Cover+Ruecken_engl06_ok 18.08.2007 9:32 Uhr Seite 2 Rücken annual report 2006 www.rat-fte.at Rücken Cover+Ruecken_engl06_ok 18.08.2007 9:31 Uhr Seite 1 Rücken imprint Publisher and Media Owner | © austrian council for research and technology development | 1010 Vienna | Pestalozzigasse 4 Design | Grafikatelier Heuberger | Vienna Printed by | Kärntner Druckerei | Klagenfurt Picture Sources | MEV-Verlag | Gunda Dittrich | Florian Stecher Graz University of Technology | Bergmann | Vienna University of Technology | Zinner Rücken table of contents 2 foreword 3 editorial 5 perspectives “Austria needs Young Talent” 6 “The World is an Oyster for the Best Young Researchers” 9 The Austrian Council’s Strategy of Excellence: Recommendation for Reaching the Top 12 15 the austrian council recommends Recommendations 2006 16 19 creating knowledge Update: What has been accomplished 20 Basic Expertise: Reports and Studies 2006 27 33 events 37 the austrian council Review and Outlook 38 Mission and Goals 38 Secretariat: New Faces in a New Setting 38 Members 40 Secretariat 41 42 plans Key Areas for the Austrian Council in 2007 43 44 contact 1 foreword The Austrian Government is committed to raising ensure that the increase in research funding speci- the level of research and development. To this end, fied in the coalition agreement can be implemen- investments in the future are to be encouraged and ted efficiently. The Austrian Council for Research growth and employment generated. In its ambi- and Technology Development will, as in the past, tious agenda for the next legislative period, the issue (strategic) recommendations in accordance Government has earmarked an additional EUR 800 with the goals set out in the paper Strategy 2010 million for this area over the next four years, more for the public funds invested in R&D. In the main, than ever before. By 2010 the research quota will these comprise the funds from the National Foun- be increased to 3 percent. Austria is already well dation for Research, Technology and Develop- above the European Union average in this respect. ment, Action Programme III and the ordinary The Government has also defined an important budgets of the responsible ministries. In doing so, role for the Austrian Council for Research and the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Technology Development. In a joint dialogue with Development fulfils one of its key tasks, namely to those ministries responsible for research, the mem- ensure the efficient use of the budget funds entrus- bers of the Austrian Council perform a vital task. ted to the responsible ministries. They draw up strategy recommendations desi- We wish the Austrian Council for Research and gned to ensure the sustainable development of Technology Development much success as it Austrian research activities. The availability of carries out its important advisory activities and highly qualified researchers is of crucial signi- undertakes to make an active contribution to the ficance in this respect, as this is the only way to discussion. Mag. Wilhelm Molterer Vice Chancellor and Minister of Finance Dr. Johannes Hahn Dr. Martin Bartenstein Minister of Minister of Science and Economic Affairs Research and Labour Werner Faymann Christa Kranzl Minister of Under-Secretary of Transport, Innovation State at the Ministry for and Technology Transport, Innovation and Technology 2 editorial Continuing a Successful Path nology Austria – ISTA, an important step towards Austrian research and its promotion have in making Austria an intellectual and cultural centre recent years certainly proven to be a “success in Central Europe in the wake of EU enlargement. story”. Investments in research and development, The positioning of ISTA as a top international in- and the number of people employed in research stitute which leverages the potential of multi-dis- have both now reached historic levels. In 2005 ciplinary scientific collaboration, is in keeping Austria for the first time achieved a higher re- with the Austrian Council’s long-term vision for search quota (2.35 percent) than the OECD ave- Austria as a centre of R&D formulated in its Stra- rage. In 2006 this quota rose to 2.43 percent or tegy 2010 (for details see page 12 of this Annual Knut Consemüller EUR 6.24 billion, the equivalent of an 84 percent Report). However, 2006 was above all an election Chairman of the increase in spending on research and develop- year with all the related uncertainties – especial- Austrian Council ment since 1998. In the words of Dirk Pilat, head ly with regard to budgeting. Even before the gene- of the Science and Technology department at the ral election in October, the Austrian Council had OECD, Austria is thus in the process of trans- conducted detailed talks with all political parties, forming itself from being a pure user of technol- during the course of which it became clear that ogy to a development-focussed, technology-inten- there was a broad consensus regarding the strat- sive economy. In its