PUBLIC VIEWING DOCUMENTS ST. LOUIS COUNTY LIBRARY MAY 2009----April 22, 2011 still composing; August 2011; October 2011; December 2011; March 28, 2012; June 3, 2012; October 17, 2012; December 12, 2012; May 2, 2013: January 16, 2014; January 23, 2014; February 6, 2014; September 12, 2014; September 29, 2014; May 1, 2015; May 26, 2015; October 24, 2015; March 2, 2016; March 17, 2016; February 8, 2017; March 10, 2017; September 20, 2017; October 17, 2017; March 2018; June 2018;May 2019; ALPHABETICAL LISTING 1. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry National Exposure Registry Dioxin Subregistry Baseline and Follow Ups 1 and 2 Technical Report August 1996 (Public Viewing Document #56) 2. Air Quality Technical Reference Document Relocation of U.S. Army Chemical School and U.S. Army Military Police School to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri March 1997 (Public Viewing Document #22) 3. Barrett Heights Plat II Subdivision Annexation Plan City of Des Peres, MO June 8, 1998 (Public Viewing Document #92) 4. Biological Assessment Relocation of U.S. Army Chemical School and U.S. Army Military Police School to Fort Leonard Wood, MO. September 1996 (Public Viewing Document #37) 5. Biological Assessment: Relocation of U.S. Army Chemical School and U.S. Army Military Chemical School and U.S. Army Military Police School to Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Jan. 1997 Submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Kansas City District Prepared by 3D/International, Inc. (Public Viewing Document #32) 5a. Bi-State Development Agency’s Accessibility Plan FY 1988 Prepared by The Marketing, Planning & Research Division (Public Viewing Document # 244) Location: H 6. Bi-State Development Agency Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Paratransit Service Plan FY 1996 ADA Plan Update Prepared by the Capital Budget and Grants Department (Public Viewing Document #54) 06/2019 Page 1 6 a Big Muddy National Fish & Wildlife Refuge Environmental Assessment & Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan October 2013 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Midwest Region CD Location: formerly at Sachs, now at HQ 6/2018 (Public Viewing Document Sachs #5) 6 b Big Muddy National Fish and Wild life Refuge Environmental Assessment and Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Region 3 (Midwest Region) Division of Conservation Planning Bloomington, MN Date: October 2013? Paper: Format Location: formerly at Sachs, now at HQ 6/2018 (Public Viewing Document Sachs #4) 5 c. Boeing Company Hazardous Waste Permit MOD000818963 Hazardous Waste Permit Application Prepared for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Hazardous Waste Program Missouri Department of Natural Resources 7545 South Lindbergh Blvd. Suite 210 St. Louis, Missouri 63125 Christine Kump-Mitchell, P.E. Environmental Engineer, Contact information for Report Heidi Rice at Missouri Department of Natural Resources Phone: 1-573-291- 1417 or 1-800 361-4827 Date of reports: 2010 Date received at HQ to be checked in May 26, 2015 and then sent to PC (Public Viewing Document No. #240) HELD AT PC 6 d. BRIDGE DOCUMENTATION (WITH PHOTOS) Spoede Bridge Lindbergh And McKnight Bridge St. Louis County Route I-64 MoDOT Job Numbers JI10978 and J6I1248 Authors: Thomas J Gubbels and Karen L Daniels Date: June 2007 Received: September 2007 Contact Name: Karen Daneils (1-573-526-7346) Location: H ( Public Viewing Document: #197) 6 e. Byasse Drive Drum—Removal Administrative Record AR#62313 Public Repository Copy Prepared by EPA AR Superfund Team Date: December 2011 Received: December 2011 Contact Info: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 Superfund Records Manager, Jolleen Werst 901 North 5th Street Kansas City, Kansas 66101 Locations: HQ-Copy 1; PC—Copy 2 (Public Viewing Document # 225) 06/2019 Page 2 6f. CAASTLC (Community Action Agency of St. Louis County, Inc. 2015 Annual Report Received: February 2017 Locations: HQ, PC (Public Viewing Document for HQ is HQ # 244; Public Viewing Document for PC is PC # 15) 7. Characterization of CDTF Decontaminated Wastewater and the Estimated Risk of Transportation Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District Prepared by Harland Bartholomew and Associates, Inc. Feb. 1997 (Public Viewing Document #58) 8. Chesterfield Valley, MO. Flood Control Study Feasibility Study Report With Integrated Environmental Impact Statement August 2000 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Louis District (Public Viewing Document #117) 8a. Chicago Heights Site OU 00 also known as the old Missouri Metal Site Administrative Record AR File # 62693 Public Repository Copy Prepared by EPA AR Superfund Team Date: October 2012 Received: 10/17/2012 Contact: Jolleen Werst 1-913-551-7108 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 11201 Renner Blvd. Lenexa, KS 66219 Locations: HQ—copy I, II; MC—copy