DIALOGUECONTINUITY SCRIPT STARGATESG-1 "Exodus" Episode #6721 RunningTime: 44:19 PRODUCEDBY: Stargate Productions IV 1110/00 This Script PreparedBy: CASABLANCACONTINUITY 11934Tabor Street Los Angeles CA 90066 Tel. (310) 397-7741 Pax (31U) 391-3U41 STARGATESG 1 -=EXODUS"(#6721) Page1 TIMECODE DIALOGUE STARTTIMECODE 00.00.00 AT FIRST FRAMEOF PICTURE TEASER 00.09.17 NARRATOR(VO)- Previously on STARGATESG1 ... 00.12.25 TANITH-I amTanith. TANITH(OS CONT)- It is... TANITH(CONT)- my honor to pledgemy allegiance to the Tok’ra. 00.19.29 BLONDEWOMAN- It we allow Tanitl~ to believe I~e l~as deceivedus, wewill be able to usethat against the Goa’uld. 00.26.01 TEAL’C-Misinformation? 00.27.05 BLONDWOMAN (OS)- Yes. 00.28.12 TANITH-I hopeone day wewill meetagain, Teal’c. 00.33.21 TEAL’C-You have my promise. fJU.38.15 CAHI I::H ((J~5)- Wl~atd~d ~t show? STARGATESG 1 - "EXODUS"(#6721) . Page2 00.40.17 TEAL’C-The murderof my father. 00.42.22 CARTER-So what now? 00.43.24 JACOB/SELMAK-Apophis will easily absorbour Earth’s forces into his own. Heis nowa bigger threat than ever before. 00.55.23 DARIAN-Cronus came in his ship, anddeclared that our planet nowfell underhis domain. DARIAN(OS CONT)-He commandedthat we worship him! 01.01.26 CARTER-What do we do with the other Jaffa, oncewe’ve dealt with Cronusand taken over the ship? 01.27.22 O’NEILL-Go tell your peopleCronus is dead. 01.57.02 TANITH-What is happening? 01.58.04 TOK’RA# 1- Defensesystems picked up a mothership entering orbit. 02.09.09 TANITH-We must evacuate immediately. 02.11.fJ6 I L)K’h~# 1- Wehave been expecting ~t. STARGATESG 1 -=EXODUS"(#6721) Page3 02.22.00 O’NEILL-Hey, kids. We’renot parkedin a red zone, are we? OPENINGCREDITS ACT ONE- 03.37.20 TEAL’C-Tanith wassurprised to see us. 03.39.02 JACOB/SELMAK-Umhmm. We didn’t want to give him any waming. 03.41.27 O’NEILL-He doesn’t suspectyou’re on to him? 03.43.17 JACOB/SELMAK-Not that we knowof. We’ll see soon enough. 03.47.03 TEAL’C-Of what do you speak? 03.48.21 JACOB/SELMAK-Well, thanksto the mothership you’re so graciously lending us... o3. 2.o O’NEILL-Not me. Hammond.It was an order, remember?. 03.55.05 JACOB/SELMAK-Well, anyway,we’ll be able to movethe Stargate to a newplanet not currently on the Goa’uldmap. We’ll finally be able to ensurethe secudtyof a morepermanent I ol~’ra base.As usetul as I amtl~I~as been~n relaying raise informationto Apophis,we can’t afford to take himwith us. STARGATESG 1 - "EXODUS"(#6721) Page4 04.09.23 TEAL’C-What will becomeof him? 04.11.21 JACOB/SELMAK-Wehave a little surprise planned. Shall we? 04.21.08 TOK’RA# 1 (OS)-Colonel O’Neill. Teal’c. TOK’RA# 1 (CONT)-Allow meto welcomeyou and your teamback to Vorash. TOK’RA# 1 (OSCONT)- High council Per’sus sendshis greetings. 04.28.05 O’NEILL-Always a pleasure. 04.31.02 TANITH-I mustsay, Colonel, I wasmost intrigued by your meansof arrival. 04.35.29 O’NEILL-Yeah, it wasa sweetride. A little rusty, but it’s still got zip. 04.42.15 TANITH-How exactly did a Goa’uld mothershipcome into your possession? 04.47.22 O’NEILL-Well, it waskind of a trade deal. 04.52.13 TANITH-How so? 04.54.00 O’NEILL-Cronus gave us his ship, andhe got what wascoming to him. US.U1.U2 IANII H- Really? Cronus~s dead? STARGATESG 1 -=EXODUS"(#6721) Page5 05.07.24 JACOB/SELMAK-Nowthat we have accessto a mothership, we will be able to move our peopleand our Stargateas well... JACOB/SELMAK(OS CONT)-and thereby establish a completely newand secure base. 05.18.11 TANITH-I don’t understand.Why have I beenexcluded from such important information? 05.24.15 TANITH-The Tok’ra did not wish Apophisto be informed. 05.30.21 JACOB/SELMAK-We’ve been awareof your duplicity from the beginning. You deceivedand then murderedthe Jaffa Shan’auc.You took the host Hebron,and you’ve beenacting as a spy amongstus ever since. 05.44.28 TEAL’C(OS)- Youhave been used to channelmisinformation... TEAL’C(CONT)- to Apophis.He will be mostdispleased when he learns the truth. 05.55.19 TANITH-This is absurd. Youwill neverescape. The System Lords will hunt you down to the endsof the galaxy. 06.25.06 O’NEILL-That guy is a living cliche. fJ6.36.25 I P_AL’L;-I w~shto speakto tl~e prisoner. STARGATESG 1 - =EXODUS"(#6721) Page6 05.49.10 TANITH(05)- I wasn’t... TANITH(CONT)- aware I wasallowed guests. Howkind of you to comeand visit me, Teal’c. 06.54.02 TEAL’C-My presence here is not motivatedby kindness.I amhere to deliver your sentenceas decreedby the Tok’ra High Council. 