1NS1DE: ^ 60 years of The Ukrainian Weekly: an anniversary review - special section beginning on page 5. ^ Exhibit of Trypillian culture to open in New York - page 4. ,L ,– THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fraternal non-profit association vol. LXI No. 41 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER IO, 1993 50 cents Wary of "political games," Morozov Clinton signs foreign aid bill involved in local border and ethnic dis– requests dismissal from defense post S300 million to be putes. Reports have ranged from the available for Ukraine Russian military supporting separatist by Marta Kolomayets elements in Georgia, to their involvement Kyyiv Press Bureau WASHINGTON (UNAW) - in combat in Moldova and Tajikistan." 7 He then quoted from a letter he had KYYFv - President Leonid Kravchuk President Bill Clinton signed H.R. 2295, received from Georgian President Eduard relieved Ukraine's defense minister, Gen. the foreign assistance appropriations act Shevardnadze who wrote that Georgia's Kostyantyn Morozov, of his duties on into law as Public Law 103-87, on September 30. Containing almost S13 future is in danger because Russian Monday morning, October 4. billion for bilateral and multilateral for– troops are "engineering a disaster." The dismissal came at Gen. Morozov's eign assistance, the act appropriates S2.5 The Kentucky senator concluded: own request, who said he does not want billion of assistance for the new indepen– "what we are saying by this amendment his army to be dragged into any "political dent states (N1S) of the former Soviet is our assistance to Russia is conditioned games." Although general has been Union. Of this amount, the act mandates upon the respect for the territorial integri– unavailable for comment, sources in the that "not less than S300 million should ty of the newly independent states." The Defense Ministry report that his decision be made available for Ukraine." Senate approved the amendment. comes in light of the polarized situation Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), rank– Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) pro- in Ukraine's Parliament and the tense ing minority member of the Senate posed an amendment to stabilize engi– events in Moscow. Appropriations Committee's Subcommit– neering and scientific institutes in The Ukrainian defense minister has tee on Foreign Operations, was the author Ukraine and Russia as they strive to con- been attacked by Ukraine's hard-line of the provision on Ukraine during sub- vert defense industries to civilian appli– Communists who over the past year have committee consideration of the measure. cations. Called the Ukraine7Rassia accused him of forming a policy too in his opening remarks to the Senate Stabilization Partnerships, the pre gram independent from Moscow. Gen. Kostyantyn Morozov on the bill, Sen. McConnell stated: will provide not less that S50 million to But democrats - 90 members of the secretary of energy for a program of our society," said the letter. "in addition to the broad categories of Ukraine's National Council - protested cooperation between scientific and engi– "Morozov was one of the first, who aid for the N1S, the chairman fSen. the president's decree dismissing Gen. neering institutes in the new independent together with President Kravchuk sup- Patrick Leahy (D-vt.)J has agreed to my Morozov and appealed to him in a letter states and national laboratories in the ported Ukraine's independence, and this request that S300 million of the S2.5 bil– dated Oc:ober 6 to reconsider his decision. United States. The amendment was is why it was immensely difficult for the lion be directed for use in Ukraine. І am "We feel that this decision will curb approved by the Senate. president to make this decision," said convinced that Ukraine will play a cen– the development of Ukraine's armed Yolodymyr Petrenko, chief of the presi– tral role in assuring the region's transi– On September 23, the Senate approved forces, and will evoke confusion, not tion to democracy and free markets. the bill with the provision for aid to only in the Army, but among members of (Continued on page 22) "Until May, U.S.-Ukraine relations Ukraine by a vote of 88 to 10. The act then were somewhat strained by the single- was referred to a House-Senate Conference minded focus on nuclear issues. This is a Committee to resolve the differences crucial priority and everyone, including between the House and Senate passed bills. Defense Dep't delegation urges the leadership in Ukraine, agrees that The Conference Committee met on Ukraine should ratify and fulfill all obliga– September 27 and the earmark of S300 mil- tions under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation lion for Ukraine immediately became the Ukraine to give up nuclear arms Treaty and START 1. However, it should major issue. Rep. David Obey (D-Wis.), not be the only issue addressed in the by Marta Kolomayets However, he worried that START І (Continued on page 19) Kyyiv Press Bureau would not be ratified in