Nice Ride bikes Chicago Avenue Wisdom lauded by expand into businesses savor Minnesota Business So. Minneapolis local connection Magazine Page 2 Page 3 Page 7 Longfellow Nokomis Yo u r c o m m u n i t y Messeng newspaper since 1982 June 2013 Vo l . 2 9 N o. 4 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com 21,000 Circulation • Is Minneapolis targeting students of color for suspension, transfer? Critics see race and class inequalities in system By TESHA M. CHRISTENSEN SUSPENSIONS AND adviser of South High School’s Does Minneapolis Public s.t.a.r.t. (students allied for racial Schools target students of color TRANSFERS INSTEAD trust). when deciding who gets sus- OF EXPULSIONS Critics charge that the system pended and who is transferred to itself is racist, and that there’s no another school? Minneapolis Public Schools indication that students of color Some charge that it does, (MPS) hasn’t expelled a student have more disruptive behavior and say that the system is funda- in 10 years. Instead, it has relied than white students. mentally flawed. on a system of out-of-school sus- In March, Brandon Royce- “Transfers represent larger pensions and academic transfers, Diap of MN Solutions Not Sus- problems of race and class in- moving an average of 277 stu- pensions spoke to s.t.a.r.t. about equalities in the district,” ob- dents each year. the racial gap in suspensions and served South High School stu- Statistics show a racial dis- other disciplinary actions. “We dent Elise Sommers. parity. At South High, Native talked about how the language of South High parent Lynette American students make up only discipline policies is unclear, al- Vizenor pointed out that this 6.7% of the student body, yet lowing teachers to interpret them spring, her daughter will gradu- they accounted for 17.5% of the with their own biases,” recalled ate with only one-fourth of the out-of-school suspensions in Towle. Native American students who 2009 (the most recent year statis- tics are available through the U.S. entered the All Nations program POLICY CHANGED with her in ninth grade. The rest Department of Education). Black have dropped out or received ac- students comprise a quarter of IN 2012 FOLLOWING "We need to honestly address how our systems entrench racial, social, and ademic transfers out of the the student body but made up cultural inequalities, not just in discipline but every aspect of our struc- school. half of the school’s suspensions. LAWSUIT BY STUDENT tures," says South High student Elise Sommers. “There is still segregation Overall in the school district, When student journalist Elise and racism,” Vizenor remarked. 52% of the suspensions are of Sommers began researching an “There is a problem with admin- African American boys compared article for the school newspaper, gust 2012 following a lawsuit address how our systems en- istrators.” to a mere 6% of white boys, the Southerner, on the district’s Jonah Kaplan and his family trench racial, social, and cultural pointed out Kate Towle, the adult new transfer policy, she discov- lodged against the district after inequalities, not just in discipline ered that many don’t know the his transfer from Southwest to but every aspect of our struc- details of the system. Washburn. tures.” Becketwood-LOLA Art Fair scheduled for June 15 “Every level of administra- The policy was expanded to tion I talked to at South (deans, outline communication to fami- RESTORATIVE MEASURES vice principals, principal, other lies about the transfer, as well as district people) were unsure as to objection and review. PROGRAM SEEKS TO the exact process of administra- “The main reforms that need tive transfers,” said Sommers. to happen across the board with ADDRESS UNDERLYING ISSUES The Minneapolis Public administrative justice in the dis- A report from the Council on School district’s new transfer pol- trict is to introduce more trans- Crime and Justice in 2008 point- icy is supposed to clear up the parency,” said Sommers. “Par- ed out that studies have shown ambiguity surrounding academic ents, teachers, students, and ad- little evidence that suspension is transfers, but it is still too early to ministrators need to be involved useful to prevent future student see whether the revised system in the conversation of how best misbehavior. It cited a 1998 will make a change, according to to balance the student’s needs study that showed that out-of- Sommers. and the community’s. The policy was revised in Au- “We also need to honestly Continued on page 16 If you aren’t a Messenger Facebook friend, you might have missed this last month: New documentary opening on Frac Sand Mining • Performance of the ANCIA Saxophone Quartet • Faith Evangelical Spaghetti Dinner • Cinco de Mayo week at Midtown Global Market • Laughing Waters Studio The necklaces (above) were designed by Shirley Dahlgren, one of the hosting 10th annual art sale • South High graduate awarded a Fulbright Scholar appointment • Riverview artists who will be participating in LOLA show. Apartments receives a Best In Real Estate Award • “Storytelling from a Transgender Perspective” at Nokomis Library • Seward Garage Sale registration and sale • Falls 4 All Committee awarded Volunteer Becketwood Cooperative and the Longfellow League of Artists (LOLA) are partnering to sponsor an Art Fair and Sale on Saturday, Group of the Year Award • What was selling at the Midtown Farmers Market • Minnehaha Academy boys’ June 15. