.V•/ *• ** V ... li ? me PORTLAND DAILY FKESS is puuhabeU BU1SNES3 CARDS. ECUS. erery day, (Snmlav cxcepled.i at No, I Printers' MI8CELLAN MJ^CELtUTEOtS. RKitfOVALS. Sheriff Harding enters the ean.i8eo. T|iP bi.laili. We also lumber two amateur exchange, Exchange Street. Portland. Band in another a- carnage, sweet one ol' whom is N. A. POSTER, Proprietor, HOWE 4k DAILY PRESS. discoursing t'sts, well known to the | re- WOODBUUY, B E music, preceded them, and other carriages krms:— Eight Dollar! a year in ad ranee. & MOV A L aj ait Civil and LOSING CROSBY, brought up therear filled with cession the critic of the New Vork Engineers Architects t and Tinners. Bishop’s College School, PORTLAND. gentlemen ”lr- Slaters had taken an active in anti s the OHce No. IT part geuin.. „n Evening Post, the other THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is pabliahcdal Exchange announce Canada East. sinpuar'y Street, respectfully to the citizens of Lcnnoxrillr, race, whilst an excited crowd ij.oi' place t eery Thursday at #2.00 a year, Ocean Insurance and eager preceded In his success In the of morning Building. WOULDPortland vicinity, that they are leady to K. H. M. A„ 1ftto J. It. & htppv taking portraits nrarlably in advance, a H' F- P. for Walker, Corey Co, Hanked and followed the cortege. The WOODBBOBY. attend to all orders or ou the 1867. people a' 10-dlm?A°nK' Slatfeig Tinning RECTOR.--Rov.Scholar ol Wadnain Oxford, and for nine Tuesday Morning, August ]3, fie beautiful ladles with whom the ho- Aug. shortest notice. College, U»re removed llrom Free street to tlie weie everywhere earnest, hearty and euthusi- many Kates of Advertising.—One inch ot apace,in years Profeessor ol Mathematics at tlie Royal Military aatic. As the oarsmen the Custom tel abounds. lei;!Ill ol column, consumes a “square." Tin and College, fcaudhur.'t. passed fortunately Orel week : 75 cents per HAXSOAT Slates, House (where the American Consul's $1.50 per square daily BROTHERS, Of all kinds, constantly on hand. All work warrant- SUB-BeoToit-Rev. W. Richmond, M. A, Trini- Store 123 Middle flag Aim.>st every day parties ara made up for alter: three or less, •1.00; continu- Spacious Street, the week insertions, ed. ty College, Dublin. was floating by side of the British ensign) drives to ing other day alter first week, 50 cents* illU*NEW REPUBLICAN NOMINATION. Mount Washington, Ciawloid, the every and Window Shade Painters, BT* Orders from out of tewn attended with There are four assistant Masters, three of whom 8I<0€K, the soldiers quartered there gave three ring- Hull square, three Insertions or less, 75centa; one Sign 1 promptness. are Graduates, who devote their whole lime to the The sever- rutile, Lancaster, Lunenburg Hills, and *100; 50 cents per week alter. 3 Free St. Portland, Me* Whore be found a fine ing cheers. party passed through wok, Block, Office No. 104 Federal Street. work of the School. The object of the S bool is to may assortment of other Under head of “Amusements,” *2 00per square kinds of al streets to tbe residence of the Kheiiil, The Show Glass and all a and education on the charming pleasure jaunts. day three Insertions or $1.50. Cards, Signs, Post Office Box 1025 Portland. Maine. liberal gentlemanly FOB p«r week; less, Ornamental done in a superior niannci. impart UOVEB.VOB, where refreshments were them and befote we spuctAl. for the first In- Painting public School system. proved yesterday got np a party of twenty- Notices,$1.25 per square The shop win be found open from 7 A. M, Reference—C. R. & L. E. Frost, Robt A Bird, wool,j&v and 25 cents for each always Custom B Murders taken tbe and at tbe School- moons, then preceded homeward to Carleton via the two lor a drive sertion, per square subsequent to CP M. All orders promptly attended to. House,Bishop Bacon and Hon John Muasey. by Rector, to Hills, (Irom iu^rtion. 6—dl f house. and other licensed houses. Testimonials re- where met more than Lunenbnrg august 1 d3m May an Suspension Bridge they which a most in the FRENCH l GERMAN CLOTH JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN view is to be had of Advert ihcmcms inserted “Maike State quired from every boy admitted. ordinary welcoioings, in the bosom of tbeir charming Paicss"(which has a circulation in mountain lar;:e every par- tyTnitlon (be, $66 per annum. families. scenery) from thence to Halt, n ol the Suite for $1.00 per square lor first insertion* or. W.K. Johnson, JORDAN & Coating's Cassimeres, Doeskins, OF BRUNSWICK. RANDALL- F-»r prospectus, to Rev. the Rector, where we of a most id ">0 cent- per square lor each subsequent inser- &c., apply JUDGES DECEASED. partook excellent dinner, HAVING