HEALT H CARE DEBATE HEATS UP 8 M AY 2 0 0 9 BOUND FOR VIRGINIA BEACHpage 18 5 FY2010 Spending Priorities 15 Honoring the Fallen MESOTHELIOMA You don’t have to ght this alone. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with, or died from asbestos related lung cancer or mesothelioma, we may be able to help you get monetary compensation from the asbestos companies. For information and a free With over 30 years of collective consultation please contact experience in asbestos litigation, the professionals at Bergman Draper & Frockt welcome the chance to provide you with the highest quality representation and the individual attention you deserve. )LUVW$YHQXH)RXUWK)ORRU 6HDWWOH:$ THE NORTHWEST’S LEADING FIRM IN ASBESTOS LITIGATION ZZZEHUJPDQOHJDOFRP May 2009 Volume 88 Number 5 1 Featured 18 FRA TOD A Y MAY 2009 MAY 18 BOUND FOR VIRGINIA BEACH Shipmates and ladies are beach-bound for the 2009 FRA and LA FRA National Conventions Departments 2 COMMUNICatIONS 5 NED PERSPECTIVE FY2010 Spending Priorities Come to Light 7 SHIPMATE FORUM 8 ON & OFF CAPITOL HILL Health Care Debate Heats Up 15 HISTORY & HERItaGE Memorial Day 13 17 MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Recruiting and Outreach 15 26 NEWS frOM THE BraNCHES 30 REUNIONS 34 TapS 35 LOOKING FOR… 36 LA FRA NEWS LOYaltY, PROTECTION AND SErvICE FRA IS A CONGRESSIONALLY CHartERED, NON-PROFIT ORGANIZatION ADVOCatING FOR CURRENT AND FORMER ENLISTED MEMBERS OF THE ON THE COVER U.S. NavY, MARINE CORPS AND COAST GUARD ON CAPITOL HILL. FOR Virginia Beach is the largest city in Virginia, offering a MORE INFORMatION ON THE BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP, PLEASE VISIT wide range of activities and entertainment options for WWW.FRA.ORG OR CALL 800-FRA-1924. all ages and interests. COMMUNICatIONS 2 NATIONAL OFFICERS/BOARD OF DIRECTORS National President Donald Mucheck, L. Mendel Rivers Branch 50 National Vice President Gary C. Blackburn, Vallejo Branch 8 Joseph L. Barnes, Navy Department Branch 181 National Executive MAY 2009 MAY Y A Finance Officer Paul Rigby Be Heard! Eileen Murphy Junior PNP Lawrence J. Boudreaux, Hangtown Branch 275 FRA TOD A LARGE PART OF FRA’s legislative suc- REGIONAL PRESIDENTS cess is rooted in the grassroots support New England Paul F. Loveless, Jr., Pinetree Branch 156 of our members. We encourage all our Northeast James E. Brown, Staten Island Branch 226 shipmates to communicate regularly East Coast Ray E. Santee, Virginia Beach Branch 166 with their elected officials — to ask their Southeast John E. Sutton, Mayport Branch 290 support for (or opposition to) legislative North Central Robert A. Melson, USS Indianapolis Memorial proposals that impact current or former Branch 130 service personnel. South Central Donald Larson, Corpus Christi Branch 94 Southwest Charles F. Tompkins, James Hunter Branch 47 Communicating with members of West Coast Nathan “Joe” Nash, Silver Dollar Branch 192 Congress is easy for shipmates. FRA’s Northwest Donald L. Bordwell, Dungeness Branch 174 online Action Center is available at Nat’l. Parliamentarian PNP Robert G. Beese, Orange County Branch 175 www.fra.org and allows shipmates to Nat’l Chaplain Tom Whitaker, B. Duke Woody Branch 147 send pre-written messages (or you can draft your own) on issues that relate to ACTIVE DUTY ADVISORY COUNCIL the Association’s legislative agenda. We Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Rick West also offer a free “Communicate with Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Carlton Kent Your Elected Officials” booklet, a helpful Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Charles Bowen guide that includes a congressional direc- tory for the 111th Congress and tips for RESERVE ADVISORY COUNCIL sending effective messages to your sena- Force Master Chief of the Naval Reserve Ronney A. Wright tors and representative. To order your free copy, send an email request USMC Reserve Force Sergeant Major Kim E. Davis to [email protected] and be sure to include your name, service, rate and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Reserve Force address. Jeffrey Smith 2009 Military Almanacs Now Available FRA TODAY MAGAZINE We’re also proud to announce the availability of the 2009 Military Almanacs, which provide the most up-to-date information on military Publisher FRA Managing Editor Eileen Murphy pay and benefits. These outstanding, fact-filled reference books include Contributing Editor Lauren Armstrong updated information on pay and allowances, entitlements, veterans’ Design and Art Direction and other benefits, including recent changes in eligibility rules, survivors’ FIREBRAND, Alexandria, VA www.firebrandstudios.com benefits, and many other subjects of importance to service members, Design Director Scott Rodgerson retirees and their families. Production Manager Sandy Jones The Uniformed Services Almanac for active duty personnel, the Reserve Forces Almanac for members of the Reserve Components, the National Guard Almanac for Army and Air National Guard members, FRA TODAY (ISSN 0028-1409) IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY FRA, 125 N. WEST ST., AleXandria, VA 22314-2754. A member’S SUbscriptiON is COvered BY THE member’S and the Retired Military Almanac for retirees or those nearing retire- annUal DUes. PeriOdicals POstage paid at AleXandria, VA and additiOnal OFFICES. PUblicatiON OF NON-SPONSORED advertising IN FRA TODAY DOES NOT ment are available directly from the publisher for $12 per copy, plus CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT BY THE FRA OR ITS representatives. POSTMASTER: $3.50 for shipping and handling. Mail orders may be sent to Uniformed SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: MEMBER SERVICES, FRA, 125 N. WEST ST., ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314-2754. FRA TODAY IS PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF ALL CURRENT AND Services Almanac, Inc., P.O. Box 4144-FRA, Falls Church, VA 22044, FORMER ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NavY, MARINE CORPS, AND COAST GUARD. ELIGIBLE NON-MEMBERS ARE NOT ENTITLED TO SUBSCRIPTION rates. EstablisHED with check or money order made payable to Uniformed Services 1 NOVEMBER 1923. TITLE REGISTERED WITH U.S. Patent OFFICE. Almanac, Inc. Please specify which title(s) you are ordering. Credit FRA Administrative HEADQUarters: 125 N. WEST ST., ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314-2754 card orders may be placed by phone at 1-888-872-9698 (toll-free) or PHOne: 703-683-1400, 800-FRA-1924 • FAX: 703-549-6610 • E-Mail: [email protected] through their secure website www.militaryalmanac.com. www . fra .O rg VOLUme 88 NUmber 5 Eileen Murphy is the Director of Marketing and Communications and serves as the Managing Editor of FRA Today. Please contact her at [email protected]. /".$"3@/"@-BZPVU1.1BHF NEW NAVY CAREER RING PERSONALIZED WITH YOUR NAME VETERANS COMMEMORATIVES ™ HONORS UNITED STATES NAVY VETERANS NAVY CAREER SERVICE RINGS HANDCRAFTEDIN AMERICA WITH GOLD, SILVER AND BRILLIANT SAPPHIRE-BLUE CAPSTONES e proudly honor your service to Country Wby issuing a highly personalized U.S. Navy ring FEATURING YOUR NAME IN BOLD LETTERS above a high-relief sculpture of the powerful USN NAVY ANCHOR, representing the great tradition of Navy Service. The opposite side displays your choice of Career Insignia. (See below. 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