GENERAL ARTICLE Sebastian’s Space and Forms Michele eMMer A strong message that mathematics revealed in the late nineteenth and non-Euclidean hyperbolic geometry) “imaginary geometry,” the early twentieth centuries is that geometry and space can be the because it was in such strong contrast with common sense. realm of freedom and imagination, abstraction and rigor. An example For some years non-Euclidean geometry remained marginal of this message lies in the infi nite variety of forms of mathematical AbStrAct inspiration that the Mexican sculptor Sebastian invented, rediscovered to the fi eld, a sort of unusual and curious genre, until it was and used throughout all his artistic activity. incorporated into and became an integral part of mathema- tics through the general ideas of G.F.B. Riemann (1826–1866). Riemann described a global vision of geometry as the study of intellectUAl ScAndAl varieties of any dimension in any kind of space. According to At the beginning of the twentieth century, Robert Musil re- Riemann, geometry had to deal not necessarily with points or fl ected on the role of mathematics in his short essay “Th e space in the traditional sense but with sets of ordered n-ples. Mathematical Man,” writing that mathematics is an ideal in- Th e erlangen Program of Felix Klein (1849–1925) descri- tellectual apparatus whose task is to anticipate every possible bed geometry as the study of the properties of fi gures that case. Only when one looks not toward its possible utility, were invariant with respect to a particular group of transfor- but within mathematics itself one sees the real face of this mations. Consequently each classifi cation of the groups of science. transformations became a codifi cation of the diff erent types “Mathematics is the bold luxury of pure reason, one of of geometry. the few that remain today. But these are harmless whims, It is important to mention that the discovery (or invention) which play themselves out far from the serious business of of non-Euclidean geometry and of the higher dimensions our lives, whereas it is precisely here that mathematics en- (from the fourth on)—in short, the new idea of space—is compasses some of the most entertaining and intense ad- one of the most interesting examples of the profound re- ventures of human existence,” wrote Musil, adding that aft er percussions that mathematical ideas can have on human- everything had been brought into the most beautiful kind of istic culture and on art. Mathematicians began to produce existence, the mathematicians came upon something wrong less regular and more startling geometric fi gures. Many of in the fundamentals of the whole thing that absolutely could these new and exciting mathematical ideas fi ltered into the not be put right, concluding that there was no other possibil- public sphere and sparked the imagination of writers and ity of having such visionary feeling as mathematicians do, artists [2]. enduring this intellectual scandal in exemplary fashion [1]. Th e scandal was that geometry mutated signifi cantly in Linda D. Henderson analyzed in detail the infl uences that the second half of the nineteenth century. Between 1830 new mathematical ideas had on art and literature at the be- and 1850, Nikolai Lobachevsky (1792–1856) and János Bolyai ginning of the twentieth century [3]. It is worth noting that (1802–1860) developed the fi rst examples of non-Euclidean it is the combination of freedom and rules, between fantasy geometry, in which they consider invalid Euclid’s famous and axioms, that fascinates artists: Th e Euclidean scheme was fi ft h postulate. Not without doubt and confl icts, Lobachev- too rigid, too classic. However, this does not mean that it sky would later call his geometry (which today is called should be abandoned or that Euclid is passé. Mathmatics is an abstract science. Recalling the words of the mathemati- cian Robert Osserman: Michele Emmer (mathematician, fi lmmaker, writer, journalist, editorial adviser), Istituto Veneto Scienze, Lettere Arti, IVSLA, Venezia, Italia. Email: [email protected]. Abstraction works in a variety of ways. First, it carries the See www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/leon/53/2 for supplementary fi les associated power of universality, allowing a single rule to apply in very with this issue. diff erent circumstances . [and] it oft en brings clarity to ©2020 ISAST https://doi.org/10.1162/leon_a_01633 LEONARDO, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 151–156, 2020 151 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/LEON_a_01633 by guest on 01 October 2021 what may be a confused situation. [Another advantage] SebastiAn’S SpAce And Forms is that it provides us with great freedom to let our imagina- From the point of view of a mathematician who looks at the tions roam, permitting us to devise new and alternative ver- links between culture and mathematics, it is of interest to see sions of reality—versions that