Peugeot Flat Rate Manual.Pdf

Peugeot Flat Rate Manual.Pdf

PfUGEOT FLAT RATE MANUAL I ntrodud in n The '"!!J!,,-,e,j !;,ur all,,"·ance. a r~ prcJcn! cd IS. g uid~!~ tl, ~ !l<·''''ce ,I e l'~rtrrl,' nt l ill csti· ma ling ." ...;~. and lin .i,1 fliT eotobli,hing cha rp for CU' llImn I.ho• . 11w= Ii""" .II<no"nttII .... ,. ~ ~ d"'~ inrd by "". fllnni",! I"" opullio ... a number ... limn using P e " g' ~)1 ' 1'« •• 11001.., custumary hind 1001, anrl thOI) Ctju iJlrrlenl. and proced"res UUI · lined i" the l'euger.>1 Sen'iQ!! Man uab. Body , IDm .~e rel"'i. il nol i ..e1uded in thi, manual .t Ihe Ii",., Te'luin:<1 mwlI be ""'im.. ted .nd dellendt upon the elllcnl of the damllfle. Thi. .... nu.1 co"cn Ihe 403 and 404 U. S. modela. w:tiano and IlIlio" "'"'!'m' .nd I Uper' cede •• 11 1"""'0"1 edilions. An applkation fur l<lge&led eu'W" ..ill I:oe found on the wt poge of this book. If you reol Ih'lI any olleraJion ie ..... pm""rly I1Iled. pkue lin OIIt and I-Ubmit • ""!geoter! RuRale Change I"'g". Meanings of Ihe terml errl illoyed in Ihi. manual: Ke luo ve .. ,,01 I n <i WIl, 11 "1,1.. « : lu IJke off . I"'rI. 1',,1 Ih" sa,,'e or a neW I"''' bark On 1M nf. and m~l.e al l ~ry adinsl",,,,,II. O,·e .. ha ,,11 10 disatKmbl" a unil. clean In,1 inll"",1 .11 pam. rebuild ;1 "'i lh tbe ... ",e or "e,,' parI•. a,ul ",~k c all "e ~eaaa T )" adjuli"'''''''. lt e6 n i~ h : 10 undo prime. ~U and IlJoinl or .peci~er! .cetion or p"n. Cotl or all "'ateria1a uted i. ind .. ded in IhI: Ii ",., . lIo ..a n ~c. PEUGEOT. INC. - ,,"",", •• l:.S.A. REPAIR TIME SCHEDULE Tim"" gi\-~n in bou .. ,nJ l~nlhr. of boo,,_ 1 • ENGINE "". Do ••• iplio" Timo WI Remo"al of engi"e and rclal ~-d '(Ce3S<lries (carburelor rli,lributor, generalor, starler, lea"ing Ir~nsmis;;ion ill ,·chide. 1.3 102 Rein,lalialion of engine (reyerse ordeT of operalion 101) 3.5 103 403 Oil "urnI' gaskel-remo,-" and install on car. Inc. dean oil s~rcCn. .R 103A 404 Oil p.n gaskcl-remm'e an,1 insl~1I on car. 1.0 10< TimIng Co'-er gasket- remo,-e and install. .5 105 403 Rod Inserts- remo"e and in stall (supplement to 0l>eration~ 101·102). 2.0 105A 4_0_1- ROIl [nserts_ remo,'" and i",I,1I (suppl.,ment to operation lOlA). 1.5 106 403 SI"",-e seal.- remo,-., .nd inslall (supplement 10 "I",mtio". 101·102). 5.0 106,\ 40-1 Sic",·" s.:als- re"1Q'·" and install on car. includes R&R cylinder head a",1 oil pan 6.5 107 403 Ma in bearing insert.- r.,mo\-c and install (supplem"nt 10 operations 101·102). 2 .0 107A 40-1- Main h"a,i"g inserts-rem,,,·,, and inslall (supplement loo""Talion 103A). 1.0 10. Crankshaft- remo" e and install (supplement to opcmtio". I OJ·I 02) _ 3.0 109 Camshaft-remo,-" and inslall (supplem"'" 10 "peralions 101.102). 