WEEK'S PLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS SUNDAY NORTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAGAZINE News Highlights of Cl, t•n East Paterson Fair Lawn arfield Hal•don Hawthorne Lodi Little Falls ß Mountain View No• *• Haledon •, ,.-.. ß aferson Passaic Pompton Lakes ßProspect Park Singac Totowa Wayne West Paters&n AWARD OF MERIT JANUARY 31, 1960 VOL. XXXH, No. 5 WHITEA Good Namea.d to RememberS'HAUGER, for i.n,.c.....ii'" F U RN I T U R-E "'"'?' Living Room - Bed Room •' •,--"1..... i.... Dining Room RUGS 'AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY Qualityan d Low Priee 39 Years Serving the Public 435STP,,AIO• STI?3• (Corner20th Av "ThePhee with the Clock" --= M-UI• 4-7880 HeadquartersforEnded_ Oouples .. THEIDEAL PLACE TO DINEAND WINE -"' . :::. ol BROILEDLOBSTER .-, -- DAILY FROGS'I,EG$ . S'•)!.'TSt!I:11, L CliAi•,-, - BLUEI.'IS!!- RAIb,'!3OI• TItOUT- ]-iAL!I•U'œ-SALMON- SHRIMI'S- SCAI.I.Oi)R- 'THETEMPEST'-- Maurice Evans portrays Prospero, who coun- OYSTERS- CI,AM- CODFi.•il - SWORDFISH - DAILY DINNERS selshis daughter Miranda (at left,played by LeeRemick) in a 168BELMONT AVE. [Cot. Barbansi. HALEDON - . - LAmbert5-9885 scenefrom the TV versionof Shakespeare's"The Tempest," which will be colorcaston NBC-TV Network's "Hallmark Hall of Fame,"Wednesday, Feb. 3. RoddyMcDowall (center) is cast as Ariel, and WilliamBassett as Ferdinand,the youngprince who loves Miranda. I. PARRILLO ':•::!-,?.i.'!::i.:.....**.,.ß .'% . i:' '".' . "•"":•''•':•':..... ':.... '-'•:-'½: .....'-- ' 'i ß "' ....:" :':•.':•;".:;":.:' ;........•:,•-:•i!.•.½.:.'.'•:•:.i.i:-'<:.: ......:. ß !:- '...... ß.: ;:'" . ..•:•.•.:.:..-: "! ...s. ..... ':: .• .•....._........... -....... :. -i TheMan from Equitable asks-"'? ß .. ........ ::..: - ::.....:.'.::{:..::. ..-.- ß. :::...::;:.-:.. :.;-:: ß':!•..::...8.;::!:-'i::'.:?;:;' :.. -'-..•. :'.' .::.... : .....'•:'":::' , ...;i:•::i!i•......... •'.. -::•:':-. ', :-:....: :' '"'"•i"."...•.i,'•..-.;-::i:-i{" ' ';;.'.'' • [:,.:;!•,..:a..;....--•,-.":..:,..:,..;...:: •-.;' . "•-:. •!,:.'?:-' .4'";.?..•:.:?.::.. Youwant your child te havea better '•i,.;?i,-.,-.:- .....'.,?.'.: ::.i;. ' .......:;. ".e :,."' ?;)....•.•:..!..'-,*.•:'•,:":-"' ,,-*::--:": .;......:?.. , %-. :.,:...-.:.:- - ::...?:;:,...,,.....•/.;::.... ..... .½'.'.•..•,-,... ......-.--' placein the sun, don't you? ":':"'"" ß"- '::'•-•.,.i';. ß "."-'":• .""::'-":! '. .:: .."'-'-,.:'"?'.'.?'"' ß•'.•. .t "'' • . ' ':! ' ' ' .",,". ß ' OFCOURSE YOU DO. But like some parents you RE- -•..;•. 'œ...•..' •, .-?..•.:-',, .... - . _./ ß . me,"there's stillplenty of'time." Then,, before you '•,:'.•, ,'!',,i;'i ',. ,. ßß :' :.?';',.'--.., '-';' : i:.:•; ...• .......•' ":* .. '• " ,.-4'!'": " "•-_':'.e•.;.-..., ... ' -.ß . knowit,they're allgrown upand need your help to '.7;.•,!:•-..::.-,%.,, ':•':•,.•- ". ....-•. .:" .:..... -,. ./': ..ß '"•.::.•.-t'•'-' .•.•....*.:.-,,,.,.-:'-.,,-..• givethem that bnpottant start toward'-'a pro. ion, .'•.;',,• •:.,..,::::,..,. :.,:?.....:..? '-,*.,, ½•..;,.;•;½';•, .,. i:,-':::;':::-:..'• ......'- .... !•' ::-:•......... ' ;, -t" :. .. ..... careeror business,or in settingup a--'hOme. M:eke'- ß:.:.:.-.:.:::-?, .:':.}' ß .:-.:.,.I?.?:/.• ,;•-:,'-.- ..