81 Constraint Class 1: No Prominent Constraints Large trees: trees with height greater than 9m. Botanical Name Common Name Code Conifer (m) Height Spread (m) Form Tree Colour Flower Colour Fall Growth Rate Longevity Suggested Varieties and Benefits Notes Preferred Street Trees for areas with no constraints Benefits: Acer cappadocicum 10 rounded golden ACCP inconspicuous fA Notes: bright red spring growth, not commonly Coliseum Maple 9 spreading yellow available in the nursery trade Crimson King, Emerald Benefits: adaptable to many soils; easily Acer platanoides 20 rounded Queen, Columnar, ACPL inconspicuous varies m A transplanted Norway Maple 18 oval Columnarbroad, Deborah, Notes: full sun is best Parkway Benefits: easily transplanted and established; very adaptable; tolerates salt and seaside Acer pseudoplatanus 18 oval no locations; tolerates high pH and calcareous ACPS inconspicuous m A Spaethii Sycamore Maple 15 rounded change soils Notes: full sun is best, but can take light shade; prefers cool environment Benefits: easy to transplant and establish; Autumn Flame, Bowhall, adaptable; Karpick, October Glory, Notes: moderate biogenic emissions; high Acer rubrum 18 pyramidal red ACRU red fAFranksred, Scarsen, Red canopy; prefers moist, acidic soils; on alkaline Red Maple 15 oval orange Sunset, Morgan, Green soils develops manganese chlorosis; full sun Mountain best for development, but can tolerate partial shade Benefits: less prone to leaf scorch, leaf blotch Aesculus x carnea 15 rounded AECA pink to red bronze m A Briotii, Fort McNair and mildew than A. hippocastanum Horsechestnut 12 umbrella Notes: low canopy Benefits: very soil adaptable as long as the soil Carpinus betulus 12 is well-drained; tolerates urban conditions and CABE pyramidal inconspicuous red gold s - m A Fastigiata, Franz Fontaine Hornbeam 12 pollution Notes: Growth Rate: s=slow, m=medium, f=fast Longevity: S=short, 40 to 60 years, A=average 50-150 years, L=long, 100-175 years * Denotes native species N/A - Not Applicable 1 82 Constraint Class 1: No Prominent Constraints Large trees: trees with height greater than 9m. Botanical Name Common Name Code Conifer (m) Height Spread (m) Form Tree Colour Flower Colour Fall Growth Rate Longevity Suggested Varieties and Benefits Notes oval Benefits: pH adaptable Cercidiphyllum japonicum 18 CEJA rounded inconspicuous red gold s A Pendula Notes: not easy to transplant; requires water Katsura Tree 12 umbrella during establishment and dry periods Benefits: Fagus sylvatica 25 Notes: prefers moist, well-drained, acidic soil; FASY oval inconspicuous bronze m - s A - L Riversii European Beech 20 does not like excessively wet soils; shallow, wide root system Benefits: smog tolerant Fraxinus excelsior 20 oval no FREX inconspicuous m-f L none commonly available Notes: male plants preferred; good for difficult European Ash 15 rounded change growing sites; easy to establish and transplant Benefits: adaptable to pH and almost any other conditions; tolerant of pollution, salt air, and Ginkgo biloba 25 bright GIBI pyramidal inconspicuous m L Magyar, Fairmount, Sentry heat; pest free Maidenhair Tree 15 yellow Notes: do not plant females-- fruit smells unpleasant Benefits: Liquidambar stryraicflua 14 red gold Notes: high biogenic emissions; best in deep, LIST pyramidal inconspicuous m - f L Worplesdon Sweetgum 9 purple moist, slightly acid soils; surface roots may lift sidewalks Benefits: attractive to birds and butterflies Liriodendron chinensis 25 LRCH pyramidal yelow yellow f L Notes: moderate biogenic emissions; fragrant Chinese Tulip Tree 12 flowers Benefits: adaptable, range of soils Magnolia kobus 15 showy, white- MAKO rounded yellow m A Notes: unknown biogenic emissions; flowers Kobus magnolia 7.5 pink early in spring, select root stock Metasequoia glyptostroboides 20 Benefits: MTGL D conical inconspicuous bronze f L National Dawn Redwood 8 Notes: requires heavy watering Benefits: tolerant of drought and compacted Quercus acutissima 13 golden male golden soils; attacts wildlife QUAC rounded m-f L Sawtooth Oak 12 catkins yellow Notes: adaptable; clean foliage; easy to tranplant Growth Rate: s=slow, m=medium, f=fast Longevity: S=short, 40 to 60 years, A=average 50-150 years, L=long, 100-175 years * Denotes native species N/A - Not Applicable 2 83 Constraint Class 1: No Prominent Constraints Large trees: trees with height greater than 9m. Botanical Name Common Name Code Conifer (m) Height Spread (m) Form Tree Colour Flower Colour Fall Growth Rate Longevity Suggested Varieties and Benefits Notes pyramidal Quercus palustris 16 bronze Benefits: easily transplanted QUPA rounded inconspicuous m - f L Crownright Pin Oak 12 red gold Notes: fast growing for an oak umbrella Benefits: adaptable Quercus phellos 20 yellow Notes: high biogenic emissions; tolerates heat, QUPH rounded inconspicuous m-f L Willow Oak 12 brown drought, pollution, compacted soils, and standing water Benefits: easily transplanted and grown; Robinia pseudoacacia 13 tolerant of salt, heat, pollution ROPS oval white gold f A Purple Robe, Frisia Locust 10 Notes: high biogenic emissions; tolerant of most soils Benefits: attactive to