2.5 "' Camsharl~re",,,vc ami inSlali (eng ine ill '-chicle)_ 5.0 o..cripllon 4-0J fI"mo,'.! uf aU four piston !in e~ . induding ",mova! and rein"t,,!!:.tion of engine. '" truin!! or conn<:Clin!! rods. and aU ,,,,c ~ry oJ'crations (~ake grinding not i"dud~,< I) . 11.0 ilIA tI{). ~ lI emoval or all rour pi.ton li nei'll. on car. and all ne<:e5S:l ry olOO!raliollS. 8.0 112 403 Ke"'o"" ~nd repl""" all pislon rings. including R&R ""l!i ..". 10.0 " 3 4{)-\. I\"mo,"'e and replace all pi~ I OIl ri,'SS. on car. 7.0 ". Rcmo"al <lr.ll ac""""ori",, (carburetor. '!'Ilriblltor • • tarter. generator. coo ling fa n. clutrh any .• clC.). 0.0 115 n"ill5talla,ion ~f all acccs ... rics. 1.2 ". Di"'SlCmbly of engin" on bench including deaning of parts. 3.0 11 7 Il UMembly of engine proper . tld adjU$lmcnt on bt: nch. 7.0 ". Diia!l5<!m bly or .1l connecting rod and pilton US)". (supplement to opera,ion 116) . .<, H9 Rcauembl)' or all con"""ling rod and pislon _)'1. Addilional " me 10 opcralion 118 for repl acemcnt of 3 connecling rod s ",,11 end '" hush"'g. w,lh fining " Iocnlli"n 'ncluded. 124- 0 ,) ),,,mp. '"d uding remo"al. r ei n ~ '"ll a t io" and adj us'm"nt of Jis'ribu'or- re u""'e anll reitl.I"I!. 2.0 1-,> - O,·c rl,. nl uil 1'0"'1' (supplemenl l<l "llCra' ;on 124). .5 '26 .5 '27 Engin" f"'tll mOUII'-re"'He and inillall. .5 128 R c~ r c"~ i,,c mQUrll au p0rt- rcltlo" e arMI inawll (all rl c-.;elISa ry operOl,,,rI& iodud,,.d). 3.' S I ~liO}" "'agorl. 3.5 '"'" o.Kripli<on ...,. CYLlNDElt m : AD 130 Val,'" grinding_ Ind.. di"!; "".bon '''''',",'al "',lhnlll IJ\lillg of gasket bearing wrfa".,. ,,-i,h .emo'-al ~nd reiratallo.lion. di ...--~"bl )" 3m1 ru_mbl,·. 55 '" Cyli... kr hu.l _ remm-.,. 15 132 Cylinder h c" d - i"~lall -and all n~~sa ry ope,.,lioll8. 2.0 13 :1 Cylinder hud - d i~u."m hl)· (including remo'-al of 8Iuds). .5 13 4 In.la1l3lion of attr.560ry l'arU Oil c)'linder lH:~d (""v"rse order of "f"'l1l1iol\ 133). 1.0 135 Rq )l;aee,nen1 of all ,..1 ..., guido includ i"f! grindin!; of ,he ,,,h-e tICal. (MlI ~ }lement 10 " I'e r~ ' ion 130) , 15 136 Grinding of cylinder head mating . .. rface on "'achine 1001. 1.0 137 Va!>-" rocker aese mbli eo-remm'c and in.tall. .5 138 Vain, rocker a_mbli",,- di.aMemble and re~ rnhle . 5 139 Replact:menl of a '11 1,'<: . pring (all R!:rr, .. ,'al all" ;11.1:11131;011 0l'enlio," included). 1.0 '\ · ,~. O.. ., !ptIDn n... I,.., 403 lntah cO" ~ r or · m~ inlet II:ID8" gu ket - r e l )lac~ . 5 1.1I SfI"rk 1,lug "·e ll -rep~ . I .• 1 ' ~2 Adjustment of ,"alv" clear:lD"e ..- itb re",0"31 "-lid rein stsllation of rocker CO'""' Jnd induding torquing of e)'linder head ctold . I .