The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society for Plant Systematics ISSN 1346-7565 Acta Phytetax. Geobet. S6 (]): 41-53 (200S) Return from the Lost: Rediscovery of the Presumed Extinct Leptosolena (Zingiberaceae) in the Philippines and its Phylogenetic Placement in Gingers HIDENOBU FUNAKOSHI]*, W. JOHN KRESS2, JANA gKORNIeKOVA3, AIZHONG LIU2 and KEN INOUE`' iDepartment qf'Environmental System Science, Graduate School ofScience and TlechnologM Shinshu U}iiversiijl 3- 2Dapartment 1-l Asahi, Matsumoto 390-862J Japan; ofBotany MRC-166, Uhited States Ndtional Herbarium, Museum Historpl IVational ofNZitural Smithsonian lnstitution, R O. Box 37012, Ukeshington, D,C 20013-7012 3Department 4Biolegicat USA; ofBotan>L Charles University, Bendtskd 2, J28 Ol, Prague, Czech Rqp"hlic; Institute and Herbarium, fuculty ofScience, Shinsht{ Universic)l 3-1-1 Asahi, Matsumoto 390-8621 Jopan The genus Leptosolena currently accepted as monotypic and endemic to the Philippines, has been con- sidered as an imperfectly known genus due to the description based on insucacient herbarium materi- als fOr describing fioral characters and no recent collection. Our rediscovery of L, haenkei has made it possible not only to describe the species in more depth from fresh materials and to compare with the uncertain second species, L. insignis, more precisely, but to clarify the phylogenetic position ameng Zingiberaceae with molecular data. Our results support the former treatment that L haenkei and L insig- nis are conspecific, resulting in L. insignis as a later synonym. The ]ectotype of L. haenkei is chosen among Haenke's historical colLections deposited at PR and PRC. Results from DNA sequence data of the ITS and tnatK loci demonstrate that Lqptosolena forms a clade with LEiizoverberghia and Aipinia species from the Philippines and Oceania. Key words: ITS, lectotypification, Leptosotena, Leptosoiena haenkei, matK, molecular phylogeny, Philippines, rediscovery, Zingiberaceae The genus Leptosotena C. Presl (Zingiberaceae)length (Smith 1990). The taxonomic position of endemic to Northern Luzon, Philippines, compris- this curious member of Zingiberaceae is always es only one species, L. haenkei C, Presl as current- controversial. Bentham (1883) and Burtt & Smith ly accepted (Larsen et al. 1998). Leptosolena is (1972) mentioned a possible close aranity with outstanding in Zingiberaceae by the large flowers Burbidgea which shares very short filament and with extremely long and slender corolla tube which smaller labellum than corolla lobes with Lepto- are exerted from the calyx for more than half their solena. Schumann (1904) based on Presl (1827)'s * Author for cQrrespondence: E-mail: tO lh1 1 I @amail.shinshu-u.ac .jp t Professor Ken inoue was ki11ed by accident during field work in Sakhalin. The present paper is dedicated for the inspir- ing memory of the late Professor Inoue. NII-Electronic LibraryMbrary Service The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society for Plant Systematics 42 APG Vbl. 56 description and line drawing transferred Leptoselena not discuss about L. auricutata in the present study. under the genus Aipinia L., subgenus Autaipinia Leptosolena haenkei was recollected from the K, Schum. and established section Leptosolenia valley slope along Chico River near Bontoc, "Lepto- (C. Presl) K. Schum. He changed sucax of Mountain Province, Northern Luzon by the first `CLeptosotenia" sotena" into probably due to fbl- author and Leonardo Co in May 2002. The redis- lowing the orthodox Latin word forrnation from covery of the plants in fu11 bloom in its natural "lepto-solen" "slender the Greek word meaning habitat has made it possible not only to describe the pipe." Ridley (1909) recognizedLfu)tosotena as a species in more depth and to compare with an distinct genus considering alliance with Hkdychium unceitain second species, L. insignis Ridl,, but to which shares long corol]a tube with Lepto-solena. carTy out DNA-sequencing studies to clarify the Burtt & Smith (1972) pointed out that L. haenkei i's phylogenetic relationship of this genus with other unlike any otherAipinia species because the inflo- genera of subfamily Alpinioideae of the Zingiber- rescence lacks bract and bracteole, and the corolla aceae. tube is extremely long and narrow, thus suggesting to maintain Leptosolena at generic level pending Materialsand Methods more critical study. Lasrsen et al. (]998) mentioned "A this genus as poorly known genus, endemic to The field collections and tissue samples were made the Philippines, Luzon, with L. haenkei as the only in the Mountain Province of Northern Luzon. species." Kress et al. (2002) proposed a new supra- Herbarium material examined was from the fo1- generic classification of Zingiber-aceae based on lowing institutions: AAU, BR, E, GH, KYO, L, P, PNH, molecular data, although Lepto-solena, good tis- PR, PRC, PUH, SING, and us. sue materials being not available, was tentatively Data from previous investigations of the phy- placed under subfamily Alpinioideae Link, tribe logenetic relationships within the family Zingiber- Aipinieae A. Rich. based