November 17, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2379 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN MEMORY OF JOHN DOMINICK TRIPPS organization: 263 Shamey Lane Ken- them the deaths of their loved ones honors BENEDETTO: HE SHARED HIS nesaw, GA 30144 http://www.tripps.org/. those have died before them, he cannot really FAITH IN ETHICS AND FAIRNESS f provide comfort. The parents of a fallen soldier TOWARD HIS FELLOW MAN would never ask that another family suffer CHILD MEDICATION SAFETY ACT what they have suffered. The parents I have HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL OF 2005 met don’t believe their sons and daughters need the deaths of other sons and daughters OF NEW YORK SPEECH OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to prove their children have died honorably. Wednesday, November 16, 2005 HON. MIKE FERGUSON They believe their children died for their coun- OF NEW JERSEY try. They have died for their country. Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To quote Mr. Breslin again: ‘‘They die in the pay special tribute to my friend, John splendor of bravery, the prayer of valor. And Dominick Benedetto, who died August 29, Tuesday, November 15, 2005 fall in vain because the government causes 2005, in Jupiter, Florida. His memory lives on Mr. FERGUSON. Mr. Speaker, specifically them to die in vain.’’ in the loving embrace of his family and many pertaining to H.R. 1790, the Child Medication What Mr. Breslin identifies is national lead- friends. Safety Act, I firmly believe that parents should ership that is, ‘‘a fake and a fraud and a shill John brought a breath of love and beauty to have the final say about the administering of and a sham’’ who has now, unwittingly per- everything he touched, whether in music, the medication to their child. I agree with the legis- haps, admitted he was wrong but blames the arts, in the preparation of foods, or in his cre- lation’s main intent to prohibit school per- Democrats who voted to go to war because ativity as an entrepreneur. sonnel from requiring a child, as a condition of they made the mistake of believing what he In World War II, he served his country in the attending school or receiving services, to ob- told them. U.S. Air Force. But his appreciation for this tain a prescription for a controlled substance American soldiers and Iraqis are still dying. land was manifest most deeply in his heartfelt or a psychotropic drug. The President has still not told anyone the real concern for all of its people. He truly believed f reason we are in Iraq. He has not told the that every man, woman and child was due— truth about the intelligence he and a chosen without distinction—the fairness and justice JIMMY BRESLIN GETS IT RIGHT: few had when he took this country to war. that are America’s promise. THE IRAQ WAR IS A LOCAL ISSUE Jimmy Breslin is one of New York’s most In his unassuming way, John personified for talented writers. His description of New York me the great Godly virtue taught to us in the and of the Nation as having Alzheimer’s is Gospel of Matthew: As you have done it unto HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL OF NEW YORK strong but descriptive in a way hard to put in one of the least of these, you have done it to other words and have the same effect. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unto me. people in this country do not know there are My love and condolences go out to Patricia, Wednesday, November 16, 2005 two wars being fought by a tiny fraction of this his faithful and loving wife of 28 years, their Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to intro- population and that their sacrifice is being in- five daughters and two sons, their seven duce into the RECORD the commentary entitled flicted and endured out of the sight of the grandchildren, and of course, his brother, ‘‘War must be a local issue’’, written by Jimmy Media and the American public. Tony. Breslin in the November 9, 2005 issue of [From Newsday, Nov. 9, 2005] For the information of my colleagues I sub- Newsday. WAR MUST BEALOCAL ISSUE mit the following obituary which was published Jimmy Breslin’s writing cuts to the heart of (By Jimmy Breslin) in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on August an issue and this article does just that. He fo- 30, 2005. The church was empty at dusk. You stood cuses on how the President’s lies are perpet- in the stillness and looked at the place, right Benedetto, John Dominick, was born on uated at the local level, in this case by Mayor there on the side of the altar, where Michael March 18, 1923 in New York City, died August Bloomberg spoke over the casket of a fallen 29, 2005 in Jupiter, FL. He is survived by his Michael Bloomberg; and how some in the Congress and we as citizens accept those lies aristocrat of the city, Riayan A. Tejeda, Ma- loving wife of 28 years Patricia, his brother rine, dead in Iraq at age 26. Tony, five daughters, two sons and seven because we are living ‘‘in a time of National Bloomberg pronounced, ‘‘He died to keep grandchildren. As a young boy, John sang Alzheimer’s.’’ the weapons of mass destruction out of the with the Metropolitan Opera Company, Mr. Breslin wrote of the funeral of a 26-year- hands of . .’’ where his beautiful tenor voice resonated old marine, Riayan A. Teheda at which Mayor You heard no more. He was up there in the through the hills of Italy. His talent and cre- Bloomberg spoke two years ago. According to presence of a gallant New Yorker and he ativity was a mainstay throughout his life, spread a lie and for me it was the start of his and manifested through his passion for Mr. Breslin, the Mayor pronounced of the ma- rine killed in Iraq: ‘‘He died to keep the weap- campaign and it ended with me not voting music, life, art, and family. After returning for him last night. from his tour with the U.S. Air Force during ons of mass destruction out of the hands of He says of Iraq, ‘‘It is not a local issue.’’ WWII, John became an entrepreneur whose . .’’ After those words, Mr. Breslin said ‘‘you This was almost 2 years ago at St. Eliza- passion for invention was nurtured through heard no more.’’ Speaking of Mayor beth’s Catholic Church on Wadsworth Ave- the development of many ideas and opportu- Bloomberg, Mr. Breslin wrote: ‘‘He was up nue in Washington Heights, which is more nities. As an innovative thinker, John there in the presence of a gallant New Yorker than somewhat local. thought about ways to make the world a bet- and he spread a lie and for me it was the start By myself, I have been at the deep grief of ter place to live and to foster positive social of his campaign and it ended with me not vot- another soldier’s funeral in the Bronx, one in change. John loved to bring people together, Ridgewood, another in Brooklyn. whether it was for a small family gathering ing for him . .’’ If the kid who gets killed is local, then— where he would create amazing meals with The funeral of Riayan A. Teheda was at St. the war is local. love, or simply sitting on his dock and fish- Elizabeth’s Catholic Church on Wadsworth Av- This war continues without an official pro- ing with a friend or relative. His travels and enue in Washington Heights, which to Mr. test that would call out the will of the peo- life’s path brought him many experiences Breslin was ‘‘more than somewhat local.’’ He ple of the City of New York and might count that were colorfully shared In anecdotes over reports that he had been to the funerals of in a Nation that by now realizes it has been a card game or an expertly mixed drink. other kids in the Bronx, Ridgewood and in the victim of a president who is a fake and John’s charm and charisma attracted many Brooklyn. Mr. Breslin concluded: ‘‘If a kid who a fraud and a shill and a sham and now is friends, and allowed him to touch many peo- going around with the blind staggers. ple. John will be greatly missed. A private gets killed is local, then—the war is local.’’ Only the other night, in a television ap- service will be arranged by the family for a When President Bush ‘‘comforts’’ the fami- pearance with the opponent, Ferrer, future date. In lieu of flowers, the family lies who have lost their sons, daughters, sis- Bloomberg was asked about withdrawing thanks all who can please donate to the ters, brothers, fathers and mothers by telling troops from Iraq and—heavens!—you can’t do ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:46 Nov 18, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16NO8.042 E17NOPT1 E2380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2005 that. Why, that would mean that New York’s dents were prevented from attending school ‘‘We are particularly appalled by the inflic- fallen military would have died in vain.
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