August 10, 1972 e-view Vol. 149 No. 32 THE ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD + WEEKLY INTERNATIONAL EDITION Elmshaven 111 RA1PH MACKIN SIORY ARTHUR L. WHITE This article is the first of a series of well-dressed and seemingly very A newspaper story appearing in three that relate an interesting chapter in Adventist history. The conversation with sincere couple in their middle the Mansfield (Ohio) "Daily Shield" the Mackins was taken down steno- thirties. Mrs. White soon learned on August 22, not yet seen by graphically at the time of the interview by that her visitors were earnest Mrs. White or her son, concerning Clarence C. Crisler, Ellen G. White's leading secretary. It is published here in students of the Bible and the Tes- the Mackin experience at the Ohio full for the first time.—Editors. timonies and had come to Cali- camp meeting three months be- ON THURSDAY morning, No- fornia from Ohio for the express fore, gives some historical back- vember 12, 1908, Ellen White was purpose of learning whether their ground. The extended bold-face at her Elmshaven home busy in unusual experience of a few heading reads: her writing room. Here her son, months past was endorsed by the "Gift of tongues causes trouble. W. C. White, found her and told Lord. Mackin claims to be master of her there were two persons in the They had called on W. C. White Chinese jargon, which he says living room below who wished to the day before, hence he was alert came to him from God while his talk with her. Joining him, she to their mission, but had not dis- mother became an expert in Yid- went downstairs to meet Mr. Ralph closed it to his mother. As he left dish as the result of a vision. Dis- Mackin and his wife. She found a the office to go over to the home, sension at camp meeting results he took Clarence Crisler, Mrs. in the arrest of Mackin, wife and Arthur L. White is secretary of White's leading secretary, with him daughter, and two lady compan- the Ellen G. White Estate. to report the interview. (Continued on page 6) _HEART TO HEART Everything Will Be All Right Takoma Park, Maryland and walk in them; and I will be their God, and Dear Fellow Believers in the Advent: they shall be my people" (2 Cor. 6:14-16). More and more we need to be turning to the If our schools are not different from those about Lord for wisdom and guidance as we deal with the us, what incentive is there for parents to pay tui- work of God in our local churches, in our local tion and other expenses to send their children to conference, in our unions, and in the General Con- Seventh-day Adventist schools? "There has been an ference. The problems are too complex for us to effort to mold our school after other colleges. When seek solutions in our own strength and wisdom. We this is done, we can give no encouragement to par- need to know what the Lord has to say through ents to send their children" to a Christian institu- His Word and through His appointed messenger. tion (Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 21). Herein lies our only safety as we seek to finish His The Lord pointed out to us that His Word is to work soon. be our greatest concern in the education of our I have just been reading again the inspired words youth. "The study of the Scriptures should have found in 2 Chronicles 20:20: "Believe in the Lord the first place in our system of education."—Ibid. your God, so shall ye be established; believe his Our early educators and believers were re- prophets, so shall ye prosper." Dr. Taylor in The minded that "the Bible is the most comprehensive Living Bible paraphrases these words: "Believe in and the most instructive history which men pos- the Lord your God, and you shall have success! Be- sess. It came fresh from the fountain of eternal lieve his prophets, and everything will be all right!" truth, and a divine hand has preserved its purity All of us want success in our work and we want through all the ages. Its bright rays shine into the God's work to succeed. "Believe in the Lord," the far distant past, where human research seeks vainly inspired writer declares, "and you shall have suc- to penetrate. In God's word alone we find an au- cess." Believing and obeying the Word of God is thentic account of creation."—Ibid., p. 25. basic to true success in the work of God! Our distinctive educational program was empha- In days when so many things in the world around sized in words appropriate then and now: "To give us are going all wrong, it is reassuring to know that students a knowledge of books merely is not the if we believe God's prophets, including His mes- purpose of the institution. Such education can be senger to the remnant, "everything will be all obtained at any college in the land."—Ibid., p. 22. right." God does not say there will be no problems, "It would be much better to crowd them less in that there will be no perplexities, but if we follow the study of the sciences and give them more time His leading, in the end "everything will be all for religious privileges. Here a grave mistake has right." been made."—Ibid., p. 33. So many churches have lost their schools. Educa- Pointed counsel came to those managing our tional institutions once founded upon the Lord first college: "Ministers of the gospel have so far Jesus Christ and Christian principles are today shown their want of wisdom from above as to adrift upon the sea of doubt. Once they lost their unite a worldly element with the college; they have foundational faith, they lost contact with the joined with the enemies of God and the truth in church. providing entertainments for the students."—Ibid. Just so many churches next lost their missions. Likewise there is a call to prayerfully consider by They have little left except a watered-down gospel what standard we measure success in our schools. of social action. "If you lower the standard in order to secure popu- In these permissive days my continuing burden larity and an increase of numbers, and then make and prayer is that our Seventh-day Adventist this increase a cause of rejoicing, you show great schools—from kindergarten through graduate blindness. If numbers were evidence of success, Sa- schools—follow the counsel of the Lord and pros- tan might claim the pre-eminence; for in this world per, so "everything will be all right" with them. his followers are largely in the majority. It is the We need to keep the word of the Lord and the in- degree of moral power pervading the college that spired counsels for our time ever in our thinking, is a test of its prosperity. It is the virtue, intelli- in our planning, and in our operation of these gence, and piety of the people composing our schools! churches, not their numbers, that should be a God still calls His people to be a separate peo- source of joy and thankfulness."—Ibid., pp. 31, 32. ple. We should operate schools that are different. What lofty standards! Are we following the coun- "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbe- sel of the Lord in our schools? lievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness Yours in 2 Chronicles 20:20, with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believed' with an infidel? And what agreement hath the tem- ple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, President, General Conference 2 REVIEW AND HERALD, August 10, 1972 companions arrived at the Health Re- Associate Editor Don F. Neufeld was TIC. A treat and greeted some old friends than guest speaker at the commencement she began to recount the bothersome service at Andrews University early in Two pictures of Elmshaven, Ellen experiences of trying to find housing in June. At that time he was also honored White's home in the foothills above the Oakland vicinity. One of the women by the university, which granted him the St. Helena, California, appear this quickly volunteered that she knew the Doctor of Divinity degree. A condensa- week (cover and page 6). The White perfect location. "It is Robert Pratt's tion of his address appears in this issue family considered the acquisition of this old place." (page 4). home as an answer to prayer. The search was ended—and only a Readers who are unacquainted with When spring was beginning to come week after they had arrived in America Elder Neufeld's career perhaps will be to Australia in 1900 Mrs. White was from Australia. Mrs. White wrote in her curious about some of the remarks in his certain that the Lord intended that she journal: "Here was a house all furnished, address regarding work on the SDA Bi- return to the United States to work. and we could, as soon as the decision was ble Commentary. In a letter to her son Edson she wrote, made and terms accepted, go into this From 1939 to 1946 he worked in his "The call comes in so decided and house, and find everything ready in ex- native Canada as a pastor evangelist, earnest a way that we dare not refuse." cellent order to begin my home life and then for seven years he taught at Arrangements, including the selling of without the perplexities of purchasing Canadian Union College.
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