© Entomologica Fennica. 16 September 2005 An annotated list of the Pterophorinae (Oidaematophorini and Pterophorini) of Iran (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) Helen Alipanah & Peter Ustjuzhanin Alipanah, H. & Ustjuzhanin, P. 2005: An annotated list of the Pterophorinae (Oidaematophorini and Pterophorini) of Iran (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae). Entomol. Fennica 16: 129143. A checklist of the 29 species of Pterophorinae (tribus Oidaematophorini and Pterophorini) of Iran is presented. Calyciphora golestanica sp. n., and the hith- erto unknown male of Merrifieldia farsi (Arenberger 1981) and the female of Tabulaephorus djebeli (Arenberger 1981) are described. Emmelina argoteles (Meyrick 1922) and Hellinsia pectodactylus (Staudinger 1859), are reported as new for Iran. The known distribution of each species is given. H. Alipanah, Insect Taxonomy Research Department, Plant Pests and Diseases Research Institute, P.O. Box 19395-1454, Tehran, Iran; E-mail: alipanah @ppdri.ac.ir P. Ustjuzhanin, Siberian Division of the Russian Entomological Society, c/o Zoo- logical Institute, Academy of Science, Universitetskaya naberezhnaja 1, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia; E-mail: [email protected] Received 9 November 2004, accepted 17 January 2005 1. Introduction demic fauna and flora has also evolved. As a con- sequence, Iran has always been of high interest as The pterophorid moths of Iran have not been far as field research is concerned (Kallies & studied in detail and only a few publications (e.g. Spatenka 2003). Golestan National Park, the lo- Lederer 1869, 1870, Zerny 1940, Amsel 1959, cality of the type-species here described, is a liv- Bigot 1968, Arenberger 1981, 1995a, 2002) are ing museum that includes various plants and ani- available. The Pterophorinae Zeller, 1841 is a mals. It is located within three provinces, viz. large subfamily of which 112 species (belonging Golestan, Khorasan and Semnan. to the tribuses Oidaematophorini and Ptero- Our aim in this paper is to revise the published phorini) are known from the Palaearctic region information and other new data based on the orig- (Arenberger 1995b). The tribuses together com- inal investigations. While examining the ptero- prise more than 430 species, of which most occur phorine material, collected from different parts of in the New World and Afrotropical regions Iran, 29 species were identified. (Gielis 2003). Iran is highly interesting from a zoogeo- graphic point of view, owing to its geographic po- 2. Material and methods sition and geological diversity (Fig. 1). Here not only do faunal elements of Asia Minor, the Mid- This study was mostly based on the material pre- dle East and Central Asia meet, but a rich en- served in the following collections: Hayk Mir- 130 Alipanah & Ustjuzhanin ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 16 zayans Insect Museum (HMIM) of Plant Pests and Diseases Research Institute of Iran (PPDRI), National Natuurhistorisch Museum (Naturalis), Leiden, the Netherlands, and Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science (ZIN), St. Pe- tersburg, Russia. The summarized data from the literature are given in Records from Iran, addi- tional data are listed under Material examined. 3. Results 3.1. Tribus Pterophorini Fig. 1. Provinces of Iran. 1 – Azarbaijan-e Gharbi; 2 – Azarbaijan-eSharghi;3–Ardabil;4–Gilan; 5 – Zan- jan; 6 – Kordestan; 7 – Kermanshah; 8 – Hamedan; Pterophorus pentadactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) 9–Ghazvin;10–Mazandaran; 11 – Tehran; 12 – Ghom; 13 – Markazi; 14 – Lorestan;15–Ilam; Phalaena pentadactyla Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. 