r r .................. I l l I III I ^ — I I— — - I II— ... » II I .1-1 I I -I. .. Tha Womaa'a Lmgaa a t tha ■ae* end Oongragatlaaal ehureh wUl AYMOft Dolhr Clrcalatlon Th« Weather Phyiriclans of the Mancha)^ hold Its annual maatliiE with alae- F U E L on. For ttw Moath of Novomber, 1BS9 Uon of officers and reports, to­ Foroeast of D. S. WeaUier Bnioaa ter Medical association who' morrow afternoon at 3 o’clock at 24-Hoar Serrleo! ^ T te liOtBl* BHrtn( club will will respond to emergency calls . the church. A Christmas party 6,33.'> BiMt with Mra. beoo F. Wlechec tomorrow afternoon are Dr. D. ■ will follow. L. T. WOOD Bain tonight; Thnraday .partly thla •TMilnK fbr supper at the rec­ C. Y. Moore and Dr. George ! Menber o' Uig Aadlt Lundherg. ' Phono 44N lEupntu^ Mnnlh cloudy and colder. tory. MrsTReglna Rubacha, ehalr- The Christmas Store Christmas masses at BL Brid­ Bureaa of ClrralaUoat IMB of tha Bingo party which the > • ' ' ■ ---- ■ -» gets church on Christmas Day jaiHite choir gave last week for will be held at 6 a.m., 7:30 a.m., STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 :00 O’CLOCK EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Manchester— A City of Village Charm tha new organ, will make her re­ Paganl'B West Sides will hold a 9 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. port It wlU be Installed for drawing at the Sports Center on (Classlfled Advertising on Page 16) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1919 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Chrlatmaa. Wells street tomorrow night Local boya home from Wllbra- la She An Outdoor Girl 7 VOL. LIX., NO. 68 PRICE THREE CEN’TS ham Academy for Iho Chrlstmaa OPPERS vacation. Include David Keith, Fresh Candies and Salted Nuts If So . Give Her A Randall Plllsliury, Joaeph McEvltt Mary Oliver Candles.................................................... .........90c Ib. and Arthur Slocomb. Mary Oliver Candles....................................11.00 3-lb pkg. Labor Board Famous German IJner Fourniers Off U. S. Coasl I OKE Mary Oliver Candles........................................ y.tl.SO 3-lb pkg. 50 German Subs The Luther League of the .Sharaf’s Jane Adams Cthocolatea....................................... 39c Ib. Nazi Vessel Scuttled Emanuel Lutheran church will en­ a Called Peril GIVE FOODS w t l e s tertain the chlldren'a choir at a Ski SharaTs Assorted Cniocolates....................................... .. .0^ Ib. L N ’ Christmas party tonight, starting r a i roN Sharaf's Assorted C!hoc>ilatea ......................................‘79c 21^ lbs. SEHI'SWIIT Sharaf's Assorted Chocolates.......................................$1.29 S lbs. Sent to Bottom at 7:30 o'clix k. Mlsa Grace Ben- (12.7S CAHB Fancy Ribbon C andy................................................ 29c 2-lb. pkg. To Welfare Bon and her committee will be In Midget Ribbon Cafidy .......................................................... 29c lb. charge and a surprise program Suit Midget Ribbon C andy...............................................49c 2-lb pkg. Inside Neutral Zone; FUnEHUBST WEDNESDAY STEAK RAI.E will be given. Hoy Johnson will L. T. Wood Co Fresh Salted Nuts ............................................................... 39c Ib. l> t Your Family Enjoy A Tender PInehurst Steak! lead the devotional period. Re­ SI BtaasO 8L TM 44M Sinee War Began Manufacturers Recom- freshments will be served. A ski suit will surely win her PINEHDKST SHORT — I’lNEHITRST SIRIXtIN * favor and approval, particularly meml Sweeping .Altera- a blight, gay ensemble In color­ 72" X 90" ful contrasts. ’They’re warm Offirial French Esti­ Husband I.«arning Woman ations in Wagner Act STEAK pound 39c and well fitting. Sizes 8 to 20. Crew Off New York Lace Table Cloths mates Place Sinkings Is Boss in This Country Ami Administration. Boiling Shank Tula of For A Kraut Or I’ork Dinner . HALE'S SELF SERVE At Rate of Four Ves­ I Pittsburgh, Dec. 20.—(/P;-- Washington. Dec. 20—(>rt A Tuscaloosa Near Ain- Window Rrnken by Jnr Slate Department Offi- Beautiful Patterns in Filet Designs Frank Carliiccl, 36, Is learning Hut Mayonnaise Is Saved H.\M Spare Ribs Ib. 16c The Original In New England I u sels Weekly; IxitesI i about women. committee of Th-i National Asso­ hrose Lightship Out­ ciulN Begin Study to De* to ciation of Manufacturers declared Is Credited to De­ I His wife, 16 years his Junior, side llurhor at Noon Poplar Bluff, Mo., Dec. 20.— j lermine Whether Act 15c ib. Pork Roast, Ib. 17c I charged he beat her and testi­ today that the Wagner act and Its (J’l Lunch Rexim Proprietor I AND HEALTH MARKET stroyer Last Night. fied: admlnistrati/m by the National With 579 Survivors; Joe Snrnclnl sent a porter to a Of War Committed in Or Whole Strip With Chop* Cot Out j "He picks out my hats and ^ K ra u t............lb. 10c for Von...................................Ih. I dr Labor Relations Board are "a Rescue Ship Expccl- fclorc for a Jar of mayonnaise $1.98 i ^Parls, Dec. 20.