fl!Ill71111P11=1111111111I111iIIll.HIII III_11 Transfers Check Tr:ulster st Wen s aho entered Campaign On Air f4.19-1 In spring M411..044.1', 1965 liS.1S-FM, the college radio or full owniester, 1964, *honk' station at 90.7, will air the, pick up their chock list of gen- Informal debate between the eral education requirements in DAILY the admission office between four candidates RTAN for ASH Presi- S PA dent. The 50-minute program the hours of 9 a.m. to 12 noon will begin at 8 tonight. and I p.m. to 5 p.m. daily. nfa Clara SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Vol. 52 4253.- SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, i965 No. 258 8144 for ASB Officers 50110c Voting Tomorrow Begins OVE" * * * * * * * * * I )11111111117111"0111, Expect Thousands NGO" Informs Aspirants at Meeting )RLD" lessh To Ballot at Polls Tomorrow and Thursday thou- and endorsements of candidates Pisano Backs Hendricks, sands of interested Spartans are who, in the opinion of the editors, re expected to go to the polls to would contribute most to the fu- ture of SJS. The handbill supports select executive and legislative SPUR. personnel in the ASB. Gene Lokey, UNICOL, (United y able Corby for Top ASB Posts The election will bring to a close a campaign that started on Wash- f that ington's birthday with the an- Polling places for tomorrow Bob Pisano, ASB president, volved in campus politics. candidates this past month have nouncement of the first candidate. and Thursday's ASH election en it yesterday announced his en- On the other hand, it has been caused me to reconsider," Pisano pointed out that as the current said. Since Monday after Easter va- will be located In front of the apital dorsement of John Hendricks president, I have a responsibility, "Several candidates for presi- cation, the official beginning of college bookstore, on Seventh campaigning, the campus has been Street In front of the cafeteria posi- for ASB president and Rich based on my personal knowledge dent have, through public state- Corby for vice president. of the qualifications and experi- ments and in personal conversa- saturated with buttons, matches, and on Seventh Street across bookmarks, posters, napkins and front the Education Building. t of a In a special meeting with ence necessary for the office, to tions with me, demonstrated a Polls will be make known publicly my personal complete lack of knowledge of handbills. open both days fe in - the four candidates for the top from preferences. problems facing SJS. Indeed, the local printers have 8:30 Iran until 7:30 p.m. ASB position, Pisano announced that RECONSIDER 'Their platforms seem to offer been kept busy with the amounts Ken Lane, ASB election chair- Isis decision. "I had hoped that it would not voters a politically-motivated set of literature that has announced man, predicts 3-4,000 students ave a "I have always believed the in- be necessary to make such a public of half truths which could not be each new candidate or brought will vote. Last year a total of a new plank or platform of 2,818 voters cast ballots. valu- cumbent should not become in- commitment. However, actions of enacted even if they were elected." PRESIDENTIAL MEETING forth "'It is because of these and an already a nnou need office Ti, merit's. a ballot students you other factors that I am endorsing seeker. must sign the official registra- BOB PISANO, ASB President, right, confers with the four aspir- Hendricks and Corby," Pisano said. The election has not been with- tion sheet. The registration sheet ants who wish to succeed him. From left are John M. Hansen, Gene out problems. One individual can- includes the voter's name, ASB STUDENT OPINION Lokey, John Hendricks, and Chuck Overs. Pisano called the meet- didate and one of the two po- card number and class standing. "In short, they offer SJS the ELECTIONS ing to inform the candidates of his endorsement of Hendricks litical parties have been involved 1111111111 1111 type of student government which in the hundreds of words that will effectively and responsibly (see story). Students will vote for the candidates tomorrow and make up the election code. The Collegians), presidential candidate VOTE TOMORROW 8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. represent student opinion on all Thursday. outcome of one of these cases said, "UNICOL will not attempt matters of college policy,as well will be decided in the ASB Ju- to gain votes by this misleading as providing a wide range of cul- diciary tomorrow. method." Polk Open Tomorrow tural, recreational, social and ath- Controversy came into play Chuck Overs, independent can- letic programs designed to serve Independents Issue Monday with the appearance of a didate for president, called the olars students." paper entitled "Spectator." The handbill "one of the most illicit, ' for Gene Lokey, candidate for