1€M Unitrehi Lhe Volue Llne

1€M Unitrehi Lhe Volue Llne

Suggested P?od. No. Descrlpllon Retall 16536 MODEL Q 80mm Spotting Scope .. $ 245.00 165:17 MODEL S 80mm Spotting Scope . 185.00 16538 MODEL QC 80mm Spotting Scope .. 165.00 16539 MODEL SC 80mm Spotting Scope . 106.00 16560 MODEL 50 50mm Spotting Scope Body 95.00 16561 MODEL sOR 50mm Spotting Scope Body with Rubberized Exterior ... 't08.00 16562 MODEL 60 60mm Spotting Scope Body 130.00 16563 MODEL sO-ET 50mm Scope with 20X Eyepiece and Shooter's Tripod . 165.00 16564 MODEL sOR-ET 50mm Scope with 20X Eyepiece and Shooter's Tripod . 180.00 14565 MODEL 6O-ET 60mm Scope with 20X Eyepiece and Shooter's Tripod . 207 .00 16550 MODEL 105 2" Allazimuth Refractor 185.00 16gX) MODEL 114 2.4" Altazimuth Relractor with UNIHEX 312.00 16501 MODEL 114 2.4" Altazimuth Ref ractor with star diagonal and erecting prism system 312.00 16602 MODEL 128 2.4" Equatorial Refractor with UNIHEX 491.00 16503 MODEL 128 2.4" Equatorial Refractor with star diagonal and erecting prism system 491.00 16504 MODEL l28C 2.4" Equatorial Relractor with Motor Drive and UNIHEX 604.00 r6505 MODEL 128C 2.4" Equatorial Refraclor with Motor Drive and star diagonal and 604.00 erecting prism system . 'r6810 MODEL 131-C 3" Compact Equatorial Retractor 69s.00 1€m MODEL 140 3" Altazimuth Refractor with UNIHEX 467.0O r6807 MODEL 140 3" Altazimuth Retractor with star diagonal and erecting prism system 467.00 r608 MODEL 142 3" Equatorial Refractor with UNIHEX 759.00 r66G| MODEL 142 3" Equatorial Refractor with star diagonal and erecting prism system 759.00 r€510 MODEL 142C 3" Equatorial Refractor with Motor Drive and UNIHEX 875.00 16611 MOOEL 142C 3" Equatorial Ref ractor with Motor Drive and star diagonal and erecting prism system .. 875.00 r€61 2 MODEL 145 3" Photo-equatorial Ref ractor with UNIHEX 1040.00 165r3 MODEL 145 3" Photo-equatorial Belractor with stai diagonal and erecting prism system ... 104O.OO UNITREhI lhe volue llne Suggested Relail Prod. No. Desctiption Photo-equatorial Retractor with 16514 MODEL 145C 3" 156.00 Motor Drive and UNIHEX $1 Refractor with 16515 MODEL 145C 3" Photo-eq uatorial Motor Orive and star diagonal 1 156.00 and erecting Prism system 1200.00 Ref ractor 16541 MODEL 132C 4" Compact Equatorial with UNIHEX 840.00 16516 MODEL 150 4" Altazimuth Relractor ReJractor with star 16517 MODEL 150 4" Altazimuth 840.00 diagonal and erecting prism system 1433.00 Refractor with UNIHEX 16518 MODEL 152 4" Equatorial with star 16519 MODEL 152 4" Equatorial Befractor '1433.00 diagonal and erecting prism system ' " ' ' " Refractor with 16520 MODEL 152C 4- Equatorial 1560.00 Motor Drive and UNIHEX " " Relractor with 16521 MODEL 152C 4" Equatorial Motor Drive and star diagonal 1560.00 and erecting Prism system 't6522 MODEL 155 4" Photo-equatorial Relractor 1633.00 with UNIHEX Ref ractor 16523 MODEL 155 4" Photo-eq uatorial and with star diagonal 1633.00 erecting Prism sYstem Ref ractor with 16524 MODEL 155C 4" Photo-equatorial 1790.00 Motor Drive and UNIHEX with 16525 MODEL 155C 4' Photo-equatorial Relractor Motor Drive and star diagonal 1790.00 and erectihg Prism system 16526 MODEL 160 4" Photo-eq uatorial Relractor 2775.00 with Clock Drive and Astro Camera '160V 16527 MODEL 4" Equatorial Refractor 2156.00 wilh Clock Drive with Fixed Pier' 16528 MODEL 166 4' Photo-eq uatorial 3295.00 Clock Drive and Astro Camera ' 16529 MODEL 166V 4" Equatorial Refractor 2706.00 . with Clock Drive 6625.00 w/TriPod 16530 MOOEL 510 5" Equatorial 7180.00 w/Pier . 