Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-27-1999 Arbiter, October 27 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. - .- - . , . .,. '.:,'-~ i-'. ':-,;'.":.:..:; . ':: .. ; .-')---~) (~,----c-~. die. If that individual had any intelligence, he/she would news address their concerns by editor writing a letter to the editor or Can someone be gay speaking to me directly. This BSU professor seeks and Christian? That's a ques- person now faces a bit more city council seat while tion The Arbiter focused on in than my written assaults.It is a ASBSU seeks voters. last week's cover story, which crime to prohibit free speech has since generated a fury of and therefore against the law controversy around BSU's to in effect, steal copies of The campus: Many have showed Arbiter. support for the articles We plan to protect free including listeners to the speech to the end, even if that Doug Raper program on means prosecuting the perpe- cover KBOI. Last Wednesday's trator. show centered around on The Unfortunately, the inci- Arbiter and its choice to high- dent stands as a grim reminder Under scrutiny: BSU light the BSUforum at which of this society's inability to seeks reaccreditation. a formerly gay man spoke to cope and understand issues Christian students. that it finds uncomfortable. So far the opposition And it's that ignorance that has been verbally silent, but spawns the same kind of we know dissent is out there. hatred that killed Matthew On Friday some Shepard. staffers noticed a stack of Let's stop trying to hide Arbiters had been thrown the issue of homosexuality away. Perhaps the cover was and start talking about the too much for the feeble concerns and questions that ' develop. Boise State art professor minded person responsible displays works for for tossing the issue to han- It's time for discussion, not apathy. upcoming conference. Columnists: Lesleigh Owen Dale Slack Ira Amyx Cartoonists: Eric Ellis Photo EdItor: jim Allen EdItor In ChIef: Erica Hill sports Photographers: Associate Editor: [esst Loerch 'Ted Harmon EdItorial Advisor: Peter Antonelli- Rafael Saakyan Wollhelm OnlIne Editors: Design Director: jeremy Webster Carlos Cavia Boise State rules, Stephanie Pittam News Editor: Stephanie Matlock Cal-Statedrools. News Writers: General Manager: Brad Arendt Hannah Bankhead Business Manager: Krista Hark- Trlsha Bennett ness Sean Hayes Laurie Meisner Ad Director: Mellca johnson Sara Minon Classified ad manager: Travis Riggs Bannister Brownlee Ad DesIgners: Esther Shepherd Michelle Van Hoff The .opuuons presented in advertise- Jim Steele Stephanie Pittam Amy Wegner Ad Sales: Biter of the week goes to the ments, editorials and cartoons within reflect the Ryan Lopez views of those who created them and are not AIlE EdItor: Briltney Raybould joslyn Seyfried ever talented Stephanie Pittam AGEWriters: Office Managers: necessarilythe views of The Arbiter or its staff 'Dominik Brueckner Claire Bonner who gave up an exciting week- Russ Crawforth EmilyClilids justlnEndow DlstJ'lbutlon Supervisor: Mark Holladay Carlos Cavia end out in Boise to spend it The Arbiter is the official student news- jessica Holmes DlstrIbutfon: paper of Boise State University. Its mission is Fernanda Barbosa here at TheArbiter! She has Sports EdItor: Doug Dana jordl Figueras to provide a forum for ,the discussion of issues Sports Writers: shown her tremendous design Pete Erlendson impacting the community. The Arbiter's budget josh jordan talent in layout and ads. We consists of fees paid by students and advertis- Olive Stewart won't let her go so back offl!! ing sales. The paper is distributed to the cam- Thanks for helping layout the pus on Wednesdays during the school year. The first copy is free. Additional copies cost $1 paper this weekend Stephanie! each, payable to TheArbiter offices. c'- _ . .,--------') • • providers to bring down costs. Finance a community. ASBSU Senator-at-h 3. Grade averaging- Ana- Platform Issues: 3. I want to encourage all elections are to beb~,! lyze the current policy and alter 1. The current grade students who attend Boise State it No~10-11 from 9a.m~:> averaging policy- I would like to make it their home and fun 4. Campus food service- to dissolve the' present policy place to become actively p.m~ Polls will beloca'{ Abolish the monopoly on cam- and return to the "highest involved. Boise State will stop throughout campus. < ' pus. Offer a wider variety. grade wins" system. being a commuter school when Forums occur at 11:45 5. Diversity- Increase 2. Expansion of Greek people take an active role in diversity within student leader- 2 at the Bravo! stage" life- I would love a strong their community, and I want to ship and campus wide. Student Union Bull ".'