Journal of America’s Military Past Subject Index by Whole Number A Alternative Joint Communications Center, 100 Acronyms, Army, 47, 53 Ambulances, Civil War, 64 Adams, Fort, RI, 31, 75 American Foreign Legionaires, 85 Adjutant General, Army, 87 American Military Philosophical Society, Aero Squadron, 1st, 70, 123 104 Afghanistan, 136 American Review, 105 African Americans, 67, 84, 85, 90, 91, 92, Antiaircraft artillery, 50, 52, 63, 83 95, 97, 101, 105, 113, 116, 118, 125, Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion, 8th, 52 135 Antiaircraft Artillery Training Centers, African American School Detachments, 135 Camp Cullen, CA, 50 Air Force bases, Camp Haan, CA, 63 Glasgow, MT, 3 Apache, Fort, AZ, 6, 21 March, CA, 73 Apache Pass, 2, 88 Pyote, TX, 17, 48 Apache Scouts, 39 Warren, WY, 58 Apache Wars, 2, 63, 66, 78, 88 Air Service Command , Ordnance Section, Arikaree Campaign of 1823, 88 Base Air Depot, England, 74 Arizona (State), 1, 2, 6, 12, 16, 21, 26, 30, Air Transport Command, CBI, 74 32, 35, 38, 39, 47, 60, 63, 66, 69, 78 Aircraft (military) use in fighting forest fires, Camps, 26, 32, 35, 39, 47 75 Forts, 1, 2, 6, 12, 21, 26, 35, 63 Aircraft Warning Service, Army, 86 Installations of, 1, 2, 6, 12, 16, 21, Airships, 26, 32, 35, 38, 39, 47, 63 Macon, USS, 46 Arizona, USS, 132 Los Angeles, USS, 46, 69 Arkansas (State), 71 Shenandoah, USS, 69 Armstrong, James, Jr., CSA, 103 Airship landing point, Hawaii, 46 Army, Alabama (State), 27 acronyms, 47, 53 Alaska (State), 23, 36, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 74, Adjutant General, 87 77, 117 Aircraft Warning Service, 86 Alaska, forts of, 23, 36, 54, 55, 56, 58 bread ration, 73 Alaska Barge Terminal, AK, 52 Chaplain Corps, 68, 85, 119, 129 Alamo, TX, 82 Coast Artillery Corps, 37, 85 Albert, James W., 88 Dental Service, 75 Aleution Islands, AK, 50 Judge Advocate Corps, 104 Alcatraz Island, CA, 6, 16, 51 leisure, 43 Allegheny County, PA, 81 Medical Department, 33, 87 Minelayer Service, 93 80 Journal of America’s Military Past Army, cont., Battery Randolph, HI, 110, 111 motor transport, 67 Battle of, Promotion Reform of 1890, 73 Bacon’s Bridge, SC, 131 Strategic Communications Bentonville, 97 Command, 100 Big Black River, MS, 69 The Army and Navy Journal, 85 Bull Run, VA, 82 Army of Tennessee, 115 Arnold, Benedict, 15 Battle of, cont. Arsenal, Rock Island, IL, 5 Buna, New Guinea, 72 Artillery, Burden’s Causeway, SC, 135 Antiaircraft, 50, 52, 63, 83 Camden, SC, 100 Coast 37, 75, 79, 85 Casserine [Kasserine], 72 Field, USA, 79 Château-Thierry, France, 102 Heavy, USA, 79 Chickamauga, (Tour), 73 Aspen Hut, Fort, WY, 6 Columbus Creek, GA, 122 Athenia, 82 Dutch Harbor, AK, 53, 77 Atkinson, Fort, NE, 21, 25, 91 First Manassas (Bull Run), VA, 82 Atomic bomb, 77 Fort Stevens, DC, 129 Atterbury, Camp, IN, 5 Gettysburg, (Tour), 70, 84 Attu Island, AK, 53 Glorieta Pass, NM, 124 Augusta, Fort, PA, 27 Great Bridge, VA, 133 Aulick, Commodore John H., USN, 114 Horsehoe Bend, AL, 70 Infernal Caves, CA, 96 B Jonesboro, GA, 107 [Kasserine], Casserine, 72 B-1B (Aircraft), 89 Little Big Horn, MT, 71, 99 B-17 (Aircraft), 