2014-04-26 TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 The Compendium translated into english LOBACHER . Patrick Lobacher Roland Schenke Head of Web Development TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium Feedback LOBACHER. Feedback requested ! • Dear Neos Enthusiast! I try to keep the TYPO3 Neos Compendium on an up-to-date Level. To achieve this I need your Input! If you have ideas regarding Code Examples, FAQ Entries or just want to praise or criticize please do not hesitate to contact me at the following address: patrick [AT] lobacher.de Have fun with the Compendium! Patrick Lobacher & Roland Schenke (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 2 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium Changelog LOBACHER. Changelog Date Changes 2013-08-08 Initial Version / Thanks to Christian Schwerdt for domainFACTORY specific Input 2013-08-09 included proof corrections by Roland Schenke and Michael Oehlhof - Thanks! 2013-08-10 added Nginx-Config - Thanks to Christian Kuhn, Christian Müller and Anja Leichsenring 2013-08-10 added Troubleshoot Section 2013-08-18 included proof corrections by Roland Schenke - Thanks! 2013-08-18 translated from german into english by Roland Schenke - Thanks a lot! 2013-12-12 updated to TYPO3 Neos 1.0 final 2013-12-15 updated to TYPO3 Neos 1.0.1 2014-01-07 Link for the installation under Shared Hosting and proof corrections (Thanks to Christian Glass!) 2014-03-03 migrated to „LOBACHER.“ CI 2014-03-05 updated to TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 2014-03-07 added installation on a all-inkl.com Server. Thanks to Mario Janetzko! (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 3 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium Changelog LOBACHER. Changelog Date Changes 2014-04-26 He did it again! Many thanks to Roland Schenke for updating the english translation to Neos 1.0.2!!! (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 4 LOBACHER. What is TYPO3 Neos? (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 5 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 6 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS LOBACHER. http://neos.typo3.org/download/marketing-material.html (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 7 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 8 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS LOBACHER. Neos (greek νέος) is just “new” (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 9 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium The History of TYPO3 Neos starts with TYPO3 CMS LOBACHER. The History of TYPO3 Neos starts with TYPO3 CMS ! • TYPO3 CMS is a „Enterprise Open Source Content Management Framework“ • TYPO3 CMS exists since 1998 / invented by the Dane Kaspar Skårhøj • approx. 500.000 Installations worldwide / > 5 Mio Downloads • Usage in DE e.g. at > 50% all DAX 500 Enterprises, > 50% all „German Soccer League“ Clubs, discounter, car rentals, public agencies • > 6.000 Extensions • > 100.000 Developers worldwide • > 1500 Agencies worldwide • funded and backed by the TYPO3 Association (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 10 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Phoenix LOBACHER. The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Phoenix ! • At the very first T3DD (TYPO3 Developer Days) in 2006, the decision was made to rewrite TYPO3 from scratch. • Codename: TYPO3 Phoenix (resp. TYPO3 5.0) • some necessary PHP Features were not available at this time and had to be implemented from the ground up: Content Respository, Aspect Oriented Programming, Dependency Injection, ... • The "Berlin Manifesto" of 2008 states the differentiation to the TYPO3 CMS http://typo3.org/roadmap/berlin-manifesto/ (In the meantime Parts of the manifesto became obsolete.) (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 11 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Flow and Ne0s LOBACHER. The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Flow and Ne0s • Many base functionalities of a CMS are not specific to a CMS (Session- Handling, Datenbank-Handling, Templating, ...) => therefore outsourcing into an own Framework TYPO3 Flow • The introduction of Extbase in 2009 made it possible to write TYPO3 CMS extensions which are executable in TYPO3 Flow with minor adjustments • On 20 October 2011 the Application Framework TYPO3 Flow (once FLOW3) has been released as Final • TYPO3 Neos ist an Application based on TYPO3 Flow • TYPO3 Neos Alpha 7 in October 2013 / Beta 1 on Nov. 12, 2013 • First final Version on 10 December 2013 (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 12 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Flow and Ne0s LOBACHER. Version History TYPO3 Neos Version Datum TYPO3 Phoenix Sprint Release 1 2010-05-31 ... ... TYPO3 Phoenix Sprint Release 9 2012-08-02 TYPO3 Neos alpha 1 2012-10-05 TYPO3 Neos alpha 2 2012-12-19 TYPO3 Neos alpha 3 2012-02-16 TYPO3 Neos alpha 4 2013-07-07 TYPO3 Neos alpha 5 2013-08-07 TYPO3 Neos alpha 6 2013-10-15 TYPO3 Neos alpha 7 2013-10-30 TYPO3 Neos beta 1 2013-11-12 TYPO3 Neos beta 2 2013-12-03 TYPO3 Neos 1.0 final 2013-12-10 TYPO3 Neos 1.0.1 2013-12-13 (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 13 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium The History of TYPO3 Neos: Die TYPO3 World LOBACHER. The TYPO3 World - since October 2012 • Umbrella Brand TYPO3 • TYPO3 CMS (no distinct Logo) • TYPO3 Flow • TYPO3 Neos (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 14 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium The History of TYPO3 Neos: Die TYPO3 World LOBACHER. TYPO3 Neos: Positioning • Since December 2013 two independent CMS are offered by TYPO3: • TYPO3 CMS 6.x (4.7, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 LTS Beta) • TYPO3 Neos 1.0 • from a technology point of view they share NOTHING but the name and are as different as different can be • There are NO migration paths from one system to the other • TYPO3 Neos is NOT the successor of TYPO3 CMS, but a self-contained CMS with a different focus (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 15 LOBACHER. The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 16 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Backend LOBACHER. The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Backend Fluid Modern Templating Engine ! TYPO3CR Content Repository ( JCR / Sling) TypoScript TypoScript 2.0 - next Generation Forms Form API & Form Builder Expose Extensible admin interface Eel Embedded Expression Language FlowQuery (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 17 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Frontend LOBACHER. The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Frontend ! EmberJS JavaScript Web Application Framework Create.js Web Editing Interface Aloha / Hallo HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor VIE = viejs.org Semantic Interaction Framework RequireJS JavaScript file and module loader (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 18 LOBACHER. Installation of TYPO3 Neos (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 19 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium Requirements of TYPO3 Neos LOBACHER. Requirements of TYPO3 Neos ! • Webserver (recommended: Apache 2.x with activated mod_rewrite Module) • PHP 5.3.7 - 5.4.x (the bare minimum PHP 5.3.2 might cause problems) • following funktions must be activated and allowed in PHP: system(), shell_exec(), escapeshellcmd() und escapeshellarg() • php.ini: memory_limit = 256M or higher • php.ini: xdebug.max_nesting_level = 500 (in case xdebug is used) • php.ini: add the following Options to the end of the file: detect_unicode = Off • php.ini: additionally Magic_Quotes must be deactivated: magic_quotes_gpc = Off • php.ini: the command line of Flow requires a timezone definition: date.timezone= "Europe/Berlin" (or applicable) (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 20 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium Requirements of TYPO3 Neos LOBACHER. Requirements of TYPO3 Neos ! • It is important that the CLI Version of PHP is at least version 5.3.7 as well (and has the appropriate and mentioned settings) - one can check the version with the following command php --version • MySQL 5.1.50 - 5.x.x (as an example - basically every Doctrine DBAL compatible database can be used) • root access to the commandline / shell (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 21 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Directory Structure LOBACHER. Directory Structure • Directory structure where the installation is meant to occur. /path/to/Webserver |-TYPO3-Neos |---Build |---... |---Web (Document Root) • All Neos-Files are in the directory TYPO3-Neos (this will be added by „Composer“ in the next steps.) • There will be no distinction between Core and UserSpace (like TYPO3 CMS) • The Document Root is to be mapped to /path/to/Webserver/TYPO3- Neos/Web (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | www.lobacher.de 22 TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Composer LOBACHER.
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