Water MuseumslCulture MuseumslCulture MuseumslCulture FOREST SWIMMING LAKE LUNGÖTZ THE HOFBRÄU BREWERY KALTENHAUSEN DOMQUARTIER SALZBURG LOCAL HISTORY MUSEUM ARLERHOF ABTENAU www.domquartier.at | ✆ +43 (0) 662/804 221 09 www.annaberg-lungoetz.com | ✆ +43 (0) 64 63/86 90 www.museum-abtenau.at | ✆ + 43 (0) 664/113 60 03 www.kaltenhausen.at | ✆ +43 (0) 62 45/795 52 67 Reduced admission to the museum 1) full access | 2) partial access Reduced admission to the lake (Free admission for guests in Annaberg-Lungötz) Free admission to the museum on presentation of a valid Guest Card Guided tour and beer tasting session for free STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE 1) adults: € 12,- 1) children: € 5,- 1) adults: € 10,- 2) children: € 4,- adults: € 6,- – adults: € 0,- – Tennengau adults: € 3,50 children: € 2,- adults: € 2,50 children: € 1,- adults: € 2,50 – adults: free – 2) adults: € 10,- 2) children: € 5,- 2) adults: € 8,- 2) children: € 4,- Gästekarte | Guest Card CARD AQUA SALZA GOLLING WOOD CARVING COURSES IN KUCHL www.aqua-salza.at | ✆ +43 (0) 62 44/200 40-0 MARBLE MUSEUM IN ADNET www.peterhartl.com | ✆ +43 (0) 650/750 69 97 STIEGL-BRAUWELT SALZBURG marmormuseum.adnet.at | ✆ +43 (0) 62 45/840 41 1) Reduced admission to the Badelandschaft (dayticket) Reduced admission to the wood carving courses www.brauwelt.at | ✆ +43 (0) 50/1492-1492 2) Reduced admission to the Badelandschaft, Sauna & Wellness (dayticket) Reduced admission to the marble museum STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE Reduced admission to the Beer Adventure World STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE STANDARD PRICE (children 3-17 Y.) REDUCED PRICE (children 3-17 Y.) adults: € 35,- children: € 32,- adults: € 32,- children: € 30,- STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE 1) adults: € 13,90 1) children: € 10,50 1) adults: € 12,90 1) children: € 9,50 adults: € 4,- children: € 2,50 adults: € 3,- children: € 2,- adults: € 12,50 children: € 7,50 adults: € 11,20 children: € 6,70 2) adults: € 29,90 – 2) adults: € 28,90 – PORSCHE ADVENTURE WORLD FAHR(T)RAUM MATTSEE LOCAL HISTORY MUSEUM www.fahrtraum.at | ✆ +43 (0) 62 17/592 32 ADVENTURE GORGE SALZACHÖFEN HELLBRUNN PALACE IN SALZBURG Reduced admission to the Ferdinand Porsche Adventure World www.golling.info | ✆ +43 (0) 62 44/43 56 GERERHOF ANNABERG www.hellbrunn.at | ✆ +43 (0) 662/82 03 72-0 www.annaberg-lungoetz.com | ✆ + 43 (0) 64 63/86 90 Open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1) Reduced admission to the Salzach River Gorges Reduced admission to the palace 2) Salzach River Adventure Gorges (Expedition and fl ying fox) Reduced admission, open on Wednesdays from 3 p.m. STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE www.erlebnisschlucht.at | ✆ +43 (0) 660/26 03 820 to 4 p.m. – also by appointment adults: € 13,- children: € 6,- adults: € 11,70 children: € 5,40 adults: € 12,50 – adults: € 11,50 – STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE adults: € 3,50 children: € 1,50 adults: € 2,50 children: free 1) adults: € 3,- 1) children: € 1,50 1) adults: € 2,40 1) children: € 1,20 MAUTERNDORF CASTLE 2) adults: € 34,- – 2) adults: € 31,- – www.burg-mauterndorf.at | ✆ +43 (0) 64 72/74 26 TOY MUSEUM SALZBURG GOLLING FORTRESS MUSEUM Reduced admission to the castle: 1) in summer | 2) in winter www.spielzeugmuseum.at | ✆ +43 (0) 662/620 808-300 Reduced admission to the museum THE GOLLING