presi- four-page paper is loaded with infamous, scandalous, slanderous, Mich to and libelous pieces of pungent k 15, Corby and Spolter Aspire dent, said, "I expected Bob satirical stories regarding candi- lit- endorse Hendricks. I was not sur- dates for ASB offices. Caustic erature that has even cluttered prised, My own feeling is that the Campaign Statements comments on candidates for ma- the SJS campus." nark and announcement was made to gain jor offices were included. Out 1 For ASB Vice-Presidency publicity. II) CAROL CARD has been and is ism in total po.Aer The handbill states as its pur- rd I pose the entertainment of students n my PRO OR CON' The "declaration of independ- of our thoughts, actions and name SJS ri utleitis will have their for sophomore rept ettetilatives will "I feel the ASB president should in order. So let us begin." SNCC Week ents" was issued this morning by is chance to select the new ASB be elected. Those running are Jim take a stand pro or con or for answer to party plat- rded two ASB presidential candidates In his these vice-president t o m or r, w and Lambrinos (SPUR), Phil Good- whom he thinks is the best per- forms: Hansen charged that stu- qhty man, Don who are running without the sup- In Miller (SPUR), Gary son," Lokey said. must "modify its Progress your Thursday. One is a senior, Rich dent government Kleeman (SPUR), Dona Kennedy Charles F. "Chuck" Overs also port of a student political party. emphasis on social and sports ac- es to Corby. The other is sophomore tilled (UNICOL), Victor Lee (UNICOL) did not express shock at Pisano's Charles (Chuck) Overs, senior tivities and develop an academic- seri Jerry Spolter. and Tina Newton (SPUR). endorsement. public address major, and John M. ally oriented program." On Campus held Corby, a social science major, "However, the action taken by Hansen, junior English major, is that truism ACTIVITY CARDS The SJS is a senior representative on Stu- Pisano only typifies the sued the following statements. chapter of Friends of that an egotistical caste system Overs reiterated that "now is Hansen proposed the sale of Student Nonviolent Coordinating it to dent Council. SJS Orchestra in student government exists at the time for a changenot to- sports activity cards to finance Committee (SNCC) has proclaimed mess Corby said, "It is the job of s for SJS," Overs commented. ward radicalism, not toward ego- major sports programs because this week "Freedom Week" ac- ified Council to promote academic sub- Schedules Intl Overs continued, "If SJS stu- centricity, not toward immaturity the current expenditure of more cording to Bill Cole, SNCC chair- jects for the benefit of students." dents wish to continue this type and a continuation of past student than $100,000 "is sorely needed to man. SNCC ward Council recently passed his bill Concert Tonight of syndrome then I have greatly government policies, but a change support the number and quality of will hold several events te is underestimated the intelligence of that puts the 'intelligent students' lecturers SJS should have. in observance of "Freedom Week." the to promote academic excellence. SJS Symphony Orchestra, under my fellow students. back into government." "It is time students stop having Today a booth will be set op in Jerry Spolter, director of ASB front the direction of Dr. W. Gibson John M. Hansen, presidential to pay for a permanent baby-sitter of the cafeteria where SNCC enca committees, believes that the CAMPAIGNING summer Walters, professor of music, will aspirant said, "Basically, I see that away from home. Students should volunteers will be avail- God "responsibility to the students is Campaigning for a "move to- able ever contribute to International Week the endorsement is an attempt of be allowed to live where they to discuss their projects with of primary concern." All others clique ward Spartaneity," he urged stu- students. one member of the ruling choose because approved housing are secondary," he said. festivities tonight in Concert Hall ASB presi- dents to watch out for platforms The to pass the office of in many instances has meant huge Freedom Singers will per- at 8:15. that "present ill repute to our form Tomorrow morning at 10:15 dent to another member of that profits for landlords and rental at 3 p.m. in S164. No ad- Featured soloists college name and only reiterate DR. ROBERT B. CLARKE mission Spotter said he will hold a rally of the evening group." agencies," Hansen said. will be charged. on Seventh Street. "The purpose," are music majors Miss Camilla Hansen contends that the ASB the problems that have plagued . Professor of the Year Also, tomorrow and Thursday Another proposal urges full stu- he said, "is to give students the Shelden, violinist, and Miss Joan president should represent the this campus for the past decades.
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