LYRE TREE Vol. 9 No. 2 October 17, 1929 Page 1 Casts Chosen For Four Fall Plays Department Of Oral English Coaching Thespians X Country Team In Fine Shape Opening Race Scheduled With Vermont On October 19th Athletic Department Announces That Baseball Is To Replace Lacrosse As S. S. C. Spring Sport Lacrosse Baseball Coach: William Durr Banks Baseball College Joins In University Day Faculty And Student Body To Be Represented in Procession Bishop Shipman Chapel Preacher Says Every Layman A Minister In Holy Orders Page 2 Editorial Skip This To Warden Bell: Higher Criticism Dr. Woodridge Lectured Here Fraternity Row Eulexian Kappa Gamma Chi Sigma Alpha Epsilon New Men From Ten States Page 3 Saints’ Opener Lost To Williams Team Lemley and Craven Tally For Scarlet Aggrevation Lucky ’Levens The Lyre Tree’s Own Predictions “Hazing” Abolished At Haverford Scarlet Bootmen To Meet Stevens Tech Soccer Game Scheduled For Saturday on Zabriskie Field History 18 Basketball Team’s Prospects Good Promising Material Among New Men Warden Bell Gives Poetry Reading Page 4 Warden Analyzes Modern Unrest Cites Church As Logical Solution Of Difficulties Harriers To Meet Middlebury At Haverford With Five Veteran Men Prospects Are Good For The Year Course Outlined Netmen Contest For Warden’s Cup Waeber Takes First Match From Stanford Students Attend Lecture On China Honor Society’s Premier Forum Frosh Filosophy Limericks John Mills Gilbert Scarlet Boosters Stop Stroudsburg Slow Game Features Initial Home Contest Page 5 J. J. Chapman Reads His “Antigone” To Greek Students S. S. C. Alumnus Elected Titular Head Of P. E. Church Of America Member Of Eulexian Fraternity Alumni Notes Page 6 Hell, Not Fire, But Emptiness; Says New York Rector Dr. W. R. Bowie, Chapel Speaker Soft Hearted Sophs Don't Enforce Rules Sports Editorial I Beat Stevens Tecb. l Down Middlebury 1Gyr~ Volume 9 ANNANDALE-ON-HUDSON, N. Y., OCTOBER 17, 1929. Number 2 ================~==============~~~~ ============================~~======~ LACROSSE GAME, MAY Casts Chosen For 1929 Colle~e Joins In Four Fall Plays University Day Department Of Oral English Faculty Coaching Thesbians And Student Body To Be Represented m Dr. Bell, Director of the Depart- Procession ment of Oral English, and in charge ~ of Dramatics, recently announced ~ Columbia University will attain the parts for the Fall Plays which the one hundred and seventy-fifth will be presented sometime before I year of its agE: on the thirty-first Christmas vacation. · of October this year. In view of "SPRING" under the direction of this fact, all of the colleges and Dr. K .0. Crosby schools which constitute integral The Gob ___________ Mr. Nale parts of the University will cele­ The Squirt __ __ __ __ Mr. Wilson brate the day by calling it a holi­ The Cop _____ ____ Mr. Wilcock day. Of the main Uni\·ersity campus "BOOTLEG'' St. Stephen's 2- C. C. N. Y. 0 under the direction in New York City there will be an of Mr. Vorhees academic procession consisting of Morgan ---------- Mr. Gamble ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT AJVNOUNCES the faculties of all the University THAT BASEBALL JS colleges and schools, as well as ~:er~~~~~~~-;;;:c~~:: representative groups from all the - ~:~:~~ TO REPLACE LACROSSE ASS. S. C. SPRING SPORT student bodies. The undergraduate colleges are four in number, Col­ umbia, Seth Low Junior College, ~~;;i.~~:~~~~~~:; =~::~:: LACROSSE r Baseball Coach 11" BASEBALL Barnard Colleg·e for women, and St. Stephen's at Annandale 1 - on­ LG~:e~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~r~~~~Tll=o=T==h=e=E==d=I_t=o=r=-_================~ ~ l l===========================~ Hudson. Besides these colleges, To The Editor: there are thirteen professional col­ Dr. Steve ___ __ ___ Mr. W .Snell Have you ever played 1 Lacrosse? It was not without some regret leges in New York City, and an Talk "THE FOUR WERE BLIND" un­ about a thrill-teeming racket! that I learned of the passing of La­ extension department of ten thous­ der the direction of Dr. B. I. Bell It has the dash of basketball, and crosse as the major Spring sport and students. with representative::; the crash Kevork _________ _ Mr. Gardner of football. Cash in on at St. Stephen's, but, all things be­ from all these colleges, one can my experience, if you want slash- ing considered, I am ready to de­ readily see that this coming acad­ Toffy ------------ --- Mr. Cone ing, smashing, rip-snorting recrea- fend the move as a wise one. Hav­ emic gathering will be one of the Red -------------- Mr. Chapin tion, and try the fastest game on ing had some experience with the largest in some few years. At the The Sary _______ Mr. Pickering two feet. life of the Lacrosse team for the south court on the Columbia camp­ The Stranger _______ Mr. Pau·l You know, I always thought that past three years I feel at liberty us there will be the usual speech­ The management is sorry to an- thJ.s ga1ne was the pastir•te uf for·- .' U!Aki ·~& '!::j- th~ hea.