Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1946-1947 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1947 Eastern Progress - 28 Feb 1947 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1946-47/10 ^ EASTERN PROGRESS RICHMOND, KY., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1947 NUMBER 10 VOLUME 25 • j Parade of Opinion 'BUG' WARFARE ^VTAROONS LOSE KIAC TITLE Secretary or War Patterson re- cently Issued a directive forbidding any further mention of bacteri- Western Regains ological warfare by those office™ and chemlsta directly connected Building Crown by 54-43 with the weird experiments now being conducted. A heavy curtain The Eastern Maroons of Paul as thick as the one that still hides McBrayer fought the HUltoppers most of our atomic secrets has of Western on even terms for the been drawn to cloak the work. first ten minutes Saturday night Many military circles have more but then weakened and allowed respect for bacteriological warfare Western to build up a 28-17 half- than for an atomic bomb war since time lead and the Toppers held on the United States has spent $50 to defeat the battling Maroons 54- million on its bacteriological ex- 43 at the Jefferson county Armory periments and a mere $2 billions for their 12th KIAC championship. on the atomic program. Eastern, who had the harder During these experiments Im- trail to go in reaching the finals, portant discoveries have been fought Western on even terms for made in counteracting some of the the greater portion of the first half deadliest diseases; knowledge of but weakened when Lloyd great benefit to the medical world. "Stretch" Hudnall was forced to Washington's problem now retire from the game with five per- should be how to control what is known and put It to work for the sonals. good of man, not for his destruc- Although the Maroons were con- quered they put up a grand fight —DAILY ATHENAEUM and with three reserves playing practically all the second half out- A SOCIAL QUANDARY scored Western 26 points to 25. Figures released from the Reg- Shortly after the start of the sec- istrar's office cat South Dakota ond half Paul Hicks,. Eastern's State College reveal that there are long shot artist, committed his 1,523 men on campus and only 428 fifth personal and a short time coeds. This constitutes a social later was followed by Ed Shemelya. problem, since 1,084 of the boys Hudnall, a senior, playing his will have to bear up without dates. last game for Eastern, kept the As a solution, Jack Case, an ed- Maroons in the ball game along itorial writer, feels that the stu- with "Chuck" Mrazovlch and Ed dent body should adopt a modified Shemelya as they controlled the form of polyandry. Under such a ,or J?ES£r£SlX K= SB tt»ZSXttV^tt& WSa» *-"« backboards and denied Western's system each coed would have "^^C^buudlJiiwere approved at the last meeting of the Board of Regents It will be located West of th. Weaver Health giants control of the ball. Hud- three or four boy friends at each nall was guarded by Western's dance Instead of the customary building. stellar "Duck" Ray, but the lanky single escort. This would establish Maroon forward continually broke a cooperative, share-our-natural- World Student Service away from Ray to score crips and resources attitude among the fel- Tsi Hsing Wang Alexander Kerensky Drive This Week completely outplay the Western lows and at the same time satisfy Spoke On "China" ace. the coed's normal inclination to be The Y sponsored drive for the Hudnall started things off for surrounded by hordes of admirers, On Friday evening, February 21, Says Third World War World Student Service Fund began Eastern when he was fouled by Dee he feels. a small gorup In the Little The- at Eastern last Wednesday, Febru- Gibson and made one of two free It would also be an Improvement ary 26. throws awarded him. Spears tal- from the economic standpoint, ater had the pleasure of hearing" Threat is Exaggerated During the first World War, this lied with a jump shot from the splitting the girls' expenses three Mr. Tsl Hsing Wang of Kunming, World Student Service Organiza- tide and Western led 2-1. Shemelya or four ways. However, one prob- China, speak to them on the sub- Russia has never had a lust for tion was formed for the purpose of connected with a gratis toss to tie lem connected with the proposal world power, most of her foreign aiding college students in war-torn the ball game up at 2-2. Hudnall remains to be. worked out. This ject of China. dropped In a foul shot and a few