10 Ri~ for Human Development

10 Ri~ for Human Development

INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP 10 RI~ FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 26F Plaza Street, N E , Leesburg, Virgnia 20176, U S A. WINTER HEAT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM MOLDOVA USAID AGREEMENT NO. 121-A-00-99-00707-00 FINAL REPORT June 30, 1999 Tel (703) 443-2078, Fax. (703) 443-2012, E-mad mhd@erols corn TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # Report of Fuel Dellveries 1. Institutions which recelve fuel A. Hospitals ..... ....... 1 B. Boarding Schools & Orphanages .... ...... 2 C. Boarding Schools for Dlsabled .... ...... 3 D. Secondary Schools .......................... 3 E. Nurseries . ............................ .... 21 F. Pensloners & Vulnerable Famllles ...... 21 G. Other ................................. .. 40 H, Total Delivered ....................... 40 I. Summary of Dellverles by Categories ...... 41 J. Coverage Agalnst Heatmg Requlrements .... 41 Repalrs to Heatlng Systems ........... 42 Monitoring .......... ....... 43 Problems & How Problems were Addressed ........... 45 Outstanding Issues .......... 46 Cooperation wlth GOM .......... 46 Unforessen Matters ....... 47 Descrlbe any Matters/Problems Concerning Fuel Deliveries/Fuel Companies ....... 47 Number of Outstanding Fuel Companies Vouchers to be Paid ...... ....... 47 Other Comments ........... ...... 48 ATTACHMENT 1 Fuel Deliveries to Instltutlons ATTACHMENT 2: Coal Dellverles by Dlstrlct GR/AS Coal & Heatlng 011 for Instltutlons ATTACHMENT 3: Coal Dellverles by Dlstrlct - AS Coal for Households ATTACHMENT 4: Beneflclarles ATTACHMENT 5: Fuel Purchases ATTACHMENT 6: Coal Dellverles by Month ATTACHMENT 7. Payments & Penalties by Fuel Company ATTACHMENT 8 Monitoring Vislts by Distrlct ATTACHMENT 9 Repairs to Heatlng Systems ATTACHMENT 10 End-Use Check Form (Attachment numbers are at left-hand bottom corner of pages ) A woman pensloner receiving coal from a depository at a mayor's office WINTER HEAT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SUMMARY Report of Fuel Deliveries 1 Insbtubons whch received he1 A Hosp~tals lnstltutlon Area of country No of Type of Fuel D~stnct I VlllageKown beneficlanes Fuel Ws) Hospital Bnceni I Carleuti 117 GR n 1 J Hospltal Bnceni Pavlovca 700 GR 90 Hosml Calnari Taracl~a 122 ACO 60 Hospital Calarasi Brav~cea 576 AS 41 Hospltal Camenca Cuhurestlt de Sus 340 GR 45 Hospital Cantemlr Batmadla 151 GR 45 Hospltal Causeni Chirca~esti 40 GR 59 Hospltal Comrat C~ocma~dan 57 GR 45 Hospital Donduseni T~rnova 90 GR 23 Hospital Drochla Ochlui Alb 300 GR 40 Hospital Drochia Zgunta 95 GR 45 Hospital Dubasari Cosnlta 600 AS 60 Hospftal Edlnet Tnnca 110 GR 405 Hospital Falesti Falesti 180 GR 108 Hospltal Glodeni Balat~na 447 GR 45 Hospltal Himesh Nemteni 95 GR 27 Hosprtal laloveni Vas~en~ 75 AS 09 Hospltai Leow largora 130 GR 72 Hospltal Nisporeni S~scani 35 GR 72 Hospltal Ocnlta Dtnjeni 90 GR 23 Hospltal Orhei Susleni 150 GR 90 Hospltal Rlscani Horodlste 157 GR 45 Hospital Slngerei Pepeni 95 GR 45 Hospital Sddanesti Cot~ujen~tMan 120 GR 45 Hospltal Stefan Voda Olanestl 2095 GR 90 Hospltal Straseni Truseni 280 GR 45 Hospital Telenest~ Saratenl 165 GR 90 Hospital Ungheni Sculeni 190 GR 45 Hospital