-,' " surenow that your '"helpins hand"-./Wfll be'there ':,:::•:,..../' •.,:.'::•:.,, .,,'•,;y-,....• •,,:?,. - whenit is needed, Equitable oEers ,Yøu. avarieu/of' . .8:..?..: >"•'•'*' ""d" 4...;;. *"'¾'": po•es'•or your younpter. at low rates, For more ß- ß.... .. .. ....:,, •,ß ½•. ....... ..:: ß...... )•, .'½.;!:....:•. -*.... ..: : '--.".";:'•'.:-'-.... ,',*':' .-:,..•:..i;/½ ...-:-::• '"",: Z'.,."-: ' in•rmation eaU, ** .... .,..:...•, ........ ........ ?-..:.•. ...--. ;,•,,•',•, i:';:.'": ....::i,'.." ,* "', "h..-'%'"•:.. :.' .,;".'.-' ::'•::-'.'::-'""':•E' .' " .........."::•'" :::' "/ ß ,..,,.,....•½,;.'.::.... .,.,-:., .,.-'•' ,.¾ ::.-...•.:......-'• •:;..- -:-" "--';•;'-,.;...•s- .-.--":." .,. - :,...;•,½.,..' ß ::..r.:..'...:::'.: '-•: ß ;'.':;...'-:-:.. '-:::... ,.•... "•,-.., .:.':'•. .- .........:i':' o.' . ......":;.-! ....'"::•.- ...... ' •,%-,- '. •.. ..' ....... .:.-::::.:•.,....,.....,:.....;'?:'.'.' ' ' ,' -' ... I. PARRILLO .r,,.'-.-.'::.s....-"<.'-:-..•.::-:.' . .-.,..: .•. •,,..,.' "-:..... • .. ;f-*.:'"::';:'.;..... ':½' -•:':- ..... ': % . .--:..... ß. •:... ::::;::...,....-.- '.;...:.•....' ß .. -,•. .. '200 EAST ItlDGEWOOD AVENUE ?.....".....?::•:.,:!:.:'"..;.: ß. ß•. -. ,L.-.-.... •..e'.-'.,::.--.i,-•'.-;':-.'•::: ..,,:'.• ' ' '' •L(•..1 '" ' "½'' •.i:;":'"ß'- "'-': RIDGEtVOOD, N.J. THE WORLD'S A STAGE -- William Bendix (left) stars, Doug McClure is featured and Lynn Bari guest stars in "Perilous-. GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 Passage," an early episode of "Over!and Trail," which starts Sunday, Feb. 7, as a new full-hour Western-adventure series on the NBC-TV Network. "Overland Trail" centers around one of the first Missouri-to-California stage lines. Bendix portrays Kelly, Leffhe man from Equilable bring you peace of mind superintendent of the line, and McClure plays Flip, his trouble- shooter and. shotgun rider. Page T•vo BouquetFrom Maurice Chevalier Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COMPANY -t 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N.J. LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILLO, Publisher VINCENT N. PARRIIAX), Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at Pa4•erson, N.J., under the 'act of March 3, 1879. JANUARY 31, 1960 -- VOL. XXXII, No. 5 Siagle Copy 10 Cents $4.00 a Year by Mail Maurice Chevalier, one of the world's most celebrated enter- tainers, stars in "A Bouquet From Maurice Chevalier," Thursday, CONTENTS Feb. 4, on the CBS Television Network. The hour-long special is a one-man show, featuring songs--both old and new--presented in Chevalier's own inimitable style. ... ... ß FEATURES Is RayRobinson All "WashedUp"? Focus ....... Crossword Puzzle 10 Television Highlights 12 Name In The Sky, by Frederick Laing A Complete Short Story 14 American History 15 DEPARTMENTS Social World 7 Editorials 8 Editor Speaks Complete Television _11-12-13 COVER PICTt3-E: Joseph J. Masiello, Jr. (left), campaign chairman of the 1959-60 annual United Community Chest Fund Drive, presents a citation to Vincent N. Parrillo, Managing Editor of The HEART IN THEIR WORK- Lola Albright, who play. singer Chronicle, for outstanding service to the United Community Edie Hart, and Craig Stevens,who has the title role in the "Peter Chest. The award was made at a dinner meeting Wednesday Gunif' telecasts, seem to be the willing target for Cupid's am rows as Valentine's Day approache• The series Is presented 0n evening in the Alexander Hamilton Hotel. -the NBC-TV Network Monday nights, .