16531 MOOEL 520 , 5" Equatorial 12'000 00 | - 16532 MODEL 600 L-{ Equatorial -iZa6roo Photo Equatorial 16533 MODEL 610 6" 13,496.00 Photo Equatorial 16534 MODEL 620 6" 1595.00 16555 NIKON 8cm Equatorial Befractor 'iri[""Alt D ces arc F.O B Woodbuty' NY U S A iiJ arc sublect b change wthoul pnot notice Pinted in u.s.A. "i"",t,""rions ACCESSORIES Sugg€.ted Suggesled Ret.ll Prod. No. Rctall VIEWFINDEFS PHOTOGRAPHIC GUIOE TELESCOPES 'grnm. 4X: with brackets .......... 40.00 (Prices f.o.b. Woodbury, NY) 235mm. 6X: with brackets ........... 3s.00 (Specily main tube diameter) :-irnm, 8X: with brackets .......... 45.00 16670 2.4" Guide Scope for 3" Models . , . , . $ 152.00 r2'nm. 10X: with brackets 60.00 16737 2.4" Guide Scope tor 4" Models . 152.00 't a2-.n. 12.5X: with brackets 148.00 6738 3" Model 285.00 :. -:!rmm tinder w/diagonal 63.00 16671 4" Model 548.00 ' :x-!Omm finder w/diagonal 75.00 FLEXIBLE CABLES VIEWFINDER MOUNTING BRACKETS 16689 For 2.4'or3" Altazimuth (pair) ....,,..,......... 15.00 :cr 1 6" tubes, pair 13.00 EXTRA SMALL COUNTERWEIGHT .cr 2-4" tubes, pair 20.00 16690 For 3" Equalorial 9.00 :trr 4" tubes, pair 45.00 16736 For 4" Equalorial 28.00 OBJECTIVE LENSES SUN PBOJECTING SCREEN :rjective for 60mm Guide Scope \l/12) .,, 61.00 16640 For 2.4" Refractors W/UNICLAMPS 31.00 :rjeclive tor 60mm viewfinder (f/8.3) ............ 61.00 16641 For 3" Relractors 35.00 :.. drameter 61.00 16642 For 4" Relractors 42.OO 124.00 i c,rameter ERECTING PBISM SYSTEM ! diameter 235.00 16643 For eyepieces ot 24.5mm o.d. , . , . ' . 30.00 OBJECTIVE OUTER CELL WITH DEWCAP 16756 For eyepieces ol l%" o.d. ........... 27.00 16.00 =!r 2 4 objective PRISMATIC STAB DIAGONALS 24.00 =fr 3 objective eypeieces (Mod€l 15.00 45.00 16645 For 24.5mm o.d. A)............ =:. 4 objective 16646 For '1tl." eyepieces (Model B)......... 23.00 iDUETRoN '16746 2X garlow for Model A Star Diagonal 8.00 VJoel A, lor UNITRONS 49.00 16758 Model A erecting diagonal .. ....., . 36.00 uldel B. tor 1% eyepiece holders ............... 83.00 16759 Model B erecting diagonal ....,,,... 40.00 UNIHEX SOLAR APERTUBE DIAPHRAGMS \':4el A for UNITBONS ...... ... .... ... 56.00 16647 For 2.4' Relraclors 2.00 \r:del B, for '1y1" eyepiece holders . .. ... 56.00 16648 For 3 Relractors 3.00 3- pec UN IHEX 106.00 16649 For 4" Refractor, single aperture . 4.00 ; ( Barlow for Model A Unihex 12.00 15650 For 4" Refractor, two apertures 23.O0 EYEPIECES _ 1%'' O.D. SUN GLASS .:-m Monochromatic ........... .............. 25.00 16651 24.5mm o.d. 6.00 .:-m Monochromatic Wcrossline 29.00 16652 Fo( 11/t" o.d. 8.00 Parfocalized 32.00 .- m Orthoscopic, SUN DIAGONAL Orlhoscopic, Parfocalized 29.00 :-'n 16653 Model A, for UNITRONS . .. .. .... .. 44.00 Orthoscopic, Parfocalized 28.00 i-"r 16654 Model B, for 1%" eyepiece holders 66.00 '.: 5mm Orthoscopic, Partocalized 27.O0 '.