: : : .. «,..... «> xt- W§-v"; -•'•; • • ..&*>• :'-i~ ?:-v|'. ;:A The Only Newspaper m~ 'h Published s ,;1 in the ;. 'Zftfri'-" ,^L*M Town of WIDOOW ifiisSi Enfield, Ct. COVERS AN AREA POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE Fiftv-Fifth Year—No. 8. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1935 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. Will Be Presented S8 'THOMfSONVILLE if Graduate of College In Her First Recital of New Rochelle NRA Decision Will f? sggsps iifji DISTRICT BILL isl IS NOW A LAW 'H 4 : Passes both Houses at Governor's Signature on Bill Before Next Mon­ Local Carpet Industry Will Not Be Affected By; mM - "'<5 '/•>*-; State Capitol Within day Will Make It Possible to Hold Special Elec­ the Past Week — Pro­ Abrogation of National Recovery Act by Su­ f tion On That Date—Measure Finally Gets As­ vides Many Changes in preme Court—To Maintain Wages and Price ••ii sembly Approval This Week. District Affairs. Levels—Statement of Carpet Institute. •s .'X, j The possibility of a special town Awaiting only the formal signature of the Governor, the bill which re-j That the wages and price levels EXAMINATION election being a prelude to the cele­ vises the eiftire governmental set-up j that have obtained in the carpet andj TIERNEY FETED bration of Independence Day looms of the Thompsonville Fire and Sewer j rug industry under the NRA code up as the bill which would provide District, is tb all intents and purposes; will be maintained despite the ruling FOR PATROLMAN now a law on the statute books. The1 BY ASSOCIATES . '.'i-i', Jy ' Enfield with a new form of town gov­ measure was passed by the Senate! of the Supreme Court, so far as the ernment awaits tfie signature of Gov­ last Friday on a favorable report of j Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Company is a MONDAY NIGHT ernor Wilbur L. Cross. Should lie the Committee on Towns, Cities and concerned, was definitely stated by LAST EVENING sign it before next Monday, the re­ Boroughs, and was approved by the' Superintendent Elliott I. Petersen of ferendum on the question, which is House at the session Monday. j the local plant yesterday. So far as Candidates for Police provided for in the bill, would be held The bill will end the present fiscal; the company is concerned there will New Deputy Sheriff Is be no change in the code practices on Monday, July 1. Failure to affix MISS DOROTHY H. CUNNINGHAM year of the district next February | Department Will Take the Governor's signature until after and thereafter the fiscal period will | MISS CATHERINE ALAIMO that have been in force here or in its Tendered Testimonial Mental Tests at En­ Monday would put the special elec­ begin March 1 instead of June 1 as at other plant in Amsterdam, N. Y., for Dinner and Receives tion back another week as the act Talented Young Musician Will present. Instead of the government I _ . , _. ^ . , , , _ the past year in the matter of wage field High School, Mon­ provides that it shall be held on the body being termed the District Com-i One of 150 Seniors Awarded De- scale. As to the price level, except Gift of Official Badge fourth Monday following its approv­ Present Program Monday at mittee, it will be known as the Board! gree at Impressive Exercises that it might be necessary to do so day At 6:30 P. M, al by the Governor. The delayed Hartford School of Music. of Fire Commissioners, and contrary in order to meet competition later no and Brief Case. signing would mean that the action to the present method one member} Held Last Monday. change is anticipated. The attitude of the Bigelow-San­ The thirty-one candidates for the of the voters on the proposed new will be elected each year for a term ] form of town government would take Friends of Miss Dorothy H. Cun ford company reflects the position be­ Deputy Sheriff Martin J. Tierney single vacancy in the police depart­ ningham, who are following her of three years. The commission will| Miss Catherine Alaimo, daughter place on J.uly 8. appoint all officers of the fire depart- Mrs. Benedetto Alaimo', 43 Whit ing taken by the leading manufac­ was the guest of honor at a dinner ment, and the supernumerary list, musical career with interest will be of turers in the carpet industry through­ will take the required mental test at Although it is realized that the bill ment. This displaces the system of worth street, is one of the 150 seniors tendered by his friends and political is one of a large volume of such mat­ pleased to learn that she will be pre­ out the country. This attitude is set the Enfield High School next Monday electing them at the annual district 0f the College of New Rochelle who associates at the Green Gables Inn in ters that have been left