the music magazine dn t~ ~1U3 ••• Zoltan Kodaly Was My Teacher GYORGY SANDOR • Sing with Your Fingers! MARY BOXALL BOYD • More about the Pharyngeal Voice E. HERBERT -CAESARI • Music Has No Short-Cuts JOSEPH FUCHS • How to Teach the Adult Beginner R. M. GOODBROD • Monster in his House WELDON D. WOODSON - Exciting Educational Works By MARY BACON MASON NOW @uM~ u«w;ic 8~ CLASSICS IN KEY-KOLOR THE ADULT APPROACHto the PIANO For the Piano 430·40087 $1.00 FREE 430·40092 . .... $1.00 While designed as a first instruction bookfortb A way of writing in which each note is the color teacher 10 use in giving piano lessonstostudenl~ of its corresponding piano key: black j f played of high school, college age or older, manyre. the on black key. white if on white key. \Vilh this ports prove it of value to seH-heJp student' slight change you can read music in any key Sight-reading. a most desirable accomplishme;; without first mastering scales and signatures! (or those of malure age laking up pianostudy Pedal signs are used and necessary smaJJ i stressed (rom the very beginning. Memoril~ NEW GUIDE changes have been made in existing notation. ing also is ncoureged. The total absenceof 24 selections. For the fusty reader, for adults childish rules and musical themes has inspired containing: or for grades 3 to 5. its use by some teachers with students in the teen ages. • .... 128 pages, FOLKSONGS and FAMOUS PICTURES AUTUMN AIRS and SONGSof SPRING •••.... over 660 430·40094 . ... $1.25 430·40189 $.75 A practical introduction to the keyboard based Based .on folksongs, traditional melodies, la. piano solo on folk tunes of many lands. First work in ver-ite airs. and compositions of the masters,the harmony, ear-training, memorizing, etc. Imagi. recreation pieces in this collection are about thematics, native titles, 75 pictures including reproductions grade 2 in difficulty. Verses for singing. Illus. of composers' portraits, musical art subjects, trated with line drawings which may be colored . complete etc. 35 paste-ins, color charts, and 48 cut-out by the pupi/. Oblong form. cards. Oblong form. Age group, 7-11. classified list CHRISTMAS CAROLS of piano books FIRSTCLASSICSand FOUNDATION Made Easy to Ploy ond Sing and ensemble HARMONY 430·40038 . $.75 430·40093 $1.25 A gift hook that any child will appreciate. Here pieces, A second year book to follow "Folksongs and are all of the most-beloved Christmas carols in and many Famous Pictures." Selections from Bach. Mo- arrangements piano beginners can play, thor- zart, Schubert, Grieg and many others. Simply oughly fingered and carefully phrased. Complete improvements arranged, set to interesting verses. Cut-outs, texts are given, one or two of the verses being color charts, instructive games. Oblong form. printed between the staves. Adjoining each gathered from carol is a space for pasting a Christmas card so that, when completed, the book becomes a among the 35,000 FAVORITE PIECESAND SONGS treasured souvenir. 430·41005 . .. $1.00 users of the 1950 BOY MUSIC Adapted for use in classes or with jndividuaI guide pupils. Designed to follow "Folk Songs and A First Piano Method For Boys between Famous. Pictures." Aimed to foster a real love 8 and' 6 of mus!c, WIden the range of reading, build 430·40089 $.75 YOU will want rhythmIC ·sen~e, give strength and control to fingers, and Increase practical knowledge of In this book everything-music, titles, texts and this NEW guide keys, scales, and. harmony by consecutive study iJIustr'ations-is designed to interest the boy. He is encouraged to memorize, transpose; yes, to 10 one.k:y at a ume. The first 32 pages consti- as a permanent t~te mtrumum requirements; the remainder con. "play by ear." Exercises are termed "Stunts," srsts of su~pleme~tary pieces, studies, and duets practice is a "game." AJI camouflage, however; source book. for recreation, recital, or reading. Grade 2 to 2~. there are 73 songs and pieces, 40 technical exer- cises, 30 chord exercises, 8 scale exercises, 9 rhythm drif ls, 8 notation studies, 10 transposi- MARY BACON MASON FLASH CARDS tion studies, etc. in the book. Oblong form. This illustration is two-thirds actual size of the guide 430.40018 .. " $1.25 MARCHING MUSIC For notation dr-ill, an .envelope containing 30 430·40054 $.75 cards, 60. faces. Especially designed for class use, they Illustrate 36 notes on the Grand Staff 28 selections from a variety of sources: American ........•.....••.............•....•.............. __ ........•- key slgnatu~e, time signature, rhythms, rests,' cowboy ballad, dignified music of great mas. E-1 repeats, accJdentals and expression marks Size ters, national anthems and operatic airs. All CLAYTON F. SUMMY CO. 6~ x 10 inches. arranged in march time with texts for enjoyable 235 S. WABASH AVE., CHICAGO 4 mail singing. Attractive illustrations. Grade 2. Please send FREE copy of the NEW 9uide fo: Prices subject to change without notice. this coupon (or post card) • • •I • for your • • ~-.