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Becket- varsity baseball team takes part in “Miracle League” • East Lake Library Spring Book Sales • Classes open wood, 4300 West River Parkway. on honeybees and how to keep them • Meeting of the Longfellow Faith Forum • Nokomis Library sculpture The show will feature the work of about 30 Longfellow artists to be re-installed after renovation • Tapestry Folk Dance Center celebrates 30 years • Art exhibit on the who will display and sell their hand-crafted items including jewel- human form • Lake Street Council receives Mpls Heritage Preservation Award • Transition Longfellow ry, paintings, textiles, sculptures, and photos. The June 15 show will serve as a preview of LOLA’s annual Art shows film, “Edible City…” • MN Transportation Museum looking or volunteers • Cooking demos at Mid- Crawl on August 24 and 25. town Farmers Market • Photos from the Unity in the Community event • 38th annual Conf for Neighbor- For more information, call 612-746-1002. hoods held in Minnehaha Park • Longfellow Garden Club’s annual plant swap • New documentary opening Nice Ride bikes come to South Minneapolis By JILL BOOGREN you’re ready to ride again, The green bikes are going whether it’s after a quick visit or even greener, as Nice Ride Min- a full day of work (or play), you nesota expands its bike share net- pick up another bike and go to work to reach local parks and the next stop. There is just one trails. fee of $6 for the day (or people Look for stations at Lake can get an annual subscription Nokomis, Minnehaha Park, West for $65), and you can take as River Parkway, Coldwater Spring, many short trips as you like with- and Fort Snelling. Thanks in part in that 24-hour period. to a National Park Service grant Bike sharing serves both to support its Alternative Trans- commuters and leisure users. Ac- portation Project, it will now be cording to its annual report, Nice possible to explore the Mississip- Ride found a majority of riders pi River using Nice Ride bikes have a one-year pass, and among from Fort Snelling up to Webber subscribers, most trips are for Park. This section of the river is work, school and to run errands. part of the Mississippi National But plenty of people get day River & Recreation Area. passes as well. Usually stations are placed Over 575,000 trips have in high density areas, sometimes been taken on the green bikes at the request of developers who since their launch in June 2010. want stations nearby, said Melis- The season runs from April sa Summers, customer care man- through November. ager for Nice Ride Minnesota. Blue Cross and Blue Shield, But people often request stations People take Nice Ride bikes out for a spin across the Sabo bridge. (Photo provided by Nice Ride Minnesota.) Nice Ride’s title sponsor, also near the parks (Lake Calhoun is helped fund the stations, bring- one of its most popular stations). ing the total to 170 stations and “We’re really excited to be line, now called the Blue Line, guide emphasizes transit options, added that the stations are partic- over 1500 bikes in Minneapolis- able to expand into the area near the 38th St. and 46th St. they know biking can be an im- ularly well placed for those who St. Paul. Of the 24 being added along the river,” said Summers, LRT stations. portant part of the trip. want to stay on trails and aren’t to the network, nine stations are suggesting it’s a good way to let “Having the bikes at rail As an example, someone as comfortable on roads. in the the Longfellow Nokomis people try the service. “It makes stops is pretty smart,” said Deb could take a train or bus to the Nice Ride bikes are designed neighborhoods. it a lot more convenient.” Alper, who has been involved in 46th St. station, then hop on a for quick trips, so having more Hennepin County also pro- a multi-year project as a volun- Nice Ride bike to explore the stations along a route is key. Ad- Ride on! vided funds to add stations along teer with the Sierra Club’s Land river and parks.
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