may or may not correspond how the artist views and interprets some of the great ideas to something in the real world [4]. of geometry, of mathematics. A noteworthy demonstration A strong message that mathematics revealed in the late of the truth of this statement lies in the infinite variety of nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is that geometry forms of mathematical inspiration that the Mexican sculptor and space can be the realm of freedom and imagination, Sebastian has invented, rediscovered and used throughout all abstraction and rigor. Geometric objects and mathemati- his artistic activity (Fig. 1). cal ideas are of universal interest—and are also available to non-mathematicians, artists, writers and musicians—to be used, misinterpreted, mutated or distorted with their essen- tial impact and at the same time, for non-mathematicians, esoteric and mysterious: a search for an order but a victory of imagination. It seems a contradiction but it is not. A MAthematicAl ApproAch to Art The history of the relationships between art and mathematics is a long and winding road. There was an increased interest in these relationships over the last two centuries, and Max Bill wrote intriguing words on this subject in his 1949 ar- ticle “The Mathematical Way of Thinking in the Visual Art of Our Time,” on the relationship between art, form and mathematics. He wrote about mathematics as the science of transformations, relations and connections. Bill wanted to point out that, while mathematical and artistic activity are obviously not interchangeable, the mathematical laws of space and of the relations between objects can and should be of great importance for art. Bill used words very similar to those mathematicians used. A real and clear definition of the way in which the relationships between the two disci- plines—considered by many to be so distant—should be is as follows: It must not be supposed that an art based on the principles of mathematics, such as I have just adumbrated, is in any sense the same thing as a plastic or pictorial interpreta- tion of the latter. Indeed, it employs virtually none of the resources implicit in the term “pure mathematics.” The art in question can, perhaps, best be defined as the building up of significant patterns from the ever-changing relations, rhythms and proportions of abstract forms, each one of which, having its own causality, is tantamount to a law unto itself. As such, it presents some analogy to mathematics itself [5]. [Previously:] By a mathematical approach to art it is hardly necessary to say I do not mean any fanciful ideas for turning out art by some ingenious system of ready reckon- ing with the aid of mathematical formulas. So far as com- position is concerned every former school of art can be said to have had a more or less mathematical basis. There are also many trends in modern art which rely on the same sort of empirical calculations. These, together with the artist’s own individual scales of value, are just part of the ordinary elementary principles of design for establishing the proper relationship between component volumes; that is to say for imparting harmony to the whole [6]. Fig. 1. Sebastian, Red Brancusite, iron and acrylic enamel, 1980. (© Fundación Sebastian) 152 Emmer, Sebastian’s Space and Forms Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/LEON_a_01633 by guest on 01 October 2021 Fig. 2. Sebastian, Picassiana, iron and acrylic enamel, 1979. (© Fundación Sebastian) Héctor Tajonar was surely right when he wrote that the Having quoted and alluded to some of the significant links artist Sebastian “belongs to a tradition which goes back to between art and mathematics over the past centuries, ideas the beginning of western culture and continues to the pres- that were at least partially well known to Sebastian, it is use- ent.” He added: ful to look at some of the artist’s sculptures to highlight what has been the artist’s commitment (Fig. 2). Without forgetting Geometry has always been a fundamental tool for both what D’Arcy W. Thompson wrote in 1917, over 100 years ago: scientists and artists, to interpret the cosmic order. Se- “We are apt to think of mathematical definitions as too strict bastian is a worthy successor of all of the above, having and rigid for common use, but their rigour is combined with been inspired by their knowledge, as well as by the Mö- all but endless freedom” [9]. bius band, combinatorial topology, Buckminster Fuller’s Similarly Enrique X. de Anda Alanís wrote: geodesic dome, and the postulates of Euclidean and non Euclidean geometry [7]. Though Sebastian used mathematical speculations as a source of invention . he constantly revises the harmony It is instructive to read the titles of Sebastian’s work of his world in accordance with proportional models that throughout the years [8]: Purple Dodecahedron, Rhombo- are already implicit in his visual language.
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