. Greek system on campus. help students find their place at Eight seats are availabl", 3. Tenure in Senate- BSU. Stephanie Hilpert There is too much turnover 4. Accelerating the Here's a look at the 15·,~ Year-Freshman when none should exist. improvement of campus safety vying for your vote. ' J Major-Political Science 4. Student-at-Large rep- is an area in which I would like Platform Issues: resentation on various commit- to welcome all suggestions Missy Asher of assistance centers on cam- 1. Create more parking. tees- many aspects of campus from all parties. Year- Senior pus. Math, writing, counseling There is .not enough dorm or 'life that are complained about 5. Increasing campus Major- Sociology with and testing and the career cen- general parking. are truly open to student sug- awareness of the continuing Secondary Education ter are a few of the many self- 2. There should be no gestions. benefits of recycling is an item Platform Issues: help resources on campus that attendance policy. Students 5. Boise State'smarketing best left to those who know the 1. I want to be a pro- should be at the forefront of should be in charge of own image- develop a true "market- most about it. Tomake the best active senator. If someone our education. attendance. ing image" for Boise State: to decisions on recyclingproblems wants something done, I will do 4. Increase the visibility 3. School wide recycling incfea~e visibility and reputa- that reside at BSU I need the everything in my power to get it of the university on a national would benefit organizations and tion. populous to voice their opin- done. level by encouraging student open up service projects. ions of recyclingand what they 2. Campus safety- I feel organizations and departments 4. More school involve- Julie Marlett feel will make a positive differ- - more lights should be put in to participate in regional and ment would promote more Year- Freshman ence. near the middle of campus for national events. school spirit. Major- Political Science those who are on campus at 5. Increase the number Platform Issues: OliasMuchow night. of exchange programs Boise Trevor Irish 1. Increasing the quality Year- Freshman 3. Higher education- As State has following the conclu- Year-Freshman of communication between all Major-Applied Technology an education major, it is very sion of the AVA program. Major-communication/ students to the faculty and Platform Issues: important tome that we do Learning from those foreign public affairs members of ASBSU is a top 1. Student involvement in everything possible for those in students who attend our uni- Platform issues: priority of mine. Itis when the activities-I feel our students do higher education. versity will bring us all closer to 1. New recreational cen- lines of communication are not think school activities can 4. Recycling-We need to a global community. ter will benefit the alumni as down that problems arise and apply to them. do everything we can to save well as the current students. accelerate. I want to open every 2. Financial aid issue- I the resources we have now. Cole Buck 2. Enhance the special 'line of communication that is feel the way things are being Year-Junior services offered to students. available, so that I can be done now could be greatly Boz Bell Major- Political Science 3. Have 'the benefits be involved in solving situations improved. Year- Senior Platform Issues: equal for full and part time stu- that trouble students. It is when 3. Parking for dorms- I Major-Music 1. Campus safety- dents. problems are discussed that think there could be better Platform Issues: Improve emergency tele- 4. Have the benefits of they can begin to be solved., options for parking in the dor- 1. Child Care- There' phones, increase lighting on two dead days before finals. 2. I want to help increase rnitories. needs to be more availabilityof grounds and institute frequent 5. Have a senator avail- the p~omotion of diversity, 4. Student recognition- I child care on campus. day and night patrolling. able for all" students, day and through the acceptance, of think students need to be recog- 2. Financial Aid- A 2. Health center- night more minorities of different nized more in order to build clearer path to the end result, Increase student awareness of, backgrounds notjustracial,but , self-esteem;' the actual check,is most impor- , the facilitieson campus and the Nick Leonardson religious,moraE~d:ic;lealistic,' , ",,5. GencraLparking- Peo- tantLess red tapeis needed care it provides, Research other , Year- sriphomore means, Promotion of diversity ,pleha~' been' having a hard 3.
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