Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 1978, 29, 577-84 Inputs and Outputs of Water and Phosphorus from Four Victorian Catchments /. C. Campbell Zoology Department, Monash University, Clayton, Vic. 3168. Present address: Centre for Water Studies, Caulfield Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 195, East Caulfield, Vic. 3145, Abstract Inputs from precipitation and outputs of water and phosphorus were estimated for four catchments: one forested, two agricultural and one urban. Three showed net annual gains of phosphorus ranging from 6-0 to 10-8 kg/km^ over 12 months, and only the urban catchment displayed a net annual loss (9 • 8 kg/km^). Results are compared with some from the Northern Hemisphere. Introduction Undisturbed catchments in the Northern Hemisphere display a remarkable abiUty to retain phosphorus (e.g. Crisp 1966), an ability which may be impaired by human interference (Hobbie and Likens 1973). Since Australian soils are already naturally depauperate in phosphorus (Wild 1968) any loss due to human activities may have serious impUcations. In a study carried out between March 1973 and February 1974 estimates were made of the inputs and outputs of water and phosphorus for four Victorian catch• ments with differing land-use in an attempt to gauge human impact. Fig. 1. Locality map showing the relative positions of the four streams. The stippled area indicates the extent of the Melbourne urban area. The Study Area All four of the catchments belong to tributaries of the Yarra River. Their locations are indicated in Fig. 1; all are of low rehef, between 0 and 300 m in altitude. 578 I. C. Campbell Merri Creek Catchment The Merri Creek has an elongated catchment 380 km^ in area (Fig. 2a)\t is shallow and stony, about 3-4 m wide and flows across flat Quaternary basaltic volcanic plains into which it has cut quite deeply (10-15 m). The catchment falls naturally into two parts. Some 300 km^ is rural, primarily used as pasture for sheep and beef cattle, with a population density of about 10 persons per km^. The rest consists of heavy and hght industrial areas, and a moderate to high density urban area (up to 5000 persons per km^). The boundary between the two land-uses is quite abrupt. 10 km above the confluence with the Yarra River the stream flows through Coburg Lake, a small, eutrophic, artificial impoundment. N Fig. 2. Maps of the four catchments, (a) Merri Creek catchment, with the urban area stippled. Gardiner's Creek catchment, an entirely urbanized catchment, (c) Little Yarra River catchment, with the cleared areas shaded, {d) Cement Creek (west branch) catchment, an entirely forested catchment. Gardinefs Creek Catchment The catchment, 100 km^ in extent (Fig. lb), is entirely contained within metro- poUtan Melbourne, and consists of low hills formed from Tertiary sedimentary deposits. Predominant land-use is moderate density residential (about 3000 persons per km^) with scattered light industrial and commercial areas. With the exception of a small area near the head waters of the stream the catchment is sewered. The stream originally consisted of a braided system of channels but it has now been extensively modified. For much of its length it is now a concrete-Uned drain. Water and Phosphorus in Four Victorian Catchments 579 Little Yarra River Catchment The Little Yarra River catchment is 45 km long and 20 km wide at its widest point, and is 140 km^ in area (Fig. 2c). The catchment consists of a steep-sided valley of Silurian silt-stones and upper Devonian granite. The stream rises more than 300 m above sea level and meets the Yarra at Yarra Junction at an altitude of less than 150 m. It is 4-5 m wide in its lower reaches (below Gladysdale), with a coarse sand and gravel bed and a mean annual flow of 37-6 x 10^ m^. About 65 % of the catchment is open forest in which a considerable amount of logging is carried out. The vegetation has been described in more detail elsewhere (Land Conservation Council of Victoria 1973); the predominant canopy species are mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans), mountain grey gum {Eucalyptus cypellocarpa), messmate stringybark {Eucalyptus obliqua) and narrow-leaf peppermint {Eucalyptus radiata), and there is a dense understory containing a number of species of acacias, ferns and other species. The remainder of the catchment, primarily the flatter land fringing the lower reaches of the stream, has been cleared and is currently almost all utiUzed as pasture. The population density of this part of the catchment is approximately 0-5 persons per km^. Cement Creek Catchment The west branch of Cement Creek rises on the slopes of Mt Donna Buang at an altitude of about 800 m and drops steeply to flow into the Yarra River at an altitude of less than 300 m. Another branch, the east branch, of the same stream joins the west branch shortly before the confluence with the Yarra