i li A N is a-ii tt •DNl*30SSV SiaAOIdlll AH3S TIAIO 'I'Si; hob Lii^Aiy^VL bFATE ELIGIBLE LISTS America*§ Largest Weekly for tublic Kmptoyt See Page 14 Vol. XXIf, No. 53 Tuegday, September 12, 1961 Price Ten Cents CSEA ResolutionsSuffol k CSEA Jolted Lay GroundworkB y 'Double Standard' For '62 Attrn Action of County Board (Special to Th* LcAder) (From Leader Correspondent) ALBANY, Sept. 11 — The basic legislative program of the RIVERHEAD, Sept. 11—The leaders of the Suffolk County chapter of the Civil Civil Service Employees Association has been hammered out Service Employees Association were voicing some unpleasant second thoughts this week in a series of resolutions approved to date by the Resolutions about the County's recently adopted salary and reclassification plan. Committee of the Employees Assn. CSEA officials, who at first were generous In their praise for the new program, Henry Shemin, committee chairman, reported that the which Increases wages for 2,500 county workers by $378,000, were this week demanding salary resolution Is still in the formative stage and will be "equal rights and treratment" for all county employees. The Suffolk pay raise was the announced at a later date. In the meantime, 79 resolutions first since 1956. have been approved and It is expected that the list will be The CSEA leaders were jolted One was the discovery of loop- volving grades and length of em- added to during tha CCSEA delegates meeting here next by two developments after the holes which left about 200 county ployment. month. adoption of the Suffolk salary workers with minimum pay In- The Police Raise program, in which raises ran creases of from $10 to $75 a year. Tha approved resolutions con- time credit accumulated. The second development was from five to eight percent of cur- These ca-ses were said to be re- tain programs on salary and work 9. Lump sum payment for ac- the granting to the 685-man rent salaries. lated to special circumstances In- benefits for political subdivisions, cumulated unused sick leave County police force of a 10 per pay and retirement benefits on the credits upon retirement or separa- cent salary boost costing $368,000. Stata level, general pen-sion im- tion from service. Both occurrences caused Eugene provements and fringe benefits. 10. Full pay for compensatory Gregory, president of the Suffolk Resolutions disapproved or re- time off for time in travel on Onondaga Slaps Unionchapter , to appeal this week to the ferred for further study also are official State business. Board of Supervisors for relief reported. Starting wth the Num- 11. State pay annually lump which would grant at least a $200 ber 2 resolution, here is the list to sum payment for vacations dis- a year pay boost to workers other date: Claims to Health Plan allowed by the employer. than police. a. Time and a half pay for over- 12. State pay for sick leave SYRACUSE, Sept. 11—The Onondaga County Chapter In an open letter to the Board, time of state employees. (Continued on Page 16) of the Civil Service Employees Association has censured the Gregory said: "On August 14 we 3 Adjust pay scales per hour for American Federation of State, County and Municipal Em- expressed our gratitude to you for laborers and mechanics to rates ployees for "a recent statement circulated by the union the adoption of the new salary established by Labor Department. and classification plan. Our among county employees claiming credit for employees 4. Require salary plans in ell Says Compensation thanks were sincere, stemming Improvements." publlo school systems. from our acceptance of statements 5. Require salary plans in politi- Law Covers Aides The CSEA said that heading the not speak for this plan at the (Continued on Page 16) cal subdivisions. "unfounded AFSCME claims are meeting. 8. Withhold State aid for salaries On Emergency Duty credit for adoption of the State "AFSCME relates vague prom- of County Welfare Department Health Insurance Plan and the ises it claims were made to employees where not equal to Counsel for the Civil Service earned salary increment plan and AFSCME concerning the county District 10. PW, State salaries. Employees Association last week credit for leading the campaign survey and reclassification prob- 7. 