Science, Technology and In- egy adopted to reposition Austria as a centre of dustry Outlook 2006, the OECD also stated that innovation. Immediately after the election, the Austrian innovation policy had made a valuable Austrian Council presented the science spokes- contribution to this development – “among other persons of the various parties with its recommen- things, by increasing tax incentives for research dations for anchoring research and technology and development and through public-private part- in a Government Programme for the coming legis- nership programmes for research competence lative period. In this paper, the Austrian Council centres”. It is an indication of Austria’s quality as recommends that Strategy 2010 form the basis for a research location that approximately 30 percent the Government’s research and technology poli- of spending in the corporate sector originates cy work. Furthermore, the Austrian Council also abroad, i.e. is financed by companies headquar- noted that the EUR 550 million required in addi- tered outside Austria. Austria is therefore moving tion to the research billion to meet the target to the top of the OECD league tables. It is the Aus- research quota of three percent of GDP “abso- trian Council’s task to actively assist this process. lutely must be made available between 2007 and From the very outset it has been our ambition to 2009”. As in recent years research promotion position Austria among the top 25 percent of activities have been increasingly financed using OECD states. To this end, Austrian strengths and money awarded at short notice (known as Action areas with potential for the future were analysed funds) and less from ring-fenced budgets, the and the results of the study used to formulate coalition negotiations which lasted three months strategies which, where necessary, were then resulted in budget delays for 2007. The Action adapted to changed conditions. Reviewing what funds could not be released until a new federal we have accomplished over the last few years, budget had been adopted. there can be only one conclusion: we must con- tinue down the path we have followed so success- The Austrian Council was therefore all the more fully in the past. pleased with the results of the coalition negotia- tions in relation to research, innovation and tech- 2006: A Year of Change nology. Given the commitment made in the Go- 2006 was an exciting year for science and re- vernment programme to raise the R&D quota to search in Austria. On 21 March Parliament voted three percent of GDP and push ahead with struc- to set up a world class Austrian research insti- tural change, the Austrian Council is confident tute to be named Institute of Science and Tech- that the strategy adopted in 2000 will be conti- > 3 editorial nued. However, it is disappointing that research 2007: Greater Efficiency, Excellence and agendas will remain divided between more than Awareness two ministries. The Austrian Council had called The Strategy 2010 published in 2005 served as an for streamlining in this area in keeping with its important and appropriate guide for our work long-standing demand for greater efficiency and last year. Major steps were taken, for example, in effectiveness in research funding. the area of grant reform, the Austrian Council’s strategy of excellence was developed further and More Money and Improved Structures the second campaign of the Awareness programme Günther Bonn In a country like Austria which is small in size but “innovativesoesterreich” was successfully com- Deputy Chairman of the nevertheless highly integrated into the global eco- pleted. The Austrian Council has once again set Austrian Council nomy, research, development and innovation play itself an extensive programme for the next few a crucial role in safeguarding national competi- months, which includes a review of all funding tiveness. The country’s economic success and measures and the development of suggestions to the job security of the population depend on it. restructure this fragmented, and in some cases The simple truth is that research needs money – complex, system. In addition, the Austrian Coun- even if financial resources alone do not suffice. cil will focus on a strategy of excellence, a speci- The general climate and a ready supply of well- al research strategy for Information and Commu- educated personnel also play an important role. nications Technologies, the launch of “innovati- This is confirmed by the fact that research and de- ves-oesterreich III” and the question of human velopment safeguard value-creation at companies. resources in Austria. Finally, we would like to One thing is clear: There is not a single example thank all those who supported our work last of non-investment in research and development year. We hope you find this Annual Report both creating additional jobs, as Erwin Kubista from informative and thought-provoking and invite you Joanneum Research so accurately put it.
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