Harding University Scholar Works at Harding The iB son Archives and Special Collections 10-3-1953 The iB son, October 3, 1953 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.harding.edu/thebison Recommended Citation The iB son, October 3, 1953. (1953). Retrieved from https://scholarworks.harding.edu/thebison/564 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at Scholar Works at Harding. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iB son by an authorized administrator of Scholar Works at Harding. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .. , . • t ·~ LIBER'IY IS FOUND VOLUME XXVII, No. 1 THE HARDING BISON SEARCY, ARKANSAS OCTOBER 3, 1953 Assignment: Harding Miss Whitaker- Crawford Assume 'love The Jangle Editor- Business Manager Posts Mary Ann Whitaker, senior from Memphis, Tenn., resumed the editor­ ship of the Bison this )Veek. Law­ Of Clock On Ear rence Crawford, junior from Willi­ IRC Taps Rainey; ford, has been named business man­ ager. -With No Radio The Bison was left without lead­ ership this year ~'when Tom Nelson, Hot Campaign By BILL BELL elected editor, failed to return to school, and Gene Rainey resigned • J. D. Ewing scratched his his position as business manager to Ends last Night left elbow, assumed a philoso­ enter the School of American Stu­ In a hot, crowded and tense pher's pose, and gave away to dies. convention last night, 111 Miss Whitaker commented that an impulse. though the paper was off to a slow delegates w a t c h e d Gene "Do you know," he asked, start, she expected another ' good B.ainey, Pinehurst, Tex., come "the biggest single thing t'hat year. Last year the Bison under out victor in the presidential rises the masses to work?" Miss Whitaker's leadership took race of the IRC. "No," answers Gene Hughes. both top awards-General Excel­ Equally victorious in the race for lency and Swcep!ltakes - in Ar kan­ the vice-president position was .Al Ewing grinned triumphantly. "An Petrich, Ne\v York, N.Y. Jennie Newly elected clallll presidents (1. to r.) Wlnfred Wright, sophomore; alarm clock," sez he. sas College Press Association com­ petition. Schoollield, Wic;hlta Falls, Tex., Bob Nossaman, junior, and Owen Olbricht, 541nior, talk over plans for That broke up the bull session­ Miss Whita'ker in commen~g on landed ·t he twin position of secre­ the school year. a nocturnal gabfest that was de­ on the change in size and forrnat of tary-t reasurer . voted to the use of an. automatic t he .Bison said she thought t he n ew Feeling !'an hlgh in the .Pour and radio-alarm clock si~e would have sever!).] advantages. a half of campaign speeches,, vot ing The deal came up when m y room­ ''I beUeve we v.rlll be able to give and demonstrations. Dr. Charles D. UpperClassmen ~lect; mate, the forementioned Mr. the students a more concise cover­ Kenney was unammously· re-elected Hughes, had settled down for r est age of the news, with the I es.ul.t that faculty advisor of the me. He was on his first night at Harcling with more space will be devoted to (ea­ given a standing ovabion. the line: tures. Lyons Makes Entrance Frosh I-I old Campaign "Just think, No more getting up ''The tabloid size will enable us J lmmy Lyons, retiring president1 by the nerve rattling old fashioned lo int oJ·porate changes whlch were attir ed in a tux, made a drama,tic alann. All we do is set this little suggested in the reade r,ship sul'Vey entril.nee into the convention. He which will be Monday at Latona. button, pick our station and go to we conducted last year. Already we brough,t the gavel down on what Olbricht, Wright, I freshmen Campaign sleep. At 6:30 we'll wake up with have put in a social column, which developed into one of the .most gentle music filling our ears." was asked for, and we are prepared colorful meetings on 1;he Harcling heshmen are taking it easy this to give the high school a page of Nossaman Elected "Hey, that's all right," I sez o<;Unpus. year-on the time-but not on the !:heir own." as we turned out the light. And A smu11 band supporting a banner By JENNIE SCHOOLFIELD campaigning. Petitions were sub­ we dozed , . oiU • . toooo . Miss Whitaker said all positions wlth "vote for Hatcher" on -it parad­ mitted to Dr. F. W . Matt ox. this wee.k on the paper have not yet boon sleeepp. 