Electrical iievtew, September 21st, 1945 PUBLIC LIGHTING CONFERENCE Vol. CXXXVII. No. 3539 SEPTEMBER 21, 1945 9d. WEEKLY ARRESTING NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING • sundftv » ; Hiroshima. * i Nations Charter. # Reproduction of one of the series in National and Provincial newspapers and weekly and monthly publications. The publicity campaign also includes posters, railway and arterial road signs. u E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w September 21, 1945 THERE HE STANDS—symbol of authority in an orderly World — controlling — directing — obeyed because absolutely trustworthy and reliable. W hat a fitting comparison with BIRCH RESISTANCES, Arms of the Ohm's Law. Backed by many years of practical experience in which their reliability has been tested under all conditions, BIRCH RESISTANCES, in their various applications, stand up to their job and can always be depended upon to provide specified service because of their first-class workmanship. Please call upon us to help you solve any Resis t a n c e Resistances ^ ****** May we quote you for of •ny of the following :— DIMMERS — REGU LA TO RS (Field, Shunt, Voltage) — RESISTANCES (Arc Lamp, Chargin», Regulating, Sliding) — RHEOSTATS — ELEM EN TS and SPIRALS. ___________________________ ASBESTOS WOVEN RESISTANCE NETS AND GRIDS H. A. BIRCH & CO. LTD., Wilohm Works, Wood Street, WILLENHALL, STAFFS. Telegrams : "WIL o h m ” Willenhall. Telephone : Wlllenhall 494-49S Septem ber 21, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 1 the value o f mem ideas Many years ago, a Mr. Dunlop conceived the idea fM o n el of a pneumatic tyre to eliminate the many bumps of solid-tyred cycles. To-day — all the world “ rides on air’’ thanks to Mr. Dunlop’s pioneer idea. * * * More recently, Heatrae decided—after lengthy ex­ periment—that Monel was the ideal metal for Electric Water Heater Construc­ tion. Another example of a " Pioneer idea ’’ which must ultimately influence Water Heater design and vastly simplify Main­ tenance. leaders in ele chic waler healers HEATRAE LTD., NORWICH P H O N E : N O R W IC H 25131 GRAMS : HEATREA, NORWICH Sole Manufacturers of “ WESTMINSTER ” ARC LAMPS THE “FACILE” For TERMINAL Photography Send for Prices and and List of all Medical kinds of Term inals purposes ROSS COURTNEY &l t C d ° ' M A K E R S O F — ASHBROOK ROAD, LONDON, N. I» Electric Welding Machines and Patent Scaling Machines. Spot, Seam and Butt Welders. ''W estm inster’* Carbon Brush H o ld e r s . “ Partridge ” Earthing Devices and Pressure Detectors. OPERATING Dynamos, Motors, Alternators and Transformers Rewound and Re-constructed CLUTCHES Telephone: Elgar 7372 (2 lines) Telegrams: “ Regency, Phone, London ” The WESTMINSTER ENGINEERING CO. LTD. M C I and REPETITION LTD. VICTORIA ROAD, WILLESDEN JUNCTION Pool L o n « , L a n ^ U ij , B irm in g h a m . LONDON, N.W.IO A 2 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w S ep tem b er 2 1 , 1 9 4 5 Ensign Lamps conform in all respects to rigid B S I. specifications. In other words, they are superlatively good lamps— as good as lamps can b e; there's none better Yet they offer definite price advantages Well worth while enquiring from your Wholesaler or direct before London (North): Clay Hill. Bushey, Watford. Herts. Birmingham 1: 40 & 42 Summer Row London (South): 10,Kingston Hill, Kingston-on Thames. Leeds 1 : W ellington Street. Glasgow C2 : 42 York Street. Surrey. Cardiff - 50 Bridge Street. Manchester 4; 20 Swan Street. Septem ber 21, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 3 Birmingham, Bristol, Dundee, Glasgow, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Peterborough, Sheffield, Wolverhampton. E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w Septem ber 21, 1945 No. 366. FLAT SPRING No. 352. BEVELLED No. 554. ROUND. PLAIN ENDS. ALL WHIT SIZES. HARDENED AND TEMPERED DOMED. No. 1131. FLANGE WASHERS. No. 159. No. 421. No. 367. SQUARE SECTION. LARGE 2j. I" HOLE. GROVER TYPE. HEAVY DOUBLE SMALL if. f/' HOLE. No. 512. No. 1302. No. 54. FLAT SPRING No. 554 D. B. S. F. LIGHT DOUBLE TIPPED ENDS ALL SIZES. HARDENED AND COIL. TEMPERED. nK andof every plain type s,ee. and . in round, square, section, etc. etc. TERR/S , us know y°ur . We can nil cperien«e are J L r washers that 1 nt We can make WRINGS u s'to special shape f FAMOUS > our research depart- FOR SPRINGS Sole M a kers : S t T S at your dispos'd. & PRESSWORK HERBERT TERRY & SONS LTD., REDDITCH Send for war-time SINCE c a t a l o g u e LONDON MANCHESTER BIRMINGHAM V 18 S S > v ie * * * ' September 21, 1945 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 5 B A SWITCHGEAR OIL-BREAK • AIR-BREAK • AIR-BLAST T- W DUPLICATE BUSBAR (Compound Filled). 