REMOVED TO THE Bishop’s College. aug6d2w Tweeds, Cashmaretts, Ac. Monday, September », 18CT. tion, \gr~Election, and at live o’clock, after remaining thtee and dentist, Hon. S. B. Harrison, Judge for the County Store No. 146 Middle Ladies* I a hail hours lor rest, we came home aim Oflte Ne. 13 14 Er e Street, St., Ladled of — g Touny Seminary. Cloakings York, died at Toronto a few days since 1AKD5 (Kvaa. Black,) C’UMB EBI.AND COUNTS the hank ol the Connecticut, Second House from H. H. Hay’s Apothecary Store. Flannel,, Blanket*, Quilt*, He was a member Gov- having enjojed Would Misses Svmonds announce the opening of of Lord Sydenham’s tMpeotMly invite the trade lu examine their Snyer ft AMD — one of the finest combinations of mountain Ether administered when desired and <ho on PaUley l.eng Synen Unwb, ty ght stock of THEtheir Fail Session, at No. 43 Dauftrth Street, ernment in 1841, at the time ol the union be- advisable. 19th. On account ot the in Black Tkibet and Woalen Sh.wlo. aud river I ever remember to have Charles P. Matlocks, Jy22eodlt Thursday, Sept change Convention. tween scenery there will be some change in the ar- StCjnd Senatorial Distriot Upper and Lower but had to place general Canada, of the of llid school and in the tu! ion. A very witnessed, and this is only one many Tailors’ angeiuent BLACK 8ILKS. resign in consequence of unable to ob- and at GEORGE E. FICKETT, Trimmings, few will be received. being Attorney Counseller Law, boardiug pupils The Union voters of Cumbet land Coun- attractive dri" es in the vicinity of Jetferson. Selected Expressly for this Market. For fun Iter and for catalogue address Republican tain a seat in Parliament. He was deleated Successor to Steplicu Gale, particulars art) riuncsted lo tend Delegates to a Convention, by fANAL BANK Bl)Tl.DIN«, tlie Box 2069, or apply at their residence, Summer Dre;* Qo-.ds ty It is a that so beautiful a place is not principals, Very Cheap. to lie lioli It n in Por* he d, in tlie Si INS OF TEMPER Sir Allan McNab in Hamilton. pity WuR Bv personal attention to business we hope to No. 43 Dauforth Stieet, after September 1st. Judge Harri- N. Ntt Middle Wired Badland. and merit White ft Brown Banaaak ANCE on THURSDAY, August Xbnd, 1*87, better known Portlanders. If Druggist Apothecary, a share or public pm rouge. August 6. eodtillscplO Covers, llapSiai, HALL, son was Chairman ol the Council of by anything rcM4.UI __ o'clock in tbe forenoon- tor tbe imrjiose of Public WILLIAM P. Boyliet, Scotch Kcd at ten and dealer in English and American JORDAN, Diaper, Tnrkcy candidates for Judge of Probate, Regis- patticulurly interesting should occur dining Fancy Goods, GEO. A. RANDALL. BttniS nominating Instruction at the time of bis death, and bad jTw. iYHONDS, Covering and Doyliee, ter of Prubnti:, Register of Deo Is, County Cominls- to NO. 143 Portland, March 18,18(57. dtl Academy! nineteen the remainder of my stay, I will endeavor CONGREM, Norway Enhtucd Piano and siouer, Countv Treasurer, end tour .Senators; and held the position years. Judge Da- Counsellor at Law, Hear Me. for tbe give r otice. “C." Washington Street..Portland, —AT— Table Covers. algo to select a' County Committee enulug vis, of ths County of Halton, is also dead. He you Mi J Middle lit, (Canal Bank Building,) IgyPliysieians Prcscrii.tious carelnllv compound- year. ed. L MAINE. Each and town will be entitled to two dele- was in 1836. May 1>. jnly 18. dti NORWAY, CiTBrown and Bleached Cottons in all widths. cily appointed 11-dll_POHTJLAN Congress and an additional deltaic for every 75 voles riocTOBs of Laws.—The Nation is severe on FALL TERM ol this Institution will com- gates, ITEMS. rpHE New Style* Print, and Giugbnin* ! cast uv Joshua L. Chamberlain at iheGuberuatoiiai the FOGG BRADBURY& BRADBURY. mcnce on 18C7, anil existing of DBS. CHADWICK & I Wednesday, September 4ib, election In 18GC, and a fraction of 40 votes will be en- and two local Cabinets system conferring collegiate St. continue eleven weeks. The above will be .old at the lowest carli The General will, »•! l-'i CONGRESS STREET, prices, titled to an additional delegate. degrees, and cites some very interesting “mod- whole! ale or retail. J. B. COBBY &Co. Lo all be in session brown's new block. Counsellors at Bridgton.1 says Canadian, together ern instances” ol In that Law* Portland! QHABLES D. A B., July iil-diw3w Baldwin,.4 malpractice direction. May 18-dtt BARROWS, Principal. Brunswick.9 Capo Elizabeth,.7 at Ottawa, lor convenience in despatch of bus- It Barings Bank Building, Exchange St, Cumberland,.4 says: Maine. A. B Associate Cairo,.3 EDWIN F.
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