E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1997 No. 18 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. WELCOMING REV. RICHARD for 1 minute and to revise and extend The prayer was offered by the guest ANDERSON his remarks.) chaplain, Rev. Richard Anderson, First (Mr. HASTERT asked and was given Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, head- Presbyterian Church, Aurora, IL: permission to address the House for 1 lines said: Bailout a success, Mexico re- Let us pray. O mighty God, the minute.) pays Uncle Sam. source of all goodness, please bless Mr. HASTERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Yellow brick road time. Do not bet those who are in positions of power and welcome to this House and to introduce your pesos on it. Reports now say that authority in this country. Bless the our guest chaplain for today, Pastor all of the money used to repay the loan President and his family, all members Dick Anderson of the First Pres- was borrowed at interest rates so high of his Cabinet and all legislators in byterian Church in Aurora, IL. He is a they would make John Gotti blush. Congress. Enrich them with Your grace spiritual leader of one of the largest Folks, I say there is a big con game and fill them with Your spirit, that congregations in my 14th District of Il- going on here. Mexico is in a shambles, they may be governed with wisdom and linois. I thank him for his message as and what is worse, the cancer from godliness by these Your servants. we open this session. Mexico is spreading to Uncle Sam. And watch over those who help form First Presbyterian has taken an ac- Eighty percent of all narcotics are now public opinion, the press and the broad- tive role in the life of the community, coming across the border, and there are casting services; that we may be en- and it is home for outreach ministries two giant sucking sounds here, folks: abled to exercise our rights as citizens which include programs for at-risk No. 1, American jobs going to Mexico; in a manner which is responsible and in teenagers and other young people. and, No. 2, Mexican cocaine going up accordance with Your will. It is also fitting that Pastor Ander- American noses. As the Ruler of all nations, may we son is here today on the 12th of Feb- Beam me up. If this is a success, then represent You well as Your instru- ruary as we mark the birthday of one General Custer at Little Big Horn's ments of peace and justice to the of our greatest Presidents, Abraham victory must have been called a vic- world. tory. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, ``In Lincoln. A noted student of Lincoln's speeches and writings, Pastor Anderson Let us stop the propaganda. Let us helping our neighbor to wholeness and get a trade policy with Mexico. Be- freedom, we assure wholeness and free- has masterfully portrayed our 16th President on literally hundreds of occa- cause the truth is, it simply sucks. dom for ourselves. So shall we nobly f save or meanly lose the last best hope sions throughout the State of Illinois of Earth.'' So help us God. Amen. and this Nation, including the reenact- TAX RELIEF ment last year of the great Lincoln- f Douglas debates in Illinois. (Mr. CHABOT asked and was given THE JOURNAL As recently as yesterday he rep- permission to address the House for 1 minute.) The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- resented and portrayed Lincoln here in Washington, DC, on the celebration Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, it has be- ined the Journal of the last day's pro- come popular to say that there are no ceedings and announces to the House today of Lincoln's birthday. Mr. Speaker, I would ask you and my significant philosophical differences in his approval thereof. this town anymore. I do not buy it. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- colleagues to join me in welcoming my Take, for one small example, an ex- nal stands approved. friend, Pastor Dick Anderson, to our change that took place here in Wash- f House of Representatives. f ington just yesterday. One of our dis- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tinguished colleagues, the gentleman ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman from Arizona [Mr. HAYWORTH], asked PRO TEMPORE from Ohio (Mr. TRAFICANT) come for- President Clinton's Treasury Secretary ward and lead the House in the Pledge The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. a very good question yesterday: Why of Allegiance. LAHOOD). The Chair will entertain 10 does the President propose to cut off Mr. TRAFICANT led the Pledge of one-minutes on each side. the $500 per child tax credit for any Allegiance as follows: f parent whose child reaches the age of 13? Why is it somehow less expensive I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the MEXICAN REPAYMENT OF LOANS United States of America, and to the Repub- for a working mom to care for a 12- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was year-old than it is to care for a 13-year- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. given permission to address the House old? Well, said the Treasury Secretary, b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H455 H456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 12, 1997 the Government has to be careful how who are well respected and who are ranking member on the permanent it, quote, spends its scarce resources. committed to doing what is right and Ethics Committee. Now, that is where I have a major what is in the best interests of the in- So we will be joining with the major- difference with the administration. stitution. ity leader in the unanimous consent re- When a parent is able to keep some of While we have many Members who quest for their appointment and for the the money that he or she works very meet this criteria, I believe I have understanding that there will not be a hard to earn, that is not an example of found six who will work well with filing of ethics complaints for this, I the Government spending money. It is Members, to be appointed by Mr. GEP- believe to be, 65-day period in which not our money, to begin with, here in HARDT. this group should be doing its work. Washington. It belongs to the people Members are the gentleman from I thank the gentleman and Members who earn it. We ought to cut taxes, and Louisiana [Mr. LIVINGSTON], who I have on his side for working with us on this let us begin to do it now. asked to be one of the cochairs, the process. I think it is an important step f gentleman from Florida [Mr. GOSS], forward in working together to im- the gentleman from Delaware [Mr. prove the ethics process for the body. I CREATION OF BIPARTISAN TASK CASTLE], the gentleman from Califor- look forward to receiving recommenda- FORCE TO REVIEW ETHICS PROC- nia [Mr. THOMAS], the gentleman from tions from this group. ESS New York [Mr. SOLOMON] and the gen- Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank (Mr. ARMEY asked and was given tleman from Utah [Mr. HANSEN], who the gentleman. permission to address the House for 1 as chairman of the Ethics Committee I should also advise Members of the minute.) will serve as an ex officio member of body that, during this interim period, Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, before I the task force. the regular work of the Ethics Com- begin, I would like to thank my col- Minority Leader GEPHARDT and I mittee under the leadership of the gen- leagues that are waiting for their 1- have also agreed on a moratorium on tleman from Utah [Mr. HANSEN] and minutes for their willingness to let me the filing of new ethics complaints the gentleman from California [Mr. intercede at this time. I appreciate until April 11. This 2-month cooling-off BERMAN] will continue to advise Mem- their grace and patience. period will give the task force members bers with respect to requests they Mr. Speaker, over the past few an opportunity to meet, review and dis- might make about the appropriateness months the gentleman from Missouri cuss how the ethics process can be im- of courses of action they may take. [Mr. GEPHARDT], the minority leader, proved and in a climate free from spe- That advisory function, I know, is and I have been talking about the need cific questions of ethical propriety. being carried out well because I just for a comprehensive review of the eth- The task force is free to look into got some advice back from the com- ics process. We have had several good any and all aspects of the ethics proc- mittee myself yesterday on a trip that discussions culminating in our joint ess. Some of the questions I think the I am looking at. So let me just say appearance before the House today to task force will want to address include: that I believe this accommodation en- announce the creation of a bipartisan Who can file a complaint and upon ables every Member to feel they have a task force to conduct a review of the what basis of information, what should place to make their inquiries.
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