Appendix 1 Portuguese Kings of the First Two Dynasties Alphonsine Dynasty Dynasty of Avis Alphonse I (1126-85) John I (1385-1433) Sancho I (1185-1211) Duarte (1433-8) Alphonse II (1211-23) Alphonse V (1438-81) Sancho II (1223-45) John II (1481-95) Alphonse III (1245-79) Manuel I (1495-1521) Dennis (1279-1325) John III (1521-57) Alphonse IV (1325-57) Sebastian (1557-78) Peter I (1357-67) Ferdinand (1367-1383) 508 Appendix 2 Portuguese Vocabulary Used by Columbus Portuguese Castilian Translation Abastada Abastecida Supplied Aberto Abierto Open Abra Puerto, Ensenada Harbour Acertamiento Por casualidad By chance Acordo Acuerdo Agreement Asente Asiente Assured Adovar Reparar To remedy Algun Alguno Some Alivianar Aligerar To lighten Almarraxa Vajia para esencia Vessel or pot for essence Amea~ban Amenazaban menaced Amortecer Desfallecer To fail Amostrar Muestrar To show Anchor, Anchura Largura de nave Ship's width Agujeta, Agulleta Herrete, Passacordone Aglet Argumento Conjectura Conjecture Arrecife Restinga Reef Arriscada Arriesgada Daring, risky Arrods Delfin, Golfino Dolphin AM (ate) Hasta Until Balfos (abertas de Rachas de viento Gust of Wind vento) Vaan (viio) Vayan (to go) Ben (bem) Biene Well Bier (vier) Vinier (to come) Bimbre (vimbre, vime) Mimbre Osier twig Boa, Bon Buena, Bueno Good Bonafo Apacible Pleasant 509 510 APPENDIX 2 Portuguese Castilian Translation Boy (boi) Buey Ox Ois (edes) Perros Dogs Carantona Caratula, Mascara Grimace, mask Cativo Enfermo Sick Caxina (cassina) Arbusto purgativo Laxative plant Cobro (por a) Poner en lugar seguro To put in a safe place Conten Contiene To contain Corpo Cuerpo Body Contraminar Dehaeer intrigas To intrigue Constrengese Constriflese To constrain Corredios (cabelos) Lisos, Lacios Lank (hairs) Crimes Crimenes Crimes Cuento (milhar) Millar One thousand De la dar Dandole To give him Debuxar Dibujar To draw Deseuidar Descargar euidados To get rid of problems Defender Garantizar To guarantee Deisara Dexara Let Dese, Dey Diese, Di Gave Despois Despues After Dizer Decir To say Doliente MaIsano Sick Duveda Duda Doubt E os dese a el dito Y los diese al dieho And give them to the same man Ebangelos Evangelios Gospel Emprestado Prestado Lent Enxerir (inserir) Injertar To insert Eseurana Niebla marina Fog Esmoreeer Desfalleeer, Desmayar To faint Espelunea Antro, Caverna Den Espeto (tambem por Punta de hierro, Skewer/sun at sol a prumo) Assador, Pineho midday Estante Residente Resident Estebe Estuve Was Faeenda (fazenda) Hacienda Farm Falar Hablar To speak Fey to Heeho Deed/exploit Fexes (feixes) Haees Shears Figado Higado Liver APPENDIX 2 511 Portuguese Castilian Translation For (se), Foy Fuer (si), Fue If you go, went Faleceu FalleciO Died Forno Homo Oven Fresco (de) Recientemente Recently Fugir Huir To run away Golpe de suerte Feliz oportunidad Lucky occasion Imprimir Empremar, To print Impresionar Jaz, Jazendo Yaz, Yaciendo Lies, lying (down) Julgar Juzgar To judge Letra Carta Letter Lume Lumbre Fire Moo (m6) Muela Millstone Moeda Moneda Money/coin Moller Mujer Woman Multidume Muchedumbre Crowd Ndcaras (conchas de Ostras Oyster - shells madre-perola) Ningun Nadie Nobody Qubiran Oyeran Heard Pampano Pez Pitch Papahigo (papafigo) Vela de nave A kind of a ship's sail Pardela E~cie de gaivota A kind of a seagull Pareceu CompareciO Turned up Pella (amdlgama) Metales fundidos Amalgam Pendula Pluma