Man, 49, Takes Two Children Die In East Akron Fire Two children lost their lives termined by firemen. could and then jumped out the to find the children they were told son, mother of two, lived there. while six other children were con­ Mrs. Winters who was caring second floor window." were still in the place. Lire In Leap From for her own children, two Simpson ducted to safety as fire swept an Louis Joluison, and his wife, "We foimd them under a pile of MRS. WINTERS was alono with East Akron home early Wednes­ children and two neighbors chil­ Mary, were in the house at 521 charred blankets, dead. We didn't four of her children, the two Simp­ day morning. dren, told investigators that she Van Everett at the time. When even try to move the bodies until son youngsters and two neighbor The dead are: was talking to a peddlar at the Johnson, 37, heard Mrs. Winters' the coroner came," Corice added children. Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. North Hill Viaduct time she noticed smoke coming Harold Simpson, 5, and Char- screams, he ran to the blazing Assistant Coroner A. H. KyrL- Winters' husband were at work. Despondent over the death of that he was going uptown for a from the kitchen. lene Winters, Sl/a The two died two-story house. akides ruled the two youngsters The neighbor children were being his wife two years ago, Oscar haircut. Shortly aftei"W£trds, police She ordered the children to run from suffocation when they be­ "I tried to get in but the fire died from asphyxiation by inhaling -watched by Mrs. Winters. They are Young, 49, of 298 Turner St., be­ reported his fatal leap. outside while she grabbed a baby came trapped in the second floor was too much. I crawled up to the smoke. Their bodies also were Alvie, 4 months, and Elemuel, 4, came another suicide victim of the FoiTnerly employed at a scrap in its basket and took it outside. of the house at 532 Van Everett porch roof and tried to go in a burned severely. Hill. Their mother, Mrs. Inez Hill, North Hill viaduct last Friday dealer's yard, Young was reported Then she missed two otf the other av. bedroom window but the flames waff at work. when he leaped from a railing and by relatives to have been in fail­ Mrs. Laureen Winters, mother children and attempted to return. There was a fire in the house 14 Also surviving the blaze, besides landed 135 feet below near 41 E. ing health since his .wife's death "I rah back into the burning were already there," the dazed months ago tout no one was in. of 'Charlene, was lalso burned ui the Johnson said. Mrs Winters, were three of her Lods st. in 1953. holocaust and taken to. City Hos­ house and dashed upstairs. I heard jured. children: Maxine,5, Joseph, Jr., 2; * * * He was dead on arrival at St. An Akon resident for 10 years, pital for treatment of burns. the children screaming but I could­ There were two families living Timothy, 1. Ann, 12, and Cletus, Thomas Hospital and the body was he was a native of Alabama. He The origin of the fire which n't see them because of the smoke DISTRICT FIRE Chief, Robert in the six-room house. 6, were in school. sent to the Turner Funeral Home leaves three sisers, Mrs. Narsis caused dajmages estimated at more and fire. Corice said that 15 firemen raced The Joseph Winters, with six The other Simpson child who for burial. Wallace, Mrs. Sumantha Draper than 12,500 has not yet been de­ "I HUNTED AS long as I through the flaming house, trying children and Mrs. Ella Mae Simp­ survives is Warren, 2. Unemployed for almost a year. and Mrs. Ollie May Buggs of Ak­ Young left his home telling friends ron and two nieces, also of Akron. SeUAOtf *7Ae ^nU^edt of /\fe^4oed 9H. ^o^UUea>Ue/ut OUio Akron Student To Accompany Ohio State Symphonic Choir To Europe THE OHIO INFORMER The Ohio State University Sym­ "Messiah." Vol. IX—No. 29 AKRON. OHIO, SATURI>AY, MARCH 19, 1955 Price, 10c phonic Choir, now on its spring While at South High School Miss tour, will appear in Akron at Williamson won the student talent North High iSchool Tuesday, MJajrcli show four xears in a row. She was 23, at 10:00 a.m. Due to seating piano accompanist at the annual Canton UL Elects Announces Dates limitings attendance will be by May Festival ar^ plaved with the Akron FOL Maps invitation. Inter-Hi Orchestra "Hallelujah" For Civil Service Appearing with the choir will ichorus. lie 9|t J|l Board Committees Program For Action be Beryle Williamson a sophomore, WHEN THE SYMPHONIC who is the daughter of Mr. and CANTON—Dr. Guy R. Taylor J. S. Sanders, membership; Dr. P. Jobs lUith City The Akron Future Outlook st. area, plans to devote Its atten­ CHOIR goes on its European tour Mrs. Curtis O. WUUamson, 227 W. vvas