In his brief speech, Mr. Wang policy Is directed now toward Rus- countries to secure a college edu- controversy Involves the procedure sian development and a desire for cation. Today with the starving seconds later was fouled by Ray on the porch of Wenona hall. When gave a history of China and point- non-aggressive neighbors, accord- millions of people in Europe and and made another gratis toss to that minor problem has been solv- ed out places of Interest on the ing to Alexander Kerensky, leader Asia the need is greater than ever send Eastern to the fore 4-2. ed, the social difficulties at State Again the rangy Maroon for- College will be at an end. map. of the democratic movement In before. The story is told of a pol- Speaking In Interest of the Russia, speaking at the assembly ish professor who, In midwinter, ward connected as he drove In for —SOUTH DAKOTA COLLEGIAN a crip to increase the Maroon mar- World Student Service Fund of students and faculty of Eastern sold his overcoat to buy food to ACTOR VANDENBURG State Teachers College this morn- keep from starving and the Chi- gin to four points, 6-2. Joe Fryz Some say that "he appears and Drive, he told of the heroic strug- ing in Hiram Brock Auditorium. nese student who sold his bed in made a foul toss and a short time acts just as Hollywood would have gle of Chinese students In carry- The danger of a third world war order to buy food. We here at later Hudnall again connected on a senator appear and act" Others ing on their work in their trans- has been greatly exaggerated, Mr. Eastern are so far removed from a tip In and the Maroons led 8-2. Hudnall fouled Ray and the West- say that he "has stood squarely on planted universities during the Kerensky declared. The Russian all of this that we never think of our fellow students. ern giant connected and followed both sides of every Issue for the Japanese invasion. Their school people themselves are restive un- past ten years." der Communism, with Stalin rem- Now la our Opportunity to think a few seconds later on another But when it comes to discussing buildings were of mud bricks with ixing better than anyone else that of our fellow student, to put our- jump shot .to cut the Eastern lead his work at the UN meeting, near- thatched roofs and their furniture the back of Communism in Rus- selves in his place. This Is a cam- to four points. ly all agree that more than once It sia has been broken, the speaker paign for funds from students to Led 11-5 and equipment very simple. There Eastern continued to play heads has been Sen. Arthur Vanden- was an everlasting lack of books, continued. During the war all the students. burg's coolness and level thinking trappings of the Communist party Each evening in the recreation up ball and Increased their margin that has saved the face of the food, medicine, and other neces- | Were discarded, from the official room throughout the remainder of to six points as Hudnall broke United States. Whatever his vac- sities. i orders, the newspapers, and the the drive, girls will solicit contri- away from Ray and dropped In. a illations In the past, the harness Mr. Wang received his Master's ' army itself, he added, stating that crip shot and the Maroons were butions. out In front 11-5. Chalmers Ero- maker's son is directly responsible Degree from Bucknell University. the emphasis was not upon Com- On Thursday at 6:30 p. m., a for a sizeable portion of the UN's He has traveled extensively in the munism Itself but upon saving bry kept Western In the game with program on the W. S. S. fund was a medium basket but this was nul- points. United States, Europe, and Asia. "eternal Russia." given. —DAILY KANSAN He Is a Y. M. C. A. secretary In lified as "Chuck" Mrazovlch sank n Hundreds of thousands of Rus- The greatest gifts are gifts a medium toss and Eastern had Kunming and at the present is sian men and women who were wherein sacrifices are made. Could making a speaking tour of the "Naughty Mariettta their second biggest lead of the Y Delegates At Meet forced into slave labor In Germany you not do without one day's des- contest, 13-7. United States on behalf of Chinese Rehearsals Continue and were forcibly returned to Rus- serts and give that money to a rehabilitation. Western then began to rally and A Leadership Training meeting sia, Kerensky said. Stalin Is try- fellow student In a war-torn Anyone passing the Hiram Brock ing to Impose a regime of political world ? Give that they might live.
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