I The Weather Serving the State ~ University of Iowa \'Vannu today. Partly cloudy and a mUe cooler Campus and Tbursday. R1,h today, 65; low, 30. HI,h Tuesday, 45; Iowa City al .owan low, 23. -:..______________ ...;Es=t._l;:,,;8;,;;,6,;;.8_....:A;,;;P:......::Leaaed==:....W..:..:..::ir:..:e:....-~Fi;,;;,v..:.;;e...;Cen=:..:ta=-- _____________________..:.Io_w_a:.-City . Iowa, Wednesday, Del. 8, 1952 - Vol. 87, No. 10 'Ex-Law 'Dean To Talk At 1st e s reac e enses Legal 'Institute The Campaign Parade - St~dents Begin Ordeal of Paying Tuition 15,000 Chinese Questions concerning law. and I the men who practice it, will be Ike Defends Private.Business; discussed for the benefit of Break Through Iowans who hear an address Thursday by a former SUI law professor and dean now serving as Sleven,son Doubts GOP's Aims On Seoul Road a Federal judge. SEOUL (JP) - Chinese Red in­ Judge Herbert F. Goodrich of ABOARD THE EISENHOWEn DETROIT (JI'j - Gov. Adlai E. fantrYmen, assaulting UN posl~ the United States court of appeals, SPECIAL (IP) - Gen. Dwight D. Stevenson questioned Tuesday tions (or the second straight night, Philadelphia, is expected tn ex­ I Eisenhower said Tuesday "we night whether Dwight D. Eisen­ - broke through Allied hill defenses plain some of the problems sur­ must keep the long nose of gov­ hower is seriously interested in guarding Chorwon on the Korean rounding law and the courts in his ernment out of private business." rooting the Reds out· of govern­ western front early Wednesday, address climaxing the first one­ Speaking belore a packed house ment - or only in "scaring the Seven outlying hill positions day legal institute to be conducted of 5,500 people in the Portland, American people to get VOles." alng the 100 miles of blazing battle by SUI's college of law. Ore., Civil Auditorium, Eisenhow­ The Democratic presidential line fell at the first onslaught by A former member and acting er called for a decentralil.lltion nominee said in an Jlddress pre­ 15,000 Chinese In the blggest Red d~an of the college, Judge Good­ of control over business and th pared tOt delivery at a raJly in attacks In more than a year, ac­ rich will deliver the second John economic life of the country. Masonic Temple that his GOP cording to reports at Eighth Army F. Murray Memorial lecture on He said it is a Communist Idea rival "has offered only thunder­ headquarters. "L8w Has Its Growing Paints. that a highly centralized goverh­ ing silence about a cure" for the Allied infantrymen counter­ Too" at an evening session of the ment alone can handle tne eco­ disease Of Communism. The Dem­ attacked in an effort to seal off institute at 8 p.m. Funds for the nomic functions oC a nation. ocrats, he said, have a record of the Chinese penell'atlon into Allied public lectures were established "They call it a dictatorship of fighting Communism tor 20 years positions on White Horse moun­ by the will of Bessie Dutton Mur­ the proletariat," tbe GOP presi­ with ,programs that were "ridi­ tain. This height, northwest of ray, widow of the late Iowa-born Judge H. F. Goodrich denllal candidate told his audi­ culed and sabotaged" by the Re­ Chorwon, is one of two comma:ld­ industrialist. ence. publican Old Guard. ing the approaches to the main To Speak Thursday road to Seoul. Law, COl15mutlon Included Harps on DlctaiOrshlp Stevenson Scolds McCarthy "But to most Americans, a dic­ In a prelude to a campaign Aimed at 2 Ridges The noted jurist is expected to Clyde Doolille, l:e~ Moines~ In­ tatorship is a dictatorship no mat­ swing Into Wisconsin Wednesday The Reds dIrected the main sponsibilities of judges, the limi- surance representative W. B. ter what four-dollar word you put Stevenson also bitterly scolded weight of their limited o!fensive sponsibilities of judges ,the limi- Striet, Des Moines, and Prof. John behind it." Wisconsin's GOP Sen. JOsePh Mc­ at White Horse and nearby Ar­ tations of the judiciary, law and C. O'Byrne, college of law. "Isn't tbat something," Eisen­ Carthy as a noiSy child who has rowhead Ridges, which anchor the the constitution, and the import- Judge G. B. Richter of the Iowa hower exclaimed when told that produced little but loud talk in a Chorwon pivot of the main Allled ance of the judiciary in the gov- 13th judicial district, WaUkon, President Truman has said the controversial campaign against lines. Tanks and roarIng artillery ern mental structure," according to I will preside over a model pre­ general "betrayed every principle Red penetration ot government. barrages supported thc surging Prot. Allan D. Vestal, college of ' trial conference at 3:30 p.m. At­ Reds. about our foreign policy and na­ But it was mainly at Eisenhow­ (Dall,. Ilwap