U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. March 7, IW6_ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 SPORTS BUSINESS WEEKEND PLUS Whalers triumph Fed discount rate Meet Hartford’s KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright I HOMES APARTMENTS over the Sabres cut to 8-year low new conductor FOR SALE FOB RENT ... page 2 0 . ... magazine Inside BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Baltan. Birch Mauntain L ik e P riva te Hom e — V /2 ... fiaga 11 ■Estates. New Construc- room apartment. Applian­ Jt lEDVICES KmncES BUtLOMG/ HEATM6/ tlan, colanlol with con- ces. Working single adult, DFFEREO CDNTRACTIND E3 PLUMBIII6 t e m p a ra ry f la ir . 2300 married couple. No child­ OFFEREO M square feet, 2</!> baths, 3 ren, pets. 643-2880. bearooms Including a Odd lobs. Trucking. Will bobvBit In my Covon- Farrond Remodeling. — Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ master bedraom suite, Manchester — 5 room, 2 Homo ropolrt. You nomo trv homo dovs for o child Cabinets, roofing, gut­ throom rem odeling; In­ livin g room , dining room , bedroom apartment, heat B. wo do It. Froo ostl- undor 5 yoors. Coll 742- ters, room additions, stallation water heaters, family room fireplace, 2 and hot water Included. NOOt^ Insurod. M1-Q9IM. 0073 for moro docks, all types of remo­ garbage disposals; faucet car garage and a great $625 a month. Avolloble Information. deling and repairs. FREE repairs. 649-4539. V lsa/M - room on a 1 acre lot with A p ril 1st. Coll 647-7602. Hgwkos Troo Sorvico — ostlnwrtos. Fully Insured. asterCard accepted. view s. $197,000. F la n o iuckof Truck t, Chippor. Telephone 643^17, after Real Estate. 646-5200. itum p Romovol. Froo Es- 6pm, 647-8509. I STORE AND tlmatos. Spoctal contldor- Bolton. Choose your co­ iEaurb^Btrr H rralb doy ooro v^Boro Ihoro Is I OFFICE SPACE Otlon for Eldorly and Hon- Carpentry and remodel­ IFIOORIHB lors. New construction. ) Manchester — A City o( Village Charm dlcoppod. 047-7SS3. ing services — Complete Contemporary style cope cod, 2,200 square feet, Office Space — Excellent ond why not quoiMonsT home repairs and remo­ Floorsandlng — Floors A E R Cloonlng and deling. Quality work. Ref­ features 3 bedrooms In­ location with ample park­ like new. Specializing In ing. 600, 400 & 300 so. ft. Molntononco Company, erences, licensed and In­ older floors, natural and cluding a master bed­ spodollilng In Infoiior of- If 10 p/MM calf- office s;ultes ore now V' 25 Cents sured. C a ll 646-8165. stained. No waxing any­ room suite, 2Va baths, < 3 fico and building molnto- available. 649-2891. Saturday, March 8,1886 more. John Verfallle. Call fireplaced family room, nonco. Coll for o froo 646-5750. living room, dining room, ooftmoto 743-5633. Robert E. Jarvis, study, first floor laundry, Office Space — New pro­ Building-Remodeling fessional building, one Call Simon 'A Simon Tl- 2 car garage on a one acre SfOYO's Troo A Lawn 843-0478 Specialist. Additions, gar­ m ile from 1-84. 1,000-3,000 lemasters for sales and wooded lot with views. < i^ Coro. Troo romovol and AM Ago* Woleomo ages, roofing, siding, kit­ $169,900. Flono Real Est- sq. ft. available. Can build comploto lawn molnto- Vory ItoMonablo Rofot chens, bathrooms, re- Installation of ceramic, to suit. Days, 649-2272. Reagan sends Buckland -o te , 646-5200. nonco of roosonoblo prl- plocement mosaic, quarry A vinyl windows/doors. 643-6712. tile. Free estimates. Manchester — Approxi­ coo. Froo oBtImofos, In­ Please call for an appoint­ Better Than New — Al­ ICARS/TRUCKS surod. Coll 633-f391 oftor mately. 500 sq. ft., 182 ment, 649-0359. most new fully dormered ANTIQUES FOR SALE PMNTINe/ Cape Cod off Porter South Main Street, Colon­ I mall gets PAPERIN6 Dumas Electric — Having ial decor, good site visibil­ Electrical Problems? Household vinegar Is an Street. This special three troubleshooter ity and parking. $475 plus 1984 Subaru Hatchback, All Typos of Romodollng, Need a large or a small effective and Inexpensive bedroom home features, no lob to small, roosono- utilities. Call Bob Allbrio excellent condition. 35,000 Namo your own prlco — Repair? We Specialize In fabric softner when added natural oak cabinets and Mo pricos. Coll Jim, 647- Father and son. Fast, trim, a roohnv country at 649-0917. miles. Must sell to buy D&L store Residential Work. Joseph to the final laundry rinse. I33A dopondablo sorvico. kitchen with fireplace, Old dolls; Victorian linen house. $4,500 firm . 872- Dumds. Fully Licensed. Classified Is the effective 474 M ain Street, the center Painting, Paporhanging Free Estim ates. 646-5253. formal dining room, huge parasol, school desk, etc. 9116. W ill Do Babysitting In my and Inexpensive wav to of town. 3 rooms first Booth 35, Howell Cheney A Rem oval. Call 646-5761. find a cosh buyer for first floor master bed- to Nicaragua By John F. Kirch Monchostor homo, nights rporn suite and many floor. Coll 646-2426 week­ Technical School, antique household Items you no Mercury, 1982 Marquis, 4 Herald Reporter A wookonds. 