—(JP)—Official I my dresses; tells me what I - - ’’cincl hurry.” Area; Second Problem OTHER LACE TABLECLOTHS.................. $1.79 to $5.98i 1 ran buy. and bo-saes me around ' menace to the national welfare.” f'd to Anchor Until Green Beans Rhode Island Wednesday Specials lench estimates today placed at all the time.” Recommending s w c e p I n g ^ Running back, the porter Of PosHihle. Violation JOHNNY CAKK ME.AI. |hre than 50 the number trf Ger­ Asked Magistrate Anthony ' changes the committee said the i Weather (;i«*ars; Es­ slipped on a wet pavement and Of Panama Conference Fresh Peas Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. Lticas of Carluccl: "Don’t you act wa.s he.sed on “false assump- | cicc Iclcnlully hurled the Jar I’rpperldge man submarines sunk by the Al­ through a plate glass window. New Beets Bnrkwhrat Flour lies since the war began Sept. 3. know that In this country^" the tlons,” which "have frequently I capes Storm in Wake. Regulatioiifi in Week. Spinach Wholewheat Flour Any Flavor woman Is the boss?” been magnified and accentuated < The Jar wa.sn'l broken but rracked Wheat The French estimated that ' "I’m finding that out,” he re­ by one-sided and biased admlnls- ‘ New York, Dec. 20 ('r) The a new window cost Saraclnl when the war started Germany $.52. Washington, Dec. 20.—(#V-* Chicory Pepi>rrMge Bread plied. tratlon.” ' Naval cr\ilsor Tusciiloo.su, with Old Knelilonrd Burk wheat Mour Royal Dessert Pkgs. 14c had some 60 U-boats, and saief The manufacturers’ statement ' State Department offtclale dlsclos* Tomatoes that at least 12 had been account­ (Tharges were dropped when 579 8urvlvt>rs of tho scuttlrd Orr- j the couple decided to separate, j described as "definitely encourag- ! e<l today that the German UneT ed for by France’s fast destroyer jng” the work of the House com- | man luxury liner Columbiui. was ] Columbus was scuttled almoet 2S0 Ski Pantsjj^ units. mittee Investigating the l.,abor i reported oft Ambrose Nghtship, miles Inside America’s neutmlltF / o l o i f T im Crisco or Spry 1-Lb. Can ’The latest sinking was credited Board, which recessed Its hear­ Just outside New York harbor, at Spee Captain zone. Immediately they began n of all wool, fully lined with zip­ laat night to the 1,319-ton destroy­ per anklets up to size 16. But­ ings last night after two c/immit- noon (ea.t.) today. study to determine whether this er Slroco, which previously had teenien charged that board offi­ meant that an act of war had oo> s»sCRISC0 Bell ton anklets on larger elzes, sent two submarines to the bot­ Nazis Report Hemmed In by a thick fog and Sizes 8 to 20. cials attempted to "entrap” The Shoots Self curreu within the zone. * tom In one week. Inland Steel Company Into violat­ drizzling rain, the vessel wa.s ex­ First information yesterday .1-Pound Can. Destroying Four Weekly ing the Labor law. pected to anchor outside the har­ Poultry Seasoning Pkg. 9c Sinking of 23 bor until the weather cleared. from Stephen Early, White Moose 1-Pound Can. Naval experts have said that Witt Denies Charge During Night press secretary, was that the seut* Nathan Witt, florid-faced board The speedy vessel’s arrival Indi­ they were destroying submarines cated that she had escaped a tllng had taken place when n Brit* at tl > rate of four a week, twice British Ships secretary, denied this was true storm that was moving up the lah man-of-war bad come upon Um p in k iA ir st w il l b e o pk n a i.i . day Pkg. aa fast as Gennany’a capacity to but acknowledged that, before any Gerinan Einhafisy Calls big liner outside the sons. But WEDNESDAY THIS WEEK Floko Pie Crust 12c charges were filed, he had made coast In her wake. $2.98 Make Up Your Own replace them. Ordered To Anchor later expert calculation of Vbm (Thla is the sixteenth week of suggestions to CIO union officials l„ang8f1or(rs Suicide ship’s position given by the United CIDER: If you are making Mlnoe Meal (nr If yon like Cider), Some Prisoners Taken as to the "quickest way ” to get a ' Naval authoritle.s said the Tus- we have three kind* to offer . Boiled Cider . Strained Lbfl. the war. If Germany had pro­ calooaa had orders to anchor off Sacrifice of His Own States cruiser Tuscaloosa sbowsd Pea Beans 2 9c duced two submarlnea a week board decision on the case. j that the (Tolumbua sank nenrly Cider, 89c a gallon . and Pure full strength Sweet Cider (the In Sallies Against Allies Witt, who was the boanl’s aa- j Ellis Island, about an hour and a old faiahinned kind), 49c a gallon.
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