Vol. XXI, No. 18. [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] January 30, 1915 Delta Upsilon Fraternity House Badly Damaged by Fire Courtney, Collyer and Hoyle to Coach Cornell Oarsmen Five More Names Added to Cor- nell's Honor Roll J. H. Letsehe, jr., '20, Receives the Distinguished Service Cross Three Cornellians on Official List of Aces ITHACA, NEW YORK CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS CASCADILLA The Farmers' Loan The Leading Preparatory School for CORNELL and Trust Company Published for the Associate Alumni of On the edge of the University Campus 16, 18, 20, 22 William St., New York Cornell University by the Cornell Alumni Branch 475 Fifth Ave. News Publishing Company, Incorporated. Good living. Athletics. Certificate Privilege. LONDON 16 paU Maαi East S W' α Published weekly during the college year ' 26 Old Broad Street, B.C. & and monthly during the summer forty issues Exceptional for College Entrance Work PARIS 41 Boulevard Haussmu* annually. Issue No. 1 is published the last A. M. Drummond, M.A., Principal Thursday of September. Weekly publication LETTERS OF CREDIT (numbered consecutively) continues through Ithaca, N. Y. Commencement Week. The number of Trustees FOREIGN EXCHANGES monthly issues and of double numbers will Franklin C. Cornell Ernest Blaker CABLE TRANSFERS depend somewhat on the University calendar, which is likely to be irregular for the period Charles -IX Bostwick of the war. Issue No. 40 is published in The Mercersburg Academy August and is followed by an index of the Under same direction entire volume, which will be mailed on re- Prepares for all colleges Cascadilla Tutoring School and universities : Aims quest. Succeeding the widely known at thorough scholarship, Subscription price $8.60 a year,( payable in ad- vance, foreign postage 40 cents a year extra. Sturgis School broad attainments and Domestic rates apply to addresses in the Amer- Christian manliness ican Expeditionary Forces. Single copies twelve Special Summer Courses cents each. Double numbers twenty-four cents a Corner Oak and Summit Avenues ADDRESS copy. Bell 899 255 Ithaca Should a subscriber desire to discontinue WILLIAM MANN IRVINE, Ph.D. his subscription, notice to that effect should TUTORING IN ANY SUBJECT be sent in before its expiration. Otherwise President it is assumed that a continuance of the sub- MERCERSBURG, PA. scription is desired. Checks, drafts, and orders should be made payable to Cornell Alumni News. Correspondence should be addressed— Cornell Alumni News, Ithaca, N. Y. Do You Use Printed by The Ithacan Press Clippings? Entered as Second Class Matter at Ithaca, N. Y. It will more than pay you to secure our extensive service cover- ing all subjects, trade and personal, and get the benefit of the best and NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS most systematic reading of all The Cornell Society of Civil papers and periodicals, here and Engineers maintains a Begistra- abroad, at minimum cost. tion Bureau. Complete records Our service is taken by progres- of 2,000 Cornell men are on file. sive business men, publishers, au- Employers may consult these Convenient and Comfortable thors, xcollectors, etc., and is the records without charge. If pre- Headquarters for Alumni card index for securing what you ferred, we will recommend a man need, as every article of interest to fill your needs. Official Blue Book Hotel is at your command. REGISTRATION BUREAU Write for terms or send your Comfortable Rooms order for 100 clippings at $5, or 30 East 42nd: Street 1,000 clippings at $35. Special Boom 916. New York City With Eunning Water $1 to $1.50 rates quoted in large orders. Phone Murray Hill 3075 With Bath $2 to $2.50 Table dΉote Meals The Manhattan Breakfast 50c Luncheon 60c Press Clipping Bureau Buying Civilan Clothing ? Dinner 75c Sunday Dinner— $1 303-305 Fifth Avenue THOUSANDS of Cornell men will be re- Under New Management turning to civil life in the next few New York City months. Arthur Cassot, Proprietor THE UNIVERSITY and Ithaca will be of The Clinton House Established in 1888 great interest to you just now. Ithaca WHY NOT have your new civilian cloth- ing made here? Our prices are below metropolitan prices for the same qual- tty. ITHACA TRUST COMPANY Save enough on your outfit to pay for ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS A Trip to Ithaca Pres., Charles E. Treman Vice-Pres., Franklin C. Cornell Viee-Pres., Emmoms L. Williams Viee-Pres. and See., W. H. Storms Kohm C8k Brunne Treasurer, Sherman Peer 200 Έ. State St. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXI, No. 18. Ithaca, N. Y., January 30, 1919 . Price 12 Cents HE STUDENT COUNCIL for the pres- the second week by "compete," a hand- dio Association has elected new officers ent year is now complete. The five picked squad >of sixty upperclassmen and enlarged its membership. The Cor- Tjuniors elected last week are John have been making a house to house can- nell branch of the American Society of C. Atwood, jr., Ferguson, Missouri; Rob- vas, with the help of a card index of un- Mechanical Engineers began a new year ert K. Fetter, Pearl River, N. Y.; Carl sold undergraduates and interested last week with a meeting at which Deaii V. Johnson, Hartford, Conn.; Gordon townspeople, and have brought the total Smith spoke on the aims and advantages John Mertz, C olden, N. Y. and Alex- membership of the association, by Tues- of the society, and Professor Eαmbal! ander Buel Trowbridge, jr., New York day evening, up to 1870. A canvas of on '/Modern Water Power," with lan- City. The one freshman representative the University Faculty, postponed partly tern pictures. The Cornell branch of the is E. W. Calloway, Baltimore. The through diffidence of the canvassers, and American Institute of Electrical En- president of the council, elected by the partly because of the feeling that much gineers has taken in six new members seniors, is William Morgan Kendall, of argument would be called .for in certain from the junior class: Warren H. Clarke, Buffalo, a student in Arts and Sciences, quarters, is likely to be the final effort. Baltimore; George G. Curtis, Rochester; who by virtue of his election becomes It is quite certain to exceed expectations, William L. Everitt, Peekskill, JSΓ. Y.; also president of the senior class. The and perhaps be the campaign that will Herman Halperin, Hamilton, Ohio; life secretary of the class of 1919 is give Cornell a schedule that compares Philip Ryan, Helena, Montana; and Ray- Charles George Seelbach, of Buffalo, a favorably with those of Harvard, Yale, mond A. Van Sweringen, Cleveland. student in the College of Agriculture. and Princeton, for many -oi: ilrj members of the Faculty are known to be devotees SKATING OVER TRIPHAMMER DAM is the CONTEARY TO EARLIER HOPES, the βdί- of intercollegiate sport. distinction achieved last week by Regi- tors of The Cornell Eeview have decided nald Waldo, a senior in civil engineer- not to resume publication this year. The COLONEL BARTON 'B RETURN to Cornell ing, whose home is in Campbell Hall, postponement is indefinite—until there is as professor of military science and tac- N. Y. With some college mates Waldo a more evident demand than at present tics is now assured. He will be released Λvas trying to see how near to the edge for a woman's magazine. If the Eeview from his present duties as soon as some he could skate without going over, some is not revived within five years, the ac- . matters pertaining to the S. A. T. C. in having gone near enough to wet their cumulated moneys now on hand will be the eastern district are adjusted. The skates in the water as i-t gushed out be- added to the woman's dormitory fund. date, though not set, is understood to be tween the dam and the ice. On his last not far distant. The decision gives great attempt he went a trifle too far on very TAU BETA Pi, the honorary engineer- satisfaction throughout the University. slippery ice, and then on down into the ing society, announces the election of pool at the foot of the fall, a distance of eleven new members, juniors and seniors THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT has so far twenty-five feet. He then climbed out, now at the University. Only students modified its former ruling as to admit uninjured, and went about his work as in architecture, chemistry, and engineer- freshmen to the field artillery. In this usual next day. ing are eligible. The new members are: way students who may look forward to in architecture, Kenneth Carver '20, commissions in the corps of cadets may AT A DINNER to be given under the au- Brooklyn, and Frederick E. Steffens '20, begin in their first year. All members spices of the Ithaca Board of Commerce Washington, D. C.; in chemistry, Willis of the artillery unit are required to take sometime in February, Jacob Rothschild, Elwin Martin '20, Newburgh, N. Y., and trigonometry. head of the firm of Rothschild Brothers, Morton P. Woodward '20, Norwood, will be the guest of honor. This dinner Ohio; in civil engineering, Henry John A POSTCARD written by Professor Lau- is the tribute of his associates to Mr. Benisch '20, Brooklyn, and Leon Gil- rence Pumpelly at Salonica on Decem- Rothschild for the noteworthy part that bert Clay '20, New Orleans; in mechani- ber 7 was received yesterday by one of he has borne through more than twenty- cal engineering, D wight B. Hendryx '20, his friends in Ithaca. He is serving as five years in the business^ civic, and Ithaca, Linus Emerson Kittridge '20, secretary and interpreter of an Ameri- philanthropic enterprises of Ithaca. Two Lockport, N. Y., George H. McCarthy can Red Cross commission which has compliments of like sorir have previous- '20, New York City, D wight L.
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