124 Little Blue River, MO, 127 B-29 (Aircraft), 49, 69, 77 Murfreesboro, Battle of, TN, 85 Bacon’s Bridge, Battle of, SC, 131 Manassas, First, (Bull Run), VA, 82 Baja, CA, 85 Ninety Six, NC, 76 Baker, Camp MT, 23, 54 Palmito Ranch, TX, 122 Barracks, Red Butte, CO, 114 Columbus Barracks, OH, 85 Richmond, KY, 64 Frankfort Barracks, KY, 74 Savo Island, 59 Jefferson Barracks, MO, 80 Skeleton Cave, AZ, 66, 69 Madison Barracks, NY, 100, Soissons, France, 69 Pettit Barracks, Philippines, 92 Spotsylvania, VA, 90, 99 Sidney Barracks, NE, 34, 54 Stone River, TN, 85 Barrage Balloons, 65 Valcour Island, 75 Bascom Affair, 88 Vicksburg, MS, 51, 69, 73 Bascom, Lt. George N., USA, 2, 88 Battlefield preservation, 93, 97, 127 Baseball, Japan, 135 Battlefield Staff Ride, 81 81 Journal of America’s Military Past Baynard, Fort, NM, 69 Burden’s Causeway, Battle of, SC, 135 Beale, Camp, CA, 9, 75, 76, 77, 78 Bureau of Land Management, U.S., 32 Bedloe Island, NY, 28, 32, 38 Beijing, China, 104 C Bennington, USS, (PG–4), 101 Bent’s Fort, CO, 69 Calhoun, Fort, VA, 30 Bentonville, Battle of, preservation efforts, California (State), 4, 10, 13/14, 39, 44, 47, 97 48, 50, 60, 63, 66, 67, 69, 72, 75, 85, Bernard Board, 55 94, 96, 109, 110, 128, 130, 137 Big Bend, TX, 82 Big Black River, Battle of, MS, 69 California, cont., Billingsport, NJ, 36 Camps, 9, 45, 48, 50, 63, 67, 75, 76, Black Confederates, 84 77, 78, 128 Black Hills posts, 91 Forts, 4, 9, 10, 11, 39, 66, 70, 89 Black Rock, CT, forts, 12 Installations, 4, 9, 10, 11, 25, 28, 39, Black Watch, 81 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 59, 63, 66, Bledsoe, Hiram M., 120 67, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 89, Bliss, Fort, TX, 7, 77 94, 98, 101,128 Bomb Wing, 315th, 77 California Army National Guard, 69 Bonhomme Richard, 37 California Volunteers, 63 Boston Harbor, 16, 25, 80 California-Arizona Maneuver Area, 47 Bouse, Camp, AZ, 47 Camden, Battle of, SC, 100 Bowie, Fort, TX, 26 Camp Atterbury, IN, 5 Boxer Rebellion, China, 104 Camp Baker, MT, 23, 54 Boyington, Maj. Gregory “Pappy”, USMC, Camp Beale, CA, 9, 75, 76, 77, 78 99 Camp Bouse, AZ, 47 Bozeman Trail, 35 Camp Claiborne, LA, 86 Brady, Capt. Samuel, 89 Camp Cooke, CA, 75 Bragg, General Braxton, CSA, 112 Camp Crittenden, AZ, 26 Brailsford, James, 68 Camp Cullen, CA, 50 Branch, Fort, NC, 33 Camp Ellis, IL, 72 Bread ration, Army, 73 Camp Fremont, PA, 81 Brittany, France, 83 Camp Furlong, NM, 119 Browning Automatic Rifle (BARCA), 70 Camp Haan, CA, 63 Bryan, Capt. Thomas, USA, 75, 78 Camp Hat Creek, WY, 22 Buchanan, Fort, AZ, 16 Camp John Hay, Philippines, 92 Buchanan, Fort, PR, 94 Camp Hentig, AZ, 32 “Buffalo Soldiers,” use of the term, 113; see Camp Holland, TX, 44 also African Americans. Camp Horn, AZ, 47 Bull Run, Battle of, VA, 82 Camp Howe, PA, 81 Buna, New Guinea, Battle of, 72 Camp Hyden, AZ, 47 Bunker Hill, MA, 133 Camp Independence, CA, 48 82 Journal of America’s Military Past Camp Kearny, CA, 45 Camps, cont., Camp Stephen D. Little, AZ, 35 Ohio, 99 Camp Lucas, MI, 52 Pennsylvania, 81 Camp Marfa, TX, 82 Philippines, 92 Camp McGarry, NV, 65 Spanish-American