16 – Khuzestan; 17 – Chaharmahal&Bakhtiari; Nat. (Edn. 10) 1: 542. 18 – Kohgiluyeh & Boyerahmad; 19 – Esfahan; Phalaena tridactyla Scopoli, 1763 (nec 20–Semnan; 21 – Golestan; 22 – Khorasan; Linnaeus, 1758), Ent. Carniolica: 257. 23 – Yazd; 24 – Fars; 25 – Bushehr; 26 – Hormozgan; Alucita pentadactyla [Denis & Schiffer- 27–Kerman; 28 – Sistan & Baluchestan. müller], 1775, Ankündung Syst. Werkes Schmett. Wienergegend: 146. Alucita pentadactyla Hübner, [1805], Samml. the wingspan of the examined specimens is Eur. Schmett. 9: taf. 1, fig. 1. 2026 mm (n = 8), while the normal range is Aciptilia pentadactyla var. sulphurea 2130 mm. This species is restricted to the north Staudinger, 1880, Horae Soc. Ent. Ross. 15 and north-west of Iran. (1879): 433. Pterophorus ischnodactyla (Treitschke, 1835) Material examined. 1 #, Mâzandarân (Châla- krud, Ekrâsar), 1,560 m a.s.l., 11.IX.1990, E. Alucita ischnodactyla Treitschke, 1835, [in] Ebrahimi & M. Badii leg.; 1 $, Golestân Ochsenheimer, Schmett. Eur. 10 (3): 223. (Golestân National Pârk, Tang-e Gol), 620 m Aciptilia actinodactyla Chrétien, 1891, a.s.l., 2325.V. 1986, A. Pazuki leg., 1 # 2 $$, Naturaliste 13 (2): 99. (Golestân National Pârk, Kârkandeh), 5.VII. Aciptilia eburnella Amsel, 1968, Stuttg. 2003, H. Rajai leg.; 1 $, Mâzandarân (Tone- Beitr. Naturk. 191: 14, 15. kâbon), 11.VII.1974, M. Abai leg.; 1 $, Gilân Records from Iran. Iran; Zagulajev (1986). (Asâlem, Shondol), 950 m a.s.l., 9.VII.1974, H. Distribution. Mediterranean region; north- Mirzayans & Gh. Farahbakhsh leg.; 1 #, Gilân ward to the Balkans and Slovakia; Pakistan and (Asâlem, Pisâson), 750 m a.s.l., 13.VIII.1974, H. outer territories of the eastern Palaearctic region; Mirzayans leg.1 $, Pisâson, 1,300 m a.s.l., Afrotropical, Republic of South Africa. 1619.VIII.1980, A. Pazuki & H. Broumand leg.; 1 $, West Âzarbâijân (Orumieh, Sizvand Merrifieldia malacodactylus (Zeller, 1847) Mt.), 24.VI.1970, A. Pazuki leg. Records from Iran. Nowshahr, Tâlesh, Pterophorus malacodactylus Zeller, 1847, Isis Hâjiabâd (Arenberger 1995b). Oken, Leipzig 10 (12): 905906. Distribution. Palaearctic region, excluding Pterophorus meristodactylus Zeller, 1852, southern parts and Japan. Linn. Ent. 6: 396. Remarks. The Iranian specimens are similar Aciptilia baliodactylus var. meridionalis to those illustrated by Arenberger (1995b), but Staudinger, 1880, Horae. Soc. Ent. Ross. 15: 432. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 16 Annotated list of Iranian Pterophorinae 131 Alucita indocta Meyrick, 1913, Exot. Remarks. In the male genitalia of the Iranian Microlep. 1: 111. specimens, the shape of the valve is somewhat Alucita subtilis Caradja, 1920, Dt. Ent. Z. Iria different from that illustrated by Arenberger 34: 81. (1995b): The left valve is broad with a blunt tip Alucita parca Meyrick, 1921, Exot. Micro- and the right valve nearly lanceolate with a mod- lep. 2: 421. erately acute tip; harpe similar to that of the Alucita subcretosa Meyrick, 1922, Exot. Tultscha specimen. Uncus longer, without acute Microlep. 2: 549. tip (Fig. 2a). In one of the examined specimens Alucita spicidactyla Chrétien, 1923, Amat. the wingspan is 21 mm, while the normal range is Papillons 1: 231. 