returned to the presidency oi M. Ross, nominating; Atty. C. E. League can look foi-ward to an ac­ tion first to more supervised social this summer, Miss Williamson will Examination dates for two jobs Bartges st. A soprano soloist Miss the Canton Urban League for the Hunter, personnel; Miss Jeannette tive campaign in sevei-al areas entertainment for youths. The fa­ accompany it- The choir composed with the City of Akron have been iWiUiamson will also appear &(•• a third consecutive year during a housing abroad. where community progress is cilities of Janek's Ballroom, 18 N. of some 50 voices will get its first announced by Civil Service Direc­ soloist. Her selection is expected meeting of the board of directors Rfddle, community tducation. lagging. Howard st., will be available for big experience when it sings in tor Charles F. Bassett. to *e "JesUB Walked This Lonely of that organization this week. Mrs. Otis iGillespie, volunteer These areas, as outlined by Ku- this purpose. the International Musical Eisted­ Valley," DR. TAYLOR will have serving servite; Mi's. Joseph S. Hoover, Examination for workhouse su­ fus Hodoh, president of the Akron dfod in Llangollen, 'North Wales On April 9, the FOL will present with him the same group of offi­ annual meeting: William K. perintendent, with a pay range of chapter, include recreation and en­ A 1953 South HigOi School grad­ •where 150 choirs from all over the a pre-Easter party at Janek's Ball­ cers who directed the affairs of Riemenschneider, building fund $156.88 to $172.60 bi-weekly, will tertainment facilities for youth, uate, Miss Williaanson is majoring world will participate. room. All members and their this United Fund affiliated oi-gan- and planning; Miss Jeanette Rid­ be held April 2; and examination better housing, employment in in music education at Ohio State. The planned European tour in­ friends as well as others interested ization during 1954. These offi­ dle, constitution. for sanitation mechanic, with pay plants wth defense contracts, and She is a member of the University cludes Lonfon, Brussells, Paris, in the FOL program are invited to cers ai"e: Atty. C. E. Hunter, first range of $1,86 to $2.07 per hour, Improved school-home relations. Chorus with which she aippeared Zurich, Frankfort, Haanlbung bo present for dancing and enter- vice president; Dr. Harold H. Eib- will be given March 26. Applica­ Hodoh, who has headed the Ak­ early this winter in Handel's Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki, tainmejit. ling, second vice- president; J. A. Southern; Teachers tions must be filed for the first ron chapter for four years, out­ Bergen, Oslo, Edinburgh, New- Smith, treasurer; Dr. P. M. Ross, position by March 29 and by lined this program at a meeting vastle, Glasgow and Prestwick, asKistant treasui'er; Miss Jeanette March 22 for the second. of the board at his home, 123 Bel­ Scotland. Riddle, seci-etary. JoinNAACP Both jobs provide vacation and mont St., Monday night. The toiir is being financed by In that same meeting, the foli- TIIE LEAGUE, now working sick leave and retirement. The ex- the through grants and donations lowing board committee chairmen In Large Numbers with the Citizens Progressive from the University Development •for the year 1933 were assigned: amination.s^ are being held to cre­ League to curbe police brutality Fund, alumni and an expected help Robert Pilgrim, building mainte­ . NEW YOiRK—Teachers in the ate an eligible list to fill a va­ and improprtetles in the Howard from the federal government In nance; Dr. Guy R. Taylor, execu­ South are continuing to join the cancy. arranging transportation and tive; J. A. Smith, finance; Rev. NAACP in large' numbers, it was disclosed here by Miss Lucille The duties of workhouse super­ Canton Citizens Croup Black, NAAiCP membership sec­ intendent will include administra­ Plans Two Meetings retary. tive supervision over the City niatthew Henson, Last Survivsr Miss Black noted that the entire CANTON—The executive com­ Workhouse and other duties to be rank of Negro teachers in Bruns­ mittee of the Stark County Negro wick County, -Va., has enrolled in performed under direction. Citizens League will meet Satur- Of Peary'Expedition, Dies At 88 day, March 26, at 4:30 p.m., at the NAACP. This county has 100 The sanitation mechanic will NEW YORK—iMatthew A. Hen- hemorrhage. Negro teachers, and collectively the Canton office of the OHIO perform work in two or more INFORMER, 436 E. Tusc. , son, 88, the only American to ac­ Services were conducted at the they j-epresent more than 50 per skilled trades, one of which a company Admiral Robert E.
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