TEEN DIVER DEBUTS AT STATE Vol. 2, No. 19 • August 3, 2016 Uniting the Community with News, Features and Commentary Circulation: 15,000 • $1.00 See Page 18 Palisades Hikers Illegally Locked Out By SARAH STOCKMAN Palisades News Reporter alisades News has learned that a well- used public trailhead and parking Parea in the Highlands has been closed and is in danger of being developed as a res- idential property. The property, at 16701 Via La Costa, was dedicated for public use in 1989 as part of an agreement between Headland Proper- ties Associations, LLC, the developers of the Highlands, and the Coastal Commission. According to the agreement, Headland was required to build a restroom and park- ing spaces to make it easier for Los Ange- les residents to access the Temescal Ridge Trail, which connects to Temescal Canyon and the Backbone Trail and also serves as a firebreak. The agreement also lays out ownership rules: “The trailhead may be transferred to the City of Los Angeles Department of Recre- ation and Parks for purposes of mainte- nance and liability, or other public or non-profit agency approved by the Execu- tive Director [of the Coastal Commission].” (Continued on Page 26) The trailhead’s bathroom and parking are closed off to public use. Photo: Sarah Stockman Movies in the Park Proposal to Take Away Downhill Opens on Saturday Temescal Lane he town’s 13th annual Movies in the ter employees, are paid for by Mike Skinner, he downhill side of Temescal Can - Park will return this Saturday, Au- who was a key leader in the local campaign yon Road from Sunset Boulevard to Tgust 6, at sundown with a showing to fund and build the Field of Dreams. TPacific Coast Highway will be down- of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, rated This year, get ready for the 1989 action/ sized to one lane in order to accommodate PG-13. adventure Indiana Jones, starring Harrison a buffered bike lane, if Jessie Holzer’s plan The movie is sponsored by Marc Michele Ford and Sean Connery, directed by Pali - goes through. Eyewear on Antioch. sadian Steven Spielberg, by brushing up on Holzer, Councilman Bonin’s mobility Every Saturday night in August on the some trivia questions: deputy, spoke to the Pacific Palisades Com- Field of Dreams at the Palisades Recreation 1.) In what language did Indiana have to munity Council on July 28 and explained Center, 851 Alma Real, residents can enjoy count to 20 before his father would listen that although there is a bike line on either a free movie, free hot dogs and fun at the to him? 2.) What does Indiana fear? 3.) In side of Temescal Canyon Road, “We’re look- park. Please, no alcohol, no smoking, no Raiders of the Lost Ark, what kind of fruit ing to upgrade our bike lanes and make stick chairs and no pets. did Indiana almost eat, but later found out them better.” The hot dogs, served by Recreation Cen- was poisoned? 4.) How did Indiana get his In addition to taking away a downhill name? and 5.) In Last Crusade, what trans- traffic lane, she is also proposing a pro- port did Indiana and his father use to es- tected bike lane on the uphill side: the Postal Customer Postal cape the Nazi Control Center? bike lane would be next to the curb, next Movies in the Park, a nonprofit founded a barrier and then car parking next to the in 2004 by David Williams and John Wirth, moving vehicles. **************ECRWSSEDDM************* and joined by Andy Frew and Brad Lusk, Holzer said Department of Transporta- has led fundraising efforts, selected movies, tion had counted 684 cars from 7 to 8 a.m., Permit #422 Permit created the on-screen and audio ads, an- which is below the 700 count that would Pasadena, CA Pasadena, PAID nounced and advised youth volunteers. trigger a CEQA analysis. U.S. Postage U.S. Working with them as a volunteer since She said DOT had looked at taking out Presorted Standard Presorted MITP’s inception is Marilyn Crawford, parking along the road, but felt it was (Continued on Page 11) (Continued on Page 5) Page 2 Palisades News August 3, 2016 the MARGULEAS TEAM For each home sold, we give 10% to these charities help us reach our goal of donating $1 Million dollars. AVAILABLEAAVVVAILABLEAILABLE PROPERTIESPR TIESOPERPR OCEAN VIEW ESTATEESTTAAATETE 1 1/211 ACREA/2 CRE DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT NEWEW CONSTRUCTIONCN ONSTRUCTION IN RIVIERARIVIERA OPPORTUNITYOPPORTUNITY WITH 8 LOTSL TSO OVERLOOKINGVERLO OOKING CANYONCANYON $11,899,000,899$11, 000 | 11495Capri.com495Capri.com $8,900,000,900,$8 000 | 608Marquette.com608Marquette.com $6,389,000,,389$6 000 | 15225DePauw.com15225DePauw.com W W IN ESCROESCROO IN ESCRO TROPICAL OOASISASIS WITH STUNNINGSTUNNING BRAND ELEGANTELEGANT HOME MAMAGNIFICENTGNIFICENT VIEWS NEW ESTESTATETAAATETE NORTH OF MONTMONTANATANAANAA $6,399,000,,399$6 000 | 468Surfview468Surfview.com.com $5,995,000,995,$5 000 | 901Muskingum.com 901Muskingum.com $4,450,000,450,$4 000 | 425on11thStreet.com425on11thStreet.comtr W IN ESCROWESCROES CHEERFULCHEERFUL HOME ELEGANTELEGANT ARCHITECTURALARCHITECTURAL STUNNING SLEEK WITH OCEANOCEAN VIEWSVIEWS WITH OCEAN VIEWS ARCHITECTURALARCHITECTURAL $3,699,000699$3 ,699,$3 000 | 16661Charmel.com $3,325,000,325$3 ,,325$3 000 | 1329Goucher.com1329Goucher.com $3,350,000,350$3 ,,350$3 000 | 17041Bollinger.com17041Bollinger.com W IN ESCROWESCRO FANTASTICFANTTASTICASTIC OPPORTUNIT Y HIDDENHIDDEN RETREATRETREAEAATT WITH PALISADESPALISADES HIGHLANDS WITH IN BRENTWBRENTWBRENTWOODOOD OCEAN AND CITCITCITYY VIEWS CANYCANYONON VIEWS $2,999,000,999$2, 000 | 440nBundy.com440nBundy.com $1,999,000,999$1, 000 | 1101K1101Kenter.com.comenter $1,270,000,$1,270 000 | 1663MichaelLane.com ANTHONYANTHON MARGULEASMARY GULEAS 310.663.1446663.310 .1663 446 | Showings@AmalfiEstates.comShowings@AmalfiEstates.com AmalfiEstates.comAmalfiEstates.com #1 PalisadesPalisades BrokerBroker NearlyNearly $1 Billion in Homes SoldSold | WSJ’s’WSJold s TopTop 60 AgentsAgen NationwideNagen widetionts CalBRE#01173073CalBRE#01173073 August 3, 2016 Palisades News Page 3 Fire Officials Remind Residents: Ready, Set, Go! he Sand fire in the Santa Clarita policies, recent tax return, copies of birth/ Mountains, which started as a half- marriage certificates, social security cards, Tacre blaze along the 14 Freeway at passports, list of prescriptions, emergency Sand Canyon, has burned more than 40,000 cash, safe-deposit keys, driver’s license, acres, destroyed at least 18 homes and re- computer user names and passwords and sulted in one death. At least 10,000 homes checking and saving account numbers (and had to be evacuated. any other valuable documents that are not As fire officials worked towards contain- in your save-deposit box). ment, in almost every interview with the In addition to important paperwork, news media, at least one official reiterated your safe-deposit box should have inven- that residents should be aware of, and fol- tory and photographs of valuable posses- low, the Ready, Set, Go program. sions for insurance purposes. Many Palisades homeowners live close to the Santa Monica Mountains. Wildfires SET. Make sure each family member has have raced through the hills north of the a sleeping bag/blankets and a change of Village, and even destroyed the church clothing. Put your pets in carriers to make building at St. Matthew’s (in 1978). It is not sure they are not frightened and run away. a question of if there will be a brush fire Make sure your elderly neighbor has a in our area, it is a question of when. way out. READY. Residents should have a pre- GO. When asked to evacuate, do. Don’t packed bag that may include will/trust put your life or that of firefighters in dan- documents, power of attorney, insurance ger, by staying. Asilomar Bluff Stabilization Alternatives to be Discussed Council District 11 and the City of Bu- to the existing sewer system. The studies also reau of Engineering (BOE) will host a pub- presented three alternatives for a retaining lic meeting to discuss ways of stabilizing wall along the south side of the street. the Asilomar Landslide Area from 7 to 8:45 Last April, engineering geologists con- p.m. on Wednesday, August 24, at the Pal- ducted exploratory borings to obtain ad- isades Library community room. ditional information about the subsurface The Asilomar Landslide Area extends soil. Various alternatives for wall design from the middle of Asilomar Boulevard have also been analyzed and will be dis- down to the Palisades Mobile Home Park. cussed at the meeting. Palisadian Jim Kenney took this photograph at 4 p.m. on July 23 in the Palisades. After conducting studies in 2008, 2013 and The wall design phase is expected be “With smoke from the fire in Sand Canyon, the brilliant red of the sun only lasted 2015, the BOE ultimately recommended a completed by fall 2017 and construction about 20 minutes; when the wind shifted, it became much less dramatic,” Kenney told de-watering system consisting of five pump- of a retaining wall should be completed in the Palisades News. Photo: Jim Kenney ing wells and a collector pipe to convey water winter 2020. Blood Drive on August 10 he second annual community- and gave platelets to a friend’s uncle who wide blood drive hosted by Amalfi had cancer.” TEstates and the Pacific Palisades Marguleas, a Pacific Palisades resident, Chamber of Commerce will take place also had cancer as a young adult and from noon to 6 p.m.on Wednesday, Au- needed blood. “In college I helped organ- gust 10, at the Palisades Library commu- ize blood drives as well,” he said. “It is one nity room, 861 Alma Real. of the truly selfless things one can do and Last year, Amalfi hoped to reach 37 don - directly save lives.” ors, but only 26 people were able to give According to the American Red Cross, blood.
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