------- ~--- -~----.,--------,--------- I 8 4 2 I 9 9 2 Saint Marys~ NOTRE PAME•INAN VOL. XXIV NO. 102 TUESDAY . FEBRUARY 25, 1992 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S SMC elections may be unfair Rhattigan ticket appealed the is a direct result of the poor By MARA DIVIS AND AMY committee's decision to the judgement and lack of consis­ • Auyer GREENWOOD Elections Appeals Board. After tency of the committee and ad­ examination, the Appeals Board visors throughout the entire Ill Fellrath News Writers overturned the committee's election process." tli Huston decision to disqualify the ticket. They instead issued a warning. Smyth Despite controversy concern­ Van Dersarl stated that the The Appeals Board reached fact that the Appeals Board met 0 Other ing campaign violations, the Saint Mary's Student Body their decision based on a review so late on Feb. 23 also in­ of the Constitution which states Election results have been final­ terfered with the incident be­ that two poster violations are coming public knowledge. ized. required for disqualification. The ticket led by Tina Carrara •The committee also received Upon receiving an appeal, the captured 51 percent of the a poster violation complaint votes to win Monday's run-off Appeals Board reviews all the against the Carrara ticket on previous information about the election according to Lori Feb. 23. Based on the prece­ Marucut, Elections Commis­ ticket and evaluates if the dent set by the Appeals Board committee's decision is valid. • Connolly sioner. concerning the Rhattigan viola­ A joint statement by Liz Van tion, the committee issued a The Appeals Board consists of Ml Tankovich Dersarl, Chairperson of the Election Appeals Board, and warning to the Carrara ticket. Greer Gilliland, Athletic 0 Other Commissioner, Ellen McQuillan, Marucut said the following events occurred beginning Feb. Although the Rhattigan ticket president of the Resident Hall was disqualified and later re­ Association, and Van Dersarl. 19: instated, the student body was To guard against any bias, all •The Election Committee is­ sued warnings to five tickets not alerted about the situation board members are seniors regarding campaign finance vi­ and the election proceeded as who have no interest in the scheduled. olations. At that time, the tick­ election results. ets were warned that further "It was in the opinion of the The committee decided that a violations would result in dis­ U) Appeals Board that it (the vio­ postponement in the election ':W • Powers qualification. a: lation and appeal) would not was not warranted said Janet 0 Ill Sheppard •On Feb. 23, the Election :::i Committee received a poster vi­ affect the outcome of the elec­ Anderson, Director of Student II[ Husain tion," Van Dersarl said. 0 olation against the ticket led by Activities. ::J: "The committee felt that it D. Ricker Colleen Rhattigan. Upon re­ Rhattigan stated, however, g view, the committee unani­ was in the best interest of the 0 Other "Because of the confusion about candidates and the election mously decided to disqualify the the incident, many students process if we could handle the ticket. thought we had been dis­ Later that same day, the appeal in a timely manner," she qualified and did not vote. This said. Class election results are finalized Carrara ticket wins SMC By MICHAEL SCHOLL Andrea Auyer's ticket came in more class officers. In last News Writer first with 36 percent of the night's balloting, tickets led by student body elections votes, while the ticket led by Andrea Ricker (with 35 percent The ticket led by Dan Con­ Joe Huston placed second with of the vote) and Lisa Powers (25 By MARA DIVIS institute their platform, said nolly won last night's junior 31 percent. Pat Smyth's ticket percent) earned enough support News Writer Vice President-elect of Aca­ class election, taking a solid took third place with 15 percent to move on to tomorrow's demic Affairs Mary Beth majority of votes in the two of the votes, while Tom second round. David The ticket led by Tina Carrara Wilkinson. ticket race. Fellrath's ticket received 14 Sheppard's ticket came in third won the run-off election for The Connolly ticket received percent. Write-in candidates with 18 percent, six votes ahead Saint Mary's student body of­ "We're excited about the stu­ 61 percent of the votes, com­ polled 4 percent. of the fourth place ticket led by fices yesterday. The officers for dents' dedication to unifying pared to 22 percent for the op­ Since none of the senior class Keary Husain. Write-in the 1992-93 school year are Saint Mary's pursuit of intellec­ posing ticket led by Steve tickets received a