r^7tK' *Ti?3 l L" > « mT^J M1 V?* " Fall Cou*«# YOLUMfe ST V AUSTIN, TEXAS. FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1951 Eight Pages_ TodayNO. 23 teicsttsr-fi John Hkkerson, fessiStant "U.S, V > Secretary of " Slate lor United Nations affair*, has accepted an r«V ~^r invitation to speak in this fall's Great Israel Comm.;1 ••-^••'' "•$ •<: - • His- acceptance brings to four .-Jhr number of speakers who have agreed to participate hi the eight- lecture series on American For­ eign Policy. The .others are'. Hans .Jtforgenthau, Clyde Eagleton, and George McGhee, Who also is an . assistant Secretary of State. ' out all campus religious foundations * Great Issues summer-chairman roiStjr yash# and freshman orien- any conflicts. ' Saturday, - September 15 at 10 - Brace Meadorsaid Thursday that ^tatioij all seent to come In one Pre-registration activities in­ he and-other committee members a.m. A Plajj. Party will be held ;' confused jumble at the beginning clude an open h house at the in the Texas Union from 8 to 11 have letters in , the mail to pros­ of September. -But actually all Union from 8 to 11 p.m. Friday, pective speakers for the four p.m. Such > activities -• are - earefully September 14. ^ •At 7 p.m. Monday, September ' dates remaining unfilled. In cases planned and timed, and every- Open houses will be^gtvtn at where an answer is delayed, he 17, a' free movie will be shown *: mid, the prospect trill be phoned c JS in the Main Lounge of the Union, - for a commitment* , ^ An Orientation Dance will con ­ Deadline for completing 'plans clude orientation activitijes Tues- for the program is August 31, day, September 18, io the Main i Meador stated. By' that jtime sev­ Lounge. eral prominent'lecturers now out Rush Week will begih Septem­ of ihc country will, be contacted ber. 11 with * pre-rush fraternity and, if they are unavailable^ al- A •HV.iV? convocation at 9 a.m. in Hogg . temate speakers will hejin'ed up. Auditorium. Pre-rush p a r ti e a Meador "expressed optimism 0t RU3S.KERSTEN have been planned by some fra­ that the course will be held this fflflfl' ternities September 9 . and 10. fall as originally planned. There Jane. Holcombc The, auburn- , Rejection "of * a controversial . Bob Gude asked about the case Formal fraternity rush • will be Publicity • Bill by a 7-3 margin of a hypothetical committee' chair-J held September 11-18, en.ding - have been doubts that the . com­ halfed. MUs Te^as of 1951 will highlighted Thursday nighfs ses­ mittee could complete - arrange- compete m +14 Miss America t man faced with the alternative of with pledge convocation in Hogg ments in time, which would Itave sion-ending ' Summer Assembly going to the designated authority Auditorium September 13 at contest ^in Atlantic Cit^_ neirf meeting; which was attended -by- a -or -of—personally-presenting his 10{80 -p.m;—;• &ecf*sitat»d moving the program. —•w©ritfi., (Photo oy Romeike.) bare quorum of twelve. <- to the spring semester. Committee's news tq The Daily. Sorority rush begins with rush -The bill,' introduced by Marvin Texan. (Commenting on the probable - • 'x •• • •' * convocation and registration •est* Meador stated that- the com­ UT's Henry Dunn Foster to replace»a bilI with sim.i- Foster replied that "the official Wednesday, September' 12, at f mittee has been fortunate enough Utr intent that met with disfavor rfews releases" mentioned in tlie a.tn; in the Main -Ballroom of the - to get two speakers, McGhee and Honored 1>y Time at the previous meeting, ran into bill would include all committee Union. Silence f or Mrority Hkkerson, free and one ofthe stiff opposition after the Assem­ rushees begins at 12 noon, Sep­ • others pit « vary low cost. "That For Book Driye , bly Voted to suspend the nilea—^ Roger Bobinson then asked,.''Do tember 1C>, and ends at 4:30 p.m. < :V'i:»w*pe^^ makeit the procedure fbr 'voting oti 'a you have to go through- this Pub­ Sunday, September 16; bill' at the same time it is intro­ pesjille 'toPins to pay our own " If you hapen to look on page lic Belations Committee?" Foster Period.Onepartiesstartat 1 this year without using any duced. ; answered, "Yes." - p.m. September l2 and continue 57 of last week's Time magazine; Fdster contended that it was through September 13. Period of the $1,500 hank Ulance," he you may not believe your eyes. • "Whatis official end .what is <«aUL He declined to guess how merely "an organixational bill.. unofficial?M inquired Bbbinson. ^; Two parties will be held Satur- But that picture really ia df H«nry to .nUlttef-the : Public BelatiOns day^September 16. Rush bids and »• t »*k the ' remaining "" speakers Dunn, the etfestodUn of the Main "NeArly everything is official," may cost. Comimittee" and would serve to Foster explained. prefei^ntial sigaing. Will- be in the JBuilding of The University of Tex­ "weed otat duplicating material." Union September 16 at 4:30 p.ni. as. " Bill Meredith' pointed out that Just before the votfi' was taken, end open rush begins September Time honored Mr. Dunn, in it's the bill was definitely constitu- Foster. summed' up i>the. bi&'s pur­ 46 UT Students education section - for being res­ tional, whereaa * ite /predecessor pose by saving' that""it is not to Students who do not plan te ponsible' for the sending • of 325,- was. dubiops. place.' power, but . responsibility attend Bush Week will probably . 