1898. CONGRESSIONAL I RECORD-HOUSE. 195 Second Lieut. Conrad S. Babcock, Sixth Artillery, to be second Samuel M. Waterhouse, of New York. lieutenant. David Baker, of Illinois. INFANTRY ARM. Albert E. Truby, of New York. Capt. Montgomery_D. Paiker, Seventh Cavalry, to be captain. Eugene H. Hartnett, of New Jersey. Second Lieut. Woodson Hocker, Fifth Artillery, to be second Henry E. Wetherill;" of Penn..o:;ylvania. lieutenant. Richard P. Strong, of Maryland. CA V AI,RY ARM. PAY DEPARTMENT. To be colonels. To be paymaster with the rank of major. Lieut. Col. Thomas McGregor, Eighth Cavalry. Lieut. Col. Samuel M. Whitside, Fifth Cavalry. William W. Gilbert, of New York. _ To be lieutenant-colonels. O~!>NANCE DEPARTMENT, _ Maj. Stevens T. Norvell, Tenth· Cavalry. To be first lieutenants. Maj. Wirt Davis, Fifth Cavalry. Maj. Henry Wagner, Fifth Cavalry. Second Lieut. Jay E. Hoffer, Third Artillery. Maj. Camillo C. C. Carr, Eighth Cavalry. Second Lieut. Kenneth Morton, Third Artillery. Second Lieut. Clarence C. Williams, Sixth Artillery. To be majors. Second Lieut. Samuel Hof, Sixth Cavalry. Capt. Samuel M. Swigert, Second Cavalry. Second Lieut. William Tschappatt, Fifth Artillery. Capt. Joshua L. Fowler, Second Cavalry. Second Lieut. John H. Rice, Third Cavalry. Capt. Richard H. Pratt, Tenth Cavalry. Second Lieut. David M. ·King, Fourth Artillery. Capt. Charles L. Cooper, Tenth Cavalry. Second Lieut. Harry H. Stout, Sixth Cavalry. Capt. Winfield S. Edgerly, Seventh Cavalry. Second Lieut. Thales L. Ames, Third Artillery. Capt. Eugene D. Dimmick, Ninth Cavalry. Capt. Charles Morton, Third Cavalry. - To be post chaplain. To be captains. The Rev. Henry ~· Brown, of Arizona. First Lieut. John H. Gardner, quartermaster, Ninth Cavalry. APPOL.'iTMENTS IN THE ARMY. First Lieut. Charles J. Stevens, Ninth Cavalry. First Lieut. Guy Carleton, Second Cavalry. To be second lieutenants. First Lieut. William E. Almy, Fourth Cavalry, Second Lieut. Edward H. Martin, Twenty-first Infantry,. to be First Lieut. Thomas B. Dugan, Third Cavalry. second lieutenant of artillery. First Lieut. Alva:Fado M. Fuller, Second Cavalry. Second Lieut. Patrick A. Connolly, Fifth Artillery, to be second First Lieut. John B. McDonald, Tenth Cavalry. lieutenant of infantry. To be first lieutenants. Second Lieut. Henry M. Boutelle, Third Artillery, to be second Second Lieut. Joseph T. Crabbs, Eighth Cavalry. lieutenant of infantry. Second Lieut. William J. Glasgow, First Cavalry. POSTMASTERS. Second Lieut. Frank S. Armstrong, Ninth Cavalry. H. W. Clark, to be postmaster at Tabor, in the county of Fre­ Second Lieut. James G. Harbord, Fifth Cavalry. mont and State of Iowa. Second Lieut. John O'Shea, Seventh Cavalry. Charles E. Carmody, to be postmaster at Mapleton, in the county Second Lieut. Matthew A. Batson, Ninth Cavalry. of Monona and State of Iowa. - Second Lieut. Ervin L. Phillips, Sixth Cavalry. Arthur I. Brown, to be postmaster at Belfast, in the county of Second Lieut. Frank Tompkins, Seventh Cavalry. Waldo and State of 1\1aine. Second Lieut. Samuel D. Rockenbach, Tenth Cavalry, John H. Bishop, to be postmaster at Millersville, in the county Second Lieut. Robert C. Williams, First Cavalry. of Lancaster and State of Pennsylvania. Second Lieut. George W. Cole, Seventh Cavalry. William B. Means, to be postmaster at Boone, in the county of ARTILLERY ARM. Boone and State of Iowa. Albert C. Landers, to be postmaster at Newport, in the county To be captains. of Newport and Stat-e of Rhode Island. First Lieut. Eli D. Hoyie, Second Artillery. Barney Cannon, jr., to be postmaster at Bellows Falls, in the First Lieut. Granger Adams. Fifth Artillery. county of Windham and State of Vermont. 1 To be first lieutenants. Lewis C. Flagg, to be postmaster at Berwick, in the county of , Second Lieut. LeRoy S. Lyon, Second Artillery. York and State of Maine. Second Lieut. Andrew Hero, jr., Fourth Artillery. GENERAL OFFICERS. To be brigadie1·-generals. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Col. Hamilton S, Hawkins (since retired from active service), Twentieth Infantry. WEDNESDAY, December 14, 1898. Col. Jacob F. Kent (since retired from active service), Twenty­ The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. fourth Infantry. H ENRY N. COUDEN. Col. Guy V. Henry, Tenth Cavalry. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read. Col. WilliamS. \Vorth (since retired from active service), Six­ teenth Infantry. ELECTION OF A COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN. INSPECTOR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT; The SPEAKER. The Chair submits to the House a communi­ To be inspecto1·s-general with the rank of major. cation which will be read by the Clerk. The Clerk read as follows: Capt. Thomas T. Knox, First Cavalry. COMMITTEE ON RIVERS AND HARBORS, Capt. Stephen C. Mills, Twelfth Infantry. HOUSE OF R EPRESENTATIVES UNITED STATES, QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Washington, D. C., December 7,1898. At a meeting of the Committee on Rivers and Harbors this day held, at To be assistant quartermaste1·s with the rank of captain. which the following members were present, to wit: WALTER REEVES, R. P. First Lieut. Joseph C. Byro:ri, Eighth Cavalry. BISHOP, ERNEST F. ACHESON, PAGE MORRIS, WILLIAM L. WARD, THOMAS C. CATCHINGS, RUFUS E. LESTER, JOHN H. BANKHEAD, P HILIP D. MCCUL­ First Lieut. Winthrop S. Wood, Ninth Cavalry. LOCH, ALBERT S. BERRY, STEPHEN M. SPARKMAN, and THOMAS H. BALL, SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. by unanimous vote Mr. THEODORE E. BURTON of Ohio was elected chair­ man of said committee, to take the place of Mr. Warren B. Hooker, r esigned, To be commissary of subsisteJJce with the rank of captain. and on motion, voted that the Speaker be notified of the action of this com­ First Lieut. Matt R. Peterson, Sixth Infantry. mittee. WALTER REEVES, Acting Chairman. MEDICAL DEPARTME.NT. Attest: To be assistant su1·geons with the rank of first lieutenant. L. L. HANCHETT, Clerk. Weston P. Chamberlain, of Massachusetts. PE "SION APPROPRIATION BILL. Edward R. Schreiner, of Pennsylvania. Mr. BARNEY, from the Committee on Appropriations, reported Ira A. Shimer, of Pennsylvania. · the bill (H. R.11157) making appropriations for the payment of Frederick M. Hartsock, of the District of Columbia.. invalid and other pensions of the United States for the fiscal year Douglas F. Duval, of Maryland. ending June 30, 1900, and for other purposes; which was read a Clarence J. Manly, of New York. first and second time, and referred to the Committee of the Whole 196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 14, House on the state of the Union, and, with the accompanying re­ Mr. B.A.RTHOLDT. Mr. Speaker- port, ordered to be printed. The SPEAKER. The bill will first be read. The gentleman .Mr. BAILEY. Mr. Speaker, I desire to reserve all points of calls up the bill which the Clerk will now report. order. The Clerk read as follows: The SPEAKER. All points of order are reserved. A bill (S. 112) to amend the immigration laws of the United States. Mr. HENDERSON. When will the g~ntleman call that bill up? Be it enacted, etc., That section 1 of the act of March 3.1891, in amendment 1\ir. BARNEY. I desire to give notice that I will call up this of the immigration and contract labor acts, be, and hereby is, amended by adding to the classes of aliens thereby excluded from admission to the United bill for consideration to-morrow, immediately after the reading States the following: of the Journal. "All persons physically C.lpable and over 16 years of age who can not read MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT. and write the English language or some other language; but a person not so able to read or write, who is over 50 years of age and is the parent or grand­ A m essage from the President of the United States was commu­ parent of a qualified immigrant over 21 years of age and capable of support· nicated to the House by Mr. PRUDEN, one of his secretaries. ing such parent or grandparent, may accompany l:mch immigrant, or such a parent or grandparent may be sent for and come to join the family of a child MARKET FOR .AMERICAN HORSES .ABROAD. or grandchild over 21 years of age similarly qualified and capable, and a wife or minor child not so able to 1·ead or write may accompany or be sent for and The SPEAKER laid before the House the following message come to join the husband or parent similarly qualified and capable." SEC. 2. Tha_t for the purpose of testing the ability of the immigrant to read from the President of tbe United States; which was read, and, or write, as required by the foregoing section, the inspection officers shall·be with the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on furnished with copies of the Constitution of the United States, printed on Agriculture: · numbered uniform pasteboard slips, ea-ch containing not less than twenty nor more than twenty-five words of said Constitution printed in the various lan­ To the Cong1·ess of the flnited States: guages of the immigrants in double small pica type. These slips shall be ke-pt I transmit herewith, for the information and use of the Congress, a com­ in boxes made for that purpose, and so constructed as to conceal the slip munication from the Secretary of Agriculture, which is accompanied by a from view, eacli box to contain slips of but one language, and th~ immi~rrant report on the market for American horses in foreW.rEt~:Ue~cKINLEY. may designate the language in which he prefers the test shall be made. Each immigrant shall be required to draw one of said slips from the box and read, EXECUTIVE MANSION, December 1/,, 1898. or afterwards write out, in full view of the immigration officers, the words printed ~her~o n.
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