War, 87 “Camp Miami,“ FL, 107 Texas, 19, 44, 82 Camp Montgomery, PA, 81 World War I, 95 Camp Moore, AZ, 26 World War II, 125 Camp Nelson, KY, 84 Wyoming, 22 Camp Nye, NV, 53 Canada, 28, 92, 98, 126 Camp Parks, CA, 128 Canada, forts of, 92, 126 Canal Zone, 6 Camps, cont., Canine Training Center, Fort Robinson, NE, Camp Perry, OH, 99 62 Camp Roberts, CA, 67 Cape Breton Island, Canada, 28 Camp Rucker, AZ, 39 Cape Fear, NC, 34 Camp Scott, PA, 81 Cape Sable, FL, 94 Camp Sheridan, NE, 73 Cape Small, ME, 86 Camp Shoemaker, CA, 128 Caradao Island, 46 Camp Supply, AZ, 39 Caroline, Fort, SC, 11 Camp Swearinger, PA, 81 Carr, Lt. Camillo C. C., USA, 60 Camp Van Dorn, MS, 74 Carse, Capt. George B., USA, 118 Camp Wilkins, PA, 81 Cartagena de Indias, Columbia, 53 Camp Wilson, TX, 19 Casey, Fort, WA, 8, 36, 66 Camp Wright, PA, 81 Cassel, Lt. Cdr. Douglas R., USN, 100 Camps, Casserine [Kasserine], Battle of, 72 African-American, WWII, Castles, Arizona, 26, 32, 35, 39, 47 Clinton, NY, 98 California, 9, 45, 48, 50, 63, 67, 75, Martello, LA, 62 76, 77, 78, 128 Williams, NY, 98 Florida, 107 Casualty evacuation, Civil War, 64 Illinois, 72 Caswell, Fort, NC, 34 Indiana, 5 Cavalry Battalions, Kentucky, 84 California, 137 Korea, 68 Cavalry Regiments, Louisiana, 86 1st, 60 Mississippi, 52, 74 2nd Massachusetts, 137 Mobilization Camps of 1916, 133 3rd, 39 Montana, 23, 54 5th, 66, 76 Nebraska, 73 7th, 70, 75, 77, 118 Nevada, 53, 65 7th Iowa Volunteers, 106 New Mexico, 119 9th, 91 83 Journal of America’s Military Past Cavalry Regiments, U.S. Volunteers, 121 Coast Defense, Cavalry Saber, Model 1913, 132 Delaware, 29 Chambly, Fort, Canada, 92 Hawaii, 16 Chaplain’s Corps, Army, 68, 85, 119, 129 Louisiana, CSA, 53 Chapman, Quartermaster Charles, 114 Puget Sound, WA, 66 Chaplain Orville J. Nave, 129 Colorado (State), 45, 50, 67, 102, 114 Charleston, NH, fort at, 52 Forts, 45, 50, 59, 67, 69 Charleston Navy Yard, MA, 51 Colorado River, 102 de Chartres, Fort, IN, 68, 81 Colorado River Indian Reserve, 78 Château-Thierry, Battle of, France, 102 Columbia, SC, Union occupation of, 97 Chengtu, China, 74 Columbus Barracks, OH, 85 Cherokee Indians, Confederate use of, 50 Columbus Creek, Battle of, GA, 122 Chesapeake Bay, Defenses, 54 Columbus Flying Field, NM, 123 Cheyenne Indians, 106, 107 Combahee Ferry Raid, SC, 126 Chief of Cavalry, USA, 92 Concho, Fort, TX, 10 Chickamauga, Battle of (Tour), 73 Confederate Ordnance Works, Tyler, TX, China-Burma-India (CBI), 58, 74 119 Chino, Post at, CA, 67 Confederate use of, Chopawamsic, VA, 122 African Americans, 84 Cinema, see Movies Cherokee Indians, 50 Citizens’ Army Training Camps, 78 Connecticut (State), 12, 24 Civil Air Patrol, 101 Forts, 12 Civil War Parks, 25 Constellation, USS, 123 Civil War Last Battle, 122 Constitution Island, NY, 15 Civil War railroads, 103 Continental Army, Civil War Trust’s Civil War Explorer Engineers, 15 Program, 84 health, 125 Claiborne, Camp, LA, 86 Continental Army Engineers, West Point, 15 Clark’s Point, MA, 19 Cooke, Camp, CA, 75 Clayton Knight Committee, 100 Corbin, Brig.
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