1020 mm. Alucita phaeoschista Meyrick, 1923, Ento- mologist 56: 277. Merrifieldia caspius (Lederer, 1870) Alucita spicidactyla Chrétien, 1923, Amat. Papillons 1: 229235.. Pterophorus caspius Lederer, 1870, Horae Soc. Alucita luteodactyla Turati, 1926, Atti. Soc. Ent. Ross. 8: 27 (1870). Ital. Sci. nat. 65: 66, 67. Material examined. 2 ##, Golestân (Gole- Alucita rayatella Amsel, 1959, Bull. Soc. Ent. stân National Pârk, Âlmeh), 1,700 m a.s.l., Egypte 43: 5556. 25.VII.2001, E. Gilasian, M. Mofidi-Neyestanak Aciptilla spicidactyla insularis Bigot, 1961, & R. Ghayurfar leg.; 5 $$, Golestân (Golestân Lambillionea 61 (78): 4951. National Pârk, Sulgerd), 1,150 m a.s.l., Aciptilia livadiensis Zagulajev & Filippova, 2021.VII.1996, E. Ebrahimi & V. Nazari leg. 1976, Trudy Zool. Inst. Leninger. 64: 4041. Records from Iran. N E Iran (Toll, 1947); 4 Pterophorus malacodactylus ssp. ##, Khorâsân, (Binâlud Mt., Mashhad), 1,800 m transdanubinus Fazekas, 1986, Ent. Z. Frankfurt a.s.l., 15.VII15.VIII.1938, 1 $, Fârs, (Shi- a. M. 96 (1/2): 1315. râzKâzerun road, Sineh Sefid), 2,200 m a.s.l., Merrifieldia garrigae Bigot & Picard, 1989, 28.V.1937 (Bigot 1968); Khorâsân, Binâlud Mt. Alexanor 15 (7) 1988 (1989), Suppl.: [33][34]. (Mashhad), 1800 m a.s.l., 15.VIII.1938, leg. Merrifieldia moulignieri Nel, 1991, Alexanor Brandt; Hyrcania, Mirâbi Mt., 2,000 m a.s.l., 17 (3): 144178. VIIVIII (Arenberger 1981); Gorgân, Fârs, Mi- Merrifieldia inopinata Bigot, Nel & Picard, râbi Mt., Binâlud Mt., Mashhad (Arenberger 1993, Alexanor 18 (22): 122128. 1995b). Material examined. 4 ##, West Âzarbâijân Distribution. Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, (Orumieh, 15 km S), 2.IV.1975, M. Abai leg.; 1 Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, India, China. $, Golestân (Golestân National Park, Dasht-e Remarks. The examined specimens are some- Shâd), 1,390 m a.s.l., 2526.VII.1995, E. Ebra- what smaller (wingspan of 1821 mm, n =7)than himi & V. Nazari leg.; 1 #, Kermân, Baft-Jiroft those reported by Arenberger (1995b). In the (Shingera), 2,800 m a.s.l., 2223.V.2004, H. male genitalia, harpe of the left valva is straight Rajai leg., 2 ## 1 $, Kermân (Dehbakry), and the right valva is not curved on the dorsal 2,4002,600 m a.s.l., 2122.V.2004, H. Rajai margin (Fig. 2b). leg. Records from Iran. 3 ## 2 $$, Alborz, Merrifieldia brandti (Arenberger, 1981) (Karaj), 1937; 1 #, Fârs, (ShirâzKâzerun road, Sineh Sefid), 2,200 m a.s.l., 5. VI.1937 (Bigot Pterophorus brandti Arenberger, 1981, Z. 1968); 1 $, Fârs, environs of Shiraz, 1,600 m ArbGem. Öst. Ent. 32(3/4) 1980 (1981): 107. a.s.l., 15.IV.1937, leg. Brandt., 1# 1$, Karaj, Al- Records from Iran. 1 #, S. Iran, 47.VI.1969, borz Mt., 10.VI.1936, 1,800 m a.s.l., W. Brandt Miyân Kotal, 1,900 m a.s.l., E. Kâzerun, H. G. leg. (Arenberger 1981): Karaj (Alborz Mt.), Amsel leg.; 2 ## 4 $$, S. Iran, 47.VI.1969, Shirâz (Arenberger 1995b). Miyân Kotal, 1,900 m a.s.l., E. Kâzerun, H. G. Distribution. Mediterranean region, eastward Amsel leg.; 1 #, S. Iran, Fârs, Kâzerun, Miyân- to Central Asia. Kotal, 1,900 m a.s.l., 11.VI.1972, Ebert & 132 Alipanah & Ustjuzhanin ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 16 Fig.2. Male genitalia. – a. Merrifieldia malacodactyla (Zeller). – b. Male genitalia of Merrifieldia caspia (Lederer). –c.Merrifieldia farsi (Aren- berger). – d. Emmelina argoteles (Meyrick). Falkner leg.; 1 #, Alborz-Mt., (Karaj), 1936, leg. Alucita icerodactyla phillipsi Huggins, 1955, W. Brandt; 3 ##, Fârs (Shirâz-Kâzerun road, Entomologists Gaz. 6: 124126. Sineh Sefid), 2,200 m a.s.l., 28.V.1937, leg.
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