Vulcanestl Ctsrnlchld 140 GR 18 Hospltal Vulcanesti Sloboaa Mare 190 GR 90 Hospital Nr 6 Taracl~a Dermenji 200 GR 270 Hospital psih Orhei Curcht 1190 GR 540 Hospital pslh Nr 5 Balti Baltl 1231 GR 720 Hospdal TB Cladlr-Lunga Cladlr Lunga 114 GR 269 Hospital TB Donduseni Tirnova 400 GR 360 Hospltal TB Orhei Orhei 21 2 GR 45 Hosptal TB Soroca Cosaut~ 550 GR 01 Hospltal TB 1 Soroca soroca I 336 GR I 90 Hospital TB Stmrsni I Vornicsni 250 I QR 900 31 I I I I I Hospital TB I Ungheni I Comesti I 174 I GR I 197 7 Psycho-Neur HospHal Baiti Baltl 890 GR 1080 Psycho-Neur Hospltal Ed~net Bnnzenl 441 GR 585 Psycho-Neur Hospltal Soroca Bad~cen~ 460 GR 765 Psycho-Neur Hospital Soroca Stoicani 202 GR 18 total 14682 7580 61 B Boardlng Schools and Orphanages lnst~tut~on Area of country No of Type of Fuel Dlstnct I V~llageKown beneficlanes Fuel (MTs) Boarding School Rezlna Cln~seutl 280 GR 31 1 J Boardlng School Soroca Tepllova 117 GR 15 3 Boardlng Schod Soroca Tnfauti 182 GR 15 3 Boardlng School Baltl Baltl 270 GR 526 Boarding Schod Bender Bender 460 GR 225 Boardlng Schod Cahul Cahul 350 GR 85 1 Boarding School Cahul Cnhana Veche 174 GR 225 Boardlng School Calaras H~rbovat 31 0 GR 210 7 Boarding School Calarasl Htrbovat 275 AS,AM 237 Boardlng School Camenca Napadova 237 GR 430 Boardlng School Camenca Vascauti 250 GR 432 Boarding School Causeni Tocuz 155 GR 63 Board~ngSchod Causeni Tocur HO 53 846 Boardlng Schod Criuleni Dubasam Vechl 130 AS 112 Boarding ScM Dondusenl Visoca 185 GR 297 Boardlng School Drochla Drochla 429 GR 261 9 Bwrdlng School Edlnet Cupclnl 460 -GR 165 2 Boardmg School Faiestl Falest1 230 GR 142 6 Boardlng School Floresti Marculestl 206 GR 204 Boardlng School Hlncesti Carp~nenl 400 GR 202 9 Boardlng School Hlncestl Carpneni ACO 237 Boardlng School Hlncesti Htncest~ 250 GR 149 8 Boardmg School Hincestl H~ncestl AS 145 Boardlng School H~ncestl Sarata Galbena 140 GR 50 35 Boardlng School Hincesti Sarata Galbena AS 29 Boardlng ScM Lem Leo~ 790 GR 261 Boarding School Orhel ivancea 280 GR 4009 Boarding ScM Orhel Orhei 655 GR 232 8 Boardlng Schd Strasenl Straseni 580 GR 46 6 Boarding School Straseni Straseni ACO 12 Boarding School Telenestl Cazanest~ 340 GR 541 6 Boardlng School Telenest~ Telenestl 177 GR 223 4 Boardlng Schod Unghen~ Unghent 500 AS 148 Boardlng School Vuicanestl A l Cuza 165 GR 51 3 Orphanages Dondusenl Cernoleuca 110 GR 163 Orphanages I Leova I Copcui I 840 I GR I 256 total 9927 I 7162 598 C Boardlng Schools for Dlsabled lnstltutlon Area of country No of Type of Fuel Dlstnct V~llageflown beneficlanes Fuel (MTs) Boarding School for Falesti Alblnetul Vechi 1 65 GR 108 Disabled Boarding School for Falesti Socd No1 116 GR 108 Disabled Boardlng School for Leova Sarata Noua 239 GR 1 35 Disabled Boarding Schdfor Nisporeni N~sporen~ 1 64 GR 234 Disabled Boardlng School for Ocnna Gnnaut~ 110 GR 270 Disabled Boarding School for Orhei lsacova 128 GR 1 28 Disabled Boardlng School for Singerel Razala~ 110 GR 1 98 Disabled Boarding ScMfor Stefan Voda Popeasca 140 GR 91 8 Disabled I I I I I Boarding School for I Straseni Strasenr 386 GR 258 9 ~isabled Boardlng School for Ungheni Sculen~ 65 GR 90 Disabled Boardlng School for H~ncesti H~ncest~ 200 GR 398 1 Disabled I I I I I Boardlng School for 1 Soroca Solonet 1 35 GR 266 ~isab14 I I I I