566-3710. Painting and Paporhang­ many beautiful decora­ days 9-5. show, March B & 9, lOom- Timothy Mainville Elect­ longer use. 643-2711. door, V-8, a ll power op­ 8 5pm. ing — E xterio r and Inte­ ric. Specialized In updat­ tive features. A must to tions, AM/FM stereo The D 4 L Venture Corp. of New Manchester — 5 room Managua. rior, ceilings repaired. ing electrical fuse panels seel Offered at $159,900. cassette, air, cruise, By W. Dole Nelson Britain said Friday that it would References, fully Insured. Joyce G. Epstein Real office suite, first floor, The Democratic-led Hpgse ten­ to circuit breakers plus li;7 J INCOME TAX much more. 55,000 miles, The Assocloted Press open a 40,000-square-foot D & L Quality work. «Martln home repair wiring. Free Estate, 647-8895. excellent sign visibility. one owner. Exceptional tatively is scheduled to vote March ■ 0 'I SERVICE I WANTED store in the Buckland Hills Mall, Light Housocloonlng — Mottsson, evenings', 649- estimates. 647-7292. Parking. Could be apart­ condition, well main­ 19 on the administration’s request ment office combination. WASHINGTON — President which is being planned for northw­ W ookiv and W-wookly. 4431. Contemporary Custom TO BUY tained. A real beauty. for a $100 million aid package for Ne'tkln's Tax Service. Cape — Sought-after Frank SplleckI, 643-2121. Reagan, under pressure from estern Manchester. 646-3640 and 64M992. $7,200. 647-8595. the rebels fighting the Marxist-led Professional Painting — Carpentry Services A Low rotes, strictly confi­ area, move-ln condition, 9 Wonted — Little tyke's congressional critics to pursue a The announcement makes D & L government in Nicaragua. The Tho Houso Works. Rosl- 10 years experience. Inte­ Home Repairs. Need an dential. Over 10 years rooms, 5 bedrooms, cen­ Manchester — Prime swing house for 4 month negotiated settlement in Nicara­ the second retail store to commit downtown store or office 1978 Chew Monza — Republican-controlled Senate For­ dontkil housocloonlng. An rio r A exterior, patch extra closet, shelf, shoe experience. 644-1009. tral air and vac. Field- old baby. Call anytime, gua, sent Jiis top diplomatic itself to the 7 5 0 ,0 0 0 -square-foot rock or deck? Panel that space. Approximately Power steering, auto-' eign Relations Committee also is ostobllshod company lobs, touch ups, free esti­ stone fireplace, lovely In­ 646-4532. troubleshooter Friday on a search regional shopping mall that would hilly bondod with abovo mates, Insured. Call room. Trim work done, Tax Trimmers. Let our law apartment, full 1750 square feet with utili­ motlc transmission, new considering the package, but has for peace, while appealing anew be built on 138 acres just north of ovorogo wgrk bolow tho Women At Work, Jane, sheetrock and taping. 15 experts prepare your 1985 basement, 2 cor garage, ties, 668-1447. brakes, new exhaust, run-. not set a date for a vote. for military aid to rebels fighting Interstate 84 between Slater and ovorogo roto. Call Today, 643-5931 or Dottle, 627- years experience. Call tax returns In the privacy thermo-pone windows. ning condition, engine A Senate Foreign Relations needs work. $750 or best the Sandinista government. Buckland streets. Sears, Roebuck 447-003. 8225. Bernie, 646-3172. of your home. 633-6558. P rice d right at $149,900. C!ommittee source, speaking on offer. 649-3081. Reagan met with Philip Habib and Co. of Chicago, the parent 'P u ttin o You 1st Is 2nd I WANTED Automotive condition he not be identified, said Nature To Us!" Strono only a few hours after the emis­ company of one of the m ail’s TO BENT the Reagan proposal would have Real Estate, 647-7653.Q I sary's return from Manila and developers, announced in October been rejected if a vote had been announced he is sending him to that it would open a store at the I MISCELLANEOUS I MISCELLANEOUS I I IHOMES IHOMES Construction Executive meet with El Salvador’s President taken this week, but that the Habib needs furnished 2 or 3 ICARS/TRUCKS 1964 Dodge Dart — 4 door appointment improves the pros­ mall. FOR RENT FOR RENT I I I for sa le FOR SALE CONDOMINIUMS Jose Napoleon Duarte next week. In making the announcement I bedroom living facility I FOR SALE autom atic, 207, V-3, 51,000 pects for approval. The pair will discuss Duarte's new during a news conference at I FOR SALE for 4 months between 4/1 original m iles. $500. 875- U.S. officials, who asked not to to 8/31 near Manchester Central American peace plan.
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