of which was a similar carcinoma processed. diagnosis was mitral stenosis with a dilated left Moreover, the appearance of the deposits in two atrium and hypertrophied right ventricle and a successive sections is not characteristic of an arte- further operation was advised. fact (Fig. 1 and 2). 218 Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.39.2.218 on 1 February 1977. Downloaded from Lymphatic metastasis in the mitral valve 219 FIG. 1 One of the two fragments of tumour, lying withina ? lymphatic. (Machiavello's stain. x 260.) http://heart.bmj.com/ on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. FIG. 2 Higher power view of the other fragment. (Machiavello's stain. x 640.) Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.39.2.218 on 1 February 1977. Downloaded from 220 Morgan and Gray Further clinical examination and investigations Leak and Burke (1966) described the electron failed to reveal a primary tumour or any other microscopical features of amphibian and mamma- secondary deposits. Of the tumours known to lian lymphatics, which have neither basement metastasize from occult primary sites, oat cell membrane nor condensed connective tissue support carcinoma, melanoma, breast, and thyroid tumours but were recognizable by the presence of 'half were considered most likely. We did not think the desmosomes'-fibrillary structures appearing to histological appearance of the deposits gave any anchor the endothelium directly to the surrounding definite indication of the primary source. connective tissue. Bradham, Parker, and Greene The patient made a good postoperative recovery (1973) using these criteria demonstrated lymphatics and was allowed home two weeks after operation. in canine atrioventricular valves with electron She is being followed up in the out-patient clinic microscopy. and appears to be making good progress. Studies in human valves have met with less success. Eberth and Belajeff reported lymphatics Discussion in human cardiac valves in 1866. Johnson and The antemortem histological diagnosis of meta- Blake (1966) also reported lymphatics in two static spread to a cardiac valve has not been pre- human mitral valves. viously described. The antemortem diagnoses of Reading the papers cited leads us to believe that cardiac metastases have been mainly presumptive lymphatics are present in animal and human diagnoses in patients with known malignant disease atrioventricular valves mainly on the atrial surface who develop disorders of cardiac performance and and that their number and appearance may vary non-specific electrocardiographic abnormalities with disease and age. (Goudie, 1955). Positive histology has been reported In our case we found tumour in thin-walled in patients with malignant pericardial effusions. endothelial tubes without connective tissue support Improvement in cardiac performance has resulted or a clear basement membrane. This, coupled with from irradiation of hearts involved by malignant the less reliable criterion of a complete lack of disease (Hanfling, 1960); and it may be that radio- blood cells in numerous sections at different levels, therapy will be of use in our patient should she led us to believe that these channels were lympha- develop a cardiac dysfunction which does not tics. respond to conventional treatment. We have noticed numerous and varied vascular The previous reports of secondary spread to channels in many diseased valves removed surgi- http://heart.bmj.com/ cardiac valves were of postmortem cases and cally but have not yet had the opportunity of showed either direct implantation of tumour subjecting them to electron microscopy. on to valve endothelium or infiltration into the Kline (1972) thought that lymphatics were an valve from neighbouring myocardial deposits important pathway for secondary tumour spread (Hanfling, 1960). Clancy and Roberts (1968) to the heart. He found the mediastinal lymph reported 2 examples of tricuspid valves involved by nodes were almost always involved by tumour and malignant melanoma and Roberts, Clency, and subsequent retrograde lymphatic spread of tumour DeVita (1968) reported one tricuspid valve involved to the heart resulted in lymphatic obstruction. The on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. by lymphoma, but the exact mode of involvement appearance of secondary tumour in dilated lym- was not specified. phatics which he described resembles the picture The case described here was one of secondary in our case. He did not, however, describe valve spread into an endothelium-lined space within a involvement. mitral valve and we think that this vessel was a The effect of obstruction to the cardiac lympha- valve lymphatic. However, while the existence of tics has been studied in animals (Ullal, Kluge, and lymphatics in animal atrioventricular valves has Gerbode, 1972a; Miller, Pick, and Katz, 1963). been clearly shown, evidence for their existence in Impairment of myocardial function has been human valves is not yet so convincing. noted. Increased fibrosis in the endocardium has Miller, Pick, and Katz (1961) injected India been reported. Fibrosis and myxomatous changes ink suspension into the atrioventricular valves of in the atrioventricular valves of dogs has followed beating canine hearts and then subjected the ligation of the cardiac lymphatics. valves to routine light microscopy. They described The place of lymphatic obstruction in human carbon particles within thin-walled endothelium- cardiac disease is conjectural. It has been suggested lined channels with little surrounding connective as a cause of myocardial damage in rheumatic tissue. Other workers using India ink, dye, or carditis. Myxomatous degeneration of the mitral hydrogen peroxide have reported similar findings valve and endocardial fibrosis have also been (Johnson and Blake, 1966; Ullal et al., 1972b). linked with lymphatic obstruction. Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.39.2.218 on 1 February 1977. Downloaded from Lymphatic metastasis in the mitral valve 221 It is possible that lymphatic obstruction contri- Johnson, R. A., and Blake, T. M. (1966). Lymphatics of the heart. Circulation, 33, 137. buted (to a minor degree) to the fibrosis seen in this Kline, I. K. (1972). Cardiac lymphatic involvement by meta- patient's mitral valve. static tumour. Cancer (Philadelphia), 29, 799. Leak, L. V., and Burke, J. F. (1966). Fine structure of the We thank Mr. G. H. Smith and Dr. A. J. N. Warrack for lymphatic capillary and the adjoining connective tissue their help in preparing this report.
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