<is 0i' !l"rr>" nf nounce that no more parts are avail eigners and other peculiar people, The chief difficulty in the colleges headed by Dr. Nichol­ 1 turning able but the names of those who but I was all wet. Lacrosse is the \Villiam Durr Banks out a Lacrosse team at St. Steph- as Murray Butler, President of the applied will be kept in mind for oldest known game played on the Th Athl t ' d t t of en's is the ignorance of the game University. St. Stephen's College, the plays next spring. Amerl·can cont1'nent. When Myles e e IC epar men on th e part f o near Iy a 11 new-com- being the youngest college in the Standish and his gang came to this St. Stephen's Coliege announces ers at the college. As a result, a (Continued Page 6, Col. 2) country, and according to the Blue that Baseball will replace La- man must spend the first year on crosse as the Varsity Spring th X Countr:y Team Book there Was an awful mob Of e squad 1earnmg · th e ru d1men' t s them, they found the Indians play- sport beginning with the Spring of the game. The second year, and Bishop Shipman ing it. Just imagine the Pilgri·m.s I of nineteen hund!'ed thirty · f tl th th" d f. d th In Fine Shape ·ng New England I'n ti·me to Mr. William Durr Banks, Di- requen y, e Ir ,may m e reachl . man a substitute on the varsity rector of Athletic3 at St. Steph- t R - Chapel Preacher Opening Race Scheduled With See the Boston Braves Play the earn. are1 y wi 11 a payer1 h ave ·vet· .... uskrats'. The en_ 's Co_llege, Columbia Vermont On October 19th Hudson RI 1.n Univer- t wo f u 11 season, s. expenence on the French colonists saw in the stick Sit~, _will be the coach, for which first team. This means two new Says Every Layman A Minister Used l·n the game a strong resem- positiOn he is very capable. As the time draw::; near for the teams every three seasons. Noth- In Holy Orders blance a first cross c o u n t r y race with to bishop's crozier, and I I= ==============:! I ing much can be done with such gave it the Middlebury on Oct0ber 19 the out­ name of "La Crosse,·· The following scores of past, material, in any sport. The Rt. Rev. Herbert Shipman, look for the Scarlet but they should have called it "Le games ,compiled form copies of old On the other hand, every D. D., Suffragan Bishop of New harriers im­ Baton." kid in proves daily. Considerable gloom Lyre Trees, provides a table for the grade schools, and every boy York, was the preacher in the was apparent at the opening of Lacrosse, as played by the In- comparison not only of games won in the preparatory schools, at one Chapel on Sunday morning, Oct­ college when it was known that dians, was a form of war maneuv- and lost, list of past schedules, time or other has owned his own ober 6th. Before delivering his ad­ Fite and Pope were not returning er, in which whole tribes were which is probably more important. bat and glove. The essentials of dress ,the Bishop paid high tribute Nevertheless the little god that at­ matched against each other. The I baseball are known to every boy, to President Bell. "One man," he goals were tends to the annual supply of run­ set a couple of miles LACROSSE - 1926 and when a man enters college, he said, "has lifted this institution out apart, ners immediately got himself busy and any part of the inter- Opp. S.S.C. does not need to spend two seasons of comparative weakness and in­ ening country was playing and as a result all signs point to a ground. Oxford - Cambridge _____ 4 6 learning how to handle the tools efficiency, into a place of strength Contests much stronger team than that of often lasted a week, and Union _________________ 10 1 of the game ,and finding out what and power and influence, and into they were gruelling tests of cour- he should respect and admiration last year. Captain Matt Imrie is 1927 do with them when he of all who running much stronger than could age and endurance. Everything can handle them. Hence a man know it. His vision is not to make went, except reasonably have been exnected of murder, although an Yale ------------------10 0 may have three full seasons' play­ it a filling station along the dusty accidental killing Fite and two new freshm~n, Perel­ didn't count.
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