07.01.22 TANITH-Death, I suppose. 07.04.04 TEAL’C-You are to be extracted from the host, Hebron,and left behindhere on Vorash.If you are fortunate, you will die beforeApophis discovers how you havebeen used by the Tok’ra. 07.14.18 TANITH-I amsure that youwould like to kill mewith your barehands, as I did your belovedShan’auc. You, of all, wouldappreciate how much more satisfying it is to seethe fear andpain in the eyesof your victim as they die. 07.33.11 TEAL’C-You took great pleasurein the murderof Shan’auc,but you must understand the pdceyou paid. While Apophiswas being diverted by your unwitting deceptions,the Tok’ra wereable to movefreely throughGoa’uld territory untouched,rescuing stranded agents, freeing capturedallies. Hundredsof lives were savedby the false information you spread. TheTok’ra oweyou a debt of gratitude, Tanith. Wereit not for the relative easewith whichyou allowed yourselt to be mampulated,Apoph~s may have eliminated the I ol(’ra. STARGATESG 1 -"EXODUS"(#6721) Page 7 08.10.09 TANITH-All they’vedone is win a respite. Inevitably, the Tok’raTau’ri alliance will fall like so manyothers. 08.18.19 TEAL’C-Not by anyaction of yours. I will watchyou die like all the other false gods whosedemise I havewitnessed. Sokar, Seth, Hathor, Heru’ur and Cronus. 08.35.07 -I-ANITH(OS)- I’m sure they died with morehonor than Shau’nac. TANITH(CONT)- She cried out for you like a babyweeps for its motheras I slowly extinguishedher life. 08.48.19 TEAL’C-You are attemptingto goadme into killing you, therebyavoiding the extractionprocess. I understandit to be excruciatinglypainful for the symbiote. 09.07.16 TANITH-I amfar morevaluable to you alive than dead. 09.14.01 TEAL’C-The Tok’ra do not believe so. AndI aminclined to agree. 09.38.14 JACOB/SELMAK-You’ll haveto take that to the secondarycargo hold. Weneed to makeroom for the Stargate. 09.43.17 O’NEILL-Hey, don’t scuff the walls. I wantthe ship backthe waywe found it. 09.51.12 JACL)B/:51:LMAK-Weknow, Jack. I st~ll don’t th~nk~t’s really necessarytot youto be here. STARGATESG 1 -=EXODUS"(#6721) Page8 09.55.14 O’NEILL-Sorry. Not letting her out of mysight. 09.57.29 JACOB/SELMAK-My mission is to overseethe relocation of the Tok’ra base. What’s yours again? 10.02.18 O’NEILL-Protect Earth’s big fat asset. We’vegot abouta thousandengineers and scientistsjust droolingto go throughthis... 10.10.12 JACOB!SELMAK-Do you really think that’s wise? 10.13.00 O’NEILL-Don’t start with me, Jake. 10.14.09 JACOB/SELMAK-Do you rememberwhen you tried to retrofit a death glider?. 10.18.01 O’NEILL-Yes. I havethat memory. 10.19.18 JACOB/SELMAK-This is a vastly morecomplicated piece of technology. 10.23.21 O’NEILL-Which is exactly whywe’re loaning it to you in exchangefor flying lessons. 10.27.29 JACOB/SELMAK-Youknow what I mean.You should really leave the ship with us. 1U.3U.21 O’NEILL-Not a chance.I h~s~s metallying, JacK.Jacob, not :Selmak.You have no ~dea howdangerous this thing is. STARGATESG 1 - =EXODUS"(#6721) Page9 10.36.29 O’NEILL-Hey! We were smart enoughto steal it in the first place, whichis morethan the Tok’ra havebeen able to do. 10.42.05 JACOB/SELMAK-Wedon’t operate that way.; 10.44.04 O’NEILL-Well, maybeit’s time you took a moredirect approach.The Tok’ra have beenaround for what?Two thousand years? In all that time, howmany System Lords have you taken down? 10.53.05 JACOB/SELMAK-Oh, yeah, things havecertainly gotten better out here since you started killing Goa’uldsoff oneby one. Let’s examinethe results. In eachcase, morewarlike Goa’uldshave stepped in to till their place. There’smore chaos than ever before. With the powerApophis now has, weare on the brink of losing any chanceof ever defeating the Goa’uld. 11.14.06 O’NEILL-At least we’re doing something. 11.14.29 JACOB/SELMAK-Yeah, well, we’re doing somethingas well. Maybeour plan is a little morelong term, but at least wehave one. 11.21.28 O’NEILL- Whatplan? 11.23.23 JA(.;(JB/~51:LMAK-Undermine the (3oa’uld’s ~nd~wdualpower and keep them t~ght~ng amongstthemselves until wehave a wayof eliminating themonce and for all. STARGATESG 1 - =EXODUS"(#6721) Page 10 11.31.27 O’NEILL-Go on.
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