with the Gov­ sented in her first recital by the Hart­ forth in a statement issued yester­ Agawam last evening. About 130 evening at 6:30. The examination ford School of Music in the music meeting. .was awarded a degree on Monday, day by Herbert Gutterson, president will be conducted by a committee of ernor with the adjournment of the Under the new system the Secre-ijune 3. Miss Alaimo prepared for were present at the gathering which General Assembly yesterday, it is room of the school, 432 Asylum of the Institute of Carpet Manufac­ included town officials, representa­ the Board of Police Commissioners Avenue, Monday evening at 8:30 tary-Treasurer of the district must college at the Enfield High School, fully expected that the formal ap­ be a member of the Board of Fire 1 i college, her major subjects have turers of America, Inc. Mr. Gutter- tives of the veteran organizations consisting of First Selectman Wil­ o'clock. She will be assisted by Leon­ n son's statement which followed a liam J. Hughes, chairman, Attorney proval of it by him will be reached Commissioners, instead of being been French and Latin which she in- and the fraternal and professional before \ Monday, thereby making it ard Olson, violinist, a pupil of Harold meeting held in New York is as fol­ life of the town. Francis J. Fahey, Laurence T. Down­ Berkeley of the Juilliard School of elected independent of that group as .tends to teach. In connection with possible to hold the election on the at nresent.present. This virtually does away 1 her major studies, Miss Alaimo was lows: Frederick R. Furey was toastmast- ey and George E. Hedenburg. The Music in New York, who is also a "At a general meeting of the In­ following is the complete list of those earlier date. with one additional official position. president of the French Club this er and presided over the exercises The bill, which narrowly escaped teacher at the Hartford School, and The tax collector which has always stitute of Carpet Manufacturers of which followed the dinner. The prin­ who have filed applications to take in selections for two pianos by Miss year. Other undergraduate affilia­ America held today to consider the the examination: being caught in the legislative' jam been an elective position becomes an tions which she developed are in con­ cipal speaker was Major John J. Hig- which has prevailed in the assembly Doris Gibson, an instructor at the appointive one under the new laws. implications of the recent decision of gins of Springfield, who in addition Albert H. Wteller, 32 Young Ave- school. Mrs. Bessie Gowdy will be nection with the Athletic Associa­ the Supreme Court in respect to the -nue; Joseph Skutnek, 28 South street; in the past ten days, was approved The new act repeals all special dis­ tion, Italian and Long Distance to his address, made the presentation by the House Tuesday on the favor­ accompanist for the violin numbers. trict laws that are in conflict with it. National Industrial Recovery Act, the of the gold official badge and brief Juel Tuomala, 5 Whitworth street; Miss Cunningham has been a Clubs. During her undergraduate following resolution was unanimously John F. O'Connor, 38 Hartford Ave­ able report of the Committee on days, she also held membership in case which were the gifts of the Towns, Cities and Boroughs. In the student at the school for about six adopted by the membership: group to Mr. Tierney. The badge nue; Charles E. Lagel, 64 Pleasant years and specializes in theory, har­ the Biology Debating, and Chemistry " 'Resolved, that the members of street; Judd J. Bourgeoise, 68 South rush of legislative business the usual Clubs, as well as the Riding Group. was pinned on the guest of the eve­ formalities were waived and the mony and the piano. She was for­ CONSECRATION OF the Institute of Carpet Manufactur­ ning by Sheriff David Manning of River street; Terrence J. Furey, 18 merly a pupil of Mrs. Carlotta Allen Miss Alaimo appeared in the St. ers of America indorse the principles measure not being even read and was Angela pageant which was given Hampden County, who also spoke Garden street; Edward M. LaGrange, passed under a suspension of the Westphal of Hartford and Enfield of fair trade practice, as established briefly. Others who addressed the -Jr., 139 Spring street; Martin Roland and is at present studying with Miss on Baccalaureate Sunday, June 2, in in the industry and outlined in the rules. The bill, however, had been SAINT ADALBERT'S •'honor of the 4th Centenary of the gathering were First Selectman Wil­ Pare, Enfield street; Benjamin Hig- carefully studied by a sub-committee Maud Hurst Blanchard, director of code, and hereby adopt them individ­ liam J.
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