CI1Y OF WEBSTER GROVES HIGHLANI) GAMf:S Presented by the GREATER ST. LOUIS ST. ANDREW SOCIETY . May14 1977 Memorial Stadium Souvenir Program .50 Proceeds to Children's Charities r SCOTT sn ST. ADREW SOCIETY OFST. LOUIS 00 AN 3821 LINDELL BOULEVARD SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI 63108 Phone : 535·7929 535·7930 LESTER P. FRANCIS, Illustrious Potentate RALPH E. SHEETS, JR. HOWARD I. WEBER Chief Rabban High Priest & Prophet HAROLD E. WALTERS, M.D. RALPH KEENEY, JR. Assistant Rabban Oriental Guide Sponsors Dr. and Mrs. Alan Craig Dr. Q. Ringenberg Mr. H. William Henry, III Miss Winifred Shirreff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins Mr. and Mrs. William Stirrat Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGhee The Happy Shop Acknowledgements The total invoivement oi many people was necessary to bring Highland Games again to Webster Groves. Mayor Jack Cooper and the. wonderful staff in Webster Groves City Hall, the Webster Groves Police Department, the Webster Groves School Board and the many city I employees who lent their advice and assistance; the Lions of Webster Groves for food arrangements, the Daughters of Scotia and the Daughters of the British Empire. Valerie and Peter Hazelton of the Hazelton Academy of Irish Dance and the Meeting of the Waters Pipe Band and John Ford's Highlanders for appearances publicizing this event. We had 15 committees with several members in each, it becomes impossible within our space to name everyone but I am sure they realize how necessary they all were to the success of today's event. Special thanks to Mrs. James (Ellie) Wright and Mrs. Peggy Flynn for their great effort in publicity and to Bill Bangert for his aid as an athletics advisor. Webster College, Eden Seminary and Clayton Federal Savings and Loan are sincerely thanked for accommodation provided for meetings. Wesley Byrd and Guarantee Electrical contractors for the electrical work done, Dave Massie and friends for help with ' the tent; our friends in Gillespie, III. for their support; stewards, judges and adjudicators. To everyone involved, our Sincere thanks. PUBLIC - _____OFF'~/AL _________ " ,/ TUNI~G PArtI(INt; AfttA. /" / " /"t---r ::...:..-===::::::::::".:...:=======-..:::...=======;. 50'"0 _ATE N~ /. o BA$AREA '1 • - - / ~.~~IN / - • • 'y I 1 AR.eNA- I I PLATFORM ~' 0 i/ ._l B1E.ACHE~S . \ P118U' A/ottTH \ PA itKIN" Page 1 Highland Games Participants and Visitors: Once again, I speak for the City of Webster Groves and all of its citizens in extending our welcome. Last year's success has made everyone anxious for the Highland Games l return, and we are privileged to host your second, great Webster Groves event. The colorful parade and unique stadium activities will surely attract those who saw the program last year, plus many new spectators. We were proud that you selected Webster Groves in 1976."and prouder still that our hospitality has brought you back. I express illY appreciation to the Scottish st. Andrew Society of St. Louis and to representatives from our city who have cooperated in arranging this outstanding international attraction. I am confident this will be another success, and I hope that all who come from around the nation and the continent will carry our friendship home with them. )A To Participants and Spectators: from It is again my privilege, as President of the Scottish tions St. Andrew SOciety of GreaterSt. Louis, to give you . in g greetings from all our members, and to bid you welcome arion to our 2nd Annual Webster Groves Highland Games. The success of last year's Bicentennial Games, which enabled us to give over $4000.00 to children's hospitals and have charities in the St. Louis area, has prompted us to repeat ards this unique event. I will also repeat my statement of last year when I said that today is the culmination of months of concentrated effort by many people and as Chairman of the Games I thank everyone, from Mayor Cooper down to rs to the smallest "Gofer. /I The financial support of our many sponsors and advertisers and the willing help of our members and other friends, has enabled us to bring this pageant before you today. I hope you feel the pride I do, in being part of our 2nd Annual Webster Groves Highland Games and in bringing to St. Louis and Missouri this uniquely Scottish cultural event. May it help to bring closer to reality the wish of Scotland's poet, Robert Burns, "That man to man the world o'er Shall brothers be, for a' that!