River (Fig. Id). The catch• ment is 13 km^ in area and consists of native mountain ash {Eucalyptus regnans) forest, with myrtle beech {Nothofagus cunninghamii) along the stream. There has been some forestry activity, including clear-feUing of small areas in the lower regions of the catchment, but vegetation regrowth was well under way before the commence• ment of this study. The stream is torrential in its upper reaches, and flows over boulders and large tree trunks, but in the lower sections, above the east branch junction, it is slower and has a stony substratum. In spring it is often fed by snow- melt, but in the year of the study no snow fell in the catchment. No people live in the catchment. Methods i Samples were collected by hand in 250-ml glass bottles from the four streams on a monthly basis and returned to the laboratory for analysis within 6 h. Samples of rainwater were also collected on a monthly basis from three of the catchments for 7 months of the study. The apparatus used for collection was similar to that used by Likens et al. (1967) and Likens (1972), and consisted of a polyethylene collection jar connected to a small polyethylene funnel. Two vapour locks prevented evaporation concentrating the sample.*" The collection bottle was emptied when the monthly stream sample was collected. The funnels were completely open to the atmosphere and therefore collected dry particulate material as well as rain. In addition leaves and small insects were sometimes trapped in the collector although these were always retained in the funnel or the tubing loop. Samples from the collectors were analysed for phosphorus, and pH and conductivity were also determined. Values for the volume of precipitation were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. One of the streams (the Little Yarra River) was gauged by the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission and thus monthly stream flow readings were available for it. For the other three 580 I. C. Campbell streams water flow was determined from measurements taken concurrently with the monthly samples. Stream depth and current speed were recorded at a location where the stream cross-sectional area could be relatively easily determined. The current was measured by releasing an orange on a 1-m string in the main flow and recording the time taken for the string to become taut. This procedure was repeated five times and the mean of the five readings was taken as the current speed. The technique used for phosphorus analysis was one of those outlined by the American Public Health Association (1971). The unfiltered samples were first subjected to a persulphate digestion in order to convert all of the phosphorus present into the orthophosphate form. The orthophosphate was then extracted by means of a molybdate solution into a benzene-isobutanol solvent to remove any possible interference either from silicates from the glass sample bottles or from other sources. A solution of sulphuric acid in methanol was then added, followed by stannous chloride reagent. The phosphate was then determined colorimetrically on a Shimadzu Q50 spectrophotometer by comparison with a standard curve. The technique measures total phosphorus and, while the extraction renders it more costly and time consuming than other methods, virtually all interference is eliminated. Results Phosphorus Inputs Monthly data on rainfall for one station in each catchment, or, in the case of Cement Creek, adjacent to the catchment, for the period of the study were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. There are obviously many difficulties in extrapolating rainfall inputs for whole catchments from measurements taken at a single point (e.g. see Corbett 1967). The Merri Creek and Gardiner's Creek catch• ments, which are both of uniformly low reUef, are unHkely to suffer from topographic• ally induced rainfall variations, and the small size of the Cement Creek catchment probably off'sets the greater topographical variety of the catchment. The estimated water input for each catchment is presented in Table 1. Table 1. Areas of the four catchments, and water and phosphorus inputs and outputs Merri Gardiner's Little Yarra Cement Creek Creek River Creek Area of catchment (km^) 380 100 140 13 10- 3 X Annual water input (m^km^) 0-70 0-83 1-48 1-34 10-6 X Annual water discharge (m^/km^) 0 004 0-18 0-37 0-11 Annual water discharge as % of input 1 22 25 8 Annual phosphorus input (kg/km^) 10-1 9-2 14-3 13-2 Annual phosphorus output^ (kg/km^) 1-6 19-0 8-3 2-4 Net change in phosphorus (kg/km^) +8-5 -9-8 +6-0 +10-8 ^ Includes loss to permanent storage. The input of atmospheric phosphorus was estimated by dividing the estimated total phosphorus input for all the months in which phosphorus concentrations in precipitation were measurable by the estimated water input for those months, andr.
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