THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 10,741 — FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1954 (FobUslied by Authority) PART V-BOOK iLIST, 7 &c. (Separate paging i$ given to each Part %n order that 11 may be filed separately ) Statement of Books Printed in Ceylon and Registered under the Printers and Publishers Ordinance (Chapter 137), during the Quarter ended December 8,1954 C ontractions 1 = The Language m which the Book is written, 2 — The Name of the Author, Translator, or Editor of the Book or any part thereof ; 3 = The Subject , 4 — The place of Pnntm g, 5 = The place of Publication ; 6 — The Name or Firm of the Printer, 1 = The Name or Firm of the Publisher, 8 = The Date of Issue from the P ress, 9 = The Number o f Pages ; 1 0 = The Size , 11 — The First, Second, or other Number of the E dition, 12 = The Number of Copies of which the Edition c o n s is ts , 1 3 = Whether the Book is Printed or Lithographed , 14 = The P rice at which the Book is sold to the P u blic; 15 = T h e Name and Residence of the Proprietor of the Copyright or of any portion of the Copyright. Quarter ended December 31,1953. Fourth Quarter 1953. AGRICULTURAL ASTROLOGICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL 57973 Ape-aharaya, Sinhalese Book 58208 Astrological Alphabet 1 Sinhalese, 2 The Information Officer, 3 A Sinhalese 1 Sinhalese, 2 Y. A. Harmanis Appuhamy, 3 Astro­ Book, Ape-aharaya, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Govern­ logical, 4 Maradana, 5 Maradana, 6 621, Anula Press, ment Press, 7 The Government Prmter, 8 3.12.53, 9 80, 7 P. K W Siriwardane, 8 10.12.53, 9 34, 10 Demy 8vo., 10 Demy 8vo, 11 1st, 12 5,012. 13 Printed, -14 Rs. 2, 15 11 2nd, 12 4,000, 13 Printed, 14 50 cents, 15 P. K. W. Ceylon Government. Siriwardane, 520, Maradana Road, Colombo. 57887 Constant Celestial Pedometer 57622 Dioscorea Yams, Circular No. U 1 Tamil and English, 2 Prof. Maniam, 3 Almanac, 1 Sinhalese, 2 Director of Agriculture, 3 Dioscorea 4 Jaffna. 5 Jaffna, 6 Rajakumaran Press, 7 Research Yams, Circular No. 11, Sinhalese, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, Establishment, 8 16 11.53, 9 52, 10 Deniy 8vO., 11 1st, 6 Government Press, 7 The Government Printer, 12 1,000, 13 Prmted, 14 Re. 1, 15 Prof Maniam, Sithan- 8 21.10 53, 9 7. 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, 12 20,006, 13 kerni Printed, 14 For free distribution, 15 Ceylon Government. 57401 Lagu Parasariya 1 Sinhalese, 2 M. S. Weerawardena, 3 Astrology, 4 57623 Pepper-propagation and Processing, Circular Maradana, 5 Maradana,^ Anula Press, 7 P. K. W. Sin- No. 10 wardana, 8 15.9 53, 9 68, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Prmted, 14 Re. 1.25, 15 P. K W. Siriwardana, 520, 1 Sinhalese, 2 The Agricultural Officer, Propaganda, M aradana. Peradeniya, 3 Pepper-propagation and processing, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Government Press, 7 The Gov­ 57888 Mesa Lagnaya ernment Prmter, 8 19.10.53, 9 7, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, 1 Sinhalese, 2 H. D. Eliyas, 3 Astrology, 4 Maradana, 12 20,006, 13 Printed, 14 For free distribution, 15 Ceylon 5 Maradana, 6 Nandana Press, 7 Educational Publishers, Government. 8 20 9.53, 9 20, 10 Crown 8vo., 111st, 12 2,000, 13 Prmted, 14 25 cents, 15 D. J. Jayawira, 10, Manning avenue, Gampaha (W. P.). 57621 Pig Keeping, Circular No. 19 57465 Muhurta Nidanaya Nohoth Paule Nekathpotha 1 English, 2 The Director of Agriculture, Peradeniya, 3 Pig keeping, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Government 1 Sinhalese, 2 H. Warlis de Silva, 3 Astrology, 4 Press, 7 The Government Prmter, 8 19.10.53, 9 19, 10 Gampaha, 5 Gampaha, 6 Jayasiri Printing Works, 7 Demy 8vo., 11 1st 12 8,006, 13 Prmted, 14 For free dis­ S. W. Talawita, 8 1.10.53, 9 112, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, tribution, 15 Ceylon Government. 12 3,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2, 15 S. W. Talawita, 51, Mam Street, Gampaha. 57449 Rearing of Goats, Circular No. 18 58081 Tatkalanimitta Nohoth Jinendra Mala 1 English, 2 Director of Agriculture, Peradeniya, Circular No 18, Rearing of Goats, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombi 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rev. Ananda Maithriya Thero, 3 Astro­ 6 Government Press, 7 The Government Printer, logy, 4 Balangoda, 5 Nugegoda, 6 Modern Press, 7 5.10.53, 9 6, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, 12 12,006, 13 Printec Modern Book Co., 8 10.10 53, 9 116, 10 Demy 8vo, 11 1st, 12 500, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2, 15 A, Gunasena, Modem 14 For free distribution, 15 Ceylon Government. Book Co., Nugegoda. 