Plume Perigo Peligro Danger Peden, Pediran Piden, Pidieran Asked Por ende Ademds Besides Practica Conversaci6n Conversation Presente (oferta) Regalo Gift Qualquer Cualquiera Any Refrescar a la religna Cmir al viento To let go the sail quando flamean las velas Repuxar Rexazar To drawback Ribaldo (velhaco) Bellaco Rascal Sacando Exceptuando Excluding Salva (!azer a) Provar la comida To test the food Salvo (sendo) Sino Otherwise Saito (assalto) Acometida Assault 512 APPENDIX 2 Portuguese Castilian Translation Segundo Segun According to Sirga Cabo de remorque Tow-rope desde de la tierra Surtir Fondear la nave To anchor Teendo Teniendo Having Temporar Templar, Considerar To consider Topo (do rnastro) Extremo del mastil Mast top Treboada Tronada Thunderstorm Trinquete, Triquete Vela de proa y su Foresail palo Trombones Trebuns, Truenos Trombones Virazon Viento de la rnar Breeze Volta Rumbo de Ship's course navegaci6n Voltejar Dar bordadas a la To whirl (sailing) nave Voz (a urna) Undnimemente Unanimously Zerta (certa) Cierta Certain Appendix 3 Toponymic Evolution PIZZIGANO (1367) BIANCO (1436) PARETO (1455) Royal Charter Royal Charter West of Ireland South-west of Ireland South-west of Ireland of 3 November 1460 c. 1471 Mayotas scia BraQir (1) Maitas Maidas AZORES AZORES AZORES AZORES AZORES Santa Maria Santa Maria BraQir (2) Brazyl Brazil Sao Miguel Sao Miguel BraQir (3) Jesus Cristo Terceira SO-CALLED MADEIRA E CANARIES FORTUNATE ISLANDS FORTUNATE ISLANDS OF ST BRENDAN Sao Dinis Pico (MADEIRA and (MADEIRA and CANARIES) CANARIES) Caprinia Caprara (Caprala) Caprala Sao Luis Faial Paloma Colombi Collumbi Sao Tomas Froli (Flores) CanarialForte Ventura Bentyras (Fortunate) Ventura (Fortunate) Graciosa Graciosa Lanceroto (Lanza rote) Corbomarino Corvi Marini Santa Iria Santa Cruz (Corvo) (*) Infemo (Hell) San Zorzi San Zorzo Sao Jorge Sao Jorge Conici Conici (Conigi) MADEIRA Porto Santo Porto Santo Porto Santo Porto Santo Deserta Desertas Desertas Desertas Madera Lenha (timber) * Only after 1471. Source: Admiral Gago Coutinho, A Nautica dos Descobrimentos, vol. I. p. 170 (Lisbon, 1951-2); Commander Fontoura da Costa, Descobrimentos Portugueses no Atlantico e na Costa Africana do Bojador ao Cabo de Santa Catarina, in Congresso do Mundo Portugues V1 - Colecc980 Henriquina, vol. iii (Lisbon, 1958) p. 257. ......w Appendix 4 The Hebrew Alphabet 'Aleph ~ YOdh OOph N 1 10 i' 100 B~th ~ Kaph , RM ~ 2 20 200 Ghimel Lamedh Sin ~ , 3 30 LZ' 300 , Daleth M~m Taw 4 ~ 40 M 400 He NOn Kaph ;, final 5 ~ 50 , 500 Waw Samekh M~m , Q final 6 0 60 600 Zayim NOn T 'j)' Ayin final 7 70 1 700 Phe H~th ~ Phe final n 8 .. 80 =1 800 ~ Teth <;adh~ .. ::: <;adhe final ~ 9 90 r 900 Aleph K) final 1000 514 APPENDIX 4 515 The remaining numbers are formed by joining together the correspond­ ing figures and bear the name of the phonema resulting from the equivalent consonants. The meaning of each letter/number is explained below. ALEPH Mother; the Unthinkable Unit; the immaterial t-C origin; Man as a collective unit, the Principle, the birth (nowadays and, after the invention of the microscope, the ovule). ~ BETH Archtype of all dwellings; the Mouth; (in Hebrew) the House. ~ GHiMEL Relation between movement and form; the mould for Matter; the Throat. , DALETH Everything that exists, physically, in nature; all abundant matter, all division; the Reciprocity. it HE