majority of candidates received 4 percent Tina Carrara, Student Body tual interaction," she said. Tankovich. Most of the 17 per­ the vote, Auyer and Huston will of the votes. Junior class presi­ President; Mary Beth Wilkin­ cent of the write-in votes went compete in run-off election to­ dent-elect Connolly said his son, Vice President for Aca­ The run-off election also pro­ to a ticket led by Matthew Dor­ morrow. administration would perform demic Affairs; and Julie Mc­ duced the results of the elec­ ing A run-off election will also the traditional class officer du- Cormick, Vice President for tions for the classes of 199 3 In the senior class election, determine next year's sopho- Student Activities, according to and 1994, Marucut said. see ELECTION I page 6 Elections Commissioner Lori Marucut. For the class of 1993, the ticket led by Julie Marsh won The Carrara ticket took 51 by capturing 46 percent of the percent of the vote to win the vote while Megan Fannon's election, while the ticket of ticket took 44 percent of the Colleen Rhattigan for Student vote. Body President, Ann Grant for Vice President of Academic Af­ The election for the class of fairs, and Martha Marzolf for 1994 produced a winner in the Vice President of Student Activi­ ticket led by Elizabeth Petrovic, ties took 45 percent, Marucut which took 4 7 percent. Kelly said. Collins' ticket took 40 percent, Marucut said. · The Carrara ticket is eager to Investigation continues on hit-and-run car accident By Frank Rivera County prosecutor Michael Assistant News Editor Barnes will decide whether or not to bring formal charges Investigation continues into against the driver, according to the Feb. 16 hit-and-run acci­ Feirrell. dent that injured two Saint The driver also faces possible Mary's sophomores. sanctions from the University St. Joseph County police are through the Office of Residence still gathering information from Life. a Notre Dame junior who "Any violation of Indiana laws The Observer/Marguerite Schropp contacted authorities claiming (by a student) comes under the Saint Mary's students visit the polls yesterday on their way into the dining hall. Election involvement in the accident, but Office of Residence Life," said results saw the Carrara ticket win the run-off with 51 percent of the votes while the have set "no time table on the William Kirk, assistant vice Rhattigan ticket tallied 45 percent. investigation," said Sgt. Charles Feirrell. see HIT I page 6 I ':II· I: I I J · ,i( '\ ) ) • ~ ' \ f • I' ~ C • ,1 ~ '\ l I I page 2 Tuesday, February 25, 1992 INSIDE COLUMN FORECAST: Highs in the upper If Elvis returns, 30s with a more than lines separate high temperature zones for the day. likely chance of rain Bush may be and aslight unemployed chance of flurries TEMPERATliES: It just hit me the other 70 day, the seventies are City H L coming back like a bad Abuquerque 411 33 Atlanta 81 53 dream. Everyone knows Austin n 54 that sideburns are slowly Barcelona 68 49 Baton Rouge 19 82 making their way back Bisrnatd< 36 30 into the American fashion Boise 42 34 scene, that Elvis has been Boston 31 23 Colu!TOia.S.C. 71 43 spotted at Burger Kings John Rock Colurri>uo 44 32 Asst.Photo Ed't Denver 47 32 everrwhere, and (heaven 1 Dao Molnao 51 41 forbid) a Democrat may or Harrisburg 51 33 end up in the White Helena 49 29 House. Helsinki 39 21 Honolulu 81 71 Since they're coming back, there is a lot that Indianapolis 42 31 we, the "Republican because Mommy and Juneau 31 21 Lincoln 58 46 Daddy voted for Reagan" generation, can learn Madison 38 29 from them while they are here. Mpis-St. Paul 34 24 The only thing I vividly remember about the NashviUe 52 39 Sacramento 69 53 seventies is that President Carter often Salt Lake City 40 32 interrupted my afternoon cartoons to blab to the South Bend 42 35 Tallahassee 80 54 nation for a half hour. Since Reagan never Topeka 58 44 talked to anyone except Nancy, I became HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY Washington, D.C. 50 39 Republican because Ron let me watch Scooby Doo and didn't bother my second-grade mind with worldly affairs. Unfortunately, when Jimmy Carter left office, America looked upon his administration as a TODAY AT A GLANCE failure because of his "mishandling" of the Iranian hostage crisis, "giving" the Panama Canal back to Panama, and wasting too much WORLD another land," she writes. "But if that tornado never TV time. comes to take us away ... then I will do it myself." Her President Ronnie solved all our problems Holocaust movie up for Oscar 29-page work tells of children who taunt and beat her though.
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