Ukraine's bilateral and multilateral agenda. Parliament any time soon. "With 52 million educated people, KYYiv - The United States believes "There's no doubt that the process of ports, a strong agricultural and industrial that Ukraine has a genuine security prob– ratification of START 1 has dragged out base, Ukraine is well positioned to play a Miller confirmed as lem tha; will be solved once Ukraine for a long time and the process of the major role as a global economic and gives up its nuclear arsenal, a U.S. gov– Rada's fi.e., the Supreme Council's! political power. But promising prospects erhment official said in Kyyiv on envoy to Ukraine preparations for elections risks a period are complicated by serious problems. Thursday afternoon, October 7. of paralysis in the Rada's politics," he Chornobyl's radiation has contaminated by Eugene M. iwanciw U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense said. Ukraine's Parliament had scheduled water, land and the health of a whole UNA Washington Office Graham Allison told reporters the U.S. elections for March 27, 1994. generation. Troops returning from the government feels that "nuclear weapons Baltics need housing. Privatization, cur– WASHINGTON - The Senate "But, in terms of Ukraine's interests, on Ukraine's territory, in fact enhance its rency stabilization, defense conversion Foreign Relations Committee on the period of prolonged uncertainty or insecurity, because of risks of accidents, and nuclear dismantling — the list of September 14 favorably reported delay in the fulfillment of international unauthorized launches or some incident urgent needs is endless. І believe it is in on the nomination of William obligations which the government of between Russia and Ukraine." This is our interests, the interests of long-term Green Miller to be ambassador to Ukraine has taken in ratifying START І opposite of the view of some Ukrainian regional stability, to help." Ukraine. The following day, in and NPT will not enhance Ukraine's officials, he added, who think that During consideration of the bill, Sen. executive session, the Senate con- security, it will only make Ukraine McConnell offered from himself and firmed Mr. Miller. nuclear weapons buttress Ukraine's secu– appear less responsible and therefore Sens. Leahy, Bob Dole (R-Kan.), Robert His nomination was considered rity. undermine the strengthening of relations Byrd (D-W. va.) and Ted Stevens (R– en bloc with a number of other in view of Sunday's events in with nations like the United States and Ala.) an amendment to prohibit assistance appointments including those of Moscow, Mr. Allison said he was hope– major European countries," Mr. Allison to the new independent states if there is a new ambassadors to the Federal ful the continuation of the democratic said. process in Russia would allow Ukraine to violation of territorial integrity of any Republic of Germany, italy, and He added that Ukraine risks losing live in some degree of security, next door other new independent state, or an attempt Spain. The confirmation was by S175 million appropriated under the to a reformed Russia. to enhance their military capability, and voice vote. Nunn-Lugar agreement for technical The oath of office will be admin– "Therefore, these events make more that one-third of the assistance shall be assistance in nuclear disarmament. He istered to Ambassador-designate likely the fulfillment of Ukraine's com– provided to countries other than Russia. said that only one obstacle remains to the Miller by Secretary of State Warren mitment to ratify START 1 and accede to in his remarks about the amendment, release of these funds: Ukraine must sign Christopher at the Department of the NPT," he said during a news confer– Sen. McConnell stated that "for several an umbrella agreement which outlines State on October 13. ence prior to his departure for months there have been reports of Washington. (Continued on page 22) Russian officers and soldiers becoming 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10,1993 No. 41 Zlenko addresses United Nations UNlTED NATlONS - Ukraine's referred to instability in Georgia and Foreign Minister Anatoliy Zlenko called on the U.N. to help "bring the situ– appeared before the United Nation's ation back to a course of settlement "Dniester" activists side with Parliament had visited the Ukrainian capital twice in General Assembly on September 30 in through political dialogue." recent months to ask Ukraine to play the the opening week of its 48th session, to The foreign minister acknowledged MOSCOW - Russian President Boris role of intermediary. (Reuters) reassert that Ukraine had begun disman– the dire situation of the economy in Yeltsin, in an interview aired on tling its nuclear weapons, but reiterating Ukraine, but reaffirmed the nation's goal Ostankino ТУ on October 1 specifically Georgian welcomes Ukrainian presence warned fighters from the "Dniester that it would need large-scale financial of a market-oriented economy.
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