Life, everything that Is; everything related to lim- pidity; clarity; the Light. , wAw Everything that reunites, that joins the air; fertili- sation; the Eye. T ZAYIN Every object that has a destiny, a purpose; the Arrow; the fertilising principle that procreates (nowadays, the spermatozoid). HETH The existence; the reservoir of either Energy or n substance. -~~ TETH The safe place; Sanctuary; purpose; the primitive archetype of the female. ~ YODH That which indicates Power; what is used to show that power; the existence already revealed in time (contrary to Aleph which is timeless); the Finger. ~ KAPH The concept of taking or containing something; the cup of the Hand. LAMEDH Everything that rises, develops, spreads, that be- , comes simultaneously thicker; the Arm, the Phal- Ius, the Member. Q MEM Mother (as in Aleph, material instead of spiritual); everything that is fecund, creator; the Water, the Sea, the Earth. ~ NON Any created being; the Son, what comes from the seed; the Fruit, the Plant. SAMEKH Weapons in a rotary movement, with a specific 0 purpose; the Staff. 'AYIN Everything related to noise, sounds, emptiness; V the Wind. 516 APPENDIX 4 PE The inner sound; what is in the centre; the Word; I the Verb. ~ <;Aolffi An objective; the Universal Matter. QOPH Everything which is useful to Man or which pro­ tects him; a cutting tool; the Axe. ~S What has a movement of its own; the whole Uni­ , verse; the Head. "W sIN The enlivening spirit; the understanding strength that follows a creative purpose; the Fire. M TAN The finality (as the last letter of the Hebraic al­ phabet); the concept of the perfection of the Cre­ ation; the symbol of Man. Appendix 5 The Ten Sephiroth In the Western Cabala, the nature of the emanation of each sephirah is explained as follows in a very truncated way: I I<E1HER (Crown) - masculine essence; top of the pillar of Equilibrium; the secret of secrets; the inner and hidden light. Symbols: the divine spark, the swastika. Virtue: the fulfilment. Vice: none. n CHOKMAH (Wisdom) - masculine essence; the top of the pillar of Mercy; the enlightening intelligence. Symbols: the sceptre of Power; the sphere (and its astrolabic representations: cosmog­ raphic sphere, geographic globe and its armillary representation); the phallus, the tower, the vaulted ceiling, the com­ pass, the equilateral set-square. Virtue: devotion. Vice: none. m BINAH (Understanding) - feminine essence; the top of the pillar of Severity; it is a double essence, either Aima (sparkling and fertile mother) or Ama (bar­ ren woman or even virgin; the greater mother; the big deep sea; the vision of pain). Symbols: the sacramental chalice; the Grail; the external vestments that conceal the body. Virtue: silence. Vice: greed. 517 518 APPENDIX 5 IV CHESED or GEDULAH (Mercy or Magnificence) - masculine essence; centre of the pillar of Mercy; centre of the vision of love. Symbols: the pyramid; the sphere (as in II); the Greek cross (like the one of the Orders of Avis and Christ); the staff; the cable (ship's rope); the fishing net (spread or in a concave frame, a symbol already used in palaeo-Christianity); scuttle for burning coal; cauldron. Virtue: obedience. Vice: fanaticism. V GEBURAH (Courage, Strength, Austerity, what creates Fear) - masculine essence; centre of the pillar of Severity; justice.
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