VOLUME 47: No 14. South Amboy, N. J., Friday, July 8, 1927. Price Four Cents. POLICE FAIL EITHER TO CRITICIZE OR BUY TICKETS ! BOYS ENJOY NINE FIREMEN SLIGHTLY INJURED JN ADVANCE OVERSIGHT HIKE TO PRAISE NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT For Legion Excunion Ai Capacity Of Preibyterian Boy< and Pastor Camp WHEN TRUCK STRIKES LIGHT POLE Boat Is Limited Beyond Spotswood. Policemen Meeting With Mayor Kvist Give Indieations At an unusually enthusiastic meet- Dr. G. E. Sehlbrede, Pastor of Driver Of Protection Apparatus Unable To Make Turn ing of Lufce A. Lovely Post of the the First Presbyterian; Church, to- ', That More, Extensive Tests Are Needed—Many Are American Legion, the final plans for gether witih Messrs. Everitt Sheppard From Feltus Street Into Bordentown Avenue—Claims tho Moonlight Excursion of the Post and LaiMont ilnjrraham, took the boy Fined Heavily For passing Red Signal—More Tonight as outlined by Chairman Downs, were members of the Children's Bible To Have Done All Possible To Swing Heavy Machine. approved, and everything is now set Study Class to a point beyond Spots- Traffic conditions at the corner of States to permit right hand turns to for the big day. The boys all have wood on an overnight camiping trip, instructions to, loot for a clear day, Turning into Bordentown avenue somewhat sharp swerve at the first Main street and Stevens avenue over be made in the tfiaee of a stop signal leaving this city Thursday just after out of Ketlus street last Monday af- part o't the turn, felt his truck sway the week end and holiday were seem- indication, here such turns are not al- and tho committee .has very thorough- noon, and returning Saturday aboqt ly investigated a number oif alman- ternoon the big Mack .pumper iire over somewhat and :eased off a little ingly neither any better nor worse lowed. As a result of the enforce- 3:30 o'clock P.M. apparatus of the Protection Enfri.ne as a safeguard against an upset. It under fcho new traffic control light ment of this 'ruling the local police acs, paying particular stress to July 'The e-ntire equipment taken con- 23rd. Company knocked down an electric was then he couldn't pull the wheel conditions than they were without it, 'court had a rush of business during sisted of cooking utensils, an axe, light pole, injured nine firemen, and back again with the r esult tmnt the According to commewt by numerous the holidays with fine impositions that Eicci's Hollywood Orchestra of one blanket, no extra clothes, no tent did several ihundred dollars damage rig.ht wheel struck the curbing and .interested observers. Mayor Kvist ,'uire generally considered much more seven pieces has been engaged for as all slept with the moonlight, be- to the fire truck. The firemen were climbed it. Then the left hit tha held a meeting with tine police offi- :stTmg«nto th'an circumstances •warran- the day, and will provide the melodies tween them und 'the stars. riding on the truck and their injur- curb but didn't climb over it owing cers one evening this week ibo discuss ted. Chief of Police Gleason Is en- for dancing, on the trip to Coney Everett Shoppnrd acted as <ftief ies were quite slight, ibeing mostly to reduced speed but did slide along the •experiences of the. officers in Imaged in making a survey of nearby Island and also during the return. cook, while LaMont Ingruham was bruises or cuts and scratches. The or sworve around so that the truck The annual moonlight excursion of handling Une light. The noticeable;'towns to find out how many places head fireman. On Friday night, oc- pole was broken off short at the base! was headed directly for the pole. Af- result oE the meeting was that while I do or do not allow right hand turns, the Post, af which this is the fifth, casional showers forced the campers and which will be 'held on Saturday, an*l f&l-lng on the machine was car- ter striking it and .baving it fall on nOTie Of the officers voiced any criti- etc. Out of several plaices including out of bed to .roll up blankets and ri«l nearly a hundred feet before the tha driver's seat, there was consid- cisms of the signal system, nofo one .Newark and Perth AnVboy, yesterday, July 2;h'd has been one of the big cover tihuin with poncho and events among Legionnaires, and also machine came to a stop when it was erable difficulty in manipulating tha expressed any endorsement otf the in- only one place, W«stficld, objected to one slicker that were tukiui alone; to thrown off by the men, '1'h.e firemen .pedals and the 'hand brake was out o£ stallation either. It is thought thiw the