I, II; IT-copy I, II are both missing ) all are cd’s ( Public Viewing Document #230) 8b. Chicago Heights Site OU 00 also known as the old Missouri Metal Site Administrative Record File for the Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent AR File #62693 Public Repository Copy Prepared by EPA AR Superfund Team December 2012 CD 1 of 1 Received: Dec. 13, 2012 Contact: Jolleen Werst 1-913-551-7108 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 Superfund Records Manager, Jolleen Werst 901 North 5th Street Kansas City, Kansas 66101 Locations: HQ—copy I, II; MC—copy I, II; IT—copy I, II—IT’s copies are missing all are cd’s (Public Viewing Document #231) 8c. Chicago Heights Site Elmwood Park Neighborhood December 2013 Health Consultation Public Repository copy Prepared by Cost Recovery Superfund Team January 2014 1 CD Contact: United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 06/2019 Page 3 11201 Renner Boulevard Lenexa, Kansas 66219 Contact: Belinda Young 1-800-223-0425 or 1-913-551-7563 Received at HQ: 1/2014 Locations: HQ has copy 2, IT has copy 1, MC has copy 3 (Public Viewing Document #236) 8d. Chicago Heights Site Elmwood Park Neighborhood December 2013 Health Consultation Public Repository Copy Prepared by Cost Recovery Superfund Team January 2014 1 CD Contact: United States. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 11201 Renner Boulevard Lenexa, Kansas 66219 Contact: Belinda Young 1-800-223-0425 or 1-913-551-7463 Received at Indian Trails on 1/15/2014 Locations: IT ONLY (Public Viewing Document #235) 8e. City of Crystal Lake Park Comprehensive Plan Approved April 5, 2007 No contact given: Received May 22, 2007 Location: H (Public Viewing Document #196) 8f. Coldwater Creek, Missouri Reconnaissance Report Water Resources Investigation St. Louis Metropolitan Area Missouri and Illinois January 1982 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Louis District R 333.91/U 58C6 (H+) but as of March 2018 placed in the metal bin with the blue paper attached in the doc area on the wooden card file (Public Viewing Document # 245) Location: H 8g. Coldwater Creek—Sources of Toxic Pollutants Found in Influents to Sewage Treatment Plants III. Coldwater Creek Drainage Basin, St. Louis, MO. United States Environmental Protection Agency Date on document is June 1979 SUDOC: EP 1.2LP 76/20/pt.3 (Public Viewing Document #246) Location: H 8h. COLDWATER Creek Public Assessment for Evaluation of Community Exposures Related to Coldwater Creek St. Louis Airport/Hazaelwood Interim Storage Sites (HISS)/ Futura Coatings NPL Site North St. Louis County, Missouri EPA Facility ID MOD9808633176 Date: June 8, 2018 Date received: June 20, 2018 Format: Paper 06/2019 Page 4 Locations: Copy 3 at HQ; Copies 1 and 2 at FV; Public Viewing Document at HQ is #251; FV is #10 (both copies) 9. Creve Coeur Airport Draft Environmental Assessment Report Prepared for Creve Coeur Airport Improvement Corp. March 1996 MHTD Prepared by Craford, Murphy & Tilley, Inc. Consulting Engineers Locations: HQ (Public Viewing Document #149) 10. Cross-County Corridor Major Transportation Investment Analysis for St. Louis, MO MITA Report and Exhibits Volume 1 R388.411/C951 Prepared for the MO. Department of Transportation and the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council Prepared by Zverdrup Civil, Inc. Jan. 1997 (Public Viewing Document #85) 11. Cross-County MetroLink Extension Segment I Conceptual Design Cross-County MetroLink Extension Draft Capital Cost Estimates Prepared for the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council in Association with the Bi-State Development Agency Missouri Department of Transportation By Parsons Transportation Group and Associated Consultants (Public Viewing Document #78) 12. Cross-County MetroLink Extension Segment I Conceptual Design Cross-County MetroLink Extension Evaluation Results Draft Technical Report Prepared for the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council in Association with the Bi-State Development Agency MO. Department of Transportation By Parsons Transportation Group and Associated Consultants (Public Viewing Document #79) 13. Cross-County MetroLink Extension Segment I Conceptual Design Cross-County MetroLink Extension Preliminary Operations Plan Draft Technical Report Prepared for the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council Association with the Bi-State Development Agency MO. Department of Transportation By Parsons Transportation Group and Associated Consultants 06/2019 Page 5 March 1999 (Public Viewing Document #83) 14. Cross-County MetroLink Extension Segment I Conceptual Design Draft Cross County MetroLink Extension Financial Analysis Draft Technical Report Prepared for the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council in Association with the Bi-State Development Agency Missouri Department of Transportation
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