5342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE April 3, 2001 Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- ated with attempts to organize a peaceful op- ment by the gentleman from California er, I yield back the balance of my time. position, to expose corruption, to preserve (Mr. LANTOS) updating the resolution The SPEAKER pro tempore. The their ethnic minority identity, or to use the to reflect the fact that the Bush ad- question is on the motion offered by Internet for the free exchange of ideas, and ministration has introduced a resolu- have sentenced many citizens so detained to the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. harsh prison terms; tion at the Human Rights Commission ROS-LEHTINEN) that the House suspend Whereas Chinese authorities continue to in Geneva concerning the deplorable the rules and agree to the resolution, exert control over religious and cultural in- human rights condition in the People’s House Resolution 91. stitutions in Tibet, abusing human rights Republic of China. The title will be The question was taken. through instances of torture, arbitrary ar- amended to reflect the modifications The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the rest, and detention of Tibetans without pub- made by the manager’s amendment. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of lic trial for peacefully expressing their polit- This resolution is a statement of fact those present have voted in the affirm- ical or religious views; outlining that China is an authori- Whereas bilateral human rights dialogues ative. between several nations and the People’s Re- tarian state which continues to sys- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. public of China have yet to produce substan- tematically violate the human rights Speaker, on that I demand the yeas tial adherence to international norms; and of everyone, and the civil and political and nays. Whereas the People’s Republic of China has liberties of all of its citizens. State se- The yeas and nays were ordered. signed the International Covenant on Civil curity personnel are responsible for nu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and Political Rights, but has yet to take the merous abuses, such as political and ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the steps necessary to make the treaty legally other extrajudicial killings, lengthy in- binding: Now, therefore, be it communicado detentions, and the use Chair’s prior announcement, further Resolved, That the House of Representa- proceedings on this motion will be tives— of torture. postponed. (1) strongly supports the decision of the National, racial, and ethnic minori- ties remain subject to intense persecu- f United States Government to offer and so- licit cosponsorship for a resolution at the tion and discrimination. The authori- URGING INTRODUCTION OF U.N. 57th Session of the United Nations Human ties frequently launch campaigns to RESOLUTION CALLING UPON THE Rights Commission in Geneva, Switzerland, crack down on opposition and pro-de- PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA calling upon the Government of the People’s mocracy groups. Freedom of move- TO END ITS HUMAN RIGHTS VIO- Republic of China to end its human rights ment, speech, assembly, and associa- abuses in China and Tibet, in compliance LATIONS IN CHINA AND TIBET with its international obligations; and tion are severely restricted. The con- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- (2) urges the United States Government to trols on religious worship have intensi- er, I move to suspend the rules and take the lead in organizing multilateral sup- fied, with harassment of church leaders agree to the resolution (H. Res. 56) urg- port to obtain passage by the Commission of and other faithful, including fines, de- ing the appropriate representative of such resolution. tentions, physical abuse, and torture. the United States to the United Na- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Many houses of worship have been de- tions Commission on Human Rights to ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from stroyed. introduce at the annual meeting of the Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) and the Trafficking in persons, mainly Commission a resolution calling upon gentleman from California (Mr. LAN- women and children, for forced pros- the People’s Republic of China to end TOS) each will control 20 minutes. titution or illegal forced labor con- its human rights violations in China The Chair recognizes the gentle- tinues, placing this segment of the pop- and Tibet, and for other purposes, as woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- ulation in constant risk of slavery. amended. LEHTINEN). Recently, we have seen how their bla- The Clerk read as follows: GENERAL LEAVE tant disregard for the universal rights and liberties of human beings extends H. RES. 56 Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- er, I ask unanimous consent that all to foreign visitors, as reflected by the Whereas the annual meeting of the United detention of academics by the Chinese Nations Commission on Human Rights in Ge- Members may have 5 legislative days neva, Switzerland, provides a forum for dis- within which to revise and extend their regime. Dr. Xu Zerong, a Ph.D. from cussing human rights and expressing inter- remarks and include extraneous mate- Oxford University, was detained last national support for improved human rights rial on the resolution now under con- fall; and to date the Chinese authori- performance; sideration. ties have not offered any explanation Whereas, according to the Department of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there for his continued detention. His family State and international human rights orga- objection to the request of the gentle- still does not know where he is being nizations, the Government of the People’s held. Republic of China continues to commit wide- woman from Florida? There was no objection. Professor Li Shaomin, a U.S. citizen spread and well-documented human rights who teaches business at the City Uni- abuses in China and Tibet; Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- Whereas the People’s Republic of China has er, I yield myself such time as I may versity of Hong Kong, was arrested on yet to demonstrate its willingness to abide consume. February 25. The Chinese have yet to by internationally accepted norms of free- Madam Speaker, as a cosponsor of present any information regarding dom of belief, expression, and association by House Resolution 56, I rise in support charges against him. repealing or amending laws and decrees that of the manager’s amendment and urge There is the case of Dr. Gao Zhan, a restrict those freedoms; my colleagues to vote in favor of this research scholar based at American Whereas the Government of the People’s University, detained last month by Republic of China continues to ban and crim- important resolution, which urges the passage of a U.S.-sponsored resolution Chinese authorities. inalize groups it labels as cults or heretical Just today, Human Rights Watch’s organizations; at the U.N. Commission on Human Whereas the Government of the People’s Rights which calls upon the Chinese Academic Freedom Committee sent the Republic of China has repressed unregistered Government to end its human rights letter to the Chinese leader to protest religious congregations and spiritual move- violations in China and Tibet. these detentions, and calling on the ments, including Falun Gong, and persists in During committee consideration, the Chinese leadership to follow inter- persecuting persons on the basis of unau- chairman requested unanimous consent nationally recognized standards of due thorized religious activities using such process to protect the lives and the measures as harassment, prolonged deten- that the Chair be authorized to seek consideration of House Resolution 56 rights of these scholars. tion, physical abuse, incarceration, and clo- Further, there is the grim situation sure or destruction of places of worship; on the House suspension calendar. that the U.S. is facing of protecting Whereas authorities in the People’s Repub- b 1530 lic of China have continued their efforts to and securing the safe return of 25 extinguish expressions of protest or criti- No objection was heard. The man- Americans being held hostage by the cism, have detained scores of citizens associ- ager’s amendment includes an amend- PRC. This picture paints a profound VerDate Aug 04 2004 11:09 Feb 16, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H03AP1.000 H03AP1 April 3, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 5343 and widespread violation of inter- The resolution before the House abouts are unknown. Her husband was nationally recognized human rights today indicates strong support for the blindfolded and driven 2 hours to an norms. decision of our administration to offer unknown location, and their 5-year-old The People’s Republic of China must a resolution at the Human Rights Com- son was taken to a government facil- be held accountable for its action. Con- mission in Geneva calling on the Chi- ity, even though his grandparents live stant pressure from the U.S. and the nese government to end its human in the city, where they happened to be. international community is vital if any rights abuses, both in China and in One of my grandchildren is 5 years improvements are to take place in Tibet. old. I can imagine the fear and the hor- China. The resolutions before us are an In the past, Congress has passed simi- ror and the pain and the nightmare a 5- important part of that strategy. lar resolutions, but unfortunately, the year-old must go through as out of the I am proud that the Bush administra- Chinese government usually prevails in blue his mother and father are ar- tion has rejected the view that Beijing Geneva on a so-called no-action mo- rested, taken to separate government is our strategic partner and considers tion.
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