FALLS www.burg-golling.at/museum | ✆ +43 (0) 62 44/43 56 STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE www.golling.info | ✆ +43 (0) 62 44/43 56 Reduced admission to the museum of the Burg Golling 1) adults: € 9,50 – 1) adults: € 8,- – STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE 2) adults: € 6,50 – 2) adults: € 5,50 – adults: € 4,50 children: € 2,- adults: € 3,60 children: € 1,60 Reduced admission to the Gollinger Waterfall STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE adults: € 5,- children: € 2,- adults: € 4,- children: € 1,60 adults: € 3,- children: € 1,50 adults: € 2,40 children: € 1,20 NATIONAL PARK CENTER MITTERSILL www.nationalparkzentrum.at | ✆ +43 (0) 65 62/409 39 SALZBURG MUSEUM – NEUE RESIDENZ www.salzburgmuseum.at | ✆ +43 (0) 662/620 808-700 GUIDED TOURS HALLEIN Reduced admission to the National Park World KRIMML WATERWORLDS AND WATERFALLS www.hallein.com | ✆ +43 (0) 62 45/853 94 Reduced admission to the museum STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE _ www.wasserwelten-krimml.at | ✆ +43 (0) 65 64/72 12 STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE Free guided city tour on Fridays from March to November | Meeting adults: € 10,- children: € 5,- adults: € 8,50 children: € 4,- 1) Reduced admission to the Krimml WaterWorlds + Waterfalls for adults* point: at the Tourismusverband Hallein/Bad Dürrnberg at 4 p.m. adults: € 8,50 children: € 3,- adults: € 6,80 children: € 2,40 2) Reduced family ticket for the Krimml WaterWorlds and STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE THE “OFF THEATER” Waterfalls* *(CombiTicket available only in the Waterfall Center) adults: € 3,- – adults: € 0,- – www.off.theater | ✆ +43 (0) 662/641 333 MUSEUM OF MODERN ART IN SALZBURG STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE Reduced admission to the theater www.museumdermoderne.at | ✆ +43 (0) 662/84 22 20 1) adults: € 9,80 1) children: € 4,90 1) adults: € 8,80 1) children: € 4,40 Tennengau Reduced admission to the museums 2) 1 adult + 3 children: € 20,30 2) 1 adult + 3 children: € 18,60 CELTIC MUSEUM HALLEIN STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE CARD 1) Museum of Modern Art - Mönchsberg Gästekarte | Guest Card 2) 2 adults + 2 children: € 20,30 2) 2 adults + 2 children: € 18,60 ✆ adults: € 20,00 children: € 12,00 adults: € 17,50 children: € 9,50 www.keltenmuseum.at | +43 (0) 62 45/807 83 2) Museum of Modern Art - Rupertinum Reduced admission to the Celtic Museum Hallein 3) Museum of Modern Art Salzburg - Combination ticket SALZBURG CITY CRUISES STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE BIBEL WORLD SALZBURG STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE ✆ www.bibelwelt.at | ✆ +43 (0) 676/8746 7080 www.salzburghighlights.com | +43 (0) 662/82 58 58 adults: € 7,50 children: € 2,50 adults: € 6,- children: € 1,50 1) adults: € 8,- – 1) adults: € 6,- – *Up to 2 kids Reduced admission fee for the Salzburg Stadt Schiff-Fahrt Tour 1 Reduced admission to the bible adventure house go free! 2) adults: € 6,- – 2) adults: € 4,- – – – STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE 3) adults: € 12,- 3) adults: € 8,- adults: € 15,- children: € 7,50 adults: € 13,50 children: € 6,50 SALT MINE HALLEIN & CELTIC VILLAGE SALINA adults: € 8,- children: € 4,- adults: € 7,- More than 3 kids: € 3,50* ✆ 2018 www.salzwelten.at | +43 (0) 61 32/200 85 11 HOHENWERFEN CASTLE LAMMER GORGE SCHEFFAU 