total I 1,968 2,283 8 D Schools (Secondary Schools, G~mnaslums(G), Lyceums (L), Professronal Schools, Pnmary Schools (Pr ) etc ) lnstltutton of No of Tv~eof I LI Area countrv I 1 -. I Fuel Dlstnct Vlllageflown beneficlanes I Fuel (MTs) Profess school Camenca T Vert~ujeni 472 GR 540 Profess school Causeni Causen~ 206 GR 9 Profess school Causeni Causen~ 206 AS 9 Profess school Causeni Salcuta 75 GR 18 85 Profess school Causeni Salcuta AS 7 Profess school Donduseni Corbu 41 2 GR 350 Profess school Donduseni Tlrnova 420 GR 585 Profess school Drochia Zgunta 250 HO 145 378 Profess school Edinet Cupc~n~ 420 GR 1641 Profess schd Edlnet Cupc~ni 41 5 GR 450 Profess school Floresti Marculesti 800 GR 177 Profess school Hmcesti Carplnenl 450 GR 2035 Profess schd H~ncesti Carplnenl AM 1 86 Profess school Nlsporeni N~sporenl 628 GR 371 9 Profess schd 0rhe1 Cucuruzeni 500 HO 149 31 Profess school Orhet Orhel 500 GR 378 2 Profess school Rlscanl R~scanl 890 GR 785 5 Profess school Slngerei Valea Noroculul 255 GR 537 6 Profess school Nr 12 Stefan Voda Vitsoara 31 0 GR 225 School Anenit No1 Cebanovca 231 5 GR 90 School Anent1 Noi Geamana 665 GR 135 I School Anen11 Noi Socolenl 113 GR 90 School Bani El~zavetovca 668 GR 54 School Basarabeasca Abaclla 870 GR 102 I I I I I School I Basarabeasca I Bascalla I 890 I GR 90 I Schod Basarabeasca Carabetovca 500 GR 80 School Bnceni Balasinestl 653 GR 54 School Briceni Caracusen~lVechl 693 GR 54 Schod Briceni Cotlujenl 572 GR 81 School Bncenl Drepcautl 392 GR 49 5 School Bncenl Ghilovetl 442 GR 81 Schod Bnceni Gnmancautl 745 GR 108 School Bncenl Holohora 315 GR 27 ScM Bnceni Larga 600 GR 67 5 Schd Briceni Medveja 251 GR 405 School Bncenl Slreull 492 GR 90 School Bncenl Tabanl 609 GR 67 5 School Bncenl Tetcani 543 GR 63 School Bnceni Treb~saut~ 358 GR 405 School Cahul Andrusul de Jos 473 GR 30 Schd Cahul Andrusul de Sus 384 GR 54 School Cahul Badlcu Moldovenl 296 GR 55 Schod Cahul Buriacu 475 GR 0 Schod Cahul Lopatlca 171 GR 0 School Cahul Manta 550 GR 105 School Cahul Pelinel 500 GR 76 7 School Cahui Rosu 475 GR 47 85 I I I I 1 School I Cahul I Taraclla de Salcle I 361 I GR I 20 I ScM Cahul Tatarasti 455 GR 126 School Cahul Ursoala 21 0 GR 18 Schod Cainari Alexandrovca 180 GR 27 School Calnari Balrnaclia 460 ACO 48 Schaol Cainari Batlr 600 ACO 48 Schod Cainari Carbuna 484 GR 63 Schod Cainari Cascalla 460 GR 90 Schd Calnan Ceglrlenl 520 ACO 12 School Calnan Clmatenil Noi 390 GR 36 School Calnari Cluflestt 292 AM 12 School Caman Constantinovca 200 GR 72 Schd Camari Flonca 164 GR 36 ScM Cainarl Gangura 249 AM 32 School Cainari Gungara 249 GR 42 School Calnari Pervomalsc 21 5 GR 72 School Calnari Taraclla 800 GR 275 School Calnari Taradla 808 ACO 58 School Cainarl Zolot~evca 143 OR 72 School Calarasi Bahmut 41 3 AM 24 School Calaras~ Dereneu 320 AM 24 School Calarasi H~rjeuca 389 AM 48 School Calarasi H~rova 450 ACO 24 Schd Caiarasl Hodglnesti 365 AM 24 School Calarasl Horodlste 586 ACO 24 School Calarasi Nlscani 425 AS 18 School Calara~ Novac~ 178 AM 7 School Calarasi On~scan~ 31 2 AM 24 School Calarasi Pet~cent 245 AM 12 School Calarasi P~rjolten~ 346 ACO 59 School Calarasr Pltuxa 797 ACO 18 School Calarasl Rac~ula 564 ACO 35 School Calarasl Reden1 477 ACO 24 School

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