Phot,- law, who is in charge of the pro- torneys Robert Buckmaster, Wa­ tional defense that I thought he er tha t the Illinois governor threw The hili positions dominate the gram. terloo, and E. Marshall Thomas, believed in." a stepped-up, day-long attack. He TUESDAY WA THE FIR T DAY for the payment of first semester tuition fees. Fees will be accepted western edge of the old Commun­ The public has been invited to Dubuque, will take part. Corruption in the government of started in at Saginaw Shortly after the remainder of the week at the treasu,rer's office In University hall. Today students whose last names ist Iron Triangle, some 20 miles • hear thc legal authority and noted thc United States, he said, has begin with the letters G to L are scheduled to pay. tudent identification cards will be i sued upon north of the 38th Parallel. noon, aCCUSing the general ot giv­ payment of fees. All payments must be made between 8 a.m. and noon, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Mrs. Ted speaker, who founded the Iowa I D k S become an international isues, inl/ comfort to the SOViets by call­ Allied planes throughnut the Law Review and has written sev- owa UC eason loaded with dynamite. Rehder, Iowa City. treasurer's office employe, Is shown a.bove receiving tuItion check rrom, (left to ba ttle were stacked up wailing ing American prosperity a war rl,ht), Sammie Anderson, At, Worlhington, Minn.; Bob Kalina, M3, Iowa City, and Charles Franclson. eral widely-used books on law, Wants Influence Abroad prosperity. their turn to blast the enemy in according to Vestal. To Noon AI. Story City. The alpbabeUcal schedule for fee payments on Thursday and Friday Is: Thul'SClay, M the west. Begin at He called for a change of ad­ Talk that U.S. economic to R, and Friday. S to Z. A panel discussion on the ideas ministration to restore Ametica's strength is founded on war pros­ Dead Lltl,er BalUefleld and mechanics of estate planning Iowa's 1952 duck-bunting seas­ influence abroad, and told his au­ perity, Stevenson said, is a great Hundreds of dead Chinese Jit­ will open the institute at 1 :30 p.m. on officially opens today with dience it ;vlll take 30 million votes "disservice" to the country, dis­ tered the ba ttlefields. iu the Shambaugh lecture room of shooting to last from noon until to unseat the Democra ls. This is maying to our Allies, and not to Greek Wee k Agenda 125 Persons Routed Preliminary estimates placed the university library. PartiCipants 4:36 p.m. eight million more than the Re­ be expected of , a former world Red losses at 1,300 dead on White Will include attorney David Bleak- The season will close Dec. 1. An publicans received four years a,o, leader. HOI'se and neighboring Arrowhead ley, Cedar Rapids; bank officer increase In the water-fowl popu- when President Truman defeated Bids In Industrial Belt I neludes ei vic i!>foiect In Des' Moines Fire; Ridge, and hundreds more else- -------------- lation has enabled the shootin.,! Gov. Thomas E. Dewey tor the Saginaw wus the first stop in a where along the fronl. Allied cas­ season to be increased. prcsidency. one-day campaign drive into Several ciVIC nnd campus im- ----------- ---­ ualties were not given. The dally bag limit of four Both parties are expecting a 2 Firemen Overcome Throughout the night fighting, Retailers Feature Michigan's industrial belt. From provement projects will highlight at the field house at 7:30, when ducks and the eight duck posscss­ heavy vote in Novembe.r, but this Saginaw, Stevenson moved in on Allied nare planes circled the the "good will" agenda when the organizations will participate DES MOINES (IP) -Fire routed balUefront, lighting up the area Buying Discussion ion limit is the same as in 1951. was the first time Eisenhower has Detroit by way or Ypsilanti, sororities and fraternities at SUI During the remainder of the said the Republicans need 30 mil­ in athietic events. 125 persons Tuesday night at the with an eerie glow. B-26 light Wayne, Wyondotte, Ecorse and swing into action Thursday for Constructive projects scheduled Jefferson apartment building in bombers hit hard just behind the Eight reasons Why people buy season hunting may start half an lion to win. He bid for support River Rouge. their annual Greek Week. are on the agenda for today, the hour before ~ unr1se and must lrom independents and disgruntled include work on the Boy SC()ut downtown Des Moines. No one Red lines. halfway point of the Hardware cease an hour before sunset. Democrats in citing this figure. Then, in the motor car capital, During the observance, which camp north of the city, WOrk on was reported injured.
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