Community Safety Committee Tuesday, 27 September 2016 at 14:00 County Hall, County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP AGENDA 1 Minutes of last meeting held on 19 July 2016 3 - 6 2 Apologies for Absence 3 Declarations of Interests by Members and Officers:- (see note below) (a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (b) Private Interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) 4 Hate Crime Presentation 5 Update on the Work of the Community Voluntary Sector Team 7 - 12 6 Community Safety Budget 13 - 18 7 Community Safety Update 19 - 24 8 Community Safety Staffing Structure 25 - 30 9 Better Care Fund- Mass Marketing Scams Prevention Work 31 - 36 10 Community Empowerment Resilience Programme 37 - 42 11 Update on the use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 43 - 46 Page 1 of 68 12 Trading Standards Update 47 - 52 13 Update on Emergency Management and Registration Services 53 - 64 14 Work Programme 65 - 68 Notes (1) Councillors are advised to contact their Research Officer for details of any Group Meetings which are planned for this meeting. (2) Members of the public wishing to inspect "Background Papers" referred to in the reports on the agenda or Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act should contact:- Customer Services Centre 0300 500 80 80 (3) Persons making a declaration of interest should have regard to the Code of Conduct and the Council’s Procedure Rules. Those declaring must indicate the nature of their interest and the reasons for the declaration. Councillors or Officers requiring clarification on whether to make a declaration of interest are invited to contact David Ebbage (Tel. 0115 977 3141) or a colleague in Democratic Services prior to the meeting. (4) Councillors are reminded that Committee and Sub-Committee papers, with the exception of those which contain Exempt or Confidential Information, may be recycled. (5) This agenda and its associated reports are available to view online via an online calendar - http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/dms/Meetings.aspx Page 2 of 68 Minutes Meeting COMMUNITY SAFETY COMMITTEE Date Tuesday 19 July 2016 at 2.00 pm membership Persons absent are marked with `A’ COUNCILLORS Glynn Gilfoyle (Chairman) John Clarke Rachel Madden A Maureen Dobson Gordon Wheeler Bruce Laughton John Wilkinson Alice Grice Liz Yates OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE Wendy Harnan-Kazjer Mark Walker Adult Social Care, Health & Public Protection David Ebbage Resources Sally Gill Place Cathy Harvey MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the last meeting held on 14 June 2016 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS BY MEMBERS AND OFFICERS None. COMMUNITY SAFETY BUDGET – REQUEST FOR FUNDING Mark Walker, Group Manager, Trading Standards seeked approval for committing a total of £5,300 from the Community Safety Initiatives Budget. RESOLVED 2016/038 The following spends from the Community Safety Initiatives Budget for 2016/17 be approved:- Page 3 of 68 1 a) Contribution towards a Complex Needs Worker / Homelessness Support in Newark (£5,000) b) Commemoration Event - Battle of the Somme (£300) TEMPORARY TEAM MANAGER – TRADING STANDARDS AND COMMUNITY SAFETY Mark Walker introduced the report proposing the creation of an additional temporary Team Manager post within the Trading Standards & Community Safety for a period of 12 months. RESOLVED 2016/039 That the proposed creation of a Temporary Team Manager post within the Trading Standards & Community Safety Service for a period of 12 months commencing October 2016 be approved. COMMUNITY SAFETY UPDATE Mark Walker updated the committee about Key Community Safety matters. The following point was outlined in her report:- An event in celebration of the success of the Take Five Ambassador Programme was held on the 29th June at Rufford Country Park which went very well. The No to Hate Crime item is going to be an agenda item at the September meeting for the SNB (Safer Nottinghamshire Board). Vice-Chairman attended the Forced Marriage Road Show which went down brilliantly on 28th June. Councillor Grice thanked the Community Staff who organised a cake sale at County Hall. The Chairman requested for Nottinghamshire Police to attend the September meeting to see how the increasing risk of Hate Crime will affect the force as a whole. RESOLVED 2016/040 That the various developments in the areas of work contained in the report be noted. UPDATE ON THE WORK OF THE COMMUNITY AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR TEAM Sally Gill, Group Manager, Planning updated Members on the work of the Community and Voluntary Sector Team. Members wanted to thank Neil Bettison and the team on the success of the Battle of the Somme event which took place at County Hall on 1st July 2016. RESOLVED 2016/041 Page 4 of 68 2 That the work undertaken by the Community and Voluntary Sector team be noted. UPDATE ON KEY TRADING STANDARDS MATTERS Mark Walker, Trading Standards updated the Committee on Key Trading Standards matters. He outlined the following point in the report:- The Operation Summit sentencing took place on 16th June 2016, the team were a little disappointed with the outcomes. They received suspended sentence for 2 years. RESOLVED 2016/042 That the updates from the previous meeting and the various developments in the areas of work contained in the report be noted. UPDATE ON EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT & REGISTRATION SERVICES Wendy Harnan-Kajzer provided an update on recent key activities and events in the work of the Emergency Planning Team and of Registration and Celebratory Services. She outlined the following in her report:- Nottingham Forest Football Club do not currently have anyone who will be the holder of the safety certificate at the club so currently their capacity for upcoming matches is set to 0. The County Council is working closely with the club to get this issue resolved as soon as possible. RESOLVED 2016/043 That the recent key activities and events in the work of the Emergency Planning Team and Registration and Celebratory Services be noted WORK PROGRAMME RESOLVED 2016/044 That the work programme be noted. The meeting closed at 2.45pm CHAIRMAN Page 5 of 68 3 Page 6 of 68 Report to Community Safety Committee 27 September 2016 Agenda Item: 5 REPORT OF THE CORPORATE DIRECTOR OF PLACE UPDATE ON THE WORK OF THE COMMUNITY AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR TEAM Purpose of the Report 1. To update members of the Community Safety Committee on the work of the Community and Voluntary Sector Team. Information and Advice 2. The priorities of the team are to work in partnership with the voluntary and community sector: to improve preventative and core services that help strengthen the local community; to streamline the corporate grant aid process; and to promote localism by working with communities to increase community involvement in the way services are shaped and delivered. 3. A key strategic priority for the Council is to ensure that Nottinghamshire has strong communities that are safe and thriving. The reality of the challenges faced means that the Council of the future will be different in the way it is shaped, organised and how services are delivered. The Council is committed to working in partnership with local communities, voluntary groups and volunteers to provide services. 4. Work being undertaken by the team seeks to support ways to develop and strengthen engagement with communities, moving towards a changed landscape of local services with new and innovative models being implemented. The contribution made to improving public services and well-being in Nottinghamshire by communities and the voluntary sector is recognised and supported through both an extensive grant aid programme and direct hands- on support from Community Officers. 5. Over recent years economic circumstances have drastically changed how organisations are funded with the result that only the most well organised third sector groups can thrive and provide a valuable contribution to the local community. Only by being robustly established and equipped to respond to new challenges can the wealth of voluntary sector organisations across the County maximise the positive impact that they have on local communities. Page 7 of 68 1 Working with Communities 6. The work of the Community and Voluntary Sector Team underpins the Council’s commitment to building on its reputation of working in partnership with the community and voluntary sector to help build local capacity. The range and scope of activities which members and officers are involved in seek to help to drive programmes with communities to deliver local solutions and move towards providing services in a different way. 7. The Council has several important roles to play in supporting communities to: Build a strong sense of community, capacity and pride through collaborative partnerships. Engage in the planning and delivery of services. Generate and sustain their own capacity to respond to the challenges which Nottinghamshire faces. 8. Building confident and stronger communities is especially important within the current climate and the Team has been working with different communities across Nottinghamshire to help support local activities. These activities bring individuals together to celebrate the uniqueness of localities by helping to encourage and empower communities to take ownership and pride in the places they live and the people they live with. Examples of this include: Cromwell Village Hall 9. A decision is still awaited on the £43,000 application to Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd. (WREN) for the refurbishment of the Village Hall. In addition to this the group is awaiting a decision on an application to the Big Lottery through” Awards for All” for around £8,000 for the replacement of windows and doors on the building. On-going support is being provided to the group and local County Council member. Harworth-Bircotes Boxing Centre 10. This project involves the renovation of a disused building to provide an up to date boxing facility.
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