10 percent premium pay for said that in his opinion that state for a job reclassification of county lem," the CSEA said, "but it is our Meets Sept. 22 night shift work for State em- employees called to work for of- positions." organization that has led the District 10, Public Works Chap- ployees. ficial emergency duty would come Winning the State Health In- fight for a solution. ter of the Civil Service Employees within the special errand rule surance Plan in the State Legis- Assn., will meet the evening of 8. State pay at end of fiscal year CSEA did this "Not by implica- under Workmen's Compensation lature was the CSEA, the chapter Sept. 22 at the Patchogue Armory, At time and a half rate-s for over- tions and generalizations of ac- coverage. said, and after a trial period at 100 Barton Ave., Patchogue, it was complishments but by specific ac- the state level, the CSEA spon- reported this week. Frank J. Lasch, Assistant Coun- tions, such as the submission of Labor Appeals sored legislation to permit adop- The quarterly meeting will fea- sel, informed Resolutions Com- a definite plan for accomplishing Due Before Oct 1 mittee Chairman Henry Shemin tion of the plan on the local level. ture door prizes as an added at- a realistic reclassification survey." traction, it was announced. ALBANY, Sept. 11— State la- that an Inquiry to the General The CSEA said that through its borers who feel their classification Counsel of the Workmen's Com- action the Onondaga County or reallocation under the admin- pensation Board had produced a Board of Supervisors and Depart- istrative reclassification program reply which confirmed his posi- ment of Research and Develop- Newburgh Armory Site Of was in error, have until October tion. ment took the necessary steps to 1 to apply for a review and Mr. Lasch said the board coun- enter the insurance plan. change, Thomas Coyle, of the sel had informed him that "we CSEA Led Fight Southern Conf. Fall Meet Civil Service Employees Assn. sal- have not been able to find any Referring to the "AFSCME The Southern Conference of the ment the many questions and ary research staff, informed The Board or Court decision holding claim that it alone had carried on Civil Service Employees As.socla- problems anticipated. It Is of little Leader. that these employees would not the fight to protect county em- tion will hold its fall meeting value to confine your gripes, ideas Successful appeals filed with the be in the course of employment ployees' earned increment rights Sept. 29 at 8 p.m. at the Newburgh and feelings in yom- own back- Director of Classification and while responding to emergency when the county salary plan was Armory, Newburgh, The Leader yard. Your fellow employees at Compensation prior to October 1, calls and returning therefrom." adopted," CSEA said its repre- learned this week .Candidates for your place of employment expect will be ettectlve retroactive to sentatives in the County Welfare election to statewide office in the the Chapter Officers who they Decision Cited May 1. 1961. Successful appeals Department plus other depart- Association will be featured guests. elected to do something about filed after October 1 will take ef- The Board Counsel cited a de- ment members appealed to Com- In announcing the meeting, them on the floor where they fect on the date of final decision. cision in which it was held that a missioner William F. Walsh after secretary urged delegates to at- will receive the action they de- Appeals may be made directly "police matron, called at her the plan was turned down. tend and declared: serve. to the director of Classification home at 4 a.m., had sustained Commissioner Walsh headed a "Once again it is called to your You hear so little from employ- and Compensation or through the accidental injuries arising out of delegation that met with the attention that tha Resoltulons ees or tiielr elected representa- employee's own department. and in the course of employment county salaries committee and and the Legislative Committee will tives in reference to salarljes, Under the reclassification pro- when she fell as she was descend- after a strong plea by Walsh for shortly be holding meetings to working conditions and employ- gram. gained through tl^e efforts ing the stairs in her home to get the step-for-step plan, it was prepare and present our Legis- ment practices at our meetings, of the Employees Assn., the state her hat and coat." adopted, the association said. lative program for 1962, so come so come to the meeting and bring examined approximately 4,000 la- The Board Counsel also cited The CSEA said the union ''did prepared to discuss and imple- along all the members that you borer positions in determining several other Instances under can, here we can show our em- new salary grades and titles. which employees who had been ployers Uiat we are far from satis- called out for duty and subse- About 3.200 of the posltlohs re- Greetings To Our Jewish Members fied with some conditions of th« quently were injured accidentally mained laborer, Grade 4. Nearly past few years. Get out to th« Workmen's Compensation." 700 positions were placed In other To our members celebrating the Jewish New Year, meetlnr and get it off your chest.
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