1) Reduced admission to the Salzwelten for adults www.burg-hofenwerfen.at | ✆ +43 (0) 64 68/76 03-0 2) Reduced family ticket for the Salzwelten SALZBURG OPEN-AIR MUSEUM www.scheffau.salzburg.at | ✆ +43 (0) 62 44/84 42 www.freilichtmuseum.com | ✆ +43 (0) 662/850 011 Reduced admission to the castle 1) with lift | 2) without lift STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE Reduced admission to the Lammer River Gorge Reduced admission to the Salzburg Open-Air Museum Have fun during 1) adults: € 21,- – 1) adults: € 16,80 – STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE 2) 2 adults + 1 child: € 44,- 2) 2 adults + 1 child: € 42,- STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE 1) adults: € 16,- – 1) adults: € 14,- – _ adults: € 4,50 – adults: € 4,- – 2) 2 adults + 2 children: € 53,50 2) 2 adults + 2 children: € 51,50 adults: € 11,- adults: € 9,- 2) adults: € 12,- – 2) adults: € 10,50 – your holidays! Nature Nature Natur “GAUDI” GOLF IN ANNABERG GUIDED HIKES IN NATURE - BAD DÜRRNBERG UNTERSBERGBAHN ST. LEONHARD www.annaberg-lungoetz.com | ✆ +43 (0) 64 63/81 39 www.untersbergbahn.at | ✆ +43 (0) 62 46/724 770 Culinary Delight & Adventure Tennengau www.hallein.com | ✆ +43 (0) 62 45/853 94 Reduced “Gaudi-Golf” price Reduced prices for the hikes 1) Discounted prices for ascent/descent Gästekarte | Guest Card STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE 2) Discounted prices for ascent in the summer CARD adults: € 6,- children: € 4,- adults: € 4,- children: € 3,- STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE Region Tennengau STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE adults: € 4,50 – adults: € 0,- – Reduced prices, discounts and additional benefits 1) adults: € 25,- – 1) adults: € 23,- – YOUR FRONT ROW SEAT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DONNERKOGELBAHN ANNABERG 2) adults: € 16,- – 2) adults: € 15,- – www.dachstein.at | ✆ +43 (0) 62 42/440 LEISURE AND WILDLIFE PARK FERLEITEN SALZBURG AND THE DACHSTEIN MOUNTAIN RANGE A MAJOR PLUS FOR GUESTS WITH THE Discounted price for ascent and descent rides in the 8-seater www.wildpark-ferleiten.at | ✆ +43 (0) 65 46/220 TENNENGAU GUEST CARD gondola during summer (Free admission for guests in Annaberg-Lungötz) GROSSGLOCKNER HIGH ALPINE ROAD www.grossglockner.at | ✆ +43 (0) 662/837 67 30 STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE Reduced admission The TennengauPLUS Guest Card is available for free, adults: € 15,70 children: € 8,20 adults: € 14,90 children: € 7,50 STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE Reduced day ticket when you check in at your accommodation. During your adults: € 8,- children: € 4,- adults: € 7,20 children: € 3,60 STANDARD PRICE REDUCED PRICE stay this handy card is the key to many services and IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF EMPRESS SISI Price per car: € 36,- Price per car: € 32,- discounted admissions to a large variety of attractions of price per motor cycle: € 26,- price per motor cycle: € 23,- www.annaberg-lungoetz.com | ✆ +43 (0) 64 63/86 90 GOSAUKAMMBAHN – GOSAU/ZWIESELALM (CABLE CAR) the region. You can fi nd an overview of all services offered Hiking tour Annaberg-Zwieselalm-Gosausee Lake. www.dachstein.at | ✆ +43 (0) 50 140 Take the hiking bus to get back to Annaberg. Ascent ride Donnerkogelbahn and descent in the TennengauPLUS Info-folder.
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