• D1 STHUJUTION 150 403 Ti",i"g Ch"in- rcl'luce (.,Ijlwmclli cI,,:.;k L""\ all preliminary ollcrnlio ll8 included). 2.0 150A 4.(H Timing Chai n and/or [cosioner- revlac;;. 15 151 Checking ,'ah"" timing. .5 C \I(BURE.'TOR 152 Urhu<elor-rerrIQ'-c and inst:lll. .5 153 Cleaning and adjustment. .5 15 ' ~ Air d eaner. ,,-illl cleaning i ..cluded - ren,n'-" and i", u ll. .3 '"" o.-;pti.., Ti.... .'UEL SYSTEM 155 Fu,'1 P""'P- <CnlO'-C and in , tall. .5 15(, O,-.,mall l of rlld 1"""1" 5 151 Gas lallk- n:mo,-e and insu ll (drai"in!; included). I." 158 IIcpb cemcnl of gu lank uppe, fille, ho&c. .5 159 Hcpbcfrn e'" uf " lowe r gas line- tank [0 f"el l''''''p, .5 O Il. SYSTUI 160 Oil tiher- re""»'e and i ....a ll . .5 161 Oil fi ller elen ""' I -c:le~ n or ...,place. .2 162 Oil p~ urc ~ "' il th- r c,"("'e, and ins l ~1I (duning included). .2 163 40 3 Oil mli ef "al, ,,_ ,,,,move and ins lall. .2 WATER SYSTEM-COOUNG 170 \\'aler [," lO p_ mono'"" and ;"'tall. I." 171 Q,-e malll wal er 1"''''1'' I.. 172 Upper waler h<>$c_ l"t: mO\'c and i"stnll - l<:'SCI lo c, wi th in"I>e<:t ion or re pl "~'e"'c nt ()f th ermu.lal. .5 173 1.0" '<:' water h08e-n;: nH,l"C and i" $w ll. S I 7 ' ~ llepL:!ce""'nt of wolin!> fan. .3 175 Replacem"nt uf fall !Jell. including adjui tm"nt. .2 176 41H Adju.t "'"S ,,,:li,, dutch fa n. .2 177 R3dialo r- rc l11ol'c atll l im;!all . .8 EXIIAUST 100 EJc h.ausl !Ian!!" ~~Cl-n:place. ~ .... , Time 181 Exhaust mufHer strap- remove and install. .5 182 Complete exhau.1 ,y.lem replacement . includes fronl pil"" resonator. lail pipes. munJer. 1.5 '"' M"mcr alone- re m"ve a,,,1 in ,;!alL 1.0 1114 Exh."BI Ile~ible suppo rt replacement. .3 185 Front ex ha,,"! 1"1'" aiu",,_ replacc. 1.0 186 403 RC$(malor with u, without pipes-replace. 1.0 ]87 404. Itc.ollator-replace. .3 IGNITION 190 O lecking and adjusting engine ignition timing. .3 19] Replacement of" di ~ trihut o r. .5 ]92 Replacern en! of dislributor point •. .3 193 Replacement of di.tributor VaCuum ad,-ance unit. .4 ]94 Rem oval and rei n. talial;on of "park plugs 1"gether with cleaning and adju. tment of electrod~~. .3 195 Ignition co il - rent(»'e and install. .2 ~ Dncripliool ,- TUNE-UP 199 Major tu"e'''p, :1.0 B"",(),"c ami cleall rocker co,'cr T'mpw 11.;· head ~() Id Adj,,~t ,-. k " dearanl"d Ti!lhk~l intak" manifold oon:. plat.._ Clea" or ..,place "I"',k pilip a OKI alljll.1 gop Adjust l"'in1 gal' (replace if ne<:c:II!'lryJ Sd i@:ni'ion timing Cle.. .. e~ rl lU""'l.or On the ear aoo I" hl "n nul. O ean ruel pump aoo I ij;b l ~" .1;3I,h "'lltn ~reoq:.

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