401 —J N B 40713-280 (11/541 6 1 402 Part V — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — Dbg. 3, 1954 57889 Wrusaba Lagnaya 57441 Civics, Book 2 for Std. VII 1 Sinhalese, 2 H. D. Eliyas, 3 Astrology, 4 Maradana, 1 Sinhalese, 2 S F. de Silva, B.A., 3 Civics, 4 Colombo, 5 Maradana, 6 Nandana Press, 7 Educational Publishers, 5 Colombo, 6 Wesley Press, 7 Messrs. MacMillan & Co., 8 28.9.53, 9 20, 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Ltd, 8 28 9 53, 9 120, 10 Crown 8vo, 11 2nd Revised Printed. 14 25 cents, 15 D. J. Jayawira, 10 Manning Edition, 12 20,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1.60, 15 Messrs Avenue, Gampaha. MacMillan & Co.. L td. 6. Patullo Road, Madras 2. 57589 Elu-Attanagaluwansaya BIOGRAPHICAL 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rev. Pandit Saranankara, 3 G. C. E. 1954-55 Text Book, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The Rat- 57664 Srimath Ponnambalam Arunachalam nakara Press, 7 Ratnakara Book Depot, 8 15.8.53, 9 144, Charithaya, 1853-1924 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2.50, 1 Sinhalese, 2 Sir P. Arunachalam Memorial Com­ 15 Rev. W. Soratha, Vidyodaya Pirivena, Maligakanda. mittee, 3 Biography, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The Nadaraja Press, 7 Nadaraja Press, 8 12.9 53, 9 42, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, 12 10,000, 13 Printed, 14 Free distri­ 57588 Elu-Attanagaluwansa Pradeepaya bution, 15 Sir Arunachalam Memorial Committee, c/o 1 Sinhalese, 2 H. G. S. Wijewardene, 3 Supplemen­ Dr. A. P. Guruswamy, National Savings Office, Secre­ tary to Text Elu-Attanagaluwansaya (G. C. E. 1954-55), tariat, Colombo. 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The Ratnakara Press, Ltd., 7 Ratnakara Book Depot, 8 12.8 53, 9 72, 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1.50, 15 G. P D. 57384 Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam Gabriel, “ Samanpaya ” , Wellampitiya. 1 English, 2 Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam Cente­ nary- Committee, 3 A. brief account of Sir Ponnambalam 57552 Essentials of the Plate of Gold Arunachalam, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo. 6 Ceylon Printers, Ltd, 7 Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam, Centenary Com­ 1 English, 2 L. D. Mendis, 3 Notes, 4 Colombo, 5 mittee, 8 2 9.53, 9 28, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 —. 12 10,000, 13 Colombo, 6 M. D. Gunasena & Co., Ltd., 7 M. D. Guna- Printed, 14 —, 15 —. sena & Co., Ltd, 8 — 9 53, 9 180, 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st, 12 3,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 3, 15 M. D. Gunasena & C o, Ltd., Colombo. EDUCATIONAL 57871 Ganitha Margaya HI 57512 Aids To The Study of Hansa Sandesa 1 Sinhalese, 2 J. Francis Fernando, 3 Arithmetic, 4 Moratuwa, 5 Moratuwa, 6 D P. Dodangoda & Co., 7 1 Sinhalese, 2 M. A. Kumarasinha, 3 Aids for (Ques­ D. P Dodangoda & Co., 8 1411 53, 9 152, 10 Crown 8v o, tions and Answers &c.) Students, 4 Panadura, 5 Pana- 11 9th, 12 10,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1, 15 D. P. Dodan­ dure 6 Silpalankara Press, 7 M.’ A Kumarasinha, 8 goda & Co., Moratuwa 1.10.53, 9 47, 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2 50, 15 M A. Kumarasinha, Wadduwa. 57667 Ganitha Margaya IV 1 Sinhalese, 2 J. Francis Fernando, 3 Arithmetic, 4 57696 Ananda Geetha Moratuwa, 5 Moratuwa, 6 D. P. Dodangoda & Co., 7 1 Sinhalese 2 Sugunapala Samarasekara, 3 Sin­ D P Dodangoda & Co.. 8 2210.53, 9 134, 10 Crown 8vO, halese School Book for Upper Kindergarten, , 4 11 10th, 12 10,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1, 15 D. P. Dodan­ Matara, 5 Matara, 6 Carlton Press, 7 P. Samara­ goda & Co., Moratuwa sekara, 8 31 10.53, 9 20. 10 Crown 8vo., 11 2nd, 12 3,000,13 Printed, 14 35 cents, 15 Sugunapala Samara­ 58108 Ganitha N&vodaya, Book H for Std. VII sekara, Kalidasa Road, Matara 1 Sinhalese, 2 J-E. Jayasunya, 3 Arithmetic, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Wesley Press, 7 Messrs. Mac 57697 AfiAnda Geetha Millan & Co., Ltd, 8 211.53, 9 140, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Wesley Press, 7 Messrs. Mac 1 Sinhalese, 2 Sugunapala Samarasekara, 3 Millan & C o, L td, 6 Patullo Road, Madras 2 Sinhalese School Poem Book for 2nd Standard, 4 Matara, 5 Matara, 6 Carlton Press, 7 P. Samarasekara, 8 31.10 53, 9 22, 10 Crown 8v o, 11 3rd, 12 3,000, 13 58206 Geography (Fifth Std.) Printed, 14 40 cents, 15 Sugunapala Samarasekara, Kalidasa Road, MJatara 1 Sinhalese, 2 Somaratna Wijesinghe, 3 History, 4 Maradana, 5 Maradana, 6 621, Anula Press, 7 621, Anula Book Depot, 8 2212.53, 9 143, 10 Crown 8vo., 11 2nd, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs 2.25, 15 621, Anula Book 58086 Bhasha Prawesaya—VH Depot, Maradana. 1 Sinhalese, 2 J. Francis Fernando, 3 Grammar and Composition, 4 Moratuwa, 5 Moratuwa, 6 D.
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