-'1 Orthoscopic, Parlocalized 29.00 RACK AND PINION FOCUSING MECHANISM :: -m OrthoscoPic, Parlocalized 31.00 16655 Standard Model for 2.4" Models 38.00 ::-.r Erfle. Parfocalized 40.00 16735 Standard Model lor3" Models .,.,...........,,.. 38.00 16656 Deluxe 48.00 _ ,965" O.D. Model EYEPIECES Super 100.00 16.00 16657 Model :a-m Ramsden 16658 Coupling tolit 3-1/16" id. tubing, add ............ 11.00 -:-'r Kellner 16.00 16659 Coupling to fit 4-318" o.d. tubing, add . ....... 19.00 '2 5mm Kellner 16.00 j-.n Kellner 12.00 ADAPTEB TUBES '19.00 16639 Reduction bushing to use.965" o.d. eyepieces in 7- - Achromatized SYmmelrical ?-.n Achr. Sym. with crossline 24.00 in 1'l." i.d. eyepieces 1.00 --n Achromatized SYmmetrical 19.00 16644 Tousel%"eyepiecesin24.5mmo.d.holders .... 9.00 ;.-n Orlhoscopic 24.OO 16660 Drawtube with reversible eyepiece holders (24.5mmand 1,") .............. 15.00 : -.n OrthoscoPic 24.00 1-n Orthoscopic 27.O0 16747 Drawtube with 1%" eyepiece holder 10.00 :.:-m Kellner (58mm o.d.) 56.00 ASTRO CAMERAS UNICLAMPS 16661 Model 220A, for UNITRONS . .... .. 305.00 ::'24 Models. Pair ...... ........ 20.00 16662 Model 2208, for 17." o.d. eyepiece holders . 305.00 ::. 3 Models. pai .............. 24.00 16757 irodel 80 Astrograph 715.00 ::r4 Models, pair ............... 30.00 COUNTERBALANCE CLAMPS UNICLAMP CAMERA BRACKET 16663 For2.4' Models ............ 28.00 ::'2.4 Models 16.00 16664 For 3" Models 28.00 =:r 3 Models 20.00 REFRACTORS WITHOUT MOUNTINGS ::r 4 Models 26.00 16672 3" Refractor as supplied with Model 142......,.. 437.00 UNIBALANCE TUBE ASSEMBLY 16673 4" Refraclor as supplied with Model 152 ,. .. .. , .. 722.00 =..2.4 Models 34.00 16674 5" Refractor as supplied with Model 510 . .. .. ... 2461.00 ::'3 Models 40.00 16675 6" Refractor as supplied with Model 610......... 6000.00 : -. : Models 50.00 ijt :::essoriss ate sh,pped poslpeid unless othetwjse noted r': t*ctl cat ons are subtecl to change without priot nolice ACCESSORTES Suggesled Prod. No. EQUATORIAL MOUNTINGS Relall Prod. No. 16576 2.4" Mounting Vtripod (Model 128 type) .. .. $ 289.00 16€,77 (Model '167'l.7 3" Mouniing w/tripod 142 type) . 438.00 5mm Orthoscopic Eyepiece .,........ 16678 4" Mounting Vtripod (Model 152 gmm type) .......... 855.00 16718 Orthoscopic Eyepiece ....... , . 16679 4" '16719 Mounting Vpier and clock drive 2520.00 18mm Huygens Eyepiece . .. .... 16680 5" Mounting w/tripod and clock drive 9685.00 '16720 40mm Huygens Eyepiece ........... 15681 5" Mounting w/pi6r and clock drive 4155.00 16721 Synchronous Motor Drive 16682 6" Mounting w/piEr and clock drive 6600.00 35mm AITACHMENTS* SPECTROSCOPE 16722 Standard Camera Adapter ....................... 16780 StarSpectroscope 65.00 16723 Deluxe Camera Adapter . , , . ALTAZIMUTH MOUNTINGS COMPACT ACCESSORIES 2" mounting w/tripod (Modst iOS type) ........ 83.00 1974119140 16706 UNICLAMP Camera Bracket tor 3,,Compact ,..., 2.4" mounting w/tripod (Modet 114 type) ......... 14.00 16748 Carrying Case tor 3" Compact Tripod 19!4? 3" mounting w/tripod (Modet t/O type) .......... 218.00 16743 4" mounting w/tripod (Modet lSO type) ......

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