2 BREAKER PLUGGED ’ TO REAR BUSBARS Incorporating Drop-traverse-raise Vertical-plugging Oil Circuit-Breaker UP TO 11 kV., 250 MVA. • • BREAKER PLUGGED TO FRONT BUSBARS FULLY TESTED FOR SHORT-CIRCUIT DUTY BTH WILLESDEN THE BRITISH THOMSON HOUSTON COMPANY LIMITED. WILLESDEN. ENGLAND A 3564 6 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w Septem ber 21, 1945 @YANISING MEANS BETTER GALVANIZING During the War years we have been frequently called upon to provide Wire and Wire Rope which would stand up to conditions without precedent. We realised, in advance, that our products would, of necessity, receive the harshest possible treatment and, that they must not fail. BRyanising survived all tests. War with its exacting demands has proved beyond all doubt that BRyanising does satisfy the claims made for it. BRyanising means better Galvanizing, for it provides the strongest possible resistance to corrosion. BRITISH ROPES l i m i t e d HEAD OFFICE DONCASTER / ^ B 5 \ MANUFACTURERS OF OFFICES WORKS AND STORES w m R 0 P [ . W/R£ THROUGHOUT GREAT BRITAIN HEMP CORDAGE * CANVAS September 21, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w HIGH TENSION IGNITION CABLES are installed in this mighty “ Bristol” 2,000 h.p. aero - engine BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDER’S CABLES LIMITED MAIN WORKS: ERITH • HELSBY LEIGH PRESCOT 8 E l e c t r i c a l R e v i e w Septem ber 2 1 , 1 9 4 5 * Announcing Cl ass Seal T e r m in a ls Process Patent applied for . After rather more difficulties than w e expected, we have developed a method o f SCALE and FUR production in our factory at Enfield, where o n we are able to turn out many thousands per week . NO TV. KETTLES Terminals at present available are illustrated about actual size ; other sizes will follow. WATER-HEATERS They withstand instantaneous and repeated ETC. therm al shocks of a t least 250°C and will support at least 40 lbs. per square inch air removed harmlessly pressure without leakage. These terminals are in a short period supplied tin-plated to permit soldering with SIM PLY AD D modern resin cored solders or solder pastes. “Fur-offit” Supplied packed in cartons containing 100. to the hot water in the utensil and the mixture does the rest QUANTITIES OF APPLIANCES CAN BE TREATED IN A BATH . OF TH E LIQ U ID . 750 V. DC. W orking at 40,000 feet. SAVE FUEL 1,500 V. DC. W o rk in g at sea level. by using scalefree utensils Send P.O. for I 6 for sample bottle Including postage and packing DRAKE & GORHAM WHOLESALE LTD. List N o. 577. 77 LONG ACRE, LONDON, W.C.2 1,500 V. DC. W o rk in g at 40,000 feet. Telephone : TEMple Bar 3993 3,000 V. DC. W o rk in g at sea level. MANCHESTER-29 Piccadilly. BRIGHTON—24 Marlborough Place. G L A S G O W — 182 St. V in c e n t S tree t. BRISTOL— 2 & 4 Church Street, Temple. DUBLIN—2 Church Lane, College Green. BELLING C LEE LTD Midland Representative : CAMBRIDGE ARTERIAL ROAD, ENFIELD, MIDDX W . T. BOWER, 184 Jockey Road, Sutton Coldfield September 21, 1945 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 9 An earth rod which reaches for results Embodying the known virtues of, the earth rod electrode—ease and low cost of in­ stallation—here is a new type of rod with a wider field of application. Because it is Extensible it çan be driven, in 4 ft. lengths, to great depths to take advantage of deep strata of low resistivity — inaccessible economically by other means. When sunk below ground level and fitted with an “ Easy-Access ” Inspection Cover, the bonding and conductor are protected from mechanical damage and undesirable sur­ face potential gradients are minimised. B.I. Technical Advisory Service will gladly advise on specific applications for the COPPER EARTH PTC BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDER’S CABLES LTD. PRESCOT, LANCS. PRESCOT 6571 10 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w Septem ber 21, 1945 C 0 M (N$ MONBV? 7e e ( ( f e e f 44 Us has been coining money since we was little daddlers. Many’s the arf-a-bar ivot s com e fro m our honest toil, and our brother Jasper can make a fiver look better than real. But us has got the finest way o f mak­ ing money now.
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