insects and birds Tilia tomentosa 18 TITO oval yellow yellow f A Notes: tolerates range of wide range of soils, Silver Linden 12 wind, salt, and pollution Benefits: easy to transplant and establish Zelkova serrata 25 rounded bronze Notes: low biogenic emissions; shows fairly ZESE inconspicuous m - f A Green Vase, Village Green Japanese Zelkova 18 umbrella red gold good resistance to Dutch Elm Disease and bacterial canker, but not immune Growth Rate: s=slow, m=medium, f=fast Longevity: S=short, 40 to 60 years, A=average 50-150 years, L=long, 100-175 years * Denotes native species N/A - Not Applicable 3 84 Constraint Class 1: No Prominent Constraints Large trees: trees with height greater than 9m. Botanical Name Common Name Code Conifer (m) Height Spread (m) Form Tree Colour Flower Colour Fall Growth Rate Longevity Suggested Varieties and Benefits Notes Other trees that may do well on streets with no constraints Abies grandis* 20 no Benefits: ABGR D pyramidal inconspicuous m - f L none commonly available Grand Fir 10 change Notes: moderate biogenic emissions; Benefits: dense shade; high large canopy; Acer platanoides `Crimson tolerates poor soil conditions; heat and drought 18 brown King' ACPL rounded inconspicuous m A N/A tolerant 15 purple Crimson King Maple Notes: surface-rooted; maroon leaf colour; may seed itself Benefits: adapted to poor soil; heat and Acer platanoides `Emerald 20 oval golden drought-tolerant Queen' ACPL inconspicuous m - f A N/A 18 rounded yellow Notes: erect-spreading form; surface-rooted; Emerald Queen Maple brilliant red new growth; may seed itself Benefits: Notes: extensive canopy; does not perform well when root zone is restricted; prefers well- Acer saccharum 18 oval red gold Bonefire, Commemoration, ACSC inconspicuous mL drained, moist fertile soils; not tolerant of high Sugar Maple 15 rounded orange Green Mountain heat, pollution, road salt; although shade tolerant, full sun is needed for proper development Benefits: dense shade; desirable wildlife tree; Acer saccharum `Legacy' 18 oval yellow ACSC inconspicuous m - f L N/A good drought tolerance Legacy Sugar Maple 15 rounded orange Notes: best suited variety for the west coast Benefits: Aesculus hippocastanum 20 AEHI rounded cream bronze f A-L none commonly available Notes: avoid hot, dry locations to minimize leaf Horsechestnut 15 scorch Benefits: Arbutus menziesii* 18 rounded no Notes: low biogenic emissions; difficult to ARME pink to white m L none commonly available Pacific Madrone 10 umbrella change transplant; requires excellent soil drainage; broadleaf evergreen Growth Rate: s=slow, m=medium, f=fast Longevity: S=short, 40 to 60 years, A=average 50-150 years, L=long, 100-175 years * Denotes native species N/A - Not Applicable 4 85 Constraint Class 1: No Prominent Constraints Large trees: trees with height greater than 9m. Botanical Name Common Name Code Conifer (m) Height Spread (m) Form Tree Colour Flower Colour Fall Growth Rate Longevity Suggested Varieties and Benefits Notes Benefits: prefers wet/moist sites Betula jacquemontii 20 golden BEJA columnar inconspicuous m - f A none commonly available Notes: whitest bark of all the birches; does not Jacquemontii Birch 9 yellow tolerate drought Benefits: tolerates wet/moist sites; easy to transplant and establish from container or B&B Notes: does poorly in high summer heat, Betula papyrifera* 18 oval golden especially root zone heat; fairly soil adaptable, BEPA inconspicuous m A none commonly available Paper Birch 10 rounded yellow often found growing in sandy, gravely soils; prefers well-drained, slightly acid sandy loam soils; does not tolerate pollution or difficult sites Calocedrus decurrens 20 no Benefits: heat and drought tolerant CLDE D conical inconspicuous s-m L none commonly available California Incence Cedar 6 change Notes: low biogenic emissions; Benefits: tolerant of many soil types, but prefers deep, moist, fertile soil; withstands wet Catalpa speciosa 16 bronze CTSP umbrella white s - m S - A none commonly available or dry and alkaline conditions and extremely Northern Catalpa 12 gold hot, dry environments Notes: Benefits: drought tolerant Cedrus atlantica `Glauca' 20 no CDAT D conical inconspicuous s - m L N/A Notes: tolerates a wide range of soils, but not Blue Atlas Cedar 12 change wet Benefits: drought tolerant once established Cedrus deodara 18 no CDDE D pyramidal inconspicuous f L Kashmir Notes: low biogenic emissions; prefers well- Deodar Cedar 12 change drained and somewhat dry soil; Chamaecyparis nootkatensis* 25 no Benefits: desirable wildlife plant CHNO D conical inconspicuous s-m L Nootka Cypress 9 change Notes: low biogenic emissions; Benefits: Cladrastis lutea 15 rounded gold CLLU white s - m A none commonly available Notes: prefers well-drained soils; tolerates Yellowwood 12 umbrella orange alkaline and acidic soils Growth Rate: s=slow, m=medium, f=fast Longevity: S=short, 40 to 60 years, A=average 50-150 years, L=long, 100-175 years * Denotes native species N/A - Not Applicable 5 86 Constraint Class 1: No Prominent Constraints Large trees: trees with height greater than 9m.
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