000 volumes abroad In the last The bill provided that "all of­ with the Ptiblie Relations Com­ return September 18 for registra­ three year£ He is also 'the .man ficial—new* .releases concerning mittee."'^' " 1 tion September 18-20. Final an­ responsible for the sending of 14 ,- the student government body be Brief standing committee re­ nouncements of courses ' will be ' j-. Forty-si* law studetata from the jOOO books to Samuel Huston' Col­ fepproved by the Pt«sideni of tiie ports were given by Bobinson, out about September 12. ~ : ' tJaiversity have passed the bar lege, ena^Ung it to retain its schol­ student .bod^ or the chairman of chairman «>f the Blanket Tax Com­ ^examination and will he licensed astic standing.. Huston College the Public Beletionr Cortlmittee" mittee; Besearch, Foster; and Tex­ - by the Supreme Court of ?e*as was in danger of being removed with several strings attached. The as Student^ Publications,, Gude. Tin public ceremonies in the Capi­ from the state.Ust of accredited meaning of the biU's explanAtory Other ch^irmen were absent. , , tol at 11 a.nu, Wednesday, Au schools because of its inadequate sub-paragraphs, however, was not A motion thet.the Summer As­ . fust 29. library. .quite clear and Foster., was; ques­ sembly meet unofficially with the. 'Mr. Dunn says that he thlhla tioned at length about the possible newly-elected fall Assembly at its v .Those who passed Include Mar ? tmLewisAllday, Thomas Ken­ the article is "pretty nice." i ambiguities of * the wording. first meeting passed unanimously. nedy Bamford, Edgar Paul Bar- ^A. spokesman .'for the staten at­ ?ft i WiH«n Haywood Betoners torney general's office said Thurs­ Jll^and Duncan £. Boeclcmaa. For Fofigri Sfudtnlt day Uiat «; ruling on the so-called ' ss loyalty oath rider will >likely be Andrew D. Bowie Jr., Jerome /Cartwrigfct, Sidney J. Cathey* issued this week end. - • .Cesar Oscar Cavakos, - Jack. Nor- Attorney General Price Daniel Clark, Leon K. Cleyd, Joe Orieniatiorr Ends Sept. 8 was unavailable for comment. ««Brwt Cunningham. The controversial ridier. to. the^ -~Forty-eigh$studente. *epresent- ettej dgeeredo and Luis Melgar agent for a private organitation general appropriations bill & ff „ Bietard^DaviiT Dsvis/~Mir*haU tng twen^r nations are ^amigned Larrieu. From India,- come • Miss is sponsoring Miss Concepcion 'Mi passed by the. fifty-second .Legis­ ^~W5ggs:.Jr., -James W. to the English Langmage and Or­ JVrinda Sharma ,and Durga Pars- Ynmpl,: from - the Philippine Is­ lature rcqqireip two things of all •A >»>©wea tLA Ellington, Rafael Hum­ ientation Program of the Univerr bad Bhutani. v • state employes. Iliey. must take berts Flores, LawtOhGraves' Gam- lands, who Will' stay at the Uni­ 4 fity from July $0 to~ Sept<nnber From Germany there are Hans versity.* an osith^that they are not Com­ hill, George EdwinGilkerson, Luk- 8. • - ' " - , ' .--"-'t munist Party, members, andhave > ,4a Taylor Gilliland. Gerhard/ and Karl Lochmair.- Mr. Students under the Auspices and . The group i»cludes 34 jnen and Lochmair will- remain at Texas. sponsorship of 'fte United States not beenl.members of any organi- "Bebert B. Goodrich, Clayton 14 womeau ^Included in - thie group From - Nicaragua '- come Fernando Office of Education and. Federal xfition deejmed subyersive in 1847 *4^ EilBard, Charles E. - Hughes, «re - . 'joui^Mklistej »nd' Aristides gomarrib.^: Security ^gen<^ a^ by the. U.S. Attohiey, General..^ |Calvm WiiifteM J*yroe,Charles B. economists,, engineers; tnd^ 'OthOt*. - r.'Otheri-- sponsored r .jhiy""the; :^Stsi6s: ond group. - Ineloded are ' Juan .'.If allowed to .stand, the new {-Jones III, Warren Bruee Leach The irtodenjbl: have b«en divided ; oath-^which would be taken is A Department are: MiM Francoise Psiiftiagua, Guatemala; Mrs. Aud­ I |Jr., Haul I* Longoria, T. Thomas into three major groups. The. Hay, France# Miss Unaima Ah- rey Beryl Ariaratnam,~ Ceylon; addition to the non-CommunM 'VJ. Lykoe, ahd Clarence C. Meyer, groups include students who came maid El Na^ry, Egypt; Ba^nar Mite Maria Auxiliadora. Consue- oath already/in' vse--WQUld take t f Kleber 6. Miller Jr.,JSmes Tat sponsored by .the. Institute of ln- Julius Backstrom,. Finland; Aldo. gra, Colombia; Misa Ana Luisa effect September 1.
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