right hand burn practice. In other amongst Uie peoiple of South Amboy provide for such emcrjruncies. When and surrounding towns, particularly were hurt either by being thrown off reach. After the crash ami the pole- the officers affected .mighlt -have with- towns- it Is understood the usual fine the min stopped, there was un imme- tho truck frowi the force of the im- unloaded the truck was a.hlc to pro . hold comment because 'of a desire for for first offense in running past the •the younger generation, who Juive diate uiiro'lling- of UMJ blankets and anfide it their own outing and have pact .or by tho pole striking thorn as on to 'the fire alarm box, thence back more extensive tosts than because of red light and similar (minor tra'ffic overyoMj went ito bt«d. it fell. to. tho. fire 'house. Inspection since any dissatisfaction with tihe results so ; violations, the ftno is about two dol- gradually built it up to 'be their prin- The boys .all enjoyed t/hu swimming cipal trip of tho .summer season. The Tho truck was answering what was has indicated that repair • costs will far obtained. lars, sometimes three, rarely five dol- and ball playing and arc anxious to though to have been nn alaiim from run somewhere between two and lars. Here the line usually was ton Post this year is bending every ef- go again. Those who went are us Tra'ffic was found to be heavier fort to make the eMcujwion the best Box 34, at Bordentown avenue and three .hundred dollars. ' 'than usual on Sunday but the cars dollars, with an additional two dol- follows: Dr. Schlbrudc, Everett iihep- Prospect street. It was afterward lars costs. Same twenity-five dallor thati tho Post hiwi ever conducted. Thu jiivnl, LnMont Ingraham, 'Carl .Straub Tho firemen injured in the crash, did not come in close formation for Iron Steamboat "Sinus" is known as ascertained that the indicator in the were: Frank Mussolino, William Del- •long periods as has 'been the case with fines were imposed too, also with a Jr., Kotert Straub, Oliver Lockhurt, fircihouse showed hhe number 124, two dollar court cost added thereto. one of tho boat and safest excursion Jr., Hubert Lockbiii't, Sheldon Bow- ancy, Joihn Connors, aJmcs McCor- most week end holidays in the past. bouts in this section, and the enter- which wan inenpretcd as 34. It is jnack, Frank Carroll, Patrick Con- O- - "-jifclay, wihioh was expected to The following are some of the ing privileges ihavo been lc* to a Gabriel and Martin Eberlc and now'understood that an *larm had nors, Jerry Connors, Howard Lam- .ne worst) ever noted here, was cases noted in the local pollca court Herbert Dix Jr. been burned in from box 24, at Main •'fijgh iclnss firm in 'New York city, Dr. Sohlbrc'de has caittped in ninny 'berteon, John Leonard. The tnrek is Jistinct disappointment. The auto- during tlha past few days: John Fa- and the quantity and quality of food street and Bnoadway. Wire trouble out lof. coimlmission until further no- mobiles passing through hero were bian, Perth Amboy, ?10 fine; Albert ipurts of the country and parents felt .is supposed to ibe the_ex.planation for and soft drinks will be better than safe with their children under 'Ms tice, 'and during the period of repairs probably more numerous than ever, Gordian, New York, $10; Samuel Sis- at liny time in the ipast. the ularni not sounding properly. In the alarms assigned to the Protection trot they arrived steadily, well spaced kin, Brooklyn, ?10; Howard Hodapp, car;, and especially when ho was so fact the whistle and bell warning? Company are to be taken care of by ©tit in a single Hno, and even when The boat will sail fnom the East- ably .aided by Messrs. Sh«ivpard and Iryington, $10; Anthony Tzurki, New ern Coal Dock pieu-, South Amboy, at did not sound at all except for an the Progressive and Meehanicsville " ^ stepped for several aninu'fces did not York, $10; Norman Foster, Roselle, In'grahttm. , .occasional single tap or two. companies. It is understood tihat tho Clinch up m'uch beyond Second street 1:30 P. M. shanp, daylight saving Girl. Go On Outing $10; Lee B. Neshnisky, Lakowood, time, and from the Perth Airiboy city The truck wus being driven by truck can be impaired in time for the and imrely extended as 'far back as $10; William Guttmau, Brooklyn, After reaching home, Mr. Sehl- Charles Hess, w;ho has been driving Protection ooimipany to go to Mount First street. That the congestion us- pier at 2 P. M. Return trip will be- brede, together with Mrs, Eberle and $10; Oscar Oolanto, Perth Amboy, gin at ll;00 P.
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