-..__ .._ .._ •..••••...._._ _ . FREE guide ETUDE-APIiIL 19:;/ j p----------- Parents! This valuable If yOll sing, play"--- LeTTeRS FREE GUIDE ETUDE ~...0< •• ~~". or illst like to listen BY THEODORE PRESSERCO., PHILADELPHIA, PA. yOll'lI enioy these PUBLISHED MO NTHLY , Offices, Bryn Mawr, Po. uronderlul will help you Editorial and AdvertiSing mustc I Music Seclion ity and interest are unique. Its new, books ~l. Brother Boniface, F. S. C. Founded 1883 by THEODORE PHESSElt o Sir: Many of us would appreci- Napa, California ate larger notes in the music JOHN BRIGGS, ElIiwr ..H ow-fo" bools section. Charles J. Reed, A rt Director Sir: The ETUDE looks as if Dorothy F. Gal=ret"vn, .Ifal1agillg Editor Mrs. Laura Koch ctuicrlct you were going out of business. _, it's a Wurlitzer, J. Clces :McKray, M usic Edit.or Downers Grove, Ill. Eliubelh A. Cesl Guy Maier . On Studying Mrs. Ed'ward H. Sherman Harold Berkley Maurice Dumes"il ",,'ilfrill Peltetter vt'jJ]iam D. ueceui Greenwich, N. Y. Gehrkell5 )leCunly Singing Karl W. Ale~ander Sir: ... the notes are blurry, By SERGlUS KAGEN almost as hard to read as shaped Sir: I have been a musician you can play it! "1 recommend the volume highly ... "'illsme notes. and teacher of music all my life, m3ny s.ngers to be. smgers who are singe Mrs. Harvey Edwards and began taking the ETUDE in in \l,·ho have been. The srudem will hav~a ~ APRIL 1951 ~uide and fri~nd in this book."-M,lggillIJtr Crystal River, Florida 1907. Through the years I have New Wurlitzer home organ YourChild's Vol. &9 No.4 CONTENTS S'IlNrJal Rtf'lrw Stoo seen the standard lowered. the Development Music for the Sir: We've always been rooters many repetitions of musical se- with 1000 different tonal effects 11''':.'- T IJ I' ES Ior the ETUDE. but the music lections and other changes I do this year is so hard to read my not Iike, but today when I re- .. , ... " .. -". 9 Voice DILEIHM4. IN DETROIT ~ ., . - ., , ,. CYlIrf('f u,ulfJr- pupils and I are about discour- ceived my copy of the new num- ~ .. , . 12 A DESCRIPTIVE LIST DF CDNCERT _-_ ZOLTAN KODALY WAS MY 'IEACIiER ... " -, ••.• ' ' , - ';t M, CmulIJr-tid 14 aged with it. Why is the music :-'0 ber. my disappointment was too AND TEACHING MATERIAL give your child the ROW TO TEACH ADULT B.EGINNEHS .. , •. : '.•••• .... '.". '.}MPI"l FIlt'I,. 15 hard to read? It's not a pleasure great. to hold. I am not a fanatic r------ MUSIC HAS NO SHORT-CU rs , .. , 16 By SERG/US KAGEN anv more except for the article". or a complainer, but what. has ('f'S FREE-IT'S FUN-IT'S FORUMl , .. , .• ,. , , .. ' .••. '. M\OSl CE £ U{'r'u'rl·Cm,_arl 17 "Om: IIf the IOlen"sung boob of lilt decade... C. Eflsasser lmppened to the ETUDE? ROUT THE .-UARYNGEAL VOl .. , . , , , . , . , ,. ~ r. • /_ hundreds of pages or UJdul inrornution about RIGHT START IN MUSIC .IORE A . ~_,III'" ,(f',lIllr, Conneaut, Ohio Mrs. IV. /-I. Walton CLASS TEACHING GETS RESULTS ... , , .. , , , . , , . , . ' . , n 1I I1lWd 1" 'i)('.11 rc;pc:ftolft . ,hould be ~il'tllto ,II COURSE y '9 ),1\101;~In tr'i."-P."I fI/OIlI. N~ltI 55.00 Dwight, Kansas Written by CIfamous expert on child SING WITH YOUR FINGERS .. , . , , .. , . , .. , •. , .. , .. Adfar DQ-<,~ /- Wei Oil , .- .lIlt .QIl 20 Sir: I have been a subscriber care, .this practical, useful guide will 1\10NSTER IN HIS HOUSE ....•.. , " . ltlusic for the answer your questions about the place fur over 40 years. I still enjoy tile "It's All Done with Muscles" articles. but do not like the print- of music in your child's personality. ".:.-.' II. T ~I .:N TS Violin and Viola 3 ing of the music in the recent Sir: For several years I have Gives you factual, common-sense LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ... , ..... , •..... , •.•... : .•... ,., '.' , .. By HANS L£TZ 1 assistance - shows you how to make ;\WSICAL ODDITIE~ ~ .,., , •.. , .. , , . l"'lt~{Jt(U . Ilmlt't.J..·y Ilumbers. It is too small and in- been a subscrjber and cover-tO' music a part of daily life, s~ your child (, ~hu\u ill ;a _bllcc thl: ~l flt'CU, old andllr\I.• di,,:tinct. cover reader of ETUDE. I always NEW RECORDS •.. , , ......•• , .. ,', •..... , . c,·,.,/{,· ~(fU'.(},'t"IC lur \"011" .1nd \flub IOlIh I'r \Il11hOllIpilnu; 1 doesn't have to he "taught" to like it- MUSIC LOVER'S BOOKSHELF ... " .. , .. , .•. , .. ' .. ,:'~flllWII~/'iIl~J.'Il"" 7 I:f.1dW LtlUf'C" 01 luthilll( nutcrial lor In, Mrs. Martha F. Gale read everylhjng abolll piano helps yOll decide when your child is '1OI,n; 1«lImc,t Jh,d,.
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