1 ed a,round the auditori,um. Mem­ Hea,ding the senior, junior, for nominations for the freshmen filled. She listed some of Lhe positions. These nominations werf! The next thing I knew I'm stan d~ rsi­bers oi Lhe convention disp l~yed and sophomore classes re­ tions Opel) as: fl ags, banners, posters, lapel Ca.rds, confirmed in a brief meeting this ing i'm my closet. using a ruler for Cad:oonist, religious editor, cur ­ spectively this year will be .o. tommygun. And over tb e radio: and balloons along with deafenirig Owen Olbricht, Bob Nossa­ past Thursday. rent events columnist, and report,- appla use. All this added up to an Mattox said this next week of "Don't none o' youse guys move ers. anti-climax to the final elections. man, and Winfred Wright. campaigning would enable the fresb­ or I'll blast ya so Iu:lla holes you'll Miss Whlt:nket· said some of lbe Freshmen will elect next man class as a· whole to get better look like a salt shaker." positions are being filled on a hrial AJI Over But Shouting Thw·sday. acquainted wit h the candidat es and So I told my roommate to get ou ~ basis, but have not been definitely Aftw· the week of vigorous and Ol bricht, Searcy, was chosen give the class a bebter chance of of my closet, called him a cow.ard, assigned. She invited st;udents in­ colorful campaigning, IRC rn~bw · s unanimously at a class meeting Sept. electing qualified officers. Fresh­ .. and went to brush m y teeth. terested in working on ~he paper to as well as outside supporters 22 as president of the senior class man final elections will be next "It'll be differcnh tomorrow. t'll 1ttend o meeting at 7 p.m. today br eathed a sign of relief or sadness of 1953-54. Serving with him. is ThUJTsday at 5 p.m. get another station.'' he states. in the Bison office. as they saw their candidates go to Vice-Pres. Leon Sanderaon, Spring­ victory or defeat . The meeting last And sure enough, it. was dillerent field, Mo. In a run-off, Sanderson • night W'IIS the l$rgest the mC had the nex-t morning: Capitalistic "Bombing" defeated Davjd Porter and Bennv I e.xperienced since it. started last Oct. Holland. ''Here they corne, men. Remem~ 30th School Year Give the brass ring to Don 4. ,!- ber Pearl Harbor. And let lem have Mary Ann Whitaker, Memphis, McCo.list ru· and his boosters for Touching off !.he spark of wha t Tenn., copped the senior s ecre~y­ it.'' the best campaign.ing stunt of end.ed up to be close competition t:reasurer position. She was eloot­ Machhle gun gullets ripped the the Wl elections. was Lyon's chapel speech Sept. 23. ed over Mary Lou Jolmson and Sees 612 Enroll room, two-ton bombs feU Olld a [n h'is talk , ret iring president Lyons McCalister - on t he vice­ Nancy Vanwinkle in the run-off. guy next to me groaned and yelled By J ACKIE KING president's ticket in the summed up the IRC s cliivities of the Gracie Mo~eynol ds , DeRidder, La., something about mother. It was Inter­ national Relations Club political past year, Lyons stressed that nom~ will serve as senior representative Appl'oximately. 576 students were • my roomie-and we had just helped stew - lite1·ally bombed the i'rUI,~ i cms ror t he 1953-54 club offices to the !ltudent OQ)lDcll. Dr. Joseph on hand Ti'riday, Sept. 18 lor Hard­ the U. S. Marines win tlhe battle compus with pleas for votes were open to the entiJ·e student E. Pryor, cb~ry and physics ing's 30th opening chapel services of lwo Jima. Friday morrung. body and w•ged all-sohool participa­ h ead, wa:s ohos'O'n se:nior el.a$! spon­ held in the liU'ge audito1:ium of the "Where you from Sarge?" asked tion. J ust; as students were leaving sor. administration building. Since that Hughes. chapel a small plane rom·ed over Qaulitications Named Juniors Chose NoiiSIUDa n time more students have anived "A.w shut up, and let's go t o chow and the total enrollment now stands the campus, showered leaflets, Lyons named the qua.)ilications Nossame,n, 1Sabel Kan., defeated -breakfast, that is." 1 a1. 612. and zoomed off. (<:Q ntinued o.n page 6) Al Petrich and Ken Noland on the They teU me thai the third time secon d vote to land the junior top Harding Academy, now in its is a charm. I I; sure was. position. Serving as veep with tliird year of expanded operation, Thumday morning a mellow bar i~ Student Council Reveals Early Plans; Nossaman is Gene Ralney, P ine­ ~'S an enrollment of 125 in the tap tone soothed into our ears: hurst, Tex., who won by a narrow four grades, and 115 in the ·element­ ary division, bringing their total "There's nothing as relaxing as mru-gin over Kenny Perrin.
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