/I Sincerely, William A. Stirrat ------------------------~~~----------------------------------------- --------- L 0 \....i j7 (.IA J :S DOUGLAS J. BROWN MBE GAMES BRITISH CONSUL-GENERAL, ST. LOUIS d in my class, so IS 6 ft. 1 inch Clif Mr. Brown was born on May 6, 1925. He was 1 he first decided educated at Edinburgh University, Scotland. He eer. It was th is has spent much of his career in Africa where he .---,-__-:---.,-:-:_;cho()lmates that served in Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service in 'catapulted him toward this goal. Born in Nigeria from 1951 to 1962 when Nigeria became Niagara Falls, N.Y., as Clifford Scrivener, he independent. Mr. Brown joined the Diplomatic and his family moved to Rochester, N.Y., where Service in 1962 and was appointed Private he attended grade school. Junior high and high Secretary to the Commissioner General for school were spent in Honeoye Falls, N.Y., with Southeast Asia in Singapore. In 1963, he was Clif continuing to entertain. transferred to the Foreign Office in London. He Three years in the army followed during World served as Assistant to the Special Represen­ War II, the third year of which was spent in a tative in Africa from 1966 to 1967 and was show unit, headquartered in Heidelberg, subsequently appointed as Head of Chancery in Germany, that toured Eu rope entertaining the the offices of the High Commissioner in Nairobi service men. This kind of entertaining must in 1968. He served as First Secretary (Commer­ have required the traits of Pagliacci, particularly cial) at the British Embassy in Djakarta from after the loss of Clif's buddy, whom he had 1968-1971. In 1971 he became a Diplomatic greatly respected. His name was St. James, a Service Inspector. He has served as Counsellor name that Clif later used professionally with (Commercial) in the British Embassy in Algiers pride. since 1973. He was appointed Consul General at In 1956 Cliff joined the KSD staff for both St. Louis, Missouri, in 1977. radio and TV, to which he brought the children's program which he originated, "Corky the Clown." In subsequent years he has developed puppet characters that his loyal little viewers love. This same creative talent, inherited from a family of artists, Clif has put to use on his weather shows, developing caricatures to enliven the weathercasts and present the weather as graphically and as appealingly as possible. CI if hand les the weatherlOn KSD-TV's prime evening newscasts. Page 4 .. SHELDON M. KASMAN CIVILIAN AND MILITARY ATTIRE 545 KING STREET WEST TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA Telephone 416 -863-1123 In 1 904 our Founder brought from England th e Standards and Traditions of B r itish Mil ita r y T ail 0 r i n g accepted universally as the Criterion of Ex cell e n c e. For three Generations we have rigourously maintained these Standards of C r aft sma n s hip. W. e have the h 0 no u r to be, by appointment, the Regimental Tailors to many of the Sc ottish Regiments of the Canadian Army. S cottis h Dr e s s , both Civil and Military, is our Specialty. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY •••• from our Large selection of Evening or Day wear Jackets, in as sorted Styles & Fabric s .. Sizes 34 to 48 Short, Regular or Tall PROMPT CUSTOM WORK about 4 Weeks for Custom Tailored Jackets PIPE BAND UNIFORMS •• custom Designed. Quantity Prices Arranged We also make Kilts, Plaids, Spats, Tartan Jackets, Vests, Trews, Slacks, Cummerbunds, Skirts, and we can supply most Highland Accessories. All garments are made in our own Workshop. Visitors are cordially welcomed. WRITE OR PHONE FOR OUR BROCHURE, FABRIC SAMPLES AND ORDER FORMS Page 5 More than 12,.000 of your neighbors look to this sign KITCHEN &. REMODELING CENTER for the best in banking service. "SERVING METROPOUTAN ST. LOUIS AREA FOR OVER A DECADE" May we serve you too? ./ , /' - 1-, FREE EST!MATES' KIT CHEN PU,i! 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MORTUARIES JIM ALEXANDER Betty Feltz BILL ALEXANDER 1442 Ronald Drive Member Clan Campbell No. I, Order Seol/ish Clans Webster Groves 63119 Home 961-5821 Office 567-9980 MOUNT LEBANON CREMATORY CEMETERY AND GUARDIAN SANCTUARY OF FAITH MORTUARY MAUSOLEUM ~Lrnillers 11101 ST. CHARLES 11101 ST. CHARLES ROCK ROAD RO CK ROAD Jj~ ~ mYo~. ~!!~ 739· 1133 • 739· 1211 739·121 1 • 739·1133 The company reliability built.
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