on morphological fea- aceae (Kress et al, 2002) were used to determine the tures. evolutionary position of the genus Lqptosotena in In 19C}6, Ridley described the second species of the subfamily Alpinioideae. In total 5 1 gpecies were the genus Leptosolena insignis Ridl. based on A. D. analyzed, including three outgroup taxa in the genus E. Elmer's specimens collected at 1[iwin Peaks (in Siphonochitus, 46 taxa previously sequenced in the Municip. Tuba near Baguio City), Benguet Proyince Alpinioideae, and the two new taxa. Comparative in Northern Luzon (Ridley 1906). But Merrill sequence data of the internal transcribed spacer (1925) rendered the species synonym of L. haenkei (ITS) loci and matK-trnK fianking intergenic spac- without any specific reasons. Judging from Kdley's er regions were generated for L. haenkei fOllowing diagnostic characters, L. insignis seems quite dis- the procedures of Kress et aL (2002), including tinct. Nevertheless, no reconsideration has been DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing. made to date. The third species L. auriculata Phylogenetic analyses fo11owed the same pro- appeared in Elmer (1939). But the article is just a cedures as Kress et al. (2002). Maximum parsimo- kind of a personal list of unpublished naJnes. Elmer ny ana]yses of the ITS and matK sequence data "The (1939) stated, fol]owing numbers of my col- were conducted using PAUP"4.0 (Swoffbrd 1998) lection with unpub]ished new names should be con- with unweighted characters and 500 random- sidered published specific names as indicated below sequence-addition replicates, saving all shortest "17977-Leptosolena with their authors," auricula- trees under TBR Branch Swapping, STEEPEST ta is Leptosolena haenkei Presl." Therefore we will DESCENT off, MULTREES on, COLLAPSE NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society for PlantPlantSystematlcs Systematics AprJl 2005 FUNAKOSHI et aiRedigcoveryofLeptosolenahaenkeiZingiberaceae 43 wwkl iilee\ aj・lli }esee},lt-tamu/# lltw'ei, mamaE 'lwai pm--e ,lmaelllmalww,illvat imum. ne meIl,gelliInl,: llnmiaim; lvathTllam.}IIIIIwwte *Iiiiee walliiiwa #'l,i IIIIIee$i ex }ma-Ml m ee mpI me}:didi; gellli,il wa i・eellleelil,,,,wwkli:Y,lge,s{Imel gel{i v,llgeilgfklnewwlll "lgel;II }iiewlll $ll $illi$lli IiilslSrmlis Ebe mell geif x es lrvtllpm",IW,tsXre,{, ,'{,ilstkl :-}ttMA.':ilX,l,,,,Iikgevavampnl// aspmer;. ut-.-th. ee1 Xtwliiiiilll$g , l'wwllllIlwwlll,,l leei}XleeII ,, mekl FJG 1 The leLtotypc ot Leptosolena haenkei C Presl (T HaenkE s n bheet no 335771 1832A, pR) wtth K BPrcsl s handwnting Cupperportion identified byB Skeedopoloya pR) NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society for Plant Systematics 44 APG Vbl. 56 branches if maximum length is zero. Bootstrap analyses were conducted using RAUP'4.0 with ten First of al1, Ridley's description in calyx length random addition replicates, TBR branch swapping, of Leptosolena haenkei as 1.5 cm is very much for 1 OO bootstrap replicates. The data sets t'or each likely to be a mistake of 1.5 inches, because in gene region were analyzed separately and then, fo1- Presl's original descriptien it was described as "sesquipollicaris" lowing the total evidence approach for multiple which means 1,5 inches. data sets, combined. Haenke's specimens lie between Ridley's description of L, haenkei and L, insignis. Results and Discussion In the types of Leptosolena insignis (holotype, K, non vidi; isotype, Ny, digital image seen; p, dig- 7Zixonomic comparison between Leptosolena ital image seen; slNG!; us, digital image seen; type haenkei and L. insignis location described in Turner (2000)), distinct We first examined the concordance of character pedicels could be recognized but too short to mea- figures in the text of Presl's (1827) original descrip- sure their length in the isotype at us, but they were tion ofLqptosolena haenkei, attached illustration in obvious in the isotypes at p, slNG, and Ny, [E]he Presl (1827) with notes as drawn in actuai specimen measured characters are: calyx 7,2-7.8 cm long size, and our measurement in Haenke's original (five flowers measured, siNG), corolla tube 12.7 cm materials (four sheets) deposited at PR and PRC. (1) (two flowers measured, slNG), leaves 31 × 2 cm In pedicel, written as pediceled in Presl's text, (NY), 30 × 1.6 ¢ m (s]NG), 25 × 2 cm (us). All leaves pediceled in illustration, pediceled in original mate- were mounted in condition folded in half from rials we measured. (2) In calyx length, 3.8 cm in midrib, but the leaf width is almost double the figure text, 4,5 cm in illustration, 4.2 - 5 cm in original which Ridley described. Then the diagnostic char- material (1O flowers measured), (3) In corolla tube acters from our recent collection from Northern - length, 7.5 cm in text, 9, 1 cm in illustration, 8 9 cm Luzon, Philippines were measured (five flowers in original material (five flowers measured). (4) In from three plants preserved in spirits were mea- corolla lobe length, 1,5 cm in text, 1.4 cm in illus- sured, leaves were separately collected from the tration.
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