__• The CHRONICLE Page Three Dinner-Dance To Honor ORT PresidentsHonored At 20fh Anniversary Badagl:iaccaMarch 27 A friendship dinner-dancehon- oring Commissioner Adolph Ba- dagliacca, will be held Sunday, March 27, at 6 p.m., at the Casino De! Charlz, in Totowa Borough. Commissioner Badag•iacca is a trustee and vice president of the Children's Shelter Board of Pas- saic County. He was also appoint- .:: ß ß .- :::.•. ......:::-:: ...... ....... ....... ............... ...... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ........ -:::i:i:i:i:i:i:i:. : ø ß :::i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ...................... .......... ::::::::::::::::::::::: . ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-... : At the 20th anniversary meeting this past week of the Paterson Evening Chapter of Women's American ORT (Organization for Rehabilitation through Training), the past and present presidents of the group were honored. Included were seated left to right: Mrs. Samuel Bograd, Mrs. S.amuel Stern, Mrs. George Welner, Mrs. Abe Frucht, Mrs. Frank Lesnick. Standing, Mrs. Isadore Grylack, Mrs. Barney Levine, Mrs. Jack Levine, present president, Nathan Gould, guest speaker, Mrs. Heyman Zimel, Mrs. Louis Croland, After- noon Chapter president, and Mrs. Rose Berliner. 'ii!ii!iii!i::"' •.. • ADOLPH BADAGLIACCA ed and elected vice chairman of the Passaic County Central Pur- chasing Committee for the year Franklin Cl:l-ubInsfalls Pat Ni½oline of 1960, and is starting his second term as president of the. Passaic County Young Democratic Club of New Jersey. The Passaic County Young De- mocratic Club is in charge of ar- rangements, with Commissioner Joseph Piastrelli as general din- ner chairman. Dinner commit- tee includes Michael Casale and Joseph Dragonertl as co<hair- men. ... ......... Romeo T. DeVita. Paterson .................... ... :..:. ::::. Housing Director, will serve as ';:ii:_i:EE::"-"' toastmaster. Speakers will in- ß • --:: clude Senator Anthony J. Grossi and Frank X. Graves, Jr., D:rec- for of the Board of Chosen Free- holders. Commissioner Badagliacca is a member of the Paterson Dux Club, Italian Circle of Paterson, Hawthorne Columbus Club, Haw- thorneDemocratic--Club, and the Fifth Ward Democratic Club of Paterson. All friends of Badagliacca are invited to attend. Reservations may be made by phoning chair- man _Piastrelli at SHerwood 2- 2406; Thelma Greenberg at MUt- berry.':i--4-5800; Michael Casale at ' ::::ii! , - ' SHerwood 2-5996; or Joseph - .:::::.:: • Dragonertl .at LAmbert 5-2003. Pat Nicoline (right), new president of the Franklin Pleasure Club, is congratulated by his Frankie Barra and his oi•ehes - .. predecessor Frank Rotella (left)' at the installation dinner held recently in the Circle tra Will furnish the mudic_.for Restaurant, Wayne. Looking on are Louis Aquino, toastmaster. and Ralph Gambatese of the dinner committee. dancing. ... ß . Page Four The CIIRONICLE SPORTS ISRa